The President Domination • Co...

Von raisinggays

639K 24.2K 4.9K

"Kneel." One word. One word spoken with a dominant voice and he finds himself shutting down. "What do you wa... Mehr

i. transferred student
xi. ruthless
xvii. (bonus)
xviii. lily
xix. hickey
xx. sun
xxiii. bdsm
xxvii. loser
xxviii. in control
xxxv. of pictures and journal
xxxvi. entries
xxxvii. goodbye then?
xxxviii. leave
xxxix. lily flower
xl. recuperation
xliii. mole
xliv. slut
xlix. domesticated
liii. meeting the parents
liv. of cuddles and confessions
lv. confrontation
lvi. family history
timeline, synopsis & q+a
bonus i. breakup
bonus ii. drunk
bonus iii. of sex tapes & courting
bonus iv. bad boy
bonus v. hypnosis


8.5K 317 49
Von raisinggays


; /kinbaku-bi/
; "the beauty of tight binding", is a Japanese style of bondage or BDSM which involves tying a person up using simple yet visually intricate patterns, usually with several pieces of thin rope

ball gag

; /gæg bɔl/
; is usually a rubber or silicone sphere with a strap passing through its diameter


"Christ, what happened to you Kong?" Aim asked the moment he stepped in Kongpob's house and was taken aback to see his friend snuggled in his duvet with a ragged look. "Tew asked me to take a look at you because you've been here for almost a week and we're afraid you're already dead but I know now that we're wrong, you look like a hobo now. Kong!"

Kongpob was still staring at a distance.

"Hey, Kong! Are you still eating? Or even taking a bath?" Aim wrinkled his nose when he walked near his friend. "Shit, you smell horrible. You smell shit. Are you still breathing?! Hey! Kong! Why are you like this? Is it because you and Arthit broke up even though there's nothing to break up?"

Kongpob glared at him but he immediately turned his head away. "Are you going to be like this for a while? We get it. You're taking this plan seriously but you don't need to take it this serious."

"It's all my fault."

"What did you do anyway? Oh, by the way, Tew told me that the man was talking about a woman or something like that. Tew can't really understand it though but his boss is probably a woman."

Suddenly, "I got it." Kongpob whispered.

"What? Got what?"

"I understood everything now. Now, all I need is evidence. I g-gotta go."

"With that smell? How about you take a bath first?"

"You're right. I'll take a bath first, can you also cook something for me?" Kongpob took Aim's hand and stared at him. "Do you know how much I trust you Aim? You're a brother to me, you know I'll die for you. You will never betray me, right?"

"No. Never in my life. I will die for you Kong, you know that."

"Then, can you do something for me?"


Kongpob made sure his friends were out before entering the room swiftly where they're keeping the man in. Kongpob found the man sleeping, head lulling, so he kicked the chair to wake the man up.

"Hey, wake up."

The man stirred and when he saw it was Kongpob, the man glared at him, "What? Came here to kill me? Do it, fast. There's no one here to stop you."

"I'll do that if you won't cooperate with me," Kongpob pulled a chair to sit in front of the man. "Listen, I need your help. Tell me where your boss is."

"And why do you think I will tell you now? I didn't tell you who my boss is when you threatened my life, do you think I will sell out where my boss is? You know what, just kill me, that's what you're doing with me anyway."

Kongpob pulled out his knife and caressed the man's face with the knife's spine. The man eyed every Kongpob's move with slight fear. He feared Kongpob would just stab him suddenly. "Do you know that someone's out there to kill your boss?"

"Someone or you?"

Kongpob laughed. "And why would I want to do that? I don't care who you worked for."

"Don't care but you're insisting now to know their place."

"Yeah because I want to protect them."

"And why will I trust you?"

"Because I know who your boss is and what they want. All you need to tell me about is the place. I can protect your boss, the job you failed to do."

The man's grip on his knife hidden behind him tightened. Before Kongpob had come in, the man was already awake, he already ripped the rope apart and he pretended to sleep. Now, he just needed to distract Kongpob and stab him before the guy did.

"Okay, so, let's say I give you the place where my boss is. How are you going to protect them?"

"Take them somewhere, probably in my place."

The man scoffed. "Everyone knows where you live. Even I know where you live, you're not very hard to follow Suthilak."

"I know. I wasn't keeping that a secret anyway. But do you know where I keep people like you?" Kongpob smirked. "I know you know my past," Kongpob slightly pressed the knife on the man's cheek until his blood trickled on the knife to the floor. "Why do you think the authorities can't find strong evidence to put me in jail?"

After a long silence and deliberation from the man's part, the man nodded. "Okay. I'll tell you. Get a paper."

Kongpob smiled and when he turned his back, the man quickly stood up and raised his knife, aiming for Kongpob's neck, however, being a skilled fighter, Kongpob was quick to hit the man with his elbow. The man passed out but not before giving Kongpob a stab on his shoulder.

Kongpob kicked the man and caressed his stabbed shoulder, now his clothes and hands were stained with his own blood. "Damn. This is why I don't trust anyone," Kongpob cringed in pain when he touched his shoulder. "Ugh shit, that hurts."


When his friends got back from school, they opened the door to see what the guy they had for more than 2 weeks was up to, to observe if he had hinted anything to lead to his boss, like what Kongpob had told them to. But they got the surprise of their lives when they opened the door and saw that there was only Kongpob, the guy was nowhere to be found. Hands and clothes stained with blood. There was a knife in his hand, fresh blood still trickling from the knife's cutting edge.

Wad was the first one to be pulled from his stupor when a drop of blood hit the floor, with a shaking voice, he asked, "Kong, what did you do?"

Kongpob only uttered, "Sorry. I lost my control."

"Where is he?" Wad shook Kongpob when the guy continued staring at the floor. "Kong, now that we're not working for Decha anymore, you can't control the law. You're going to jail for this."

"Don't worry Wad. I already burned his body. There's no way someone would still find him," Kongpob smirked at Tew's way. "Right, Tew? If someone burned the body, no one would find it. No one."

Tew turned his eyes away.


"I can't believe we're doing this shit," Aim huffed and put down the passed out man's feet to rest for a while. "Why did I even help you out?" Kongpob kicked Aim to make him stand up again. Aim pouted.

"Because you're my brother, now stop whining like a pussy and help me out here. This shit weighs a ton. Damn fucker."

"Why can't we just tell this to our friends so they can help us out?"

Kongpob sighed, stopped pulling the man, and smacked Aim's head. "Aim, you have a brain, it's there for a reason, that's not just part of your body."

"Well, this man's really heavy. If Wad's here, then he can help us, you know that we're not that strong."

"I don't know about you but I'm pretty sure I am strong."

Aim rolled his eyes. "Then, you do this on your own."

"I can't tell our friends. I found out someone's spying on us."

Aim gasped and continued helping Kongpob. "You don't think..."

"It's in our circle. Someone's feeding off information to someone. This man's boss has an enemy and if we don't get this man away from the traitor with us, sooner or later, his boss is going to get killed. I want to stop that."

"Why go through all this? Is this man's boss really that important to you?"

"No, but to their enemy, they are."

"And what's up with 'this' enemy?"

Kongpob smirked to himself as if he's so genius he figured everything out. "Don't you know, the enemy is the man we are working for."

Aim looked flabbergasted. "And you figured this all by yourself? This is blowing up my mind. So this is all connected? The hell, this is better than sex."

"You have a very lame sex life if that's the case."

Aim pouted again. "I'm sorry my sex life isn't as active as yours. By the way, our boss called earlier, he was asking for your progress and," Aim paused for dramatics. "He added another thing to our plan."

"That is?"

"He wants you to kill Arthit yourself, if you won't, he'll kill Arthit instead," Aim looked at his friend's calculating eyes, he knew by now Kongpob's already planning, he's always a step ahead to everyone. "Kong, I know how special Arthit already is to you. It's obvious you love him, hell, you're probably in love with him by now. You might lie to Wad, but to me, you can't. I know you and Arthit have been fooling around for a while. It was so obvious especially because you two always look at each other," Aim continued speaking although he knew Kongpob wasn't listening to him. "So a little advice, you might want to pull something like this to him. You know, pretend you killed Arthit and-"

"And what? Keep him somewhere? If I'm just going to cage him, he'll be very suffocated. I don't want that to happen, it's like I'm killing him slowly, and that's worse."

Aim shrugged. "It's still better than someone literally killing him though."

"I wanted to protect him but not like staging a death, that would keep him away from his friends."

"But you're doing it for a good reason."

"No. It's limiting him. It would do him no good reason. He might be insane because of this and I can't afford to have the man keeping me sane be insane as well."

Aim nodded, finally understanding Kongpob. "That's what our boss wants. Arthit going cuckoo."

"Right. I want him to still have a normal life without all these shits making him insane. This should never be in his worries anymore. A lot of things are on his plate already, all I can do to help is face this for him."

Aim laughed at Kongpob. "Man, I can't believe I'd live through this day seeing my heartless brother go soft on anyone."

"I never knew I'd feel anything at all, to be honest." Kongpob stopped and faced a door, from the perspective of anyone not knowing it, it was just a plain wall. But the plain wall holds an abandoned place in which Aim realized Kongpob's infamous hiding place of people crossing him. It was a big place, clearly visible from naked eyes, but there was something in it that excluded it from the scrutiny. It looked really normal and held no cryptic feel in them yet Aim knew otherwise.

"Now, we're here. If this gets out, it's only you who I'm going to run after."

Aim stiffened beside him.

"Just kidding," Kongpob laughed out loud and wound his arm around the still stiffed Aim. "Why are you so nervous... brother?"

Kongpob stared directly in Aim's eyes, Aim swore, Kongpob already knew all his secrets and his thoughts at that moment. "I trust you Aim, never betray me. You know what I do to people who betray me?"

Aim shook his head, he dared not speak in fear of his voice cracking.

"I bury them alive."

"A-are you still kidding?"

"I wish I am."

Kongpob opened the large doors and pushed the man inside. Save for the tied man in the middle, the place looked an innocent large useless place and nothing more. Aim didn't know where the people are. For all he knows, they might be already buried under. Or burned.


That was a week ago but until now, with Kongpob and Arthit going back to their routine, the man has not still spoken where the hell his boss is. Kongpob hasn't earned his trust yet.

Today, Kongpob just went to a place the man gave him only to find out it's a cemetery, the man is just tiring him out and he's already late for his classes. Again.

Kongpob pushes the door open, the door making a loud bang, all the students in the room stop whatever they're doing and stare at him.

"Nice for you to join us Mr. Suthilak. You are late again."

Unlike the other day, Kongpob faces them with a slight smile and greets his teacher, "Good morning madam!"

The teacher looks at him as if he'd grown another head. "Madam? Are you okay Mr. Suthilak?"

"Why won't I be okay? I see my beautiful teacher today, of course, I'm okay."

His classmates laugh at the teacher's blushing face, his friends hooting and even Arthit is laughing.

"Whatever, just sit down and get your book."

Kongpob pretends to rummage in his empty bag. "I forgot my book."

"Share it with your friends."

"They forgot theirs too." Kongpob glares at his friends to make them hide their books. Unlike Kongpob, his friends are actually willing to learn.

The teacher sighs. She'll get old sooner than anticipated because of this kid. "Class, is anyone willing to share a book with Suthilak?"

Since everyone is afraid, everyone is quiet like Kongpob has expected saved for the school president who raises his hand and with a not so passive voice, speaks up, "He can share the book with me. I don't mind."

The teacher smiles gratefully at Arthit, if there's a devil in her class, she's just very glad there's also an angel. To balance things out. "Suthilak, you can sit with Arthit for today. But next time, don't forget to bring your own. Alright, continue reading."

Kongpob smiles victoriously to himself and strides towards Arthit as if he won a singing competition. "Hello there Mr. President."

"Why did you forget your book? You should be studying well, Kong." Arthit whispers furiously which shocks Kongpob because this is far from what he has expected, Arthit should be smiling at him.

"I'm sorry. I was busy doing something- I meant someone last night. I forgot."

Arthit lifts up his book to cover their faces and to hide his blush. "Next time, remember to bring it, okay?"

"Yes, sir."


"You know, your commanding tone is turning me on."

Arthit looks around to see if anyone is looking at their way but thank goodness, the reading is very long to even keep their eyes open. Everyone is either reading, sleeping, or reading in their sleep. Bright is already snoring slightly.

"Kong, we're in the middle of the class."


"So you can't talk to me like that, plus, the teacher's asking us to read this. So, let's read."

Kongpob tries to do read the reading without falling asleep but his brain isn't cooperating. All he can think of is biting Arthit's soft ass again. Kongpob grabs a piece of paper. Arthit told him not to talk to him, but that doesn't mean he can't write though. He scribbles a note and passes it to Arthit who smiles at him in amusement before taking it.

Let's go to my house later? We'll try out something new.

Sure. But please don't distract me now, I'm trying to study.

You're the only one reading, everyone is asleep already. Be a bad student for once.
Can we excuse ourselves so I can kiss you?

NO!!!!! KONGPOB!!!!

But I really want to kiss you :3

Awwee that face at the end is so cute <3

I learned it from Lily, she said it's a man with a curly mustache.

Arthit looks at him funnily, stops replying, and focuses on the book again.

Kongpob sighs and pushes his pen under the table. The teacher looks at their way. "I drop my pen. Sorry."

Kongpob reaches down for his pen and calls Arthit as well, "Your pencil's here too."

Arthit looks down as well although he's sure his pencil is not there but he should've thought that this is all just Kongpob's plan because the second he looks down, "What pen-" Kongpob has pecked his lips already.

Arthit flicks Kongpob's forehead and returns to his table with a crimson red face. Arthit knows for sure Kongpob's not done yet when Kongpob takes a hold of his hand and kisses the back of his hand. Arthit squishes Kongpob's cheek hard and mouths, "Stop." Arthit swears, he can see Tutah looking at them for a while before sleeping again.

Kongpob returns back to his seat but he takes Arthit's hand and intertwines them together with his. Kongpob puts his head on the table to focus on Arthit's hand rather than the reading. Arthit tries very hard to focus but Kongpob sniffing and kissing his hand isn't helping.

Arthit is just thankful though that Kongpob's friends behind them are half asleep as well or it will be very embarrassing for Arthit.

When Kongpob stops kissing his hand, Arthit looks at the guy only to see him with his eyes closed as well. Arthit taps Kongpob's cheek continuously until he wakes up. Arthit has thought of the thing to make him active. Engage him in a debate.

"Kong, what do you think of this reading? Personally, I think this is rubbish."

Kongpob gasps and straightens his posture. "No, it's not. The first point, he explains the discrepancy between feminism and the total annihilation of men, though it's subtle, he explains it deeply... Citing this passage..." It's his favorite author. Arthit feels very victorious.


Arthit looks around the place, they are back at that place again, but this time, he makes sure to take everything in. This room is different from Kongpob's 'room' if his room has a monochromatic tone, this room is warm to Arthit's eyes, it's very inviting and emits the homey feeling. On the walls are a series of bookshelves containing volumes of large books with different genres and some are in different languages. No wonder Kongpob is so smart, he loves reading.

Arthit traces the spine of the books, all the books are cleaned, but when he closes in on the last shelf, Kongpob immediately pulls him towards the bed. Arthit looks at that part again, he doesn't know why but something is telling him there's a mystery behind that shelf.

Kongpob laughs and turns Arthit's face to him. "Curiosity kills the cat." Kongpob leans forward and gives him a deep kiss.

Arthit pulls away from the kiss, sighing, "Kong, what's this place?"

"This is a special place for me. It's where I go to when everything is just too much to take in. This is where I hide, I just read books here to pass the time."

"That's why you're so smart."

"Not really. You, Mr. President, is still smarter than I'll ever be. Enough talking about who's smarter, we're here to try out that thing I'm telling you."

"What is it?"


Arthit places his bag on the floor and gets back to the bed to remove every piece of his clothing. Kongpob smiles when Arthit slowly removes his underwear, the warm light hits Arthit's skin on the right places making his paper-white skin looks even more magnificent. Kongpob softly caresses Arthit's inner thighs, "Beautiful," A bite. "Just beautiful."

Kongpob reaches behind and strokes Arthit's globes and taking a bite again. "I've been thinking about this since earlier. You know, you're really a distraction to me."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Never you will be a bad thing for me." The way Kongpob has said it is so soft Arthit feels warm inside.

Kongpob pushes Arthit towards the headboard, raises both of his thighs and places them on his shoulders, and takes Arthit's still limp cock in his mouth.

Arthit is quick to reach behind him to support himself.

"Ahhh fuck... your mouth."

Kongpob pulls away and smirks. "Fuck my mouth? Go do it."


"Do it, kitten."

Kongpob pushes Arthit's hips a little to encourage the latter to follow his desire. Little by little, Arthit begins to buck his hips.

While Arthit is bucking his hips, fucking Kongpob's mouth, Kongpob. Arthit fastens his pace until he unloads in Kongpob's mouth. Kongpob coughs and spits out Arthit's load.

"I'm sorry Kong, I didn't mean to."

"It's fine."

Kongpob puts Arthit back on the bed, stands up, and gets back holding a rope in his hand.

"Sit properly."

When Arthit does, Kongpob pulls Arthit's legs from under his feet and puts them against his chest, spreading it apart. Then, Kongpob begins to wrap the rope around Arthit's body and legs leaving his cock and hole, creating beautiful intricate patterns.

Arthit tries to move but he can't because of the tight-binding around him. He flinches a little when the rope feels like tightening even more against his skin. "I-it's so tight Kong."

"It is tight." Kongpob gets a ball gag and put it around Arthit.

He then slowly raises the Arthit until his cock is aligned on his hole.

"Trust me, you're going to love this."

Tears trickle from Arthit's eyes for every hard thrust Kongpob does make the rope tighten even more.


After making sure Arthit is deeply asleep, Kongpob stands up, pulls a book from one of the last shelves and it opens a secret room for him. He enters the room and crosses a large conduit serving as a bridge to another place. After making several turns, he opens a small door, crouches in it, and smiles when he sees the man, crouched in the small room, glaring at him.

"Ready to talk?"

"Like hell, I will."

"You will."

You see, Kongpob trusts no one.



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