One Shots

By LadySarcasm

648 50 29

Just a bunch of random ideas for stories that I may or may not expand in the future. More

One Shots
Story No. 1: Violet Hues
Story No. 2 (Part 1)
Story No. 2 (Part 2: WRITTEN FINALLY )
Story No. 3: Getting Noticed. (separated)
Story No. 5
A Psychopath's Mind

Story No. 4

39 5 14
By LadySarcasm

A/N: Okay, Honestly, I just randomly came up with this. I was writing another story and in the mid of the chapter I wrote this. So give it a read, tell me what you think. I would love to turn it into a full story someday. 


What if this all was an illusion, what if all we saw was a mere creation of your mind. What if the people you met were obstacles you had to surpass in order to live in the real world? After all it’s not like anyone knew what lied after death. Where our souls went? If we even had souls. What if the faces you saw daily were mere distractions and what if the faces that seemed familiar were faces of the people you remembered before you entered this illusion? What if the way we thought was supposed to be manipulated into the way we are supposed to think? What if we had all decided how we would die but just didn’t remember?

But what if one person did. What if she remembered the life before the illusion? What if she knew how everything had come to be but nobody listened to her. Why would they? She was one person against a billion, wasn’t she? Maybe the people we don’t believe are the people who know best. Maybe there minds are stronger than ours.OR maybe this all is all a bunch of bullshit that I like to distract myself with in the morning because I can’t handle listening to my shitty teachers drone on about stuff I couldn’t care to give a fuck about. Maybe I’m too tired to act human because my teachers can’t handle to learn how to teach students because they are too busy making themselves look pretty and killing their neighbor’s cats. Whatever, it’s not like anyone honestly gives a fuck. We all are going to die and rot in hell anyway, aren’t we? Then what is the bloody point of acting angelic when you really aren’t. I say, DO WEED, GAMBLE ALL NIGHT, SLEEP WITH STRANGERS, STRIP ALL NAKED DOWN YOUR STREET because after all, we all are going to end up six feet under the ground anyway with worms eating our decaying skin and other insects pooping and reproducing in us. All that circle of life shit from Lion King.

I’m Landon King and I’m a hardcore pessimist, I dare you to sprinkle fairy dust on me and watch as it turns into furry tarantulas climbing up your legs and laying eggs in your brain.


Landon King is an absolute ray of sunshine in his town. He hates everything equally except his fathers and his older sister, Gabrielle. He is the black sheep of the family, a total introvert with no feelings and no sensitivity. He says what comes to his mind and doesn’t glance twice at a person who cries because of his comments. And then of course, something had to change. Carly comes to live in his town and she scrambles his life with her high level of optimism. Her fascination with him makes her stick to him like a leech but Landon doesn’t want her there. He tries to pry her off but maybe along the way he becomes soft or maybe Carly’s curiosity goes too far too quickly. Will curiosity kill the cat or will Landon find a light within the darkness? 

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