Cross The Line [RED VELVET KA...

Af Kfanficlover247

40.8K 1.3K 512

[YOU ARE THE MAIN CHARACTER] [KANG SEULGI X READER] (Hello!I am back with another reader fanfic.It's like a... Mere

Leave Me Alone
Weren't Meant To Be
Same treatment
Familiar Feeling
Another Queen
Please Protect TWICE Im Nayeon
Unfamiliar Feeling
Double Check & Confirmed
What are we?
This ends now
Frustrating/Update about This Book
Notice II
You're The One I Want
Make Up
Bet On
The One
Tangles Again
Cold Shoulder
Bitter Success


1.7K 62 21
Af Kfanficlover247

[2 weeks later]

[Bright sunny day]

(I was sitting down at my desk,looking at the sky.)

Your Mind:"It has been two weeks since Seulgi and I have talked."

(I haven't see her around school even in the hallway past these days.)


(I look to my right side.)


(Changmin walked over to my desk.)

You:"Do you need something?"

(He shook his head.)

Changmin:"Nothing much..My parents want to invite your parents to our 18th anniversary of grand-opening tomorrow at 7:00 pm."

You:"Ohh..That's right..It's coming up.Did you invite the others too?"

Changmin:"Of course,we're inviting some customers that has been with us since we opened our restaurant."

You:"Ohh,that's nice."

Changmin:"Yeah.Ah..Have you see Yebin?"


Changmin:"She still owe me my 2,420 won(2.00 USD)."

You:"That's from last week."

Changmin:"Money is money.Every cent counts."

You:"That's why you,Jae Suk and Tae Woo should stop going to the internet cafe on Fridays,Saturdays and Sundays.At least help around your restaurant for a bit."

Changmin:"Yah..You need some fun in your life.Not just go to school,work,homework and help out whenever you have free time.Those four things are on repeat.You hardly have times for yourself."

You:"I don't really have much to do on my free time."

Changmin:"That's why you should come out and play games with u-"


(Changmin and I looked at the door.)

You:"Oh!Yah..Pil Sung..What's up?"

Pil Suk:"The principal needs to talk to you."


/Time skips/

(I walked in the hallway,on my way to the principal's office.)

Your Mind:"What does he want from me?"

(I slowly arrive there and hear some voices.I knocked on the door.)


??:"Come in."

(I opened the door and spotted the principal.He was sitting down across of a man.I couldn't believe my eyes.The man who was sitting across of my principal was my role model.He is someone who I always have looked up to when I was young.)

(The man was Kang Sang Joong.He is the man who I always wanted to become one day in the future.He has establish many international businesses all over the world and help people in other possible ways.He was raised from a poor environment and prove those people who looked down on him wrong.He always help the people who needs help.Ever since I was little,I always see him on news doing amazing jobs helping the charities,kids in the orphanage,and other small businesses.I bowed to them sincerely and lifted my head up.)

You:"Did you call for me?"

Principal:"Yes,please take a seat."

(I took a seat and had no clue what's going on.I looked at the principal and looked at Mr.Kang Sang Joong. Mr.Kang Sang Joong began to chuckled because the way I reacting to the situation.)

Mr. Kang Sang Joong:"This student is really funny hehe.."

Principal:"Yes,he/she is haha."

(I smiled awkwardly while they were laughing for a bit.)

Principal:"Y/n..I called you here because Mr.Kang wanted to asked you if you can take this task."

(My eyes opened wide because I was surprised.)


Principal:"Oh,and he is willing to pay you as well."


(I smiled at them.)

You:"What kind of task?"

Mr.Kang Sang Joong:"Well,it's a simple task..This is normally for people who help those in need.I was looking for a tutor but..none of them reached to my expectation..They're too relaxing..But Principal Lee here,told me that you are always the #1 top place for 3 years straight.So,I wanted you to take this task to become my daughter's tutor.Like what Principal Lee said,I will pay you as well every week..I love my daughter but where she's at right now is something I don't like to see.I want her to improve herself and raise up her rank in the next exam in 3 more months."

(This is too much for me to handle.I mean he wanted me to tutor his daughter out of all the people in Korea.I'm pretty sure there's more smart people out there.)

You:"What school does your daughter attend at?What grade is she in?"

(Principal was surprised about my question.)

Principal:"You don't know his daughter attends here?"

(I became confused.)

You:"She goes to this school?"

Principal:"Yes,she comes to this school.She's in the same grade as you but in different class."

(I tried to figure out who is Mr.Kang Sang Joong's daughter.)

Principal:"His daughter is Kang Seulgi."

(His sentence threw me off completely.)

You:"Eh?Kang Seulgi?"

(I looked at them with a shocking expression.)

Principal:"You didn't know?"

You:"N-no,I didn't know.."

Principal:"I thought you knew..Well anyway,now you know."

(I gave myself some time to think about it.)

Mr.Kang Sang Joong:"Are you willing to take this task?If not,I can go find another tutor."


(I looked at Mr.Kang Sang Joong.)

You:"I'll take it."

(They nodded at my response. Mr.Kang Sang Joong got up from his seat and stick his hand out.I quickly got up and shook his hand.Then,he smiled at me.)

Mr.Kang Sang Joong:"Thank you for coming here and thank you for taking this task.You will come with me after school."

You:"Yes sir."

(He began walking and I bowed to him as a good bye.)

/Time skips/


(I walked out of the building.)


(I looked for the person who called for me.It was Mr.Kang Sang Joong who called for me.He was standing by a black car with his chauffeur.)

??:"Oh my god!Isn't that Kang Sang Joong?"

??:"It is!"

(He bowed down to the students.)

Mr.Kang Sang Joong:"Hello."

(Then,he turned back at me and waved.I quickly headed to the car.He was happy that I came over and patted my back.)

Mr.Kang Sang Joong:"Shall we go?"


(His chauffeur opened the door for us.)

You:"Thank you very much."

(I went inside then Mr.Kang Sang Joong did too.)

/Time skips/

(We arrived at Seulgi's place.We got out of the car and looked at her house.Then,we started to walk inside.He opened the door and walk inside.I entered inside as well.)

Mr.Kang Sang Joong:"Please wait here until I call for you."

(He walked off.)

??:"What do you want?"

(I already hear Seulgi's cold voice.)

Mr.Kang Sang Joong:"Well..I wanted to tell you that I wanted you to improve your rank in the next exam in 3 months."

Seulgi:"There's no point of trying when I don't get anything in the end..Did you not hear me?"

Mr.Kang Sang Joong:"You need to improve yourself."

Seulgi:"Make me."

Mr.Kang Sang Joong:"I'm not going to make you..But he/she is..Come in.."

(I walked in the scene.Seulgi's mouth dropped.)


(He looked at both of us.)

Mr.Kang Sang Joong:"Oh..It seems like you know each other..How about that??Such a small world.."

(Seulgi is getting confused about what's happening.)

Seulgi:"What's going on here?"

(Mr.Kang Sang Joong pointed at me.)

Mr.Kang Sang Joong:"I hired him/her as your tutor."

(Seulgi became shocked by the announcement.)

Seulgi:"What??He/She is my tutor?"

Mr.Kang Sang Joong:"Yes,starting today."

(I bowed down.)

You:"Please take good care of me."

(Seulgi pointed at me.)

Seulgi:"Wait!Why him/her?"

Mr.Kang Sang Joong:"What do you mean??Why not y/n?It's simple..He/She is always the #1 top scorer on exams.That means he/she studied really hard to get where he/she is at.His/Her parents must be really proud of him/her."

Seulgi:"You could've got someone else instead of Y/n."


(Play while reading)

(Mr.Kang Sang Joong looked at me.)

Mr.Kang Sang Joong:"What's wrong with y/n?"

(She looked at me and couldn't state the reason.)

Seulgi:"Never mind."

Mr.Kang Sang Joong:"That's all I wanted to tell you.I have to leave because I have some important business to do."

(He turned around and patted my back.I watched him leave the house.Then,he left.I turned around and looked at Seulgi.By the time I looked at her,she gave me annoyed look.)

You:"Are you ready?"


You:"I can't."


You:"Because I'm being paid."

Seulgi:"Paid?I'll pay you..How much?"

(She started to misbehave.I remember what Mr.Kang Sang Joong told me in the car when we were on our way to Seulgi's house.)


[Flashback:20 minutes ago]

(We were sitting quietly in the car.)

Mr.Kang Sang Joong:"If my daughter began to misbehave,you can discipline her."


(He nodded.)

Mr.Kang Sang Joong:"Yes,because she is really difficult to handle."

[Flashback Ended]


(I went to her and looked at me with a confused expression.I flicked her forehead very hard.)


(She rubbed her forehead.)

Seulgi:"Yah..What is that for?"

You:"You are misbehaving."


(I walked to her living room.)

You:"Follow me.Let's begin shall we?"

(She was speechless and followed me.I sat down on the couch and took some textbooks out from my backpack.She became surprised seeing 2 or 3 textbooks coming out of my backpack.)

Seulgi:"Yah..Do you normally carry textbooks?"

(I looked at her and nodded.)

You:"Of course.

(She sat down and watch me flipping pages.)


You:"Sometimes lessons isn't a enough.Sometimes it doesn't explain certain problems really well."

Seulgi:"Why did you choose these textbooks?"

You:"Our exam is mostly based on these subject."

(I put my phone on the table.I decided to pulled out my notebook and began making up some problems for her to start on.I wanted to see where is she at in the education level.After finishing writing,I gave it to her.)

You:"Do this."

(Seulgi snatched it from me and look at it.She grabbed the pencil from me.She started working on it.She finished the problems less than 5 minutes.Then,she handled it to me.)

Your Mind:"I think..She was guessing through the whole entire thing.."

(I started checking through the problems.While checking the problems,I was completely thrown off.)

Your Mind:"Wait..How can this be possible?.."

(I looked at her.)

Seulgi:"So..How well did I do?

(I checked them again then I looked at her.)

You:"You got all of them..Correct.."

Seulgi:"Of course,did you actually think I'm retarded or stupid?"

You:"Why are you in 297th place then?"

Seulgi:"Did my dad tell you about my rank?"

You:"No,I saw it when they first post it on the front."


You:"Hold on..This doesn't make sense..If you're this smart,why don't you try?"

Seulgi:"In this family household,there's no point of trying when I don't get anything in the end."

You:"Wait,what do you mean?"

Seulgi:"My dad isn't who you think he is.He is the worst person ever.."

You:"Come on..He's an amazing person who accomplish many hardships,businesses and help those in needs."

Seulgi:"That's what you people see him as but not to me."

You:"I don't understand why you hate him so much."

(She looked at her hands.)

Seulgi:"How long did he asked you to tutor me?"

You:"Until exam."

Seulgi:"Aishh..This is ridiculous.He think I'm that dumb.."


(My phone went off because a message.I looked at my phone on.My lock screen was a picture of Ms.Ahn and me.I forgot about placing my phone on the table,where she could see it.I quickly grabbed my phone.I put in my pocket and looked at her.)

You:"Did you see it?"

(Seulgi smiled and lean back.She crossed her arms.)

Seulgi:"Ahh..So you like that home teacher from school who teach freshmen classes."

You:"Be quiet.."

Seulgi:"How long did you like her for?"

You:"Stop interfering with my business."


You:"Stop interfering with my business,I told you.."

Seulgi:"Now you know how I feel when you butt in my business."

(I gave her a confuse expression.)


Seulgi:"I don't like you at all even at the very start."

You:"I didn't like you either."

Seulgi:"Then,why did you tell me that you want to know what kind of person I am?"

You:"That's because you act like two different person."

Seulgi:"No,I'm not.I have always been like this."

You:"Why are you lying?"

(She got up and started to walk away from me.)

You:"I don't think you are a mean person."

(She stopped and look at me.)

You:"Are you being like that because you don't want to get hurt all the time?"

(We glazed at each other's eyes.The door noise went off which means someone came in.)

??:"Noonaaa!I'm home!"

(A guy ran to the living room.Then,he spotted me.)

??:"Who are you?"

Seulgi:"Wonwoo,you don't need to know who he/she is."

(I looked at them and pack my stuff.)

You:"I'll come back tomorrow."

(I got up and began walking.Wonwoo grabbed my arm and looked at me.)

Wonwoo:"Are you the one who is bothering my sister?"

You:"No..I'm here as her tutor."

Wonwoo:"That's nonsense..She's a very smart person.."

You:"Yeah,I know."

Wonwoo:"Then,don't you ever come back.."

You:"It's not up to you to decide."

(I freed myself from his grip and left.)


[Secret Story]

(Seulgi finished washing herself up.She came to her room,drying her hair with a towel.She sat down and look at the paper with the problems that y/n made.)

Seulgi's Mind:"Did he/she already see through me already?"

(She thought about what y/n said earlier today.)


[Flashback:Earlier today]

Seulgi:"No,I'm not.I have always been like this."

Y/n:"Why are you lying?"

(She got up and started to walk away from Y/n.)

You:"I don't think you are a mean person."

(She stopped and look at Y/n.)

Y/n:"Are you being like that because you don't want to get hurt all the time?"

(They glazed at each other's eyes.)

[Flashback Ended]


Seulgi:"Ughh..He/She is always giving me so many problems."

(Seulgi let out a sigh.)

Seulgi:"This doesn't make sense..."

/Time skips/

(Y/n finished eating dinner.He/She entered in his/her room and sat down at his/her desk.Y/n looked at his/her calendar.Y/n flipped through his/her calendar and see October ,15th being marked.He/She smiled like an idiot.)

Y/n:"October 15th is Ms.Ahn's birthday so I only have a month left which is 4 weeks.What should I get for her??I should get something she might like."

(Y/n was turned on his/her computer and began surfing through the internet.Y/n tried finding the best birthday gift for Ms.Ahn.Meanwhile when y/n was looking through,he/she stopped for a bit and think to himself/herself.)

Y/n:"Should I confess to her?I think it's about time for me to confess my feelings to her."

(Y/n smiled again like a idiot.)

Y/n:"Okay,let's do it!

(He/She was hyped up for no reason.Then all of sudden..)

Mom:"Son/Daughter,don't be too loud."

(Y/n covered his/her mouth.)

Y/n:"That was too loud."

(He/She continue looking through the internet.)

Y/n:"Oh this one is pretty.."

(He/She went on different sites.)

Y/n:"Oh this one as well."

(While Y/n was looking through,he/she noticed that it's going to be hard to find because whatever item that y/n buys for Ms.Ahn.She's pretty with anything no matter what.)

/Time skips/

(After looking through in many different sites.Y/n took a deep breath.Then,he/she let out a sigh.)

Y/n:"This is harder than any exams.Why are there so many?Why are there so many brands?"

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