rwby wilted red rose

By kawaki2019

121K 680 382

Life is not fair Ryan rose lernarnd this far early than he should leaving his family or his life behind to st... More

Rwby bio mars update
rwby chapter 1 escapes from hell
rwby chapter 2 mars vs raven
rwby chapter 3 entering academy rewrite
rwby oc boi Alice
rwby oc boi rain
rwby oc boi samion
rwby chapter 4 the test
rwby chapter 5 getting used to becone and team understanding
rwby chapter 6 forever falls
rwby chapter 7 family day
author note
rwby chapter 10 reunion of hell
rwby chapter 8 the first date
rwby oc kai update
author note
rwby chapter 9 the first date part 2
rwby chapter's 11 bloody battle
author note
author note
rwby chapter 10 reunion of hell
rwby chapter 11 bloody battle
rwby final battle mars vs kai
rwby chapter 12 mars and rain
rwby chapter 13 kai interdiction rewrite
rwby chapter 15 no more secrets
rwby chapter 16 kai vs yang
rwby side special part 1
rwby side special part 2
side special part 3

rwby chapter 14 his name is kai

1.6K 11 0
By kawaki2019

Recap: they say he who seeks will find what they seek mars spent half of his life to find and now kai has found him

Kai : I've missed you my rival have you have missed me two mars

Mars : oh I have missed you the person I wanted to kill the most

Just than a wave of killer aura is just unleashed from mars so strong even ozpin affected by it except for kai.

Mars with blinding speed punch kai in the face sending him flying across
The room.

Kai : I see you wanna settle what happened  those years ago . both
Clash with eachother

Before any them could continue their fighting glynda stop them .

Ozpin: mind explaining to me why you two are fighting in my offices.

Kai: just play fighting sir isn't that right Mars.

Mars : yes just like the good old times

Glynda:  well save it for my combat class tomorrow both you return to your dormrooms

Team Mars: yes miss goodwitch

Kai : yes miss goodwitch

Timeskip team mars return of course the team has questions for mars Alice
Is the first to ask

Alice: what happened back there

Simon: yeah how do you even know that guy .

Rain: why were you two fighting anyway.

Mars : in order for me to explain all your answers I must starts with my

Mars POV flashback: I escaped from my home or as I put my own hell but
My freedom was short lived an eight
Year old stuck in the forest field with

The creatures of darkness Grimm and to make it worse I was tried had to eat
On top of that I stop to eat berries but.

Grimm appeared


I still remember what it's feels like the feeling of death I didn't run or fight it
I just accept it

As the grimm lunged forward to kill me but just then a woman saved me

This woman name is shisui but at the time I could only see her as the
Person who saved my life

Shisui: tell me what your name my name is shisui

Ryan: my name is Ryan rose .

Shisui: summer rose your mother she been looking for she worried stick .

Ryan: no please don't send me back

Shisui: why.

I preceded to tell her my story how I was abused and first time in my life
I saw sympathys and she hugged me

I I've never been hugged before this feeling was strange to me I only cry.

Shisui: Ryan would like me to take you away from this place I could give
You home.

Ryan: really

Shisui: yes a boy like you shouldn't be sturffing in a place like this.

She live up to her word she took to her home it was a beautiful home

Shisui: this is your new room how do you like it

Ryan: it's amazing thank you so much

Shisui: get some rest Ryan see you in the morning

I went to sleep the next morning I made breakfast for her it's the last
I could do for her.

Shisui: you made me this thank you so much Ryan I have questions for you .

Ryan: yes.

Shisui: how about we change your name as well as your looks that way
No one can track you down.

That day I changed my name as well my looks Ryan rose is no more mars
Is born

Mars : how do I look shisui

Shisui : you look amazing how about Mars could be your name from now on

That day shisui I built the perfect bond between us for the first time

In my life I understand the meaning of having a mother someone to love
But all good things must come to end

She helped get over my trammua of my past I grew mental stronger than I was before all thanks to her

One day me and shisui came across a boy in the forest covered in bruises I recognized those bruises he was like me abused.

At the time his name was kawaki I wished we left him to die .

We took him home at first l kai was being difficult but shisui understands

But over time he began to warn up to us we become like a family we even have a family photo

Than we come of age where we could be trained but shisui had one rule of
Her training we couldn't use to kill or

Former family's I was bit upset but I understand killing them doesn't solve
Anything but that's where it all went to hell.

One day kai and I had a disscuin on shisui training.

Kai : she holding us back mars don't you see.

Mars : kai that's ridiculous no she's not .

Kai : yes she is don't you want revenge mars for everything your family did to you

Mars : listen I hate my former family but I will not kill them I consider you
My brother and shisui my mother so
Like any son i will respect her rules

Kai : and i should do the same huh brother

Mars : yes brother

Then that fateful day happened i was out by the river mediating like usual  when I got this bed feeling I rushed to

Our home only to find out it was on fire

Mars : what the hell happened shisui and kai are you okay .

But I wish I hadn't saw kai come out with shisui dead body he showed no

Remorse but at the same time it's as if he not there but I was to anger to see it


Kai : got rid of weakness plan and simple.

I just activated my semeblance

He activated his

And for seven days and seven nights we fought to stand still even when we
Lost our semeblance and aura we still

Fought until I managed to slash his eye that's when he failed I promise

Shisui I avenged her even if I had to kill kai. Over the years we fought but

I couldn't help but sense something off about him when we clash it felt

Like I was fighting a husk of a human being but again I was blinded by my rage

Mars flashback over

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