As long as we're together {Pe...

By The_secret_pen

76.9K 1K 306

Gods, mortals, and demigods meet Percabeth in different situations. Some one-shots of a particular event in t... More

Chapter 2: Minerva & Co.
Chapter 3: Argument
Chapter 4: Olympic swimmer
Chapter 5: Happily ever after
Chapter 6: "You're such a Seaweed Brain!"
Chapter 7: Camp Under Attack
Chapter 8: Meeting Dr. Chase
Chapter 9: Aquarium fright
Chapter 10: An accident at preschool
Chapter 11: Evermore
Chapter 12: Reunion
Chapter 13: "When will you be home again?"
Chapter 14: Coming home
Chapter 15: The Hidden Hero
Chapter 16: Some things never change
Chapter 17: One more month to go
Chapter 18: Of royalty and love (Part I)
Chapter 19: Of royalty and love (Part II)
Chapiter 20: Of royalty and love (Part III)
Chapter 21: "I'm not a princess Daddy!"
Chapter 22: Estelle
Chapter 23: Capture the Flag
Chapiter 24: By Thanksgiving
Chapter 25: "Popular?"
Author's note

Chapter 1: Army

7.1K 65 47
By The_secret_pen

So this is my first try at a fanfiction about Percy Jackson & the Olympians. Also, I am definitely not Rick Riordan. Hope you enjoy! Don't forget to review and comment if you like it! 

- The secret pen

"Percy! Stop it now! Please!" Annabeth giggled while her husband, Percy Jackson, tickled her. "It's not funny!"

"Then why are you laughing? Anyway, it worked!" As soon as her wife heard that, her face fell, as the reality came crashing.

"Percy. Please don't go!" she begged once again. Both had avoided the subject for the last three months.

"Annabeth! I already told you! I must, that's the least I can do, Jason and Grover have done so much for me! I would be dead if it wasn't for them."

A few months ago, Jason and Grover decided to join the army. Piper and Juniper had almost begged Percy to enlist as well. Percy being as loyal as ever had of course accepted. That day, two hours later, he would meet them at the airport and get deported in the middle of the war in Afghanistan.

"So that's it! You leave your wife behind! This is the moment where you get yourself killed!" she cried hysterically.

"I won't get killed; I promise. After all they did for me, I owe them that. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to them and I wasn't there to help them." he whisper-yelled back, not wanting to wake up his sleeping daughter, in a room upstairs.

"How can you promise that Perseus!" He flinched at the use of his full name. "You're a demigod for Heaven's sake! Didn't you get by now that you attract monsters? You already saved Olympus twice, isn't that enough? Now you're going purposely to get yourself killed! You leave me behind! How about your mom? How do you think she will react to that? After all the years she tried to keep you safe, that's how you pay her back? And your daughter? How do you think Selina will feel if you get hurt or even worst if you die? If she grows up without a father? She will think you have abandoned us." She cried out.

"Annabeth—" he tried to reach for her arm.

"Don't touch me!" she glared at him, tears slowly falling on her cheeks. "Don't pretend you care! Look, Percy, I'll make this very simple. If you pass this door," she pointed towards the wooden entry door, "you won't mean anything to me anymore. Do you see this ring? My wedding ring? I will throw it away. Selina will grow up without a father. You know I mean that." She was alarmingly calm, her eyes turning cold.

Percy paled, but his mind was set. He had to help his friends, after all they did for them, he had to. He climbed up the stairs and opened slowly the door, not wanting to wake his daughter up. He found her curled in a ball, her little face covered in tears.

"Silena?" he whispered.

"Daddy, you're leaving?" Not trusting his voice, Percy simply nodded. He picked her up and hugged her tightly, letting his tears fall freely. This was maybe the last time ever he would see his daughter. No! He would not let that happen. He would come back home safely.

"Sil, don't ever forget your daddy loves you and mommy with all his heart. Be kind to mommy okay? Be nice to her, for me."

"Yes daddy." she cried. He tried to pull away, but his daughter had grabbed the fabric of his army jacket, not wanting to let go of him.

"Darling, daddy needs to go. I will come back. I will be back for you." He promised. He felt the young child let go slowly of him. "Goodbye Silena. I love you." He left, closing the door after him. He went slowly down the stairs, dreading saying goodbye to his wife.

He found her sitting on the floor, her head between her arms, sobbing quietly. He kneeled to get to her level. She didn't look at him.

"Annabeth. If I get back—that is, when I get back—I will be here in exactly six months. Please Annabeth. I don't want to leave you. You know that!"

He saw her head slowly get up. "Do I?" Her eyes were puffy from all the crying, her face was red.

He sighed, got up, and helped Annabeth do the same. Then, when he least expected it, Annabeth ran in his arms. He held her for a few seconds and then kissed her on the cheek.

Both knew what that meant. "No!" she wept. "Percy no!" She hit him on the chest, he didn't even flinch. Years of training at camp and working out regularly had kept him fit. He turned, took his army bag and hat, as he already had his uniform on. He walked towards the door, opened it, and then turned toward his wife. "Goodbye, Annabeth." And he left.

"I hate you!" she screamed as loud as possible, hoping he would hear it. Taking his car, she saw Percy drive away. 

She didn't know how long she cried that way. She just wept, sitting on the floor, her eyes lost, staring at the wall in front of her. She didn't hear her daughter come down. She just felt little arms surround her.

Slowly, the daughter of Athena calmed herself and stopped crying. She had to compose herself. For her child's sake, she had to be strong. She got up and carried Silena to the kitchen, where she made dinner.

That night, she didn't sleep. During the whole six months during which her husband was away, she almost didn't sleep. She didn't get any news from him, he didn't write, he didn't call. No news was good news. Right?

Then the day when he should have come back arrived. She couldn't help feeling a bit scared. She pretended she didn't care but several times that day, she surprised herself looking at the street hoping to see a familiar green car.

These six months were like hell for Percy. When he found himself in front of his house's door, he sighed and took his keys out. It was eleven pm, Annabeth and Selina would be asleep, and anyway, they weren't waiting for him.

He opened the door. The living room was dark, the lights were out. He came in and closed the door behinds him. Unexpectedly, the light turned on. Next to the interrupter was his wife. Same grey eyes, the same princess curled blond hair, same tanned skin, except she was...

"You're pre-pregnant?" he found himself stammering. She instinctively put her hand on her swollen stomach. Her eyes turned cold. He had left six months before if her baby bump was so big, it meant it had to be his child, he tried reassuring himself.

"Yes. With your baby. You would have known if you had stayed as you should have." She glared at him, before turning. "What are you doing here? I don't remember inviting you here."

"It's my house. I live here," he stated.

"No. You lived here six months ago." She defied him. He breathed in and out, keeping his temper in control. He knew better than angering a pregnant Annabeth. That could be ... scary.

"When we bought this house, both of our names were on the papers. So, legally this is also my house. And you are my wife." Then he remembered what she had said before he left: "You see this ring? My wedding ring? I will throw it away." He couldn't help looking at her hand on her stomach. He saw the simple golden ring he had given her four years ago, on their wedding day.

"You kept it." He stated. She didn't seem to understand it right because she said, her voice deadly calm, "Of course, it's also my baby." She hugged her middle. He got confused a second and then understand she had taken his question for something else.

"Oh no, I didn't mean the baby. I'm glad you kept if! Of course, I am. I was talking about the ring." She blushed and Percy had to master all his willpower not to run towards her and embrace her.

"How far along are you?" He asked, unsure.

"Seven months. It's due in August. Around your birthday." she didn't add 'our anniversary' but both thought about it.

"How's Selina?" He changed the subject. He hoped she had not forgotten him. She was after all only three when he left. At such a young age, children could forget people easily.

"She misses you. She talks about you every day. She such a daddy's girl." He smiled at that, true she had inherited his unruly black hair and his green eyes, but she had her mother's nose, lips, and brains, which he was grateful about. She also had ADHD.

"She started school; she is in the same class as Jack." Jack was Jason and Piper's son. He was also three and a half. He had his mothers' hair and good feature, but his father's eyes and character. He and Selina had been best friends from the day they were born.

Percy felt a bit guilty that he had missed such an important day in his daughter's life. Then, he remembered he had promised he would call Sally when he got home. He took his phone out.

"Mom?" he asked. "Yes. I got home safely. Yes, it's healing. It will leave a scar but that's okay, one won't change anything, will it? Yes. Of course. Bye, mom. Love you."

During the whole conversation, Annabeth stood, frozen. He had gotten hurt.

"Percy, where is it?" He pretended not to understand.

"What?" he asked innocently, but as he always did when lying, not meeting her eyes.

"Your injury." She didn't seem at all convinced by his lie. In fact, she was too calm. She had used that tone she used when she wouldn't let go of the subject.

"Oh, it's nothing," he answered a bit too fast, another sign he wasn't telling the truth.

"Where is it?" she repeated. He winced, when Annabeth talked that way, it was of no use to protest. Her eyes observed him, trying to see where it could be. His face was still as handsome as ever, her eyes as bright, his hair were shorter, no longer falling unto his eyes as it did before he left for the army, when he entered, he didn't seem to limp, his arms seemed okay. He did seem a little thinner, but still fit and muscular.

"Where is it? Don't make me say it a fourth time," she warned. He sighed, put his bag down with a wince he tried to conceal, but Annabeth knew him too well. She stared as he took his jacket off, and then his shirt. Sure enough, his whole stomach was bandaged, the fabric was stained in red. Blood. That was all Annabeth could think of. Percy was looking concerned about his reaction. Then he saw his left shoulder was also wrapped of gauze, his wrist was in a splint.

"It's nothing." he tried to say. Annabeth looked at him disbelievingly and that silenced him. She touched his shoulder slightly, her hands trembling, and he flinched.

"Have you tried nectar, ambrosia, water?" she asked softly.

"Yeah, doesn't help. Well, it did. It was worst before." As soon as he said that, he regretted it, seeing how his wife paled. She couldn't see how it could have been any worst. "I thought you wouldn't care. You said so. And it saved Grover, it was worth it."

"How could you say that Percy? Of course, I care. You're such an idiot. I love you, Percy. I was worried sick. When will you learn you should not pay attention to the things I say when spoken in anger? What if you had died? What would I have done? What would we have done?" she started crying. She hadn't shown how much she had suffered to anyone. She hated to cry; she almost never did. Percy knew it. If she did, then it meant she cared about it. A lot.

"Hey. I'm here. I'm fine. I will recover, the army would not have let me come home if it was not safe." He hugged her with his good arm. His wife slowly calmed down and to his greatest surprise, kissed him. With his hurt wrist, he held her chin, so he looked her in the eyes. Those beautiful eyes. How he had missed them! How he had missed her.

"I have to shower, and change." He finally managed to say. He climbed the stairs, two by two, and disappeared in the bathroom they shared. A few minutes later, when Percy was out of the shower, he came with a roll of white bandage.

"Can you help me, please?" She nodded. With the water, the gash had healed a little, but it still wasn't pretty. She applied the fabric and soon they both fell asleep, Percy's good arm unconsciously around his wife's waist, his hand resting protectively on her swollen abdomen.

The next morning, they woke up when they heard a little voice scream "Daddy." A bit too fast, Percy jumped up, causing him to wince. He hugged his daughter tightly.

"Daddy, Daddy! You came home." she squealed happily.

"Of course, I did. I promised, didn't I?" he answered. "So, Selina, how was life without me?" he tried to joke, but his wife's cold glare stopped him automatically.

However, her daughter remained serious. "Awful." Then she lighted up. "I started school! I'm with Jake and I'm at the top of the class!" she continued proudly.

"Hey, Wise Girl. Apparently, she inherited a little from you." He smirked. "Hopefully, this one will too, or it would be a disaster." he kissed Annabeth's huge baby bump, his fingers lovingly caressing her stretched skin. "Hi. I'm your dad. And you, my son, will be as smart as your mother and as handsome as your awesome father. Your mamma is very mad at me you know? But you know what? I love her and I'm going to do all it takes to make her forgive me. Also, You, Silena, and Mommy are my family. And I'm never letting you go. Never."

"Percy!" Annabeth laughed, her eyes filled with tears, all she stroked his messy hair, before placing a soft kiss of his forehead.

After all these months of hell, they were together again, as united as ever. Two months later, the family grew: Luke Charles Jackson was born named after one traitor, another a loyal friend, both sacrificed themselves for the greater good.

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