My Brother's Best Friend

By nightshow302

2.6K 117 41

When life and love clash it's only a matter of time before you become a stranger to reality. Elizabeth Staube... More

Drunken State


114 6 2
By nightshow302

Elizabeth's POV

It's Sunday today and despite doing nothing yesterday I plan on wallowing in my self-pity of what the school may think of me tomorrow. I got out of bed and decided maybe to see Tyler, after all, I didn't talk to him much after accusing him of cheating and before I could call him my phone started ringing.

"Hey" I smiled knowing Tyler thought of me at the same time and called

"Wanna come over I wanted to talk?" He asked

"Uh yeah sorry again for accusing you and everything," I said a little worried

"No it's fine" he replied and he told me to meet him in an hour at his place so I obliged and drove to his place after a bit of waiting around. I knocked on his door and walked in

"Hey" I smiled at Mikaela as she came up to me

"Hey Ty Is in the kitchen" she smiled and I shook my head and walked over to him he was unplugging the sink and letting the water drain out so I snuck behind him and wrapped my hands around his waist

"Hey babe," he said turning around and kissing me he released off and his whole demeanor changed

"What's wrong? Is it because of what happened before?" I asked again despite him already telling me it wasn't over the phone.

"I'm moving," he said very bluntly and I released myself off of his waist

"What do you mean?" I asked my heart sinking

"I got into Harvard and it's in Cambridge so I'm getting a dorm room and I wanted to tell you first," he said grabbing my hands

"Oh well that's amazing Harvard is incredible you really only hear about it in movies and stuff but you actually got in I'm so proud of you," I said forcing a smile knowing what was going to come

"Elizabeth I can't make you wait for me and you know it," he said squeezing my hands

"No, I understand" I said feeling ready to cry especially after thinking he cheated on me and then he tells me he's breaking up with me.

"I would say we can try long distance but you're in high school and it's just not a good situation for the both of us," he said trying to smile I took my hands back slowly and he let them go

"I'm so sorry I even got involved with you not that I regret even a moment of it with you I just wish we could've had more time together," he said with his hands now on my shoulders

"You're going to do incredible things Tyler I know you will" I said and forced my smile feeling almost comical like I was comforting him rather than accepting the fact I don't need to be happy right now and he hugged me.

"Tell Mikaela she'll want to know," I said trying to give my last piece of advice before leaving

"Wait Elizabeth" he said grabbing me and pulling me to him I looked up at his face and my heart melted and he looked me in my eyes and kissed me softly I deepened the kiss slightly and then took a step back

"Goodbye Tyler" I smiled and walked away

"Goodbye Elizabeth" he said dramatically like a cheesy movie leaning on the counter watching me leave I waved to Mikaela and opened the door as I shut it behind myself a car pulled into the driveway and a man walked out.

"Hi is this where Tyler Dunbar lives? I'm the university representative here to talk to him before his departure" the jolly man said making my heart thunk to my feet

"It is may I ask if this is the university's first visit here?" I asked

"It is and we're so glad to recruit your friend he shows great potential" the man smiled and I nodded and walked to my car. Oddly enough it felt like I'd been here before maybe because I was but knowing that blonde bimbo wasn't who Tyler said she was kinda relieved me knowing I wasn't so paranoid after all and I can say truthfully we broke up over something other than distance. I may think at this moment I'm okay with it but I was hit with feelings the moment I walked in my front door I was luckily alone but this time I decided not to reach for my handy dandy alcohol but instead feel what I needed to feel without the help of a cloudy mind. I curled up into the smallest ball possible and just cried on the couch trying to think of signs but looking back in my mind there were none, not even one I should've taken as a warning. He never flirted with girls or became distant he was by my side the whole time and made me feel special and actually okay in some aspects of my life rather than stressed or worried like usual. I bawled my eyes out and then there was a small knock on the door. Parker always answers the door because I get freaked out most of the time when I don't know who it is but I bucked up even though the tears were streaming from my face but surprisingly nothing mattered to me right now and I walked over and swung the door open to find Mikaela.
She immediately engulfed me in a hug so tight I couldn't breathe but it felt good

"I'm so sorry Liz I should've known his meeting wasn't on Friday," she said patting my hair down in the back

"You couldn't of known" I cried

"I don't understand though I never thought he would actually cheat," Mikaela said and loosened the hug slightly

"Neither did I," I said scoffing

"At least I got most of it out already since I technically already cried about it Friday" I laughed wiping away my tears

"Don't worry I'll make him feel as miserable as possible when I help him pack tonight." she laughed

"Well thank you very much" I sniffed and went to grab some water

"Is Parker not home?" She asked

"No, I'm not sure where he went actually," I told her walking to my room and grabbing the biggest hoodie I owned to comfort me

"Liz I've gotta go in 20 minutes but for now let's just watch TV" Mikaela said and held my hand to drag me to the couch where I sat and laid my head on her shoulder. We sat and watched the Office and I let a few tears fall while Mikaela comforted me but 20 minutes is faster than you think and she made sure I was okay before she left. I felt worse being alone normally I would accept the fact I'm alone and relish in it but right now I just needed someone. I laid down in a ball on the couch and snuggled up against the edge and closed my eyes only for a second but I realized how tired I really was my eyes drooped and I fell asleep.

BAM the door swung open and I opened my eyes realizing how they were almost glued shut and I felt the puffiness

"Oh sorry" Ollie whispered when he saw me laying on the couch and everyone mimicked his low tone when they realized I was there Liam and Ollie went to Parkers room I assume to go grab their hockey crap

"Hey sorry we're gonna head out," Parker said when he realized I was there he walked over to me

"Oh yeah I'll just sleep" I smiled half-asleep half-dreaming

"Your allergies acting up or something?" Parker asked and I opened my eyes remembering everything

"Liz are you okay were you crying?" He asked genuinely concerned for once my heart froze I hate when people ask that damn question it makes me break down

"Yeah no I'm fine," I said feeling the ball in my throat as I smiled.

"Okay we're gonna go do you need anything from town?" Parker asked as Ollie and Liam came out of his room I sat up and looked to the kitchen where Grayson was

"I'm fine," I said as I watched Grayson pour honey on himself almost strategically I almost laughed at the fact that he purposely did that but was just as confused

"Shit" Grayson yelled and the boys looked at him

"I spilled honey all over my shirt" he groaned I remained confused knowing he placed the honey there in the first place or he just has that bad of a memory

"Just change why did you need honey anyways?" Parker asked confused

"I wanted tea," Grayson said back

"The last time we bought tea was for Liam when he had a cold and he insisted it would help" Parker scoffed

"I don't have any clothes here plus it soaked through now I'm sticky," Grayson said disgustedly poking his shirt

"Go have a quick shower we can wait," Ollie said sitting on the couch

"Nah go without me I'm not in the mood anyways" Grayson brushed them off and the boys shrugged and proceeded to leave. I rolled my eyes waiting for him to go take a shower

"What's up?" Grayson asked sitting beside my legs which were curled up in a ball

"I'm trying to sleep," I said burying my face

"Elizabeth you've been crying," he said tauntingly

"I haven't must be allergies like Parker said," I told him shutting my eyes tightly because the more I talked the more I wanted to either yell or cry.

"I think you should get your head checked out because I seen you pour the honey on yourself I'm not sure if that weird guy who stabbed you also hit you across your head but it's kinda worrisome," I said trying to hide my face a bit more

"Nah I didn't wanna play football today plus Parker quite literally missed his opportunity to comfort you" Grayson said and I heard him shuffle around

"I'm fine," I said again this time more broken up the ball in my throat getting bigger

"I can't help but feel this is my fault," he said and he put his hand on my calf near my ankle

"Grayson you should go shower," I said

"So it is my fault?" He asked

"No it's not" I finally broke and my voice quivered

"Tyler cheated on me" I cried

"No, remember we established this although you were a bit drunk"

"No he lied to me his meeting was today I'm so stupid," I said sitting up not wanting to show him my ugly crying

"Look at me," he said softly and attempted to move my body which worked very easily despite my small efforts I opened my eyes and looked at him immediately noticing the honey stained shirt was off

"Sorry I'll put a shirt on," he said worriedly when he noticed I was looking at his body which I tried not too but I couldn't help it not in like an uncomfortable way since I'm used to it usually the guys are shirtless at least a couple feet away from me since they all travel in a pack at home.

"No it's fine" I said quickly maybe too quickly but it wasn't like that okay. I snapped back and hid my face again

"You're not stupid," Grayson said

"Like you said he lied to you that's not your fault he wasn't man enough to just say I cheated on you so he's clearly not the right guy for you," Grayson said I scoffed

"He was the only guy for me" I cried

"He loved me he was the only guy who ever liked me," I said feeling attached to Tyler

"If he felt the same way he wouldn't have done this shit to you and there's plenty of guys who like you half the football team has expressed that" he laughed

"You're right he didn't love me probably because I was too fat for him, or maybe he didn't like the fact that I texted too much no wonder he didn't like me you know every time we were going to have sex he would always have a reason to stop probably because he was disgusted by me," I said angrily and ranting not even realizing what I was saying to Grayson

"You have a disease you know that. You cant be comparing yourself to all these girls who can't even stand up for too long or they'll get tired you are perfect the way you are Elizabeth god I wish you could see that you're perfectly okay" he said almost angrily he held my hand and my head in his hands so I faced him. Did my heart just skip an actual beat is that a thing? I breathed heavily and realized for the first time how his eyes were possibly the warmest things ever they were a deep brown but were mesmerizing. I stopped staring and he let go of my face 

"Forget about him he's in the past there will be plenty of guys happy to be with you," he said

"Why couldn't I be like Cheyanne shes so perfect?" I whined just because the whole dramatic thing my brain does when I'm sad I think about all the depressing thoughts and compile them together

"Elizabeth how long have you known Cheyanne to be perfect you were her best friend nobody is perfect" he argued

"You seem to think she is" I scoffed sassily

"Oh whatever" he shook his head

"You confuse me you know," I said stopping myself from crying

"You and Cheyanne are all over each other like a couple when you're together but everywhere else you avoid her," I said in amazement

"Because Elizabeth when she comes over I can't just tell her to leave me alone can I? Plus you're just as confusing you and Ollie were together for a night well one night that I know of and after that, you guys pretended nothing happened I mean what was that all about?" He said

"Oh, so you go that far and then fuck her? And me and Ollie never once did anything for the last time" I said seriously

"What does it matter to you any way I was having a bad week when that happened," he said surprisingly calm

"I'm going to the kitchen and I'm making us some soup so be good and watch TV," he said standing up to go make food. I laid there comfortably and cuddled into the blanket further till the aromatic scent of tomato filled the air I laid replaying the stupidness of my situation I mean it's not like we were dating very long but I think I loved Tyler I've never really felt like that before he made me feel special it's funny how you can go from something to nothing and somehow leaving feeling more insecure about yourself. I heard the clanging of the bowls and Grayson brought the food over

"Thanks" I said as he placed it In front of me

"Yeah of course" he smiled

"Why are you the one comforting me dont you feel uncomfortable around me?" I asked feeling a bit better but still feeling aware of every move I was making including whether or not I should eat in front of Grayson especially with him being shirtless and of course he has abs how stereotypical I almost didn't find abs sexy though seeing pictures didn't do much for me but in real life I guess they kinda do haven't really noticed that before.

"No I've known you for forever Elizabeth just cause you feel uncomfortable around me doesn't mean I feel the same. You should eat before it gets cold" he motioned to my soup bowl while crushing crackers into his own.

"I'm just tired" I lied

" Liz the boys will be back in a bit you should eat before they disturb you I'll even leave while you eat okay?" He said calmly and very understanding he got up and walked to the counter again and that was literally the last I saw of him till the boys got home.

They all barged in just as loudly as last time

"Wheres Grayson?" Parker yawned and laid on top of me

"I don't know probably in your room," I said feeling slightly tired now

"You boys staying over?" Parker asked I crossed my fingers

"Nah not tonight" Ollie said and Liam shook his head no. Feeling relieved I uncrossed my fingers and Parker yelled for Grayson in which he came out of the room and walked over

"What are you doing with her books?" Parker asked

"I was bored plus she's tired," Grayson said I popped up and looked over to Grayson holding my blue binder in his hands

"Since when did you do homework for fun or for her?" Ollie laughed as if I wasn't there

"Like I said I was bored" Grayson said pulling his hand through his hair where the curls were starting to unravel a bit

"Did you even shower man?" Liam asked looking at him

"Yeah I did" he lied and set my books on the island. I stood up and walked over

"You could've done mine too if that's the case" Liam huffed at Grayson

"Shutup big baby you just have math," Grayson said looking at me

"I gotta check on the house though so I'll see you at school tomorrow" he said to everyone while remaining to look at me he grabbed his honey-soaked shirt and as he walked past me squeezed my shoulder and left.

"What the hell was that about?" Ollie asked

"What?" I replied

"He did your homework, he squeezed your shoulder, you two were alone, by the looks of things made you food, oh and he had his shirt off and he most definitely didn't have a shower his hair is a curly mess after" Ollie listed

"What?" Parker came over hearing Ollie

"I swear to God Elizabeth you better not have" Parker looked disgusted

"Are you kidding you boys are disgusting Grayson only was helping me since I don't have Tyler anymore... there goes that surprise" I tapered off

"You broke up with him why?" Liam asked confused

"More like he broke up with me because he was moving oh and he cheated" I said angrily

"Goddammit" Parker sighed and grabbed his keys and started toward the door

"Liam help" I pleaded as I started to tear up since I know Ollie would inevitably go with Parker. Liam thought for a split second and ran up to the door blocking Parkers exit

"Come on man your sister doesn't want any trouble she's had it hard enough let's be civil you have the scholarship to think about," Liam said calmly

"Liam I swear get out of my way," Parker said breathing heavily I walked over and placed my hand on Parkers shoulder

"This isn't what I want okay you have Mikaela to think about and I just want him to go I don't want him to have to stay longer than he has to please" I said sniffling and Parker let up and Liam breathed out

"If I ever see him again I'm not taking it easy" he said and slammed his keys into my hand likely because he knew he would try to get out again. I shoved them in my pocket and thanked Liam and looked back at Ollie he had his hands balled up

"Ollie it's fine I'm okay" I cried

"I screwed up Elizabeth I'll admit that but you shouldn't have to deal with another dickhead like me," he said softening

"What do you mean what did you do to her?" Parker asked looking angrily at Ollie now. I felt like I started world war 3

"Nothing," I said trying to protect Ollie

"No, I need to own up to what I did it wasn't fair to you." He started

"Before the semester started we were all drunk from Cheryl's party I was not in my right mind and I made a move on Elizabeth and when she denied me it made me angrier and I followed her to her room and then I was lucky Grayson came in and stopped it I was stupid," Ollie said quickly and before he had a chance to breathe out Parker punched him right across the face

"Parker!" I screamed and pushed him away and looked at Ollie who was holding his poor face in his hands

"Are you okay?" I asked holding my hand to his hand

"I forgave him so should you" I yelled and Liam stuck in the middle kept Parker away and brought him to his room

"Shit" I swore

"I'm so sorry," he said looking ashamed

"No I'm sorry" I shook my head and gave him a light hug

"I'm gonna go home okay it's not that bad he's got a weak hit" Ollie winced and removed his hand revealing a red cheek.

"You're gonna be okay you two will be back to friends in no time" I smiled hopefully and opened the freezer pulling out some frozen corn and passed it to him

"Sleep it off" I smiled and wiped the tears off of my face that crept out. He left and I walked into my room shutting the door the final click and my head raced I was the cause of everything I start all the drama I am the reason people hate it's me I bawled and hyperventilated my mind not resting. My door opened a smidge and Liam came in

"Parkers in bed" he smiled and sat beside me on the bed as I sniffled

"It's all okay trust me guys fighting is like a 24-hour thing then it's normal again," he said. Liam always found a way to make me happier even when Parker was being the big bad bully to me when we were little Liam would help me up or give me back the food Parker, Ollie or Grayson stole from me. He was always my older little brother and when I say that I mean there were never any feelings for each other he was genuinely just a good-hearted man. I stopped crying as hard and breathed he calmed me down smiled and left making it so much easier to fall asleep.

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