Fake Smiles and Cut Wrists

By Carl_Grimes_lover_0

7.5K 314 588

TRIGGER WARNING 14 year old Chandler Russell has a hard life to say the least. His dad is a drunk who beats h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50: FINAL CHAPTER!

Chapter 37

78 5 28
By Carl_Grimes_lover_0


Laura's POV
What did I just do?

I ruin everything I have.

He was in pain. He was abused, and raped, and kidnapped and what did I do?

I broke him even more.

But what if what Brianna said was right? What if he's relieved right now?


Chandler's POV

I'll never be happy again. It's over. My two and a half months of happiness, gone.

I lost her.

I lost a lot of things. My brother, my parents.

Yet she's the most painful thing to lose. What changed? She was fine yesterday. Maybe she was just pretending.

I can't even cry. Everything feels so...numb. No more happy. No more anything.

And this is what had me sitting where I am now. On a train track, waiting. Waiting for the huge train to come and take me away.

I'll get to meet my brother. Hopefully I go to Heaven.

Life is Hell already.

Hopefully I won't go down there. I've had enough of the pain and suffering right?

That's what I always think though. Then more comes.

I hear footsteps coming from the woods. But it's okay, because then I hear the loud chugging sound of the train, too.

I smile slightly and think to myself, finally.

Then I hear Zay's voice, he sounds scared. He must've known I was here because me and him sometimes come here to hang out. I'll miss doing that.

"Chandler, no!" He screams. Then I feel him pulling me away, I'm off the train tracks as I watch it go by.

"No..." I muttered.

"No! You ruined it!" I yelled as he held on to my sleeve.


"No! I was finally gonna be happy and you.." My voice broke and the tears I've been trying to keep unshed slid down my face.

Zay looked ready to cry too, and he pulled me into a tight hug.

"It's okay, man." He said, and I can tell he's crying. Do I really matter that much to him?

Do I matter that much to anyone?

Clearly not to Laura.

"I thought she loved me." I said, it was muffled by Zay's shoulder and me crying. "She does." Zay pulled away.

"Look, man I don't know what happened but she does love you. I know she does. C'mon, let's go home alright?" Zay said, patting me on the arm and walking towards to woods.

I wiped my face and followed.


3rd Person POV

Zay and Chandler walked in the front door of Chandler's house.

Immediately Andy walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Where were you? It's 6:00pm where have you been?" He asked, concern lacing his voice and features.

Chandler looked down. Ready for Andy to yell at him. Maybe hit him. "I-I'm sorry." He said.

"It's okay, Chandler. Just tell me where you were." Andy said calmly. "T-the train tracks." Chandler answered shortly.

Zay bit his lip. Andy was gonna flip once he found out Chandler tried to kill himself.

"For three hours?" Andy asked and looked at Zay.

"C-can I talk to you alone Mr. Lewis?" Zay asked. Andy nodded. "Yeah. Chandler go up and finish some homework, okay?" He said and Chandler nodded, already walking up the stairs.

Andy gave Zay a look that said, go on.

"Laura broke up with Chandler." Zay said, getting straight to the point. "Wha—why?" Andy asked, shocked.

"I don't know...she was crying when she came out of the bathroom and then she just...dumped him." Zay explained.

"H-he...he tried to kill himself." Zay followed quietly, looking down. He felt guilty too. Maybe Chandler wouldn't be so close to the edge if Zay hadn't pushed him all these years.

Andy covered his mouth with his hand. He sighed deeply and rubbed his temples. "I think you should get home. Thank you, Zay." He said.

Zay nodded and headed out the door.

Andy walked up to Chandler's room.

Once he went in there, he saw Chandler laying on his bed staring up at the ceiling, his face holding no emotion.

Andy sat at the foot of the bed.

"Zay told me what happened. I'm sorry about Laura, kid. I know you really liked her." Andy said sympathetically.

"I love her." Chandler whispered.

"I know, kid." Andy said.

"It doesn't matter though. Good things never last for me. I had great parents, look what happened. I don't care how bad they are, I wish they were never taken to jail. Look at everything that's happened because of that." Chandler said angrily, deciding he refused to cry anymore.

"I know, buddy. It's rough, and bad things always happen to good people." Andy sighed.

"But son, you can't let other peoples' actions affect you this way. I know you love Laura, and if it's Gods will, you'll be back together. But you've been through too much and been too strong to let a breakup be what takes you out, right?" He said.

Chandler sighed and nodded.

"Y-you're right. I don't want to die. I just want it to stop hurting so much." He said, barely above a whisper.

"I know bud. But killing yourself won't make it stop hurting, it just passes the hurt to someone else. Maybe Laura's going through something, how do you think she would feel if you hurt yourself after she broke up with you?" Andy explained.

Chandler looked down, ridden with guilt.

Andy pulled him into his side, rubbing his shoulder.

"It just isn't fair to put that hurt on someone else, Laura might not be in the right mindset for a relationship right now and that's okay. You're young, you and her both still have plenty of time for dating." Andy continued. Chandler bit his lip and nodded.


Laura was not okay. She was crying at her own reflection. She's never felt like this before, she's always liked the way she looked.

She was confident.

But now she's feeling like she was too confident.

She just knew Chandler loved her back. But did he? She was sure she wasn't fat or ugly, but right now standing in the mirror, all she can see are her flaws.

Her mascara was running down her face as she cried.

How can one person do this to her? She's had worse. She lifted her shirt, to reveal the scar from being shot.

Yet another thing that was wrong with her.

Brianna's right. Laura thought to herself. Chandler deserves so much better.

Her thoughts were cut off by her phone ringing. She rolled her eyes and checked to see who was calling.

Her phone read, "Parker :)"

She rolled her eyes again and answered it. "Hello?" She asked in a rather aggressive tone. "Laura what happened today?" He asked softly.

"I-it's nothing Parker. Leave it alone." She lied.

"It's not nothing, you just broke up with Chandler, and I know you like him." Parker said.

A silent tear slid down Laura's face. "I do. I-I love him, but I don't deserve him. I'm not even convinced he loves me anymore. I think I pushed him and he was just going along with it." Laura said miserably.

"Are you crazy? Laura, if he doesn't love you, then why do you think he gave Jared a concussion? He doesn't have muscle, or confidence for that matter so you know that so he would've had to be pretty mad. Zay told me he beat the crap out him because he pushed you, and you two hardly even knew each other then. If that's not love, Laura, then I don't know what is." Parker said, all in one breath.

Laura let out a sob at this.

"And there's one more thing..." Parker said.

"Zay found Chandler sitting on the train tracks after school...if he hadn't gotten there exactly when he did, Chandler would be gone. He loves you, Laura. So much so that he didn't want to live without you." He added cautiously, not wanting to guilt her into getting back into a relationship but also wanting to convey how much he cared for her.

Laura was full on sobbing now.

"How do I fix this, Parker?" She asked through her cries.

"You have to talk to him." Parker answered.


{The next day}

Chandler was in the bathroom, currently skipping first period. He didn't want to be here.

It felt like before he had friends.

He never wanted to be at school then. But now, he really didn't want to be there. He knew Laura was in a lot of his classes and he didn't want to see her, if he saw her he might cry.

So there he was, in a locked bathroom stall, blade pressed to his arm, still not sure if he can do this.

There was a voice in his head telling him not to, sounding a lot like Andy, reminding him that this was just gonna hurt someone else. But there was another one in there arguing with it.

Do it.

Kill yourself.

There's nothing for you here.

Chandler shook his head and put the blade down. He can't do this, he can't put the hurt on other people, people who don't deserve it. He brought his knees to his chest and buried his face in them.

He doesn't know what he'll do without Laura, but he's been through too much to end it now.


Parker and Zay were talking to Laura in 2nd period. "He has biology right now, and next period he's in my Spanish class." Zay said.

"He doesn't want to talk to me." Laura said. "He skipped last class. It's probably because I'm in it." She added sadly.

"Laura you have to try. Who put it in your head that he doesn't love you?" Zay asked.

"It doesn't matter." She said shortly.


Zay was on the way to the bathroom when some blonde kid came up to him. "Do you know anyone named Chandler Russell?" The kid asked.

"That's my best friend. What's it to you?" Zay asked.

"Just let him know I'm looking for him. My name is Anthony Brooks." The kid said and walked off.


Laura was walking to the bathroom before she went to try and talk to Chandler.

She felt guilty even being around him, however. She felt like she was just another person that hurt him added to the list.

She ran into Brianna going in there, and she could tell it was going to be a rough start to the day.

"So, did he dump you yet?" Brianna mocked.

"Leave me alone." Laura said quietly.

Just outside the bathroom, Zay, Chandler and Parker stood, listening in on the conversation.

Chandler looked at Zay, concerned. Autumn walked up next to them. "Guys? What's going on?" She asked.

Parker put a finger to his lips, signaling that they were listening to the conversation going on inside the bathroom.

"Oh well. It's just a matter of time before he does...I mean like I said yesterday, you're not exactly a magazine cover model." Brianna teased once more, laughing casually and applying mascara.

"I get it. I know I'm not good enough for him, okay? Just leave me alone." Laura said, tears welling up in her eyes.

Parker, Chandler, Zay and Autumn all looked at each other. "She can't think that..." Chandler said quietly.

They heard Brianna laugh.

"Look at you. About to burst into tears because you can't handle a little constructive criticism. It's just the truth, babe. Gonna have to see it one day." Brianna shrugged and walked out of the bathroom.

When she walked out, she was welcomed by a crowd of angry friends.

"Except it's not the truth, and you know it." Autumn said, arms crossed.

Laura's eyes widened as she realized Autumn heard her. Then Chandler went off, he couldn't stand being quiet anymore.

"She doesn't have to be a 'magazine cover model' because she's beautiful no matter what. And no other girl will ever amount to her in my eyes and I can't believe she said she didn't deserve me, because if anything, I don't deserve her." He said and took a breath.

"So stop telling her I'm gonna break up with her and stop telling her she's not beautiful because you know you're lying. I love her, no matter how she feels about me I will always love her. And you're most likely jealous of her and that's why you're doing this." He added.

Laura swallowed. She didn't know if they knew she could hear them. But hearing Chandler say that brought her back to her right mind.

She thought of the day after she kissed Chandler, the conversation they had.

"Look, I really like you. And I can tell you don't like me back because of the face you made after I kissed you yesterday. And I'm okay with that." Laura explained. Chandler was beyond confused at this point, of course he liked her back! "I-I never said I didn't like you!" Chandler blurted out.
End of flashback

Laura smiled at the memory from just a month or two ago. What has she done?

She ran out of the bathroom, straight to Chandler and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. "I'm sorry I messed everything up." She whispered into his neck.

"It's okay Laura." He said and rubbed her back.

"If you ever mess with her again, you will regret it. Trust me." Zay said.

"What are you gonna do? Beat me up?" Brianna mocked. "Oh, no. I can't fight a girl." Zay smirked.

"But she can." He added and pointed to Autumn.

"I won't hesitate either." Autumn glared. Ava came up beside Parker.

"Yeah and I'll help her." She said.

"Whatever, I'm sooo scared." Brianna scoffed and left.

Laura finally let go of Chandler. "I-I know I messed up. But could you...somehow maybe be my boyfriend again?" She asked, biting her lip as a tear slid down her cheek.

Chandler wiped it away with the pad of his thumb. "When did you become the nervous one in this relationship?" Chandler smiled and Laura rolled her eyes playfully.

"He's got a good point. Did you hear all that? And he didn't stutter once." Parker teased and Chandler rolled his eyes.

"So is that a yes?" She asked with fake annoyance, smiling.

"Obviously it's a yes." Chandler replied and grabbed her hand.

Ignoring the yells from teachers to stop holding hands because it was 'PDA', Laura and Chandler walked to second period.


Parker was sitting in the hallway for his study hall.

Study hall was just another word for 'Kids doing whatever they want without teachers caring'.

So he was sitting out there, playing on his phone when someone blonde haired boy came up to him.

"Excuse me, do you know who Chandler Russell is?" The kid asked.

"Uhh...yeah he's one of my friends. Why?" Parker asked, eying the kid suspiciously.

"Name's Anthony Brooks. Let him know I'm looking for him."

A/N: Soooo what do you guys think about this Anthony character?

Is he a good guy or a bad guy? What ya think? Lol anyways, I hope you enjoyed that.

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