roommates 🕷 morales

By getweIIsoon

48.9K 1.3K 233

"uh, why are you here?" "i live here too? and why are you dangling from the ceiling?" in which miles gets a n... More

one • visions
two • spider-man
three • the window
four • a hero
five • midnight
six • secret's out
eight • cindy moon
nine • homecoming
ten • olivia
eleven • vengeance
twelve • gone
thirteen • what's up danger
fourteen • the truth
fifteen • parting ways

seven • backup

1.7K 57 39
By getweIIsoon

"Miles, are those your pajamas?"

"Yeah? Why?"

"They're so boring!"

"They're pajamas, Liv. Who am I impressing? The monster under my bed?"

It was pajama day now at Visions as they continued on with homecoming week. Everyone came in the clothes they slept in, obviously, and had slippers on their feet and blankets in their arms. It took all they could do to not sleep in every class. Olivia had her sweatshirt and shorts with her cat slippers on her feet. Gwen was in a long sleeve and leggings, hugging a pillow to her chest.

"Have you fallen asleep yet Gwen?"

She yawned before answering. "No but I really want to."

Miles was just in a t-shirt and shorts with bunny slippers. Typical Ganke wore a tiger onesie. "Why a tiger though?" Miles asked.

"Because they're cool!" He suddenly got sad. "And almost extinct."

"Spreading tiger awareness?"

"Yes! They're so cute!"

"And deadly."

"Extremely deadly." Gwen added.

They were all currently at lunch. Miles had a hard time looking at Olivia after everything that happened in their room. It wasn't that he was afraid that she'd expose him, she would never do that, it was just he wasn't used to someone knowing his secret. It freaked him out. Knowing that someone in his close friend group knew scared him. Maybe at some point he'd get around to telling Ganke and Gwen. Maybe Isaac too.

"You playing basketball with Isaac tonight?" Ganke asked him. He was currently munching on some fries.

"Yeah. We were supposed to do it earlier but Physics homework got in the way like usual. Why?"

"With everything going on in town right now I didn't think you would?"

Miles paused. "What do you mean?"

"That guy Spider-Man has been dealing with. The weird freaky alternative Spider-Man that's not actually Spider-Man. Or is he? I don't know. All I know he's been all over the place recently and no one knows what he wants."

When Ganke said Spider-Man Olivia looked up. Her and Miles made eye contact and she looked away as if she thought she was giving herself away.

"His name is Carnage. No one knows what he wants. He seems to be after Spider-Man though."

"Why?" Ganke sighed. "Can't he just leave him alone?"

Miles wanted to smile. "You really like Spider-Man don't you?"

"That and he's literally all Brooklyn has and if it falls into the hands of someone like Carnage... we'd be screwed."

It hit Miles then. What Ganke said made him realize that if Brooklyn was to be in the hands of Carnage everything would fall apart. People would be scared. No one would feel safe enough to even leave their homes. Miles couldn't let that happen.

He needed backup.

And he knew exactly who he'd call.

Basketball court
After school


Isaac threw the ball to Miles who then started to dribble it. Someone was guarding him and trying to take the ball away. Miles threw it through their legs and it went straight to his other teammate. He started running down the court, slamming the ball into the net.

"We win! Yes!"

Isaac and Miles gave each other a high five and their other teammate one when he joined them.

"One more time?"

"Can I get a ten minute break first?"

Isaac laughed. Miles grabbed his water bottle and snack he brought with him and sat down on the ground. It wasn't as hot outside as it had been, the fall weather settling in nicely. The sun was setting with the sky in different shades of orange and pink. There were other kids either playing basketball on the other side of the court or some skateboarding down the sidewalk. It was nice to forget about school for awhile.

"You going to the homecoming dance Morales?"

"Yeah I am. You?"

"Yep. Cara said yes."

Cara was the girl that Isaac had liked for so long. He was an entirely different person around her. She seemed to ground him in a way which is always a good thing. Some people need it.

"Ayy alright! I'm happy for you!"

Isaac was blushing. He always was the moment someone mentioned her. "Thanks. You going with anyone?"

Miles shook his head.

"Really? Why not?"

He shrugged. "Haven't really thought about going with anyone."

"Not even Olivia?"

Miles didn't answer at first. People assumed they were a thing because they lived together so it was "bound to happen" according to some people.

"Why Olivia?"

Isaac seemed confused. "Don't you two have a thing going on?"


"Oh." Isaac was genuinely shocked. "Everyone assumes you are."

Miles sighed. No matter how many times they proved they weren't together despite being roommates the rumors would still be going around. The things that have been said about them is just uncalled for.

"We're not. She's just a friend."

They changed the subject after that. They did play another round of basketball with their friends before having to head back to Visions. Miles had an important phone call to make.

"See you later Morales!"


By the time Miles had made it back to his room it was pretty late. Olivia wasn't in there though when he got inside. He assumed she was with either Gwen or Camila. Sitting down in the chair in front of his laptop he pulled up a very familiar contact.

After a few seconds, she picked up.


"Cindy. It's been awhile."

She laughed. "Yeah it has. What can I do for you?"

Staring out the window, he hoped Carnage wasn't lurking somewhere. "I need your help."

"My help? Why me?"

"You know why."

She paused. "Oh it's that type of help."

"Yeah.. Cindy I don't know if I can handle Carnage by myself."

"You've handled way worse than him on your own."

"That was different. I dealt with them in one day. I've never dealt with anything like this."

"And how can I help? Spider-Man I'm not as good as you... I'm still new and I-"

"Cindy you have full capability to be as good as anyone. I want to believe you can be of great help. Are you in?"

"I don't know.. what if I disappoint you?"

Miles rocked back and forth slightly in the seat. "Is disappointing me that big of a deal?"

"Disappointing Spider-Man is a big deal! And when am I ever gonna know who you really are? It's been two months and I still don't know your name."

Miles bit his lip. He thought Cindy would be the first one to know but Olivia beat her to it. Cindy would know too, with time.

"It's called a secret identity for a reason you know."

"You're impossible."

He just laughed. After a few moments of silence, he asked again.

"So, are you in?"

This time there was no hesitation in her answer.

"I'm in."

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