The Silver.

By cakemesomemashton

548 18 3

Four girls on tour with eight guys, should be interesting. After taking YouTube by storm the girl band, The... More

Get out me bus! Uhh.
Taking the long way to Australia
No frickle frackle happen.
Top and tail?
How did you girls meet?
Violent Val.
Glum Geri.
Crazy Cara.
Deadly Delilah.
Once a fangirl always a fangirl.
Jelly belly.
That one comment.
I bust the screen off your phone.
With age comes experixance.
Hey brother.
I love you too you big stupid head.
Shall I continue this?

Just a period.

26 1 0
By cakemesomemashton

"Tell the funch line wrong!" Rian laughed at Luke. While we all continued singing the lyrics walking onto the bus from the venue.

"I just can't sing that word! Leave me alone!"

We was now on our way to Sydney and everyone was super excited! Especially 5 Seconds Of Summer! They was so excited about seeing their mums and the rest of their families, they was like little children!

"Girls, we'll have to take you home!" Mikey screamed!

"Aww, you want Geri to meet your mum!" I laughed as Geri nudged my ribs, causing me to giggle even more and fall off the chair. "Thanks Geri!" She shrugged.

"Well, all of you will be meeting my mum actually. Karen wants some girl friends" he air quotes while saying girl friends. "Then you'll meet Joy, Anne Marie and Queen Liz. Good luck DJ!" He laughed.

"Man!" Luke gave him a 'really' look.

"Well you are dating! She's seen the pictures, if you don't introduce her we'll all be killed!"

"How do you know what she's seen?" Luke questioned.

"She rang me... And made me spill?" He mumbled.

"Mikey!" I intervened. And he shrugged. "Suddenly I'm feeling really ill?"

"Na-uh. If Geri meets my mum and the rest of the girls meets Anna Marie and Joy you have to meet Liz!"

"But Mikey!" Luke was now laughing at me. "I'm not ready to meet Queen Liz! I mean she's fucking Liz Hemmings!"

It had only been like a few days of me and Luke dating, but I guess being on a tour bus everything is sped up? Spending every waking second with one another is like a huge constant date! And I was happy for it to continue this way.

"Deli, Car, Ginger we got the emailed questions!" Val gestured us over to her mac.

Some Australian magazine wanted to interview us, but because we was so busy with shows they emailed them threw to our tour manager to send to us so that we could answer them.

"I bet they're going to be all about you and Luke!" Cara laughed. The six of us left the rest of the boys and moved into the back room to resume the interview.

I just smirked and shook my head, we was very reserved in interviews and all magazines, news papers etc was told to expect us not to answer questions that we did feel comfortable about.

"Hey, let me read them out to you and Luke will type up your answers so it's like a real interview!" Ash suggested, so Val passed her laptop over. "One, how is it being on tour with two highly established bands when you've only just got into the business?"

"Intimidating!" Geri said.

"It's like we're in school, because you guys teach us so much! It's really cool!" Cara added. "But you also bully us because even though we're girls we're better than you!"

"I'm all for girl power!" Ash winked at Cara. Weird.

"Whatever. Yeah, you're our idols! So literally everything you do we all take note!" I added to Cara's point.

"Cool!" Val spoke. Good ol' Val, always with a lot to say aha.

"Two, which band do you prefer more, I'm terms of listening to their music?"

We all glanced at each other.

"Well, we was talking about this the other day and it's pretty hard to decide? I mean All Time Low have like 5 albums now, 5SOS only have one, so that's a big difference in songs to like and connect with? So it's kind of unfair to choose?" I stated. Always a people pleaser, but it was the truth.

"I really respect that answer Miss Joy. Three, oh this one is aimed at DJ anyway, you was right Cara!" He laughed and Cara poked me causing me to roll my eyes. "Delilah Joy, are you in a relationship with Luke Hemmings? If so how do you handle living together? And the fan reactions."

"Well me and Luke aren't in a relationship, we're dating. He hadn't asked me to be his girl friend. I love living with Luke, well we're on different busses now but yeah, because even though we're dating it's like living with my best friend!"

"Hey! I'm your best friend!" Cara shouted. Luke smirked and poked his tongue out.

"Other than my wonderful Cara! And he comes with the rest of 5SOS, so that just makes it even better! And the fans on both sides are cool!"

Luke was grinning like a Cheshire cat. So I threw a pillow at him.

"C'mon keep with the typing Lucas!" I smiled.

"Four. Um let's skip four. Five!"

"Four, are Cara and Ashton also in a relationship?" Luke shouted with wide eyes.

All our jaws dropped and I glanced at Cara.

"What the hell? What would make them think that?..." I began to think. "Oh my god! Those photos of you two laughing in star bucks! That was a date! You wasn't just on a star bucks trip! Typical white folk!" I laughed. Ashton and Cara was beetroot red. Actually beetroot a are more purple?

"Yes, Cara and Ashton are dating!" Luke typed. Then gave an evil laugh. "Why aren't they asking about Mikey and Geri? Or Calum and Val? Cal is obsessed with you Val!"

"Psh. Annoying!" Val said flamboyantly with her famous hand gestures.

"Me and Mikey never go out? So there's nothing to take notice of? But I think Calentina should happen!" Val then threw her fist into Geri's shin, causing her to let out a loud scream. I had to glare at her, making her remember where she was.

"Enough of the questions!" I aimed at Ash. He shook his head and held up the number three, indicating three more questions.

"Five, we've learned from sources that there was a mix up with your tour busses, hence there being 4 girls and 4 boys, 4 men living on the bus, how do you handle day to day life and sleeping arrangements. - 4 boys, 4 men?! What the actually hell! 8 men. Thank you very much. We're all over 18! I'm bloody 20!"

"Calm down Ash! Compared to ATL we're all are pretty young? I mean they're 26!" Cara rubbed his leg.

"Only DJ is not an adult in the eyes of the law!"

"I'm the most adult here! Well, maybe not in America but I am an adult everywhere else! And you can't deny that! And I mainly sleep in a chair" I reminisced. Thinking back to the night of me and Luke.

"Mainly with Luke" a voice entered my mind. It was Geri.

"Mainly with Luke" I smiled. Realising what I said, my daydream was stopped. "W-Wait, that was like once, or twice? I-I, ah fuck you guys. And don't tell Alex!"

Ashton was laughing at my little Faux pas...

"So I'll write, All Time Low protective over Silvers, no 5SOS fornication, or will be killed by ATL ,not enough beds, sofa surfing! Luke, can't get none" Luke spoke in lazy sentences while typing. "Done!"

"Luke. If you actually wrote that you'll never get anything. From anyone, ever again." I raised a brow and he huffed backspacing over dramatically.

We all got up and moved back in to the main room, where everyone was sitting before.

As Val walked threw the door, we all turned to Calum, who was trying not to dribble over her! "stupido ragazzo!" Val aimed at him, storming off to the bunks.

"I don't know what she said but she's just amazing!" He started at the door that led to the bunks.

"She called you a stupid boy Cal!" Geri shouted over.

"Stupido!" Erupted from the back.

"I better go see if she's alright..." Luke grabbed my hand and walked threw with me to the bunks.

I told Luke to Shh, and opened the curtain a tad, she was crying. I knew instantly why, she has troubles being around boys let alone trusting them. Luke looked really sad, and dishearten by her tears.

"Get Calum, she could use a hug." I nodded over to Luke, he called Calum threw straight away. He slipped behind Val in a spoon. She didn't say a word, movement, she just laid there.

Ah my girls. They're so strong.

I wish they didn't have to be. I wish none of us did, but we do. We can't let this bravado slip! Not for one minute.

"Just a period Cal I think?" I lied, gosh couldn't I think of something better? Usually Val would argue back, we all hated that excuse, but she took it. He grunted and then started humming. I think it was The Only Reason?

"Everything broken, it's never too late to being us back to life".



everyone cry for Calentina 😩😓.


I can't deal with life.

Adios. Peace out A town.

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