Sesshy (An Inuyasha Fanfic)

De ALAviles

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Sesshomaru's arrogance gets him into trouble when he approaches a young demon with a bad attitude. The brat s... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Epilogue Part 2

Chapter 13

817 11 7
De ALAviles

It's been ages since I've last posted anything on here, and I'm sorry! Truly, I am. But reality decided to take me away from my dreams and so for the past year I have left everything on the side to focus on it. But now I'm back, and I find that I need to dream again. So here I go...

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. All Inuyasha characters were created, and are owned, by Rumiko Takahashi.


"Sesshomaru," Rin muttered breathlessly, as she followed behind him through a clear path of dirt settled in the middle of the woods. She had been walking with him for about ten minutes. Before that they had been resting against a tree, quiet and content. Then suddenly, Sesshomaru had jumped up as if he'd sensed something off about the woods.

Rin had stared up at him-in all his naked glory-and asked him, quite silkily, "What's wrong, Sesshomaru?"

He gave her a golden side glance. "Get up."

She had arched a delicate black brow at him. "Is there something amiss?"

He gave her a curt nod. And with that nod he not only answered her question but magically supplied her with a black and red kimono to cloth her naked body. He later put one on for himself, but it was the same attire he wore since she'd met him. And yet, to her eyes the style never grew old and outdated.

Now they were walking through the woods, with Ah-Un following high above them. Rin had wondered why they did not fly with the gentle beast, and had even asked Sesshomaru about this. He'd replied with a short, "I'd rather walk."

And where did he wish to walk? Rin did not know. He was being quiet. More so than usual. And it was beginning to irritate her, oh so very much. In fact, she was glaring at his body as he continued to move. She felt like he was ignoring her, and she hated that. Especially from him! He knew this so why was he doing it? Why after they'd just spent a morning of love, and closeness?

Rin crossed her arms over her chest and humphed. Sure it sounded childish, but she didn't give a fig. Ever since Inuyasha gave her that advice, she didn't like following behind Sesshomaru. She wanted to stand beside him.

Her sandals crushed against sticks and leaves, making odd crackling noises. Morning had already turned to noon-time and the sun stood high above, glaring down at them, even through the trees that shielded them from all of its fiery heat. The dirt that followed behind her husband plumed into a smoke of dust and covered her feet.

The afterglow of love making was leaving her and now she was just downright vexed. She would not take this from him. Not again! So what did she do? She quickened her steps, of course, until she stood beside him. And then she did what she had never had the courage to do: she grabbed his hand and held it. Tightly.

When Sesshomaru chose that second to look down at her with eye brows raised, Rin lifted her chin and humphed again. Her cheeks were red, of course. And her breathing was quite unsteady. But she felt triumphant for having taken the initiative. She felt empowered.

Well, she did, until his eyes sparkled, and he tightened his hold on her as if to tell her, "Yes, you have found your rightful place."

She didn't know whether she should be pleased by that look, or bothered. Because he seemed pleased. Too pleased. Had this all been a test of some sort and had she passed? No. She mentally shook her head. If this had been a test, he would've stopped walking and given her something wonderful, like a smile. Or a kiss...

She rolled her eyes. "Sesshomaru, where are we going?"

"Be patient, Rin."

"He tells me to be patient," she muttered behind her breath. But that didn't matter because he heard it anyway.

With one brow arched he said, "What is the matter?"

"I feel like Jaken," she grumbled.

He stopped walking, turned to his wife and stared. She nearly melted in that sensuous gaze, but she held firm. Well, not firmly, because she couldn't be "firm" with him for long. But she did stand straight, and to her surprise, held a blink for more than five seconds. Even when her eyes began to burn.

Finally, his lips opened and he said, in a deep timbre, "Explain."

So she did. In fact, she rambled away her feelings. "He never knows what you're about to do. And now I'm here, walking with you to some unknown place, without any clue to tell me where it is we're going. It's annoying. I shall be honest. Can I not just get a hint?"

His shoulders fell, which shocked her because she didn't even know he was tense, and his eyes softened. "Do not worry, Rin. Where we go does not matter for we shall only be there for a very short time."

I still want to know! Rin clenched her teeth together, and ignored the side of her brain that told her she was near to breaking some of them. He was being stubborn this afternoon, obviously keeping a secret.

Taking in a deep, frustrated breath, Rin decided to keep quiet about the whole thing and just let it slide. Sesshomaru had been through much this week (although she had been through just as much as he) and he needed some space. Well, not space, really. But a chance to be in charge. And she would let him believe this lie for a time. She could do it, because God knew she'd done it many times before.

So Rin continued to walk with him, through the dirt road, and into the unknown.


They should've been here by now, Jaken thought grumpily as he rested his body against Inuyasha's village gate. The wooden structure loomed high above him, casting a cool shadow over his body. He'd been waiting by the gate for more than two hours, and had grown impatient within the first ten minutes of it. He wanted desperately to see his Lord again. He'd missed the strong, admirable demon and it was quite torturous to see the proud demon small and so weak.

He stared down the hill where a multitude of trees stood before the village. And when he saw nothing coming from there, he looked up at the sky to check if they would come on Ah-Un. But alas, nothing came. And so he waited. And he waited for some time, pacing back and forth, breaking down the grass beneath him. He muttered nonsensical noises, and spoke to himself about the things he'd do once he saw Sesshomaru. The Demon Lord would be pleased to see him, he was sure. He was one of the few people, not including Rin, who treated him the way he knew he would've wanted to be treated: with respect and reverence. He did not belittle his Lord. In fact, he allowed the little runt to do as he had always done in the past. So he knew he was in his master's good graces.

And once Sesshomaru saw Jaken, the toad was sure his lord would bless him with some sort of reward. He deserved it, after all.

Jaken froze when he heard a sound coming from within the thick green foliage. He caught a glimpse of silver and his heart beat erratically within his chest. He stood straight, with his staff in his right hand facing where he focused his gaze. And then from the darkness came Inuyasha and Ikuto.

Jaken groaned his frustration and fell on his back. Inuyasha saw this and he frowned at the little toad demon. Coming up beside him he said, "What the heck is wrong with you?"

The toad groaned. Ikuto ran past him, up the hill. Jaken was sure he heard Inuyasha's daughter laugh gaily when she caught a whiff of the demon, but he ignored it and muttered, "I thought you were master Sesshomaru. But you're not!" he cried. "You're his stupid half breed of a brother and-"

But he was cut off by the venomous glare Inuyasha sent him. And he gulped.

"You have anything else to tell me, Jaken? I'm all ears."

"N-no, Inuyasha. I am well. Just leave me alone to rest till milord comes for me."

Inuyasha smirked. "He ain't coming for a while, Jaken. He's a little busy right now."

Jaken bolted upright. "And what could be so important as to detain him from returning to me?!"

The answer was simple and cut off Jaken's rantings. "Rin."

Jaken sniffed. "What about Rin?"

"He's with her."

"I know, you fool. So what?"

Inuyasha cracked his knuckles. "He's with Rin and that's all you need to know."

Jaken glared at the half breed. "I know what you are trying to imply but I do not believe it is true. If I am correct Sesshomaru has returned, yes?"


"I'm sure his transformation took quite a lot of strength out of him. I do not believe that he has enough to waste it on Rin and her amorous pursuits."

Inuyasha rolled his eyes heavenward. "Jaken, you're an idiot, and I look forward to the day you fall in love."

Jaken sputtered, "L-l-love!? Who is in love?"


"Ha! You make me laugh with your naiveté. Sesshomaru does not-"

Inuyasha raised his hand. He knew what he saw. Nothing else could describe the way Sesshomaru held his wife. She was his beloved and Inuyasha was sure of it. "Give it a rest, Jaken. He loves her and that's all that matters."


"End it, toad. The couple ain't coming back for a while so you can either come into the village and have some lunch, or wait out here and starve."

Jaken crossed his arms over his chest and muttered something Inuyasha could not make out. So he chose to ignore him, and walked home, without mentioning to Jaken that he wasn't even sure the couple would come back at all. But he'd figure that out in an hour... or five.


Rin was smiling. Her smile was so big her mouth began to hurt, but she didn't seem to care about this, because she just kept on grinning, with her teeth gleaming in the sunlight. She held Sesshomaru's hand as she walked past Inuyasha's well, and then when she could no longer contain her gaiety, she released her hold from him and hopped along beside him.

His expression when he saw her move about that way was of pleasure. He enjoyed Rin's happiness, and took it in as if it were a medicine to him, and indeed it was, for her disposition and character were the things that melted his heart long ago. He was also pleased that because of his ministrations within her thighs, her leg was now as good as healed, and pain no longer etched her face, but only peace and joy.

She continued to hop along the field, until she suddenly stopped, but that was because they were already within view of the village. Sesshomaru could see Kagome hanging clothes from a string that was attached to a pole near her home. Tomoya was with his mother, holding a basket of clothes, as she placed them on the line. Inuyasha was nowhere in sight, but Sesshomaru could detect his brother's scent, and he knew that the half breed was nearby.

Rin waited for him to catch up with her, and once he did, she wrapped her warm, soft arm around his and leaned into him. She buried her face within his kimono and whispered huskily, "Thank you." And he knew that she truly was grateful to him for putting aside his pride and returning to Inuyasha's village. But this venture wasn't only for her. He had a purpose for coming here and if he had his way he would be done with it within a short time, and leave the village before anyone really noticed.

Unfortunately, Jaken, who had been unseen by Sesshomaru for he was too much distracted by Rin's actions to notice him, took the opportunity to jump from where he sat and screech his Lord's name aloud for the world to hear.

"Milord!" he shrilled, waving his hands wildly above his head. "Miloooooooord! I am here!"

Sesshomaru wished he had the ability to shut the demon up with his mind. Unfortunately he had no such powers. He did think of lifting a rock and hitting it against its head, but he thought against it, and just focused on his wife. The demon continued to screech like a banshee anyway, and ran down the hill.

"Milord! Oh, milord. I am so happy to see you. You have returned!"

With Rin still in his arms he said, "Yes."

Jaken's exuberance quickly began to wane at his master's noncommittal reply. "Um...milord?"

"Yes, Jaken?"

"I am happy you have returned."

Sesshomaru looked at him.

Jaken frowned. "Don't you care that I missed you?"

Sesshomaru's head tilted to the side. "Why are you interrogating me with this barrage of inquiries?"

The toad fumbled for words. "Because-because-milord, I missed you!"

"I understand."

Jaken's eyes watered.

Rin decided then to release her hold from Sesshomaru and knelt before Jaken. She patted his head and said softly, "He missed you too, Jaken. Don't worry."

"He did not," he sniffed. "He doesn't care about me. All this week I had been a good, noble servant to him and he doesn't even repay me with an acknowledgment."

"He didn't hit you in the head with a rock did he?"

He shook his head.

"There. That proves it then. He's happy to see you."

Jaken stopped heaving and relaxed.

Sesshomaru admired Rin for calming the loud demon, even if she had to lie to him. It worked and that was all that mattered to him. He laid his hand on her shoulder and said, "Come, Rin."

She nodded and stood up. As Sesshomaru walked up the hill, she followed behind him as did Jaken. Once they passed the gate, Kagome was there, smiling just as brightly as Rin. She looked at Sesshomaru and nodded her head. "Sesshomaru, I am happy to see that you are well."

He gave no reply, only a curt nod. Then when Kagome turned to Rin, his wife ran to her and they hugged tightly, laughing. Sesshomaru had never seen Rin so beautiful before that moment and he vowed then and there to make her this happy for the rest of his life. Her eyes glowed, her hair swayed and teased her curves, and her smile was more exuberant than ever.

At that moment, Tomoya chose to tug on Sesshomaru's kimono. He looked down at the child and stared into the boys eyes. But he made sure his gaze was soft and welcoming so as not to scare the boy who treated him with kindness throughout this week. And then he saw it: recognition within the boy's gaze.

"Sesshy?" he whispered softly.

Sesshomaru gave no reply. He didn't really know what to do. He was still irked by the fact that they'd seen him as such a vulnerable creature, but then again, it took this debacle to allow him to finally meet his niece and nephew who weren't such a bad lot after all.

"You were...small," Tomoya said slowly. "And now... How?"

Rin pulled away from Kagome and knelt down to meet her nephew's gaze. "It's a long story, my love, and I can tell it to you some other time."

He looked at her with large brown eyes, beamed up at her and said, "It's going to be a good story isn't it?"

She chuckled. "I think so."

"Good. Cause I want to know what the heck happened to him. This guy looks nothing like the little runt that was here yesterday."

Kagome rolled her eyes. "Tomoya, go find your sister."

He looked from his mother to Sesshomaru and then back to her. "Why?"

At that, she arched a brow at him as if to say, "You dare question my authority?" and he whirled around and began to run toward his hut, but he stopped just in time to tell Sesshomaru, "A promise is a promise no matter the age, right?"

Sesshomaru immediately understood, and shook his head once. The boy grinned immediately, and he finally ran off to his hut with a new hop to his step.

"So what brings you two here?" Kagome asked.

Rin's lips curved high. "I don't exactly know. But I'm glad we're back."

Kagome turned to Sesshomaru and gave him a knowing look. He had a feeling she knew exactly why they were here but she chose not to voice her opinion, thankfully. He realized then and there that he actually liked the female. Well, perhaps "like" was too strong a word. He was sure there was a more suitable word for what he felt for her but he did not wish to delve too much into this kind of thinking. He just knew that she didn't annoy him like most humans did, and that for Sesshomaru meant a lot.

"The house is empty so you won't find Inuyasha in there," she told Rin, but he knew she was truly talking to him.

He waited a short amount a time, as the two women talked to one another about subjects he truly did not care about (laundry, cleaning, and Rin's healed wound- which did peek Sesshomaru's interest because fixing that had led to more pleasurable things). Once a suitable amount of time passed, he excused himself and turned around. He made it seem as if he were returning to Jaken but instead, he flashed himself into an orb of light, faster than the eye could see and transported him from where he was to the inside of Inuyasha's hut.

Once there, he walked stealthily toward the room he, Rin and Ikuto had slept in. He slid the door to the side quietly and came into the room. The place smelled different from when he had last been there. When Sesshomaru could easily make out the stench, he immediately cut off his sense of smell to hide the foul aroma. Inuyasha should not have done that with his wife so soon after he left that very place. God, he'd slept on the damned cot they made love in! How disgusting!

With a grimace, he gracefully moved around the room till he found his resting mat, and he knelt down. Moving his hands under the soft material, he searched for what he came for. Once his hands met a cool piece of metal, he snatched it up from under the mat and looked at his dagger.

And he smiled.


While Ikuto and Nagisa sat together in back of Inuyasha's hut atop a red and black blanket, Inuyasha decided to head to where he'd stored all of his weapons. He'd failed to tell Sesshomaru the night he gave him his dagger that the princess gave him a pair of the same daggers. Inuyasha had held both of them, but he knew that giving one to Sesshomaru would allow the demon to remember him even after his transformation.

Grabbing a hold of the dagger, which was an exact replicate of the other, he unclothed it, and ran his fingers up and down the thin silver blade. He humored in the fact that not only did Sesshomaru share a dagger from him but a sword that came from both of their Father's jaw. Although in the past Sesshomaru chose to ignore his half brother most of the time, the two were linked. Inuyasha had once given this fact little thought, but now because of this week he couldn't help but wonder if Sesshomaru would remain distant. Rin's love changed him somehow, he knew that now, but would the demon's pride keep him from building a new relationship with Inuyasha?

For the first time in years he actually prayed that something different and good would come from this week, not just for Rin (although much good was given to her because of this week) but for him as well. He liked having a brother. And he didn't want to lose that.

But maybe...maybe he was hoping for the impossible. Honestly, Sesshomaru had despised Inuyasha since the day of his birth, or rather the day he heard of his birth. He was tarnished goods; a "half breed," as he always snapped venomously.

With a sigh, Inuyasha lowered the dagger into his box. Once he gently placed it inside, he stood up and wiped his hands. He caught a quick glimpse of his daughter and Ikuto sitting close together, toying with a few wooden daggers. Then he looked at his house.

The abode was humble and comfortable. A perfect place to raise a family, as was the village it was situated in. His friends lived nearby and he was respected and admired here. Why ask for anything more? he thought. Unfortunately, as it is with all humans, and demons alike, even with having all of this, Inuyasha still craved more. And he doubted that he'd ever get that wish...

He was cut off from his musings when a particular scent entered his nostrils. His pupils dilated and his heart began to pound against his chest as if it desired to climb out of his body. He knew that scent. God, he knew it so well, he could make it out from miles away. Except it wasn't far. In fact, it was close by.

He began to move. Slowly at first, as if fearing that the smell would run away, then faster and faster, till he found himself running. He followed the scent, zooming past his back garden, jumping over a log that had fallen by the side of his house, all the way to the front of his home. And then he stopped.

He found Rin sitting on his doorstep with Kagome holding onto her. Worry gnawed at his insides and he feared the worst. What the hell was she doing here? She was supposed to be with Sesshomaru, the demon who loved and cherished her. She wasn't supposed to be back here. He wouldn't have allowed that. Inuyasha couldn't smell the demon. He could only smell her. God, had they gotten into an argument? Had Sesshomaru left her? Had-

Damn the questions in his head. He stalked toward his sister-in-law with eyes as red as fire and he growled at her, "Where's the bastard?"

She blinked up at him with wide brown eyes and for a second he recalled how she once had been many years ago: small and fragile. But now she was strong. She was older. And wiser. Hopefully.

"Inu...yasha?" she said slowly.

"Where the hell is he? Did he leave you?" He cracked his knuckles with each hand. "I'm going to beat that bastard. I don't care how close we-"

She jumped up and put her arms on his shoulder as if she desired to calm him down. He didn't need to relax. He needed to fight. Rin shouldn't have been here. She was supposed to be with Sesshomaru!


"That damned-"

"Inuyasha! Would you relax? Just listen to me. Calm down!"

She was smiling. The maniac was smiling. He turned to his wife. She was smiling too! Okay, maybe he was missing something. Maybe everything was fine. Then again maybe everything was not ok. He didn't know why they were smiling so yeah, everything was not fine.

What the heck was with these two?

"What the heck is with you two?" he snapped. By this time his eyes had returned to their natural hue. But instead of anger covering his gaze, confusion now lit the amber depths.

Kagome shook her head. "You jump into conclusions way too fast, my love."

"I don't jump into anything, Kag," he grumbled. "She ain't with her husband. That's an issue cause I saw them-" At Rin's arched brow he clamped his mouth shut and said nothing.

"You saw who?" Rin inquired.

"No one." He waved his hand as if that could make them magically forget what he was just about to confess. "Where's Sesshomaru?"

"Around. Somewhere," was Rin's reply.

Inuyasha's chin dropped. "What do you mean 'around'?"

"He walked off on me a few minutes ago."

"By 'walked off-'" And he made sure to create air quotes saying that "-do you mean he was in a fit and stomped off? Or that he just walked away from you to check on something?"

"The latter, I believe." Rin's eyes sparkled. "Sesshomaru doesn't stomp."

He would've glared at her if he didn't notice how euphoric she looked right then. The woman looked positively radiant. His shoulders relaxed and his hands fell at his sides. If she was happy then there was a good reason for it. He hoped. She could be going crazy. With women, one could never be too sure of these things.

He crossed his arms over his chest. "How's your leg?" He noticed that she was standing on it without wincing.

Rin blushed beautifully, and Inuyasha decided to change the subject. He knew how it healed...

He raised his hand. "Never mind. What are you doing here?"

She pouted. "Aren't you happy I'm here?"

"Ecstatic," he said. But he didn't look it. He was still suspicious, albeit a little confused.

Rin let out a small breath. "Everything is well, Inuyasha. Don't worry."

"I'll always worry about you."

Kagome awwww'd which caused Inuyasha to turn beat red. He puffed up his chest to retain his manly image, but he ruined it by saying what he said.

"And I love you very much for that, big brother."

He didn't know what to say to that. She called him big brother. His manly image boosted up as did his ego and he felt a thousand feet tall. It was the first time she'd ever referred to him as such. Felt right.

He finally relaxed, and a grin escaped his lips. "What brings you here, sis?"

"Sesshomaru brought me here." She bit her lips. "I didn't think he'd ever let me come back. But for some odd reason he led me to you again."

"I wonder why," Kagome said, looking up at him with eyes that sparkled.

He gave her a weird look. "Yeah," Inuyasha replied. "I wonder-"

And then it hit him. Almost literally, because the idea came to him like a smack leaving a tangible mark inside of him. Sesshomaru came for the dagger. That had to be the only reason why he came. It made sense. It was the only thing that made sense, in fact. He didn't flatter himself into thinking that he came for him. No, instead he came for the weapon.

Inuyasha wanted to smile. In fact, he wanted to laugh. No! As he looked at Kagome, who was looking up at him contemplating why his face had changed from confusion to wonder, he wanted to grab a hold of his wife, take her into his house and ravish her. Because that's what a married man did when he was happy and content with the world: he made love to his wife.

Since Rin was here though he could do no such thing. Unfortunately.

So he smiled. Or rather, he beamed. His grin was so wide one could see a bit of this mornings breakfast on his teeth. He crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head.

Rin stared at him as if he'd gone insane. "I'm missing something aren't I?" she said not sounding a little confused.

Kagome chuckled.

Rin frowned. "What's so funny?"

Inuyasha was about to comment about that then thought the better of it. He wanted to catch Sesshomaru in the act of taking back his dagger. He told Kagome, "You can tell her. I'll be right back."

He walked past them, with Rin staring at him as if he'd gone mad, and surreptitiously crept into his hut. He tried to creep across the floor without making any noises against the wood. Once he came to his main room, he saw that the door was slid open. No scent permeated his home, but he figured Sesshomaru found a way to cover his scent somehow. If Ikuto could do it, so could Sesshomaru.

But once he entered the room he found no sight of Sesshomaru. In fact, it looked as if no one had entered the place. "That's weird," he muttered. He went to the cot, and knelt down beside the resting mat. The dagger wasn't under it, he found, so Sesshomaru had come inside, but how could he have left so fast without being caught by anyone?

Inuyasha blinked.

He went through the back...

Where his daughter and Ikuto were playing alone.


Had Sesshomaru been as cold and calloused as he once had been many years ago, at the sight of the demon boy who'd broken his pride, he would have decapitated his head within a seconds time, without remorse. But he was wise and prudent. And his heart had been thawed by a human so kind, the god of the underworld wouldn't have been able to destroy her spirit without feeling some type of guilt or shame.

And so, he did not kill the child because he was far more docile than before and also because his niece was standing right next to the foul creature, hiding behind him as if she needed protection from her own blood.

Ikuto stared at him with eyes that resembled the sky just before a storm. Dark grey lines swirled and a flash of lightning cackled from within. His skin was as pale as snow, but there was no fear throughout his form. Ikuto was brave, if not wise.

Sesshomaru looked at him with indifference. Though the demon wounded him, he would ignore him and all he had done for truly it no longer mattered. But what he would not take was his touch against his own blood.

"Remove yourself from her presence. You are not worthy to touch the flesh of the Inuyoukai."

Ikuto glared at him, and Nagisa move deeper into him. "She is my friend, Sesshomaru. And you're scaring her." He motioned his hand toward the dagger. "That isn't helping."

Sesshomaru turned to his niece, but not before he slid his dagger into a pocket at his thigh and raised his hands. "There is no need," he told them both. "Be not afraid, Nagisa."

Her eyes never left his and as she continued to peer into his gaze, recognition lit her depths. She knew who he was immediately and moved away from Ikuto. The boy looked as if he wanted anything but that, but Sesshomaru would not allow such a union. He would make sure of it, even if Inuyasha did not. The child was family after all, and her blood would not be tainted by the likes of Ikuto.

"Sesshy?" she whispered.

"Come. We must take you to your parents."

With grace and poise, he whirled around and moved past the house. He felt both Ikuto and Nagisa's presence following behind him and did not stop moving till he found his wife still with Kagome.

The two woman caught sight of the group and while Kagome smiled, Rin's eyes bulged. She jumped up. "Sesshomaru...I see you've found Ikuto."

He could see a gleam of sweat beginning to surface upon his wife's skin. "Worry not, Rin. All is well."

"Oh. Yes... I see..." She turned to Ikuto. "Why did you leave?"

"I didn't think he'd return here." He sniffed and crossed his arms over his chest. "Thought this would be the last place he'd come to but apparently I was wrong."

Rin narrowed her eyes at him. "Coward."

"I prefer the term 'wise.'"

Rin was just about to step forward and tell Ikuto a few words of her own, but then Sesshomaru said, "We must go, Rin."

She blinked up at him. "What?"

"It is time for us to leave."

"But...I'm confused. Why did we come?"

"I left something of import behind. I have attained it, now we must be off."


"Let's go, Rin."

With a confused look, Rin turned to Kagome and said, "I... I have to go."

Kagome still retained her smile and waved her hand. She knew something and she wasn't telling Rin! How annoying. "That's alright."

But it wasn't though! She was out of the loop, feeling like Jaken all over again. Why did Sesshomaru want to leave so suddenly? She didn't understand!

But she would not make a fuss. No, instead she would walk with him and once they were alone she'd ask him a barrage of inquiries.

But just as she was about to stomp off, Inuyasha came out from his house, running like a mad-man. Once he caught sight of his brother he stopped and stared. Swallowing thickly he tried to maintain his composure but how could he? He wasn't Sesshomaru.

The demon lord had his gaze away from Inuyasha, looking down, maybe at Rin's hand. Inuyasha knew he did not wish to speak to Inuyasha, and a part of him, a part he did not wish had grown so much at the moment, was disappointed by his reaction. But what did he expect? A hug? No, not even he would do that.

Silence permeated the air, and the tension surrounding them was a tangible force. But he took the initiative and he spoke.


The Demon Lord glanced up at him with an air of nonchalance. "Inuyasha."

"You're back."


He leaned against his door frame. "Didn't think you would."

"You were wrong."

"So...why'd you come?"

Sesshomaru lifted his nose. "I need not waste my time with these tiny trivialities."

And suddenly, Inuyasha didn't know why, but something inside of him grew warm and the disappointment that had raked his heart disappeared only to be filled up with a buoying of his spirits. Sesshomaru didn't hate him. He could feel it in his gut. The demon replied to every word he said, but even though his replies were curt and noncommittal, the fact that he bothered to acknowledge Inuyasha's presence made him see that Sesshomaru was changed. And because of this so was their relationship.

Inuyasha grinned unabashedly right then. Kagome did too. And since Rin had no idea what was going on, she rolled her eyes, and took hold of her husband's hand. "Come, love. We can go now."

And without a backward glance he left with her-but not for long, Inuyasha believed, because he knew they would return. The dagger peeking from his brother's pocket proved it.

He watched them leave till he could no longer make out their bodies, and then he turned to Kagome. With a tilt of his head, he told Nagisa, "Find your brother, Nagi."

And with a nod of her head she ran off to search for him. Inuyasha reached for Kagome's hand and led her off into the house. "What's with you now?" She laughed silkily. "What do you want now, my love?"

"To celebrate this day, Kagome," he said while clutching her fingers close to his. "And new beginnings..."


END!!! Well, maybe not the exact end. I've finished everything needed to be said, but I'm thinking of making an epilogue. Yeah, that sounds good. More on Ikuto and the gang.

See ya soon! (I promise >_<)

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