Sunny Side Up: A Writing Chal...

By sonorously

1.5K 59 12

because life without love is like a year without summer More

☀ prompts

1.5K 59 12
By sonorously

I am on a roll! I'm currently doing nothing and felt like uploading yet another writing challenge and this one...well this one is about summer (since it be summer in Australia and the rest of the Southern Hemisphere) Hope to see your works! 



2. Tag it #Tricyclewritingchallenge and/or #sonorously

3. Dedicate the first chapter to me so I can check it out!

4. This is not a competition and also, it does not have to be completed in thirty days. Do it whenever you have time or the inclination!

5. Don't take credit for my prompts please!


1: Start the book with a chapter based on the quote, "And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.”― F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

2: Create a character who hates summer

3: Write a scene where a new summer attraction opens up (for the first time or again)

4: Write a chapter where swimsuits are the focus

5: Have a scene take place near/in water

6: Have a chapter where something bad happens to the local ice cream store (or if it's in a big city, something bad happens to the characters' favourite ice cream store)

7: Base a scene outside, at night

8: Have someone convince a character that summer is great and make them write a to-do list of things to do during the summer

9: The air-con broke. Portray this struggle and perhaps the search for a cool place

10: Have a character be afraid of the water

11: Create a scene where a character must wear shorts/skirt and feels self-conscious

12: Have a scene based around tanning and skin cancer (can be light-hearted)

13: Have a character be addicted to water

14: Have your character get a job

15: Have a summer-themed party

16: Base a chapter on, "Summer Lovin'" from Grease

17: Have a character start singing a popular summer song

18: Have a water fight

19: Base a scene around your favourite thing about summer

20: Base a scene around your least-favourite thing about summer

21: Have a character rush to finish most of their to-do list except for a few things

22: Have a character stand up for themselves

23: Base a chapter around a cool summer attraction

24: Instigate a summer fling 

25: Base a chapter on the quote, “Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.”― Henry James

26: Have a character face their fear (any fear)

27: Have it be insanely hot and a character walks around almost naked

28: Base a chapter on the song, "Summer," by Calvin Harris

29: Make it rain

30: "The tans will fade, but the memories will last forever." Base a chapter on that quote and show that your character really did enjoy summer

I know for a lot of people it's currently Autumn/Fall and almost Winter, but give this a shot...if you dare ;) Look forward to seeing what you come up with! Let me know if you're participating!

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