Lust For Revenge

Von rosa_lana

134K 3.6K 411

After being rejected by her mate and Alpha, Aletha has closed herself off. Years later she's finally out her... Mehr

Female Alpha
I Promise Death
The Mates
The Gala pt 1
The Gala pt.2
The Gala pt.3
Second Chances
The Meeting
Shes Crazy
Shes Hot
The Fight
Give it a go
The Letter
That Night
An Ally
Amanda pt.2
its not lying, right?
xander vs ace
2 beautiful truths
The Good Witch
Prophecies and Broken Tables
Deafening Silence


4.8K 129 4
Von rosa_lana


Aletha has plagued my mind for the past week like a beautiful darkness. Her beautiful face passing through my mind every hour and her tantalizing voice giving me a smile when I hear it in my head.
"What the fuck?!" I hear across the table. I turn my head to the man whom I was suppose to be making a business deal with. Suppose to.
"Sledite za svoim rtom" I spit at him. (Watch your tongue)
"You're in no way welcome to tell me to watch my tongue when you yourself, Mr.Luther, haven't been paying attention to what I've been saying." He argues back.
I stand to my full height and stalk over to him, grabbing him by his neck, I whisper into his ear,
"YA skazhu eto tol'ko odin raz ubiraysya I ne vozvrashchaysya!" (I will say this only once, get out and don't come back)
I drop him to the ground and watch as his people help him up and get him out. That guy was a douche bag, wife beating, money laundering coward. I'd see to it that he was dealt with.
I can't stand humans, always have a sort of "holier than thou" mindset no matter who it is. Greed and lust were all that they were made up of. The extinction of their kind would be a favor to this world.
I leave the room and wander through the halls, making my way to my library. Some peace would be amazing right now. Sitting in a meeting with an odorous man was not the highlight of my day.



I turn towards my Beta ready to beat his ass for disturbing my peace, but when I see he looks as serious as ever I wait for him to speak instead.
"Uh" He says.
I raise an eyebrow at him in question.
"Sorry, Sorry, it might be nothing but I thought I should inform you that there was an attack at the Bloodrose Shadow pack. The Lun- Alpha Females been injured. Attacked by 4 mountain lions." He says.
My heart beat slows and a shiver runs through me. Attacked by 4 mountain lions. I had no doubt she handled them all but there must have been some serious damage to her as well. Mountain lions were below us but even a group of 4 could take down an Alpha. They were wild and survived purely on instinct. I needed to see her, to make sure she was ok.

I wasn't there to protect her, I failed again. Now I was going to have to make it up to her, whether she wanted me to or not.

mate! Luca growled.

"Get the plane ready, Jackson. We are going to America."


The trip to America was a short one, but it felt like forever for me. Luca has been growling and snarling, whimpering and whining, the entire time. His worry for our mate only adding onto mine.
When the plane touched down, I jumped out my seat and hurriedly grabbed all my stuff ready to get off.
Jackson had called a car for us, so as soon as we got off the plane, I was in the car, telling him to floor it.
Memories of my last mate plague my mind but I quickly shut them out. This was my new life now, not my old one. I have to protect it better, I wasn't going to let this one die on me either.

The ride only took a couple hours, we arrived earlier than I thought we would.
I see the gates of her territory and see a man, her Beta, waiting by it.
"I called ahead and let him know we were coming. I told him that we had information he needed. I didn't know what else to tell him" Jackson says. I nod my head at him, grateful he remembered to call ahead. I wouldn't want to start a war with Aletha just because I came into her pack uninvited. The car slows down into a stop as we reach the gates. The Beta comes up to my window, and I roll it down.
He bows his head. "Alpha Luther"
"My Beta already told you we have information I presume? Good. I would have called but it's not exactly something to be shared over the phone. Your Alpha will need to hear it too. Id like to speak with her as well." I tell him, trying to figure out the situation and how bad it was.
"Our Alpha will not be attending today's meeting. She's in the hospital. I will be there instead, anything you need her to know, you can tell me" He says in a no questions tone.
I just fake a smile and say "of course. I do hope she gets better"

He waves for the guards to open the gates and backs away as the car moves past them and into the territory. Once we're out the car, Beta Zaine walks us to a meeting room, the same meeting room we were at last time.
I take a seat and so does everyone else. I look around to the spot where Aletha last sat. My wolf whimpers in my mind, wanting to see her.
"Our Gamma Grace, will be joining as well Alpha Luther, is that alright?" Zaine asks me.
I nod my head.
The doors open and in walks the same girl that was in the cells with us when Aletha was torturing the rogue.
My wolf again whimpers at the thought of our mate, wanting to see her.
She bows her head at me and takes a seat next to the beta.
I cleared my throat "I would like to discuss the death of Alpha Daniels" I tell them getting straight to the point. The faster I was done with this, the faster I could see Aletha.
Both the gamma and beta stiffen at the name of their old Alpha, both becoming very confused at why I would want to bring him up.
"May I ask why?" The Beta speaks.

"We believe we've had a similar case to his in my pack. We just need to go over the details, to make sure we are right." I tell him.
He looks at the Gamma, their eyes fogging over. He nods and turns his attention back to me. "Alpha Daniels was found south of our border attacked and dying. No scent of rouges which means it had to have been wolves of a pack. Our current Alpha found he had scratches and bite wounds over him. That was his cause of death." The Beta tells me, keeping his voice emotionless.
He said that Aletha had found him. So she was with him when he died then? It must have been a hard thing to see.
"Well then yes. I believe we've had a similar case. 3 years ago" I say.
They look at me confused. I understand though, why would a death that happened 3 years ago be connected to one now?
"My mate was found dead at my border. No scent of rouges either. Scratch marks and bite wounds was also her cause of death." I do my best to keep my voice emotionless and my face as well. No matter how long ago it was, I'm still affected by it. Affected by the death of my mate.
Their faces turn sullen and apologetic. I brace myself to hear the 2 annoying words everyone told me when she died. I'm sorry.
What I didn't expect however was to hear the words that came out of the betas mouth.

"I know. I know because I knew her. She was my sister"

Zaine POV
Shock, confusion, and anger.
The three emotions written in the eyes of Alpha Luther.
We sat in the silence filled room for a couple of minutes before he actually spoke.
"What?" He asked through his teeth, his jaw clenched tight.
"Andrea Magolia was my adopted sister." I tell him.
I know it was cruel to just drop it on him like that but I had only found out about him being the mate of my deceased sister a couple days ago, so I wasn't very worried about his feelings when mine were all over the place.
He clenches his fists and takes a deep death.
"Explain from the beginning please." He asks not very nicely. I feel Grace stiffen beside me.
"Dre, as I called her, was an orphan. My parents took her in because they found her on the side of the road, on the verge of death. She had been left behind by her real parents, though I don't know why. It was a couple of years before I was born. Anyways, fast forward 15 years later and you have a young and ambitious Andrea ready to take on the world. She moved away when she was 17, we don't know why, but now I'm thinking you might've been the reason. Me and her rarely kept in touch, but the last time I heard of her she had been mauled to death. In Russia." I explain, ignoring his bulging veins and clenched fists.
He takes a couple of deep breathes, trying to calm both him and his wolf. After a couple minutes, he's successful.
"How long have you known?" He asks.
"A couple days" I answer.
He nods his head.
"Why do you think the cases are connected? They're years apart" I ask, trying to move on.
"Because they're to similar to not be" He answers.
"Ok, so say they are connected. Why?" Grace asks.
"And who?" Beta Jackson cuts in.
"I have a few suspicions as to who, but as to why? I don't know" Ace admits.
After a couple seconds of silence, Grace speaks. "Well these 2 people were the most important to the Alphas right? Maybe they were trying to get to you and Alpha Morgan's?" Grace suggests.
It does seem plausible. I mean why else would these 2 be killed?
Just as I'm about to voice my thoughts, I'm interrupted by the pack doctors mind link.
Alpha is awake. Need help.
I stand up quickly from my chair, Grace doing the same.
"If you'll excuse us, our Alpha is awake" I say, excusing Grace and I.
We make our way quickly to the pack doctors, not noticing the footsteps that follow us.
Once we enter, we hear ruckus coming from the Alphas room.
"Get me out this instant or I swear I will rip your bal-" "Alpha" I interrupt her before she can say anymore. I entered her room to see her struggling to stand with the IVs stuck to her arm. Her legs weak from not moving for so long. She seemed healed up and ready to go, other than that. "Excuse us nurses. You may go" I tell them, much to their relief.
Only then do I notice the other presence in the room with us.
"Alpha Luther? You may go if you need to. No need to stay here. I will inform my Alpha of your concerns." I say, but my words fall on deaf ears it seems.
The 2 Alphas stare at each other, each one daring the other to look away. They slowly gravitate towards one another, like a planet and it's moon. Like 2 magnets, nothing stopping them from being together.
Like. . .

Like mates.

I am so sorry!! I have been so busy! I promise to try and upload more I promise!! Thank you for still reading though.

Until next time 👋


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