Fan girl book (Rants) ON HOLD


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I don't own any of these stories or characters I'm just talking about them and sharing my own opinion. And en... Más

Rules and wth is happening
Fan girl book categories
Stranger things, character decriptions
sry, (read its important)
my hero academia unpopular character opions

Episode one, ST

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So we all love that Stanger things starts with a fricking man running away from a monster, and there are no stairs and only an elevator, which in my opinion is seriously stupid, why isn't there stairs. Anyway so the scene cuts to Lucas, Will, Mike and Dustin playing dungeons and Dragons the and saying lots of naughty words. After that Mike's mom's like blah blah you've been here for 10 hours playing a game and then they all decided to go home just before Dustin asks Nancy if she wants a slice a pizza when she rudely replies as roaches do by slamming the door. Once they were biking home Lucas went to his house and Will was with Dustin for the most part and Dustin turned to his house and Will was left alone going home, then he heard a weird noise and decided to go the shed with a gun to like protect himself, which I think is pretty smart to be honest. But only to be met by the Monster. The next morning Joyce was like where the hell is Will because Johnathan was supposed to make sure he came home but he was taking extra shifts for money because his family wasn't the richest and he was like "idk where Will is" Joyce was like sksksksk. Maybe he stayed at one of my friends house and didn't come home. So Joyce called all his friends and His school and he wasn't seen since last night. So Joyce calls the police and like Hopper is the chief and he really doesn't give a Frick he's like "yea he'll turn up soon, blah blah blah, he's not dead," and Joyce is like. Find my FADOODLING SON REEE! So I forgot to mention that Hopper is the cheif of police and he is like a drug taker and and an alcoholic but he like is never high. But maybe stoned like smoking so anyway Mike and his Family are eating breakfast where Mike was eating like a little roach and Nancy was like "ewww gross, Mike,". So after that Dustin, Lucas and Mike cycle to school where these assholes are bullying them and starts calling Dustin toothless. It's sad really and kinda being rascit because Lucas is black but like whatever. Nancy has this bffffffffff named barb the best character like to exist and Nancy is 'in love's' with the roachy Steve, and they like makeout in the bathroom. It's kinda gross and like Nancy is like I really have to go and Steve is like "midnight like party." And Nancy is like, " the strict teacher is having a test for my class I need to study." And then Steve is like "omg like let's 'study' together,"
And then Nancy is like no that's dumb and Steve says he'll climb threw her window, I love that for us. He's a stealthy ninja in the unisex bathrooms and everywhere. So Hopper walks in to work with a cigarette in his mouth and like the secretary is like Joyce is really mad, and he's like I don't give a Frick. So when Jim walks into his office he sees Joyce waiting for him there complaining like "my son is gone, why don't you like do your job," and Hopper again is like,"I. Don't think. He. Is. Gone. He is. Probably. Playing," and Joyce gets like really triggered that he is not taking this seriously, so Hopper is like, your divorced so we're is you ex-husband and Joyce married Theis annoying rat nammed Lonnie how she thinks has nothing to do with it, and Hopper is like "so tell me where you last heard of Lonnie and his phone number," and Joyce is like "Will hates Lonnie," and they start arguing and blah blah blah. So then we see Hawkins lab and this scientist named doctor Brenner and a bunch of wired scientist old men doing an experiment and if you see that they are wearing, you would see it's going to be dangerous. So remember that monster, it came from somewhere and the show started with a scientist running away from a monster in this lab so that's telling you something. then we see this gross thing on the wall. And there like oh ok the Monster came from here and instead of setting it on fire. They start to study it and mention a girl? But whom. Then this girl in what looks like one of those dresses they give you in the hospital bare foot with a buzz cut walking around, she sees this hamburger store and goes to it, cuz like people are hungry. So she walks in threw the back door and sees the owner attending to a customer when she sneaks into the kitchen and sees some extra fries and starts eating it when the owner sees her and she takes the fries and runs, and he thinks she's a boy and once he catches her. He sees that she is hungry and very much female. So Mike, Lucas and Dustin end class and their teacher is taking about the assignment that's due and everyone leaves not giving a Frick so they all wait until everyone leaves just before going to the teachers desk and asking "did it come," and their teacher is like a little dork so he responds like really unnecessarily and they go to the Av club and everyone knows only nerds like radios, so jump to the Av room Mike is sitting on front of this giant, huge radio with a microphone and they start Fangirling and Lucas even says a bad word, in front of the teacher and so they find out the radio can reach super far like Australia so Mike starts taking into it with this terrible accent wanting like I don't know someone in Australia to answer? Then Dustin starts talking in a terrible accent into the microphone and when it's Lucas's turn they Popo show up, aka the police. And all these little boys starts taking all at once and hoppers like. You need to calm down, one at a time. So like Mike says he takes 'Mirkwood,' and the police are confused and like Lucas is like it's from Lord of the rings and Dustin's like actually the hobbit but then Lucas is like doesn't matter
Then they tell them what the really road is called where Dustin and Will no longer bike together and again, Finn wolfhard being in a movie with idiotic children looking for things none of their business. So these little boys end up fighting again and hoppers like, do I make myself clear. Blah blah. So Will has this place called Castle Byres where he reads and spends most of his time so. Joyce is like, is he there so she goes there and remembers the times when Will would be there 24/7 and something about poltergeist and he isn't there. Joyce and Jonathan look around but, he isn't there. So back to the girl she is now wearing an oversized shirt and eating a Hamburger when the owner is asking her questions but she doesn't talk much so he snatches the food and is like answers for food. And he introduces himself as Benny and he asks the girls name. But she doesn't talk, then he noticed a tattoo on her arm it says 011 aka eleven. He is like ooooh. What does that mean, and all she says is no. And then he likes takes away the food and shes like eleven. Then points at herself saying like her name is eleven. Then this dude calls the corrupted government and is like I think she is a Russian spy blah blah then they send someone and he gives her alot of food. And then we see eleven stop a moving fan and get a bloody nose. So then we are at the police looking for will on the street where he takes and Hopper pops a pill and sees something, his bike. But no will. So at the Hawkins lab we see these men and woman listening to people private phone calls so I'd they day anything suspicious like they can Ponce hunnie. So they Hear Joyce calling Lonnie and Lonnie isn't home and his annoying girlfriend is like no, he isn't home go away. Then she calls him again and it goes to voicemail, and Joyce rage quits the phone and then they see Hopper with Wills bike and then Joyce asks questions and then Hopper is the one asking questions but hears the truth, the dog saw it all. If only the dog could talk, then he could say what happened so. Hooper goes into the dark shed looking for clues when the sees an open window and a broken light switch, he tried to turn it on but, this weird thing thing happening, then we hear the noise that Will heared then the light turns on, then the police actually doing there jobs like investigating. So it's the end of the day and the Wheeler family aka Mikes family are eating dinner when mike was complying about, how he wants to look for will when his mom snaps and says that everyone is under house arrest until they knew what happened to will and Nancy started freaking out because she was going to 'barbs house' when she was really going to 'study' with Steve so she was pissed and guess what she left the frickin dinner table without being dismissed, I'm shook as well. So I'm starting with a lot of so's and then's but idc, so we see the search team looking for Will and the teacher is there, His name is Mr. Clark, he had this very weird mustash anyway Hopper was talking about his daughter Sarah and Mr. Clark was like, "oh how old is she, I might teach her," and he's like "now, she lives somewhere else," then Hoppers looks somewhere else without Mr. Clark, then the secretary says "his kid died a few years back,". Mike and Lucas are on the should I say yelling into the radio and saying like "over" like weird people and then they started to talk about how they were worried about will, and making a plan and talking about there previous dungeons and dragons game, Mike being the little naughty boy he is decides to meet up with Lucas even though he was on house arrest so he snuck out and went on his bike and he sees Mr. Sneaky ninja Steve trying to get into Nancy's window. Once he does Nancy is like "your so dumb, you can't be here," so then they 'study' because they are so smart. So we're back with eleven and Benny and he's doing the dishes and and Eleven is eating ice cream and he teaches her what smile means. Then someone knocks, probably the people he called then she brings out a gun and shoots him, and Eleven sees her and started to leave like a smart human not sarcastic, she runs barefoot, she unarmed two men then she runs still barefoot and hungry Benny now dead. Then Mike, Lucas and Dustin are biking to god knows where and they are staying together in the forest, then the seen is Nancy and Steve actually studying then Steve is like this is lame let's not study and Nancy is like "no, no," and Steve is being so 'smooth' and they start making out so we love that for us it's again really gross, like don't kiss your girlfriends 24/7 just 12/7 then Nancy is like "let's study now," and Steve is like "we are, 'studying'" then Nancy is basically like, I'm not a Slut and I don't want to be treated like one and Steve is like your not, your cool and I'm like sksksksksksksk so they start being smart and actually studying this time when we see Joyce and Jonathan looking at pictures he's taken and their crying, and Jonathan is blaming himself, and Joyce is like "he's close I feel him, but not dead but close". So omg I love this next part the phone rings and Joyce picks it up and she screams "hello?" Into it only to hear breathing, breathing that sounded like Will's! And he tried to talk, but he was to scared and then the phone literally fried, it was black. And the phone was broken, then Jonathan was like "who is it?" And Joyce is like "it was will," and they were crying love that for me. So then Mike, Lucas and Dustin are doing their own search party and looking for Will when  Dustin keeps on saying "we should go back," which I think is very smart but no, Mike and Lucas are like "your just being a sissy," so they keep looking when Mike hears something and then they all see Eleven, all wet because it's raining.

Finally this episode is over, omg guys the word found is 2187. Buh-bye!

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