Gravity Falls Pines Triplets...

By opal35416

107K 1.6K 4.2K

Dipper, Mabel, and Mara Pines are triplets who have been sent to Gravity Falls for the Summer to live with th... More

Tourist Trapped
Legend of the Gobblewonker
Head Hunters
The Hand that Rocks the Mabel
The Inconveniencing
Dipper vs Manliness
Double Dipper
Irrational Treasure
Time Traveller's Pig
Fight Fighters
Little Dipper
Boss Mabel
Bottomless Pit!
The Deep End
Carpet Diem
Boyz Crazy
Land Before Swine
Gideon Rises
Into the Bunker
The Golf War
Sock Opera
Soos and the Real Girl
Little Gift Shop of Horror
Society of the Blind Eye
Blendin's Game
Northwest Mansion Mystery
Not What He Seems
Tale of Two Stans
Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons
The Stanchurian Candidate
The Last Mabelcorn
Roadside Attraction
Dipper, Mara, and Mabel vs the Future
Weirdmageddon: Part I
Weirdmageddon Part II: Escape From Reality
Weirdmageddon Part III: Take Back the Falls
The Triplets' Guides
Mara and Nat's kids' story
Lost Legends with the Pines Triplets

The Love god

1.4K 30 40
By opal35416

"Whoa, that cloud looks like a chipmunk!" said Mabel, as she pointed at a particular cloud in the sky. Just then, an airplane flew right through the cloud that she had been pointing at, through where the chipmunk's mouth was.

"Barfing an airplane" added Wendy, which earned several laughs from everyone else.

Thompson pointed at another cloud.

"Uh, that cloud looks like...uh, a cloud!"


"Thompson, stop being the worst at everything."

Thompson laughed nervously.

"Sorry, guys."

Everyone laughed.

Wendy, Thompson, Tambry, Nate, Lee, and the triplets were lying on their backs in a graveyard that day, looking up at the clouds above them.

Mabel pointed up at the sky.

"Ooh, that cloud looks like a heart-shaped balloon!" she said.

"Clouds don't come in colors" said Dipper, as he sat up. "That is a balloon."
Mara sat up as well, and noticed that the balloon that Mabel spotted wasn't the only one.

"Hey, what's with all the balloons in the sky?" she asked.

"Oh, dudes, it's the Woodstick festival!" said Wendy, sitting up herself.

"Wait, the wood what?" said Dipper.

"It's this annual outdoor featuring Oregon's up and coming indie bands" she said, plucking Tambry's cell phone out of her hands.

"Hey!" said Tambry.

"They're all coming" said Wendy, as she showed the phone screen to the triplets. "Scarves Indoors, Woodgrain on Everything, Love god. You've probably seen him in that viral video."
There was a video of a fat man with blonde hair and tiny angel wings dancing on the screen.

"Who's ready to fall in love tonight?" he screamed, right before he fell forward right into the camera. "I hope nobody's filming this!"

"Whoa, like a real concert concert?" asked Dipper, as he looked down nervously. "I...uh, I've never actually been to one of those before."
"It's because you've never had an awesome crew to roll with before" said Wendy, gesturing towards her friends.

Thompson was holding up a moldy sponge close to his mouth, while Nate and Lee were cheering him on.

"Come on, Thompson!" they cheered. "Lick that sponge! Lick that sponge!"

Thompson gave the sponge a little lick.

"Ooooh! What is he doing?" Nate and Lee chanted excitedly.
Wendy then turned towards Dipper.

"When you're with us, you're in" she said.

Dipper smiled gratefully at her.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of someone moaning, it was echoing throughout the entire graveyard. Everyone started to look around with fearful eyes.

"Ghosty sounds!" exclaimed Mabel, as she started to shake Dipper. "Cemetery ghosty sounds!"

Mara sighed.

"Why is that whenever we hang out with you guys, we're always facing ghosts?"

She pulled out the ghost detector, and started to scan the area with it. The device beeped, and then the screen blinked a red color.

"There doesn't appear to be any ghosts in this area" she said, as she put it away.

Wendy stood, and started walking towards a huge hole in the ground, everyone following her from behind.

"It's coming from that open grave" she said.

The moans continued from the open grave, and everyone stopped within a few feet of it.

"You look" said Nate, elbowing Lee.

"No, you look!" said Lee, shoving Nate.

"Thompson, go look" said Dipper.

"Nice use of Thompson" said Nate, as he shoved Thompson forward towards the grave.

"Gaze upon death! Gaze upon death!" everyone, except for Mara, started to chant as Thompson walked closer. "Gaze upon death! Gaze upon death! Gaze upon death!"

Thompson finally reached the edge of the grave, and when he opened his eyes, he screamed in fear at what he saw inside the open grave.

Everyone else walked up to the edge of the grave next to Thompson to look at what he saw. But what was at the bottom of the grave was the last thing that anyone expected.

Tambry groaned in disgust.

"It's even creepier than I expected."

Robbie was laying at the bottom of the open grave, with his eyes closed as he moaned and cried. He sat up, not seeming to see the newcomers.

"Why did she leave me?" he said, holding up a picture of Wendy.

"Robbie?" said Wendy in confusion.

Robbie hurriedly turned around, eyes wide in surprise.


He dropped the picture, and scrambled into a more cool position, leaning his back against the grave, and propping his feet up.

"Hey, what's up?" he said. "I'm just, uh, hanging out in this grave. You know, regular, regular day for me."

He looked back up at his former friends, hoping that they bought his excuse.

"Whoa dude, we haven't seen you in, like, a million years" said Lee. "Where have you been?"
"You're not still mourning our break up, are you?" said Wendy.

"What? No way" said Robbie, as he slid the picture of her underneath him and flashed her a nervous smile.

"Robbie, we split up forever ago" said Wendy. "It's really sweet for you to throw yourself into a grave for me, but man, time to move one."

"What?" said Robbie, as he stood on his feet. "I've totally moved on."
As if on cue, his cell phone started ringing, and everybody could hear his ringtone:

"Wendy, I miss you so much!

I'll never move on, never never!"

With wide eyes, Robbie reached into his pocket, pulled out the cell phone, and threw it against a tombstone, smashing it into a million pieces.

"That was a different Wendy, unrelated" he said. "Wendy..."

"Dude, this is getting really awkward" Lee whispered to Nate, as Tambry was texting disinterestedly on her phone.

"Yeah, the cemetery used to be fun" said Tambry, as she and the others started to walk away. "Now it's just depressing."

Mabel was about to walk after them, when she saw Robbie hanging on the edge of the grave sadly. He took out a shovel, scooped up some dirt, and then dropped it onto his own head.

"Guys!" Mabel exclaimed, running up to her siblings. "We can't just ditch him here!"

"Come on, Mabel, it's Robbie" said Dipper.

"But he's suffering!" she said. "How am I supposed to be happy when I know that somebody else is sad?"
She took out a piece of paper that had pictures of all of them, along with a space next to their faces where a smiley face sticker would go. Next to all of their heads but Robbie's, there was a pink happy face sticker.

"It totally throws off my happiness chart!"

On the empty space where Robbie's face was, she placed a blue sad-face sticker.

"Mabel, emotional drama is more dangerous to be messing with than radioactive batrachotoxin" said Mara. "Stay away from it."

"Yeah" agreed Dipper. "If there's one thing I've learned this Summer, it's not to get mixed up with needless romantic drama. And besides, we're finally in with Wendy's friends. With Robbie gone, there's a good social balance. Maybe we should just let a good thing be, you know?"
And with that, he turned around and started to walk towards Wendy and her friends.

Mara turned towards her sister.

"Ok, that last part was a bit selfish" she said. "But I agree with the first part. Save yourself the trouble, and just keep your nose out of people's business."

"Mara, come on!" called Dipper.

"One sec, Mabel" said Mara to Mabel, before turning towards their brother.

"I'll be there in a minute! Just let me finish something!"

Dipper sighed, and then walked back over towards his sisters, specifically looking at Mara.

"Mara, I specifically brought you along so that you could learn to socialize with others" he said, gesturing towards Wendy and her friends. "If I had just left you alone, you would spending more time with machines than actual people! It's not healthy."
"No offense Dipper, but you're not exactly the best advocate for teaching social skills" Mara replied.

Mabel smirked.

"She's got you there, bro."

Dipper sighed exasperatedly.

"Ok fine, but you've got to at least learn how to interact with others properly."

"What, are you saying that I treat people as if they're machines?" asked Mara.

Dipper raised an eyebrow at that comment.

Flashback to a few days ago:

Mara was working on building a machine outside, when suddenly a girl with curly light hair walked up to her with a shocked expression on her face.

"Whoa, is that a doomsday device?" she asked.

"Hmm?" said Mara, her attention so absorbed on what she was working on that she didn't even notice the girl walk up to her.

She finally turned, and noticed the newcomer.

"Oh, yes it is! It's designed to take out any living organism that stands within a mile radius of it!" she said in a rather inappropriately cheerful tone.

The girl paled.

Mara grinned, and held out one oil-stained hand.

"I'm Mara!" she said.

The girl didn't flinch, for she was frozen, her wide eyes looking up at the terrifying doomsday device.

Mara observed her more closely, wondering what was wrong with the girl.

"Get a little freeze-up? Don't worry, I think I can fix that!"

She reached over and pulled up a huge battery, with two cables attached it and clips on the ends of the two cables that Mara was holding in her gloved hands. There was electricity sparking from the ends of the clips.

"Hold still while I reboot your power generator!" she said cheerfully.

The girl screamed, and ran away.

"Huh, that's weird" said Mara, wondering what exactly she had done wrong that time as she lowered the electricity-sparking cable clips. She genuinely had no idea why the girl had been scared away.

"I even smiled that time."

"For the record, that was one time" said Mara. "And if anyone is going to be my friend, they have to be able to handle my eccentricity."

"Even I have enough common sense about people to know that you don't try and reboot people" said Dipper.

"Then, what, are you supposed to step all over them?" asked Mara, knowing that Dipper seemed to be doing an awful lot of that lately.

Dipper seemed to understand who she was referring to.

"What, are you talking about Thompson?" he said. "He's fine, he just wants to be included."

"Yeah, right."

And with that, the two of them walked off towards Wendy's friends, leaving Mabel behind.

Mabel turned to look at Robbie, who was talking to a vulture that had landed in front of him.

"Just eat me already, man" he said sadly. The vulture seemed to take the literally, for it squawked, and flew right above Robbie's head, grabbing a beakful of hair in its mouth.

"Ah! I was just being dramatic!" Robbie screamed, as he was trying to shoo the vulture away. "Quit it!"

Mabel hung her head sadly, and started to walk away along with her siblings.

"Ow! Ow! My face, vulture!"

"Oh man, I am sorry you guys had to see that" said Wendy, once she and the triplets had managed to get back to the gift shop.

"You know what Robbie needs? A new girl!" said Mabel.

"Mabel, is more romance your solution to everything?" said Mara.

"Mara, romance is like gum."

She pulled out a pink stick of gum.

"Once it's lost its flavor, you just cram another one in."

She shoved the piece of gum into her mouth, and started to chew it along with all the other pieces of gum that she had been chewing.

"Mabel, it's not that easy" said Wendy.

"It is if you're the world's greatest matchmaker!" said Mabel. "I've never had an unhappy customer. Like Soos and Melody!"

She gestured towards Soos, who was talking to Melody through video chat on his computer.

He had set up a line of cardboard boxes in between the laptop and himself.

"Hey, watch this!" he said, as he started to crouch down slowly behind the line of boxes.

"Walking down some actual stairs!" he sang. "Did it look cool?"

Melody laughed.

"The coolest."
"Match made!" Mabel chanted.

"No offense Mabel, but that's like the only match that you've ever made" said Mara.

"That's not true" Mabel countered. "There's also Waddles and Gompers."
They turned to see Waddles and Gompers, duct taped to each other. Gompers had a veil over her face, Waddles had a top hat on his head, and they were dragging several cans behind them along with a little banner that said 'Just Married.'

As Mabel ran up to them and threw confetti into the air, Gompers started to eat the veil.

"Match made!"

"That might work for a goat and a pig, but Robbie's a hopeless case" said Wendy.

"Hopeless case, eh?" said Mabel, her eyes narrowing in determination.

Stan was outside, making yet another fake display. He was sewing a rainbow afro onto a taxidermy gorilla, singing a cheerful song as he did so.

"Puttin' a rainbow wig, on a gorilla!"

However, the wig fell off with a sudden gust of wind, and Stan stepped back to see what the cause was.

"What the-"
He looked up in the air, and his eyes widened.

"Oh no."
Floating in the air above were hot air balloons.

"Hot air balloons..."

He turned to see several tourists riding past him on bikes."

"...fixed gear bikes..."
A van suddenly pulled up near the Mystery Shack, and a man with a red beanie was sitting on the top as he sang and strummed a guitar.

"Singing by the open road, my sandals are so open-toed!"

Stan's jaw dropped.

"...folk music! It's the Woodstick festival!"

He suddenly ran up to a box full of weapons just as Soos walked outside.

"Soos! Lock down the shack and hide all my shirts before anyone tie dyes them!" he ordered.

Stan pulled out a crossbow, and aimed it up at the balloons.

"They're slow. I could probably take a few of them down!"
"Mr. Pines!" yelled Soos, grabbing the crossbow and aiming it downwards just as Stan fired it. The arrow hit a random bird instead.

"Every year this festival comes by, and every year you shun what could be potential customers" said Soos.

Stan looked at the people in the van and riding the bikes.

"You really think I can make money off of these free-loading, kale-munching freakshows?"
"You just gotta figure out what appeals to them" said Soos, as he walked inside.

Stan was observing the hippies through narrow eyes as he thought deeply.

"How do I appeal to young people?"

He suddenly looked upwards at the hot air balloons in the sky.

"So young people are into hot air balloons, eh?" he said, his eyes narrowing and a huge mischievous smirk crossing over his face.

Mabel walked up towards the funeral home where the piece of paper that she was holding told her Robbie lived.

"Ok, Mabel, Robbie's a broken tea cup, and you're going to piece him back together" she said to herself, walking past a sign that said 'Valentino Funeral Home.'

She walked up to the front door, and rang the doorbell, which sounded more like an organ that would be playing at a funeral.

"Ok, this could get intense" said Mabel, as the front door opened.

She gasped.

There were two adults standing in front of her, one of them a man holding a steaming mug with brown hair, glasses, and a pointy nose, and the other a red headed woman with glasses as well.

But what shocked Mabel the most had to be the fact that both of them were wearing huge smiles across their faces.

"Howdy do!" said the man.

"Happy day!" said the woman.

"It is intense!" said Mabel excitedly. "You're Robbie's parents? I always thought he was raised by sad wolves or something."

"Oh, well he doesn't like to talk about us" said Robbie's dad. "He always says we're too cheerful for funeral directors."

Both of them then burst out into bubbly laughter. Once they were done, the Valentinos welcomed her inside their home.

"Come in, come in."

There was a plate of crackers with grapes and cheese sitting on top of a glass case containing somebody's body as a piano played in the background.

Robbie's dad picked up the plate, and started to walk towards Mabel, who was sitting on a couch.

"Cracker platter?" he offered.

"No time for cracker platters" she said cheerfully. "Sorry, I'm here to cheer Robbie up. I cannot have a dry cracker mouth for that."

Robbie's mom appeared with a plate of spaghetti in her hands that was shaped to look like a smiley face.

She walked up to the bottom of the stairs.

"Robbie Stacey Valentino!" she called. "There's a little girl here to see you!"

She then turned towards Mabel.

"You go right on up" she said, before handing Mabel the plate of spaghetti. "And could you give him his lunch?"

Mabel instantly saw the smiley face on the spaghetti.

"Lady, I like your style!" she said, as she started to walk up the stairs giggling to herself.

"You know who would look good in a sweater like that?" said Mrs. Valentino to her husband, after she had noticed Mabel's sweater. "Mrs. Grabelson's remains!"

"Oh absolutely!" replied Robbie's father.

Mabel was now walking upstairs with the plate of spaghetti as she tried to find Robbie's room. She walked past a hallway, where there were several pictures of Robbie as he was growing older. He started as a cute kid with brown hair, and then progressively turned into the black-haired goth kid that Mabel was more familiar with.

She made her way towards Robbie's bedroom door, which had several Robbie V posters, Go Away signs, and caution tape strung up across it. There was also the message, Go Away, spray painted on the wall next to the door.

Mabel continued anyways, and knocked on the door as cheerfully as ever.

"Robbie, it's Mabel!" she chimed.

"Who?" said Robbie's voice on the other side of the door.

"Remember me? I'm like girl Dipper!" she sang. "Or, Mara number two, you can take your pick."
"Ugh, go away!"
"I heard a come in!"

Mabel opened the door anyways, and peeked inside the dark room. She flipped the light switch on.

"Aaah!" Robbie screamed, before jumping off his bed and approaching her. "Listen, kid, nobody in the Pines family is welcome here!"

He took a spray paint can in his hands.

"In case you don't remember, your stupid brother is the one who ruined my life!!!!"

In fury, he threw the paint can right at a dart board, which had several darts, knives, and ninja stars stuck in the middle. The can knocked the items away, revealing a photo of Dipper's face in the center of the target. There was a green message spray painted on the wall next to it that said 'Die, Dipper, die!'

"And Mabel's the one who's gonna fix it!" said Mabel, retaining her cheerful disposition as she set the plate of spaghetti down onto a nearby table.

Mabel then pulled up a chair, and sat down in it.

"Listen, Robbie, I always used to see you as a creepy jerk" she said. "Like the human version of rat poison."
"Uh, go on" said Robbie, as he sat down on his bed across from her.

"But when I saw you in the cemetery today, I realized, Robbie's not a bad guy, he's just a heartbroken soul who needs love."

As she said those words, Robbie looked at the pictures of him and Wendy that were hanging on this wall, and he sadly flopped down onto his bed in a fetal position, facing away from Mabel so that she couldn't see his sad face.

"And gloves with fingers!" she added.

"Hey, fingerless gloves look awesome!"
"No they don't" said Mabel. "Robbie, you just need a good matchmaker. I guarantee I'll find you true love, or twice your sadness back."

Robbie sighed, and then got up out of his bed, facing Mabel as he pointed out the door.

"If I say yes, will you leave my room?"
Mabel noticed that his hoodie with the heart on it was unzipped, making it look like the heart had been split in half.

She zipped it up and made the two halves of the heart come together.

"I guarantee it!"

Back in her room, Mabel rose up and placed a pair of heart-shaped glasses over her face.

"Alright, Gravity Falls" she said, addressing the miniature town that she had in her room. The model was filled with little wooden figures of actual people in Gravity Falls.

"Who wants to go out with Robbie?"

"Ok" said Mabel, as she held up the figurine of Robbie in one hand, and used the other to hold up various matches for him.

"Lazy Susan, too old. Grenda, too young. Multi-bear..."

She looked at the figurine of the bear with various heads.

"I'm putting you in the maybe pile."

She placed the multi bear into the pile labelled 'Maybe.'

Mabel had several other piles of wooden figurines, including 'Too young,' 'Too old,' 'Future matches?' and 'Loners for Life.'

Under 'Future matches,' Mabel had three pairings: Dipper and Candy, Stan and Abuelita, and McGucket and his raccoon. Under 'Loners for Life,' Mabel only had two figurines of whom were practically impossible for her to find matches for: Mara and Nathaniel.

"Who could it be?" she said to herself. "Who could it be?"
Gompers and Waddles, who were sitting on her bed still duct taped to each other, oinked and bleating.

"What's that, Whompers? Somebody we already know?" she said. "But who could possibly be superficial and gothy enough for-"

In response, they squealed and bleated again.

Mabel's eyes widened in realization.

"Of course! You two really are America's favorite power couple."

Wendy, her friends, Dipper, and Mara were in Thompson's garage, where they were getting themselves ready for the Woodstick concert. Wendy was sitting on a cardboard box, and Dipper and Mara were sitting next to each other on a box across from her.

Nate and Lee were duct taping snacks all over Thompson that they were planning on sneaking in to the concert.

Dipper, noticing that his sister had been silent the entire time, elbowed her, prompting for her to say something.

"Oh, um..." said Mara, clearing her throat before standing up and speaking.

"I think we should all wear unconventional outfits that are socially inappropriate to the concert!" she declared, speaking the first thing that came to her mind.

There was a long pause, everyone staring at her awkwardly, before they all broke out into cheers.

"Great idea, kid!" said Nate. "I'm going to wear an outfit that clashes so much, it will make people barf at first sight!"

"No way, dude, that's what I'm doing!" said Lee.

They started to talk excitedly amongst themselves, and Dipper looked proudly at his sister.

"Clothes? I wouldn't have guessed for that to be your opener" he said teasingly.

Mara shrugged.

"It was the first thing I could think of that teenagers liked" she said.

"More snacks! More snacks! More snacks!" Nate and Lee chanted, as they taped more snacks onto Thompson's body.

Thompson laughed nervously.

"I'm just happy to be included-"
Nate stuck a piece of duct tape over Thompson's mouth.

Mara winced when she saw that.

"Ha! This is brilliant! The perfect way to sneak cheap snacks into the concert" said Wendy "And it was all Dipper's idea!"

"Wait, that was your idea?" said Mara, her voice laced with a bit of disbelief. She couldn't believe that it was her brother's idea to continue to pick on Thompson.
But Wendy's friends started praise Dipper.

Dipper smiled, and Lee bent down onto one knee and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Kid, I sense greatness in you" he said.

"Oh, well I don't know about tha-"

Suddenly Lee picked up Dipper, and placed him on his shoulders.

"Greatness!!!" he cried, as he started to run around with the boy on his shoulders.

"Alright, everybody go home and finish getting ready for the concert" said Wendy, as everyone started to walk home.

But as he was walking by her, Nate paused to talk to Tambry.

"Don't wait up, Tambers!" he said.

She looked up from her phone and glared at him.

"Don't call me 'Tambers'" she said.

Nate laughed, before he ran off.

"Classic Tambers!"

Suddenly, Tambry noticed a new text on her phone from an anonymous number, and she opened it and read it aloud.

"Tambry, You. Me. Date. Bring that sweet, sweet bod. -Your Secret Admirer."

Tambry examined the text suspiciously.

Mabel and Robbie were at Greasy's Diner. Robbie was sitting at a diner table alone, tapping his finger nervously as Mabel was sitting off at the side watching him. They were waiting for Tambry to walk through the door.

Just then, Lazy Susan walked out of the kitchen holding a platter with a burger and coke on it.

"Love is about to happen, Lazy Susan" said Mabel. "Watch and learn."

In response to that, Lazy Susan lifted up the eyelid of her bad eye.

Just then, Tambry walked through the front door, and looked around for her secret admirer, only to find Robbie sitting at a table alone. She knew instantly that it must have been him.

She groaned in disgust.

"Robbie?" she said, as she walked up to him. "You're my secret admirer?"

"Tambry?" exclaimed Robbie, before crossing his arms over his chest. "This is just what I get for trusting a toddler. Look, I don't think this is going to work out. Dating someone you already know? I don't like admitting defeat."

"Um, way to assume that I'm even interested" said Tambry in disgust, as she sat down in the seat across from Robbie.

"Tambry, let's be real" said Robbie. "If I wanted to date you, I would have done it already. I'm just a little out of your league."
He then noticed that there was a smear of mustard his hoodie elbow.

"Whoa, is that mustard? Don't wanna waste that bad boy!"

And with that, he started to lick the mustard off of his elbow, and Tamby was watching him in distaste.

She then took out her phone, and started to text.

"Status update: On blind date with sociopath."

"Oh sure, bring out the phone" said Robbie. "Classic Tambers."

He then turned towards Lazy Susan.

"Hey, can I get some chili fries, to go?" he said, eyes narrowing at Tambry with the last two words.

Mabel was watching the entire thing.
"What? How is this possible?" she said, pulling out her happiness chart. "I'm supposed to be the best matchmaker ever!"

Suddenly, people started to run towards the entrance of the diner, talking amongst themselves excitedly.

Mabel looked just in time to see the door kicked open by a man she recognized as the Love god.

"Whoo hoo!" he called. "Who's ready to fall in love tonight?"

"Love god!" all of the people cheered.

Love god slammed his hand against the jukebox, and it instantly started to play cheery music.

"That's what they call me!" he said. "We're rewriting history tonight, and it starts with you..."

He pointed at a random man sitting at the bar sadly.

"...and you!"

He pointed at the woman who had been about to serve the man coffee.

As he pointed at them, pink sparkles appeared from his finger, and it wasn't long before the man and woman lunged at each other and started kissing.

"Love is real, and it's IN YOUR FACE!!!" screamed Love god, as he made his way towards an elderly woman sitting by herself at a table. He leaned himself against the table.

"Oh ho, what's your name, little angel?"
The woman laughed.

"Meredith, Meredith, we've got a problem" said love god, as he leaned in close to her. "That dude right there is your soulmate, and you're living without him!" he said, pointing to a random man who was eating a sandwich at the bar.

"Oh no!" exclaimed Meredith. "What do I do?"
"Get it, girl, you know what you love" said love god. He threw up pink sparkles into the air as Meredith started to run towards the man. "Pow! Match made!"

Meredith picked the man up in her arms, carrying him bridal style.

Mabel had been watched Love god.

"I must know how this works!" she said.

Love god was now shoving a huge sandwich into his mouth when Mabel walked up to him.

"Hi, Love god? Mabel here" she said. "I'm a big fan. Can I just say that was some of the finest matchmaking I've ever seen?"
She sat down in the seat across from him.

"Can you please, please, please tell me your secret?" she pleaded.

Love god was sucking mustard off his fingers.

"Well, between you and me, let's just say that my name is not exactly a coincidence."
He fluttered his little wings that were on his back.

"Oh my love god" said Mabel. "Are you an actual love god?"
"Call me cherub" he said. "The internet pretty much does my job for me, so nowadays I just take my time focusing on my rock career."
He pulled out a cassette from the inside of his shirt, and held it out to her.

"Boom, cassette! Boom, for you!"

Mabel took it from him.

"Oh! That's...great!" she said, smiling at him nervously as she secretly dropped the cassette into a nearby trash can.

"So anyway, can you make anything fall in love, like that snake and that badger?"
She pointed outside towards a snake and a badger, which were both growling and hissing at each other as they fought.

"Hmm, I don't know" said Love god. "That might be kinda hard to-KABOOM!"

He pointed his finger at the two animals, and pink magic erupted out of it at the animals.

"Match made!"

The animals both stared at each other for a short moment, before the snake coiled lovingly around the badger, and the two of them walked off.
"They're gonna make a snadger!" said Mabel. "How are you doing that?"
"Love potion, yo" said love god, showing Mabel the rope belt around his waist. Attached to it were several bottles of purple or pink liquid.

"I've got it all! Summer love, young love, anti-love..."

He dipped his finger into a pink potion.

"You've just gotta put a little on your fingers, and pow!"

He pointed his finger in a random direction, and the same pink magic burst out the end of it.

Mabel stared at that in amazement.

"I need that potion!" she said. "How much would it cost?"

She bent downwards, and picked up a runaway squirrel. She held it up to his face.

"Would you accept squirrels as payment?"
"Whoa! No way" said love god stubbornly. "You might think you know what's best for people, but this stuff can have major social consequences! That's why it can only be used by a serious expert."
"Love god!" screeched a woman who had walked up to them. "Sign my face!"

"Only if you sign mine, baby, let's get weird!"

And with that, Love god turned around, kissing the woman as he stood up on the seat.

Mabel decided to take matters into her own hands.

She grabbed the pink potion from Love god's belt that he had said was 'young love,' and in its place left a squirrel there.

The squirrel started to make squeaky noises.

"Shh..." said Mabel, as she slowly backed away.

Mabel made her way towards the kitchen, where saw the chef pouring chili onto some fries.

"Mind if I add a little something to these fries?" she asked him, winking as she said the word 'something.'

"I don't see why not" said the cook, as he backed up so she could add it.

Mabel walked up to the fries, and poured the sparkly pink potion onto the them.

The chef walked out to the diner, and placed the chili fries on Robbie and Tambry's table.

Robbie took one of the fries in his hand, and took a bite.

His eyes suddenly got huge and sparkly, before he blinked and they went back to normal.

"Whoa!" he said. "Did your whole thing just suddenly get a whole lot more likeable?"
Tambry took a bite out of another fry, and her eyes did the same as Robbie's had before they went back to normal.

"You don't seem as needy as I used to think you were" she said.

"Hey, you wouldn't wanna maybe get out of here and, I don't know, go kiss in public, a lot?" said Robbie.

"For some reason, I do" said Tambry, placing her hand over Robbie's.

She then pulled out her phone and started to text as Robbie played with her hair.

"Status know what, forget it" she said, putting her phone down. "Maybe I should stare at something other than my phone for a while."

And with that, the two teenagers took each others hands, and walked out of the diner, Tambry leaving her phone on the table.

Mabel appeared from behind the counter excitedly.

"Match made!"

"Alright" said Wendy to her friends, as she stood above them on top of a cardboard box. She was wearing short jean shorts, a light blue belly shirt with ruffles, a yellow scarf, and a headband on her head.

"Who's ready for the best, most overpriced day of our Summer!"
Everybody cheered.

Thompson was wearing fuzzy brown boots, a bear hat that was of the same color, and snacks taped all over his body, Nate was wearing a striped blue shirt with a pink polka-dotted scarf and a red fanny pack, and Lee was wearing an orange T-shirt with a striped green scarf.

Dipper was wearing a maroon shirt with a v-neck under his usual vest and sunglasses on his heat to replace his hat, and Mara was wearing torn jeans with a tie dyed red and blue T-shirt that had ruffles on the ends of it, and a tie dye bandana to go with it. Her face also had two streaks of black paint across each of her cheeks.

"I brought a baggie of trail mix, and safety whistles in case we get separated" said Thompson.

Dipper coughed, but as he did he secretly said the word 'lame' in between his coughs.

Nate and Lee laughed.

"This kid is a champion" said Nate, as he rustled Dipper's hair.

Mara bit her tongue at what was going on in front of her, desperately wanting to interfere, but ultimately deciding in the end that blowing up probably wasn't going to solve any problems.

"We're just waiting on Tambry" said Nate. "Can't leave without Tambry."
Just then, Mabel walked up to them, holding the happiness chart underneath one arm.

"Sorry, guys, but Tambry's a little busy at the moment" she said, cocking her head to one side. "Wink, wink!"

"What does that mean?" said Nate. "Why are you winking?"

"Let's just say she and Robbie took a trip to Smoochville!" she said, holding up the happiness chart, which had pink smiley faces for all of them. "Now everyone's happy!"

"W-w-wait, Robbie and Tambry?" exclaimed Nate. "This can't be happening!"

"How's that?" asked Mabel nervously, as she saw he was starting to get angry.

"He knew I liked her!" said Nate. "How could he do this?!"
"Whoa, hold up. You like Tambry?" Lee said. "And you told Robbie and not me?"
"You always make fun of my crushes, man!"

"That's what we do, genius!" said Lee, hitting Nate on the side of the head.

"Oh, this is so like Tambry to do this!" exclaimed Wendy furiously. "Dating my ex behind my back. I'm gonna tear her highlights out!"

"Guys, guys!" Dipper said. "We're going to be late for the concert!"

Mara wheeled on her brother.

"Really, Dipper, is that all you really care about right now? The concert, not the fact that they're all fighting with each other right now?"
"We were supposed to go the concert, together!" said Dipper. "It was going to be fun!"

"No, it was going to be fun for you, Wendy, Nate, and Lee" corrected Mara. "Thompson would be having a miserable time because you guys would have been picking on him the entire time!"

"Picking on Thompson is what keeps the group together!!!"

"Well, I refuse to join in with you guys and harass him just to be a part of a group!"

"Well, that's fine with me, Mara, it's your loss" yelled Dipper. "But if you're not going to, then the least you could do is not start an uproar about it!"

"I'm not going to just stand back and watch as you guys torment him!" screamed Mara. "Nothing will ever change if no one speaks up!"

"See, this is exactly why I wanted you to come along! You need to learn how to control your temper when you're in a social situation."

"I'm not losing my temper, Dipper, I'm standing up for people who can't stand up for themselves!"

And with that, Dipper and Mara got into a heated argument, while the teenagers around them were starting to call it quits.

"I'm not going to the concert anymore!" exclaimed Nate, pointing at Lee. "Not with him."
"That won't be a problem, because I'm out!" said Lee.

"Me too" said Wendy, as they all started to walk in separate directions.

"Wait, wait, this group is all I have!" pleaded Thompson, as he ran after them. "Don't make me go back to having no friends! Guys!"

"Match, made?" said Mabel in hurt confusion, as all the pink smiley stickers fell off of her chart.

"Wait guys, don't go!!!" pleaded Thompson, as the three teenagers stormed out. But Nate stopped in front of the mailbox, and raised his fist.


Nate punched the mailbox, only to cradle his hand in pain as he walked away.


Thompson growled as he turned around.

"What did you just do?!" he yelled at Mabel. "I've let these guys pick on me for years to keep group together, and now they've totally fallen apart!"

He then turned towards Mara.

"Thanks for sticking up for me, kid, but I can handle a little bit of teasing on my own."

He took off his hat, and threw it down onto the ground.

Dipper and Mara and finally managed to stop fighting, but there was still tension between the two.

"But, we were all starting to finally hang out together!" said Dipper. "I was one of the gang!"

"Well, unless you can break up Robbie and Tambry immediately, there is no gang!" said Thompson. "I have no more friends, and neither do you!"

He took a bag of chips off of himself.

"I'm gonna eat his."

And with that, he popped a chip into his mouth, and stormed away.

Dipper then turned on Mabel.

"Mabel, what did I tell you about messing with Robbie's personal life?"
"I know, I know!" said Mabel, as she sat down on a nearby crate. "I just wanted to be a good matchmaker! I never should have gotten that love potion from the Love god."

"You needed a love potion, and you didn't come to me for it?" said Mara.

"It's not like you would have helped me meddle with Robbie's love life" said Mabel.

"True" said Mara.
"Wait, love potion?" said Dipper. "If you did a spell, then can't you, like, undo it?"
Mabel gasped in realization, and hopped off the crate.

"That's it! If I undo the spell, everyone will be friends again! But I'm gonna need some help."

She then turned towards her brother, and pointed at his shirt.

"Also, you are not pulling off the v-neck."
Dipper sighed sadly.

"I know."
"BURN IT!!!"

The Woodstick festival had alright started that night, and people were walking around tents of all sorts of activities before the actual concert started.

Stan and Soos were outside the fence that was around the festival, working on their balloon.

Stan turned towards Soos, who was sewing up the last of it.

"Balloon this thing faster, Soos!" Stan commanded. "We need this thing up in the air before this festival ends."

"Are you sure that this open flame should be that close to that dangling cloth and rope?" Soos asked anxiously.

"I'm sure about everything!" replied Stan. "Now lube up those engine gears with some kerosine. More kerosine!"

At the entrance, where there was a bodyguard letting people into the festival one by one, the triplets were hiding behind three trash cans that were sitting near the entrance.

They were watching Thompson, who had managed to drag Wendy, Nate, and Lee to the concert.
"Come on, guys, the tickets were a hundred bucks! I sold my watch!" he pleaded. "You've gotta come to the concert!"

"Ew, and look at that?" said Wendy, who was gesturing towards Robbie and Tambry. "No thank you."
Robbie and Tambry were looking at each other lovingly as they walked with their arms around their each other.

"Ugh, they're doing that couple hug walk" said Dipper. "Guys, you're in public! People can see you!"
Mara rolled her eyes.

"They're not really going to care, you know" she said. "If they've consumed a love potion and all."
"Yeah, come on, Dipper" said Mabel, who slapped a hand over Dipper's mouth and dragged him towards the entrance.

Mara pulled out the slow motion/fast motion device, and fired the fast motion end at herself, Dipper, and Mabel.

They sped right past the two guards into the festival, a gust of wind hitting both of them.

"Did you feel that, Steve?" asked one guard to the other. "I think I was just hit inconspicuously by a gust of wind from people speeding past me so quickly that I couldn't see them!"

The other guard, Steve, sighed and put a hand to his forehead.

"You've been watching too many cartoons."

They hid behind a building, where they could see the vans of the people who were supposed to perform in the concert.

Suddenly, one of the soundboard people appeared from backstage in front of the love god van.

"Love god?" he said. "Sound check for Love god?"

The van rumbled for a bit, before Love god finally tumbled out of the van.

Tyler and a woman appeared to have been in the van as well.

"Let's make some miracles happen!" said Love god. "Groupies, bed head me!"

He bent over, and Tyler and the woman started to ruffle up his hair.

"Love god's about to get crazy!" he said, before he ran right into his van. "Yeah alright!"

And with that, he and his friends walked away from the van and onto the backstage.

The triplets noticed that he had left his rope belt with the potions hanging on it.

"Now's our chance!" said Mabel.

The three of them hurried up to the open van, and Mabel picked up the potion belt.

"Here we go, let's see" she was saying. "Puppy love, interspecies love, love of country music...ew! Oh, anti-love!"
She held up a dark purple potion, and read the label aloud.

"To reverse the effects of love potion, simply spray on the victim and watch their heart die on the inside."
"Sounds good to me" said Dipper.

"I probably could have made something like that easily" said Mara with a bit of a bitter tone.

"Hey!" someone said suddenly, and the three of them turned to see Love god, standing over them with a furious look on his face.

"You're the one who's been stealing my stuff!" he said, pointing at Mabel accusingly. "I am not loving this."
"I'm sorry, but I made a mistake and I have to fix it!" said Mabel.

"Kid, I tried to tell you, this stuff is way too dangerous!" Love god was saying. "In my oath as a god, I cannot let you...oh hey, where'd you just go?" he exclaimed, noticing that the triplets were now running off.

"I'm sorry, Love god!" Mabel screamed, clutching the anti-love potion tightly. "It's for the good of my friends!"

"Come back here!"

Love god tied the love potion belt around his huge waist, and then started to run after the three kids.

However, Mabel noticed that love god was starting to catch up to her.

Mara noticed this too, and she pulled out the slow motion/fast motion device from her toolbelt, and fired the slow motion end at the Love god, who started to run in slow motion immediately.

The triplets than ran onto the stage, where a trio of three men with long mustaches tied together called 'The Handlebar Bros' were playing ukuleles.

For a long moment, the three of them just stood there, frozen and unsure of what to do. It was just long enough for the slow motion ray to wear off, and the Love god ran onto the stage and pointed at them.

"Get those kids!" he yelled.

The handlebar bros appeared in front of the triplets, their mustaches still tied together.

"Halt!" they yelled. "We mustache you to move!"

"Pull their mustaches!" yelled Mara.

Dipper and Mabel obliged, each of them grabbing onto the two knots that were tying their mustaches together, and pulling them downwards. This caused the brothers' heads to collide, and they fell to the ground.

"Good one" said Dipper, before the three of them leapt into the cheering crowd. It wasn't long before the crowd itself started to carry the triplets onwards.

The three of them were having different reactions to this.

"Whoa! Thank you!" exclaimed Mabel joyfully, who was really enjoying this experience. She had always wanted to surf a crowd.

"Oh no!" exclaimed Dipper with an embarrassed tone, as he was tossed around. "Everyone is touching everything!"

"Hey, hands off!" yelled Mara angrily, as she finally stood up, and literally started to run on top of the crowd, planting her feet on several random heads as she passed them. It must have been a painful experience for the poor people she stepped on, for she was wearing cargo boots.

Meanwhile, Love god was surfing the crowd on his belly, doing an almost swimming motion as he tried to make his way towards the triplets.

"Give me back that potion!" he demanded. "Oh hey, what's up?" he suddenly said, high-fiving a random dude.

"Here, have a cassette" he said, handing a cassette to another random fan.

Finally, the three of them managed to reach the end of the crowd, and the instant they touched the ground, they took off running.

The triplets ran right underneath a man on stilts, and then continued onwards.

Love god had finally managed to get out of the crowd, and he tried lunging at them. However, they were too fast, and he ended up landing right on his face instead.

He quickly picked himself up, and tried to flap his little wings.

"Dang it, fly, tiny wings!" he yelled, as the puny wings didn't seem to be able to support his enormous girth. "I haven't had to use these in a long time!"

He managed to finally hover up into the air, and started to pursue the triplets from above as they ran.

They passed right by a man who was drinking tea, and he poured out his drink as he saw the strange sight run right by him.

"Dipper, Mara, look!" yelled Mabel suddenly, pointing a spot on a hill several yards away from them. It was Robbie and Tambry, sitting on a picnic blanket with a basket. They had their arms wrapped around each other as Robbie took a picture of them with Tambry's phone.

Mabel grabbed a spray bottle head from an entire box that she had passed by, and then stuck it onto the top of the potion bottle.

"Just one clean shot to the back of their heads and everything's fixed!"

Suddenly, Love god landed right in front of them, blocking their path.

"Sorry kids, but you've left me no choice" he said, as he pulled out one of the potions from his belt. "Visions of heartbreak past!"

He threw it onto the ground, and pink fumes erupted from it. Suddenly, several figures took form in the pink smoke, and started to walk towards Mabel.

The three figures were Gabe, Norman, and Mermando.

"We're back, Mabel!" said Gabe.

Sev'ral Timez appeared from the pink smoke as well.

"We like you now!" they sang.

Another figure walked up to Mabel, and she instantly recognized him as the boy she had left a note for in the gift shop. He held up the 'Do you like me?' note she had given him.

"Yes! Definitely! Absolutely!"

Dipper punched that boy, and his form disappeared in a puff of pink smoke.

"Ha! Did you really think we'd fall for that?"
But the other remaining lost loves were crowding around Mabel, who was laughing blissfully.

"Sure you can all marry me!" she said. Suddenly, another lost love walked up to Mabel, who looked like he was the same time period as the Revolutionary War.

"Ah, guy from the ten dollar bill!" said Mabel. "I forgot I had a crush on you!"

"You had a crush on Alexander Hamilton?!" exclaimed Mara.

"Dang it, Mabel, they're not real!" yelled Dipper.

"Just give us the bottle, Mabel" said Mermando.

"MABEL, DON'T!!!!" screamed Dipper, as Mabel was handing the bottle to Mermando's pink hands.

"It's finally done!" said Stan, as Soos finally finished up the balloon. "Those idiots will understand that I love young people!"
He took out a blueprint that the balloon was supposed to be of. It was Stan's face, that was smiling with pink cheeks, and had a message above it that said 'I heart kids.'

"I heart kids" Stan read aloud, before turning towards Soos. "Alright, let her rip!"

But Soos noticed that certain parts of the balloon were starting to fall apart as it flew up into the air.

"Oh no! A letter rip!" he exclaimed, as he fell forward.

"What the H?" exclaimed Stan, as the H from the message fell onto him, and the R from the message fell next to him as well.

The hippies were playing amongst themselves happily, when they suddenly noticed the dark shadow starting to loom over them. They looked upward to see Stan's terrible balloon, which was still of his face, but was much less appealing than the drawing that they had originally done.

The message above his head was much different because of the letter rips. It read 'I eat kids.'

A woman screamed as everyone started to run away.

"I eat kids?" exclaimed a random teenager to his friend. "But we're kids!"

"It's heaven's punishment for our terrible taste in everything!" yelled his other friend, as the two of them ran away.

As if it could get any worse, the machine producing the flame of the balloon suddenly caught fire, and exploded, causing the entire balloon of Stan's face to be caught aflame as it descended downwards towards the people.

A mother and her son were sitting on a picnic blanket, frozen in fear as they watched the flaming balloon come right towards them.

"Mommy?" said the little boy with a fearful voice. "Is the floating head really going to eat us?"
"Yes, Charlie!" exclaimed the mother, hugging her son to her chest as she started to cry. "Yes he will!"

The flaming Stan head descended downwards towards them.

"Mabel, it's a trick!" yelled Dipper, as Mabel handed the bottle to Mermando. "Don't give him the-"

Mermando tossed the bottle to Love god, who caught it in his hand.

The instant his hand touched it, the pink figures of Mabel's lost loves all disappeared.

"Ah!" she exclaimed, as she fell onto her knees. "Curse my oversized heart!"

"Sorry, kids, but that's what happens when you mess with a god!" Love god said. "Only a greater being from the heavens themselves could possibly stop-"

As if on cue, Stan's flaming balloon suddenly started to descend down towards them, and there were people screaming as they ran out of the way.

The Love god screamed as the Stan balloon came down on top of him. He dropped the potion, and it came rolling towards the triplet's feet.

Firemen were now using hoses to put out the flames of the Stan balloon, and the Valentinos were watching from a distance.

"Oh no" said Mr. Valentino cheerfully. "I hope someone didn't die!"

"Yes, that would be awful!" agreed Mrs. Valentino with an equally cheerful tone.

And with that, the two of them started laughing at their own joke.

Stan and Soos were walking through the festival, wondering what all the chaos was about.

"What's everybody crying about?" said Stan. "In my day, zeppelins fell from the sky like raindrops."
Suddenly, one of the teenagers stopped, and pointed at Stan, recognizing him instantly from the balloon.

"It's him!" he exclaimed. "The horrible old man from the sky!"
He screamed and ran away, and all the other people who had been around Stan ran as far away from his as possible.

There was a long pause, before Stan finally turned towards Soos.

"You know what? Being loved by the youth is overrated" he said with a cheerful voice. "Being feared? Now that's priceless."
They walked right past the triplets, who were looking at the fallen Stan balloon wondering if the Love god had survived.

"Love god, are you ok?" called out Dipper.

Mabel crossed her fingers.

"Please be immortal, please be immortal..."
"You know, I'd actually be pretty happy if he'd died in there" said Mara with a careless voice. Both of her siblings glared at her.

"What?" she said, shrugging her shoulders.

Just then, Love god dragged his top half from under the balloon, and took in a deep breath.

"Dude, I am so over this!" he exclaimed furiously.

"Love god to the stage!" shouted someone through a bullhorn. "Love god to the stage?"

He growled as he pulled the rest of himself out from under the balloon.

"Look, kid, take it! Spray everyone, for all I care!" he exclaimed. "You wanna mess with people's lives? You wanna play love god? Do it! Cause I'm sick of it!"

And with that, he stumbled away in pain.

"Medic!" he called. "I need...I need onion rings!"

The triplets peered out from the bush that they were hiding in to look at Robbie and Tambry from behind. They were leaning against each other watching the Woodstick concert, and Robbie had his arm around Tambry's shoulders.

"Alright, Mabel, now's our chance" said Dipper. "They break up, and the whole friend group gets put back together."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" said Mara. "I mean, what if you only make things worse by continuing to mess with love even further? Maybe we should just let it be?"

Mara's words were starting to get to Mabel, and she struggled to shoot Tambry and Robbie with the potion, her arms trembling as she held it up towards them.

It was just then that Robbie turned around, and noticed Mabel for the first time.

"Mabel!" he exclaimed happily, as he got up and started to walk towards her.

Mabel hurriedly hid the potion behind her back as Robbie approached her.

"Mabel, I just wanted to thank you. I've been so miserable since Wendy broke up with me, that I thought my life was over" he said. "But you were right. I just needed to move on."

He turned towards Tambry, who was editing a picture of Robbie on her phone. She was adding little digital hearts to his picture.

"I'm...happy?" he said cheerfully. "Weird, huh?"
"Robbie!" Tambry called. "People are commenting on our picture!"
Robbie held up the zipped up hoodie to Mabel, which was a mended heart. He winked at her and grinned as he started to walk back towards his girlfriend.

Mabel then turned towards her siblings.

"Dipper, maybe we shouldn't do this" she said to her brother. "I mean, every time we've played with people's feelings, it's only made things worse."

"Exactly" said Mara.

The three of them then turned to look at the young couple, who were now putting mascara underneath each other's eyes.

"They are kinda perfect for each a gross kind of way" said Dipper.

Mara smirked.

"I'd never thought I'd hear you say those words" she said.

"But what about our friend group?" Dipper asked.

"Well, maybe it will sort itself out" said Mabel. "I mean, there's gotta be something that will bring everybody back together."

Mara sighed.

"It's probably going to have to be something have to do with Thompson getting harassed" she said sadly. "Or something along the lines of that."

Looking back at her actions, she couldn't help but feel...ashamed. It was tough for her to accept that some people didn't seem to want any help even after she had stood up for them. It was something unheard of in her mind. It just didn't make any sense. I mean, why wouldn't people want help?

Dipper sighed.

"That reminds me, Mara, I'm sorry about our argument earlier" he said. "You were just standing up for Thompson, and I was helping to pick on him."

"But, he didn't seem to even want my help" said Mara. "His reaction almost made it seem like I had just done something wrong."

"Look, what you did wasn't wrong. In time, Thompson will probably be thanking you." said Dipper. "You refuse to join in if people are doing something wrong, even at the expense of you not fitting in. You don't care about social guidelines, and won't hesitate to break them if someone is getting hurt. Keep being courageous, Mara, and don't change yourself one bit."
Mara smiled.

"Thanks, Dip."

Thompson walked into the Woodstick festival with a pink rainbow cake in his hands. He was wearing his concert costume, complete with the jacket that was hiding all the snacks.

"Guys! I made a friendship cake!" he was saying. "So let's all get over this, ok?"
But suddenly, a beach ball hit him directly in the face, and Thompson dropped the cake.

He looked down at the remains of the cake, and screamed.

"My cake!"

He bent over to pick it up, but this movement caused his jacket to rip in the back, and it fell off of him, revealing all the snacks that had been duct taped to his body.

The security turned, and pointed at him accusingly.

"Hey! Food from the outside!"

Thompson screamed as the two body guards suddenly started to chase him.

Just then, Nate, Lee, and Wendy all appeared on the spot on that hill where Robbie and Tamby were sitting.

"Whoa, look at that!" said Lee.

"Is that...Thompson?" said Wendy, a smile crossing over her face.

Thompson had managed to climb up a phone pole, and while one security guard was blowing a whistle, the other was trying to whack Thompson down with a broom.

The eight of them walked down towards the festival until they were a few yards away from them.

Lee was laughing.

"Yeah, fight the machine, Thompson!" called Nate, as Tambry took a photo of the entire thing.

"Throw snacks at them!" called Wendy.

"Use jerky as a weapon!" said Robbie.

"Thompson! Thompson! Thompson!" the teens started to chant, as they watched Thompson grab onto a telephone wire, and try to swing away. This only resulted in him getting stuck hanging onto the wire as the security continued to whack him with the broom.

As they were chanting, Lee punched Nate playfully, and in return, Nate punched Lee back.

Tambry smiled apologetically at Wendy, who smiled understandingly back. Tambry turned back to watch Thompson, and while his girlfriend wasn't looking, Robbie looked over at Wendy, and smiled apologetically. Wendy smiled in return, letting him know that she was ok with him and Tambry being together.

"I think that everything just might be alright" said Mabel.

"Maybe someone up there really is a genius matchmaker" said Dipper.

"All according to plan" said Thompson, right before he was whacked by the brooms of the security again.

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