Gravity Falls Pines Triplets...

By opal35416

107K 1.6K 4.2K

Dipper, Mabel, and Mara Pines are triplets who have been sent to Gravity Falls for the Summer to live with th... More

Tourist Trapped
Legend of the Gobblewonker
Head Hunters
The Hand that Rocks the Mabel
The Inconveniencing
Dipper vs Manliness
Double Dipper
Irrational Treasure
Time Traveller's Pig
Fight Fighters
Little Dipper
Boss Mabel
Bottomless Pit!
The Deep End
Carpet Diem
Boyz Crazy
Land Before Swine
Gideon Rises
Into the Bunker
The Golf War
Sock Opera
Soos and the Real Girl
Little Gift Shop of Horror
Society of the Blind Eye
The Love god
Northwest Mansion Mystery
Not What He Seems
Tale of Two Stans
Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons
The Stanchurian Candidate
The Last Mabelcorn
Roadside Attraction
Dipper, Mara, and Mabel vs the Future
Weirdmageddon: Part I
Weirdmageddon Part II: Escape From Reality
Weirdmageddon Part III: Take Back the Falls
The Triplets' Guides
Mara and Nat's kids' story
Lost Legends with the Pines Triplets

Blendin's Game

1.4K 39 76
By opal35416

Dipper inserted a quarter into the vending machine, and then pressed the buttons: 2, 2, C.

He and Mabel then watched as a candy bar started to make its way forward in the machine.

"Candy! Candy! Candy!" they chanted excitedly, as they waited for it to fall down.

However, the machine suddenly stopped moving, and the candy bar froze just as it had been about to teeter over the edge.

Dipper pounded on the glass.

"No! It's trapped!" he exclaimed with a distressed tone.

"Everything is terrible forever!" said Mabel in a dramatic tone.

"Psst!" someone said, and they both turned to see Soos whispering to them.

"Hey dudes" he said. "You wanna know a trick?"

He suddenly started to pound on the front of the vending machine

"Bibbidy boop" he chanted, as he finally banged his arm against the side of the machine. "Whop!"

Suddenly, the vending machine door swung open, and Soos grinned as he reached in and pulled out several candy bars, including the one that they had been trying to buy.

"A genius taught me that once" he said, as he finally came out of the vending machine with his arms filled with candy. "This just in, the weather just called for a candy blizzard!"

He suddenly threw all the candy up into the air, and the siblings held their hands out excitedly as the raining candy fell into them.

"Soos, you are the greatest human ever to live" said Dipper.

Soos then noticed that despite how much candy he had just given them, none of the siblings seemed to be eating any of it.

"Hey, aren't you dudes gonna eat that candy?" he asked.

"Oh, it's not for us" said Mabel. "Mara's been plagued by guilt ever since she found out about how it was her fault that McGucket went bleh!"

She blew a raspberry at that last part.

"She's confined herself to the shed, and hasn't left it for three days straight" said Dipper. "My guess is that she's trying to build some kind of device that will allow for her to fix McGucket's mind."

"So we wanted to cheer her up by getting her favorite candy bar" said Mabel, holding up a bar from the hand full that was labelled 'Caffeinator 8.0.' "But you've gotten her more than enough. Thank you, Soos!"

"Hey, no sweat, dude" said Soos, as he took out his wallet and pulled out several quarters. He put his wallet down on a nearby table, and stuck the quarters into the vending machine. "I'd do anything for the Pines family."

"Soos!" Stan's voice suddenly yelled throughout the entire Mystery Shack. "I need to scratch myself in two places at once!"

"And I mean anything" said Soos, before he cupped his hand over his mouth. "Coming, Mr. Pines!"

And with that, Soos disappeared through the 'Employees Only' door making his way towards Stan.

Dipper turned, and started to walk out the door.

Mabel noticed that Soos had left his wallet on the table.

"Well, I'm gonna get this candy to Mara" Dipper said. "You coming?"

"You go on without me" Mabel said, turning towards him so that her back was facing the wallet. "I'm certainly not going to look through Soos's wallet the instant your back is turned!"

She had a huge 'innocent' smile across her face, and both hands behind her back, one of which had its fingers crossed.

Dipper sighed and shook his head, then headed out of the gift shop towards the shed.

It wasn't a very far walk at all, for the shed was only about a foot away from the Mystery Shack. Dipper used one hand to knock on the door.

"Hello? Mara?" he called. "Are you in there?"

"Leave me alone, please" said Mara's voice from the other side of the door. "I'm busy."

Dipper determined that his sister must have been really distressed if she was using the word please.

He turned the knob and entered the shed anyways.

Apparently, it was possible for the shed to be even messier than it usually was. There were wires hung everywhere, pieces of scrap metal and screws that were just lying around, and several unfinished devices that looked an awful lot like tape measurers strewn all over the place. There was a small device that looked like a miniature bronze chamber large enough to fit a capsule or tube in sitting on the worktable as well.

Mara was working at her worktable, her attention focused on the invention she was working on right now, which also looked like a tape measurer.

There was a grilled cheese sandwich that was sitting abandonedly on the work table too, but it looked as discarded as the devices that had been thrown everywhere.

Dipper almost dropped the candy when he first saw his sister.

He hadn't seen her for three whole days, and now he could see why.

Mara's hair looked like a rat's nest, and the bandana was so crooked that half of the white streak of hair was exposed. Her skin was clammy and pale, as if she hadn't seen the sun in a long time, and her hands were trembling slightly as she screwed a bolt into place. But what really caught Dipper's eye were the huge, dark bags that were underneath her eyes.

"Mara, have you gotten any sleep for the past three nights?" he asked.

Her lack of an answer confirmed it. In fact, she seemed to be pretty intent on ignoring him.

"What are you working on?" Dipper asked, as he turned and looked at the wall.

There was a board there, with all sorts of blue prints, sketches, and equations pinned to it, and the board was labelled 'Time-Travelling Tape Measurer.'

Dipper knew immediately what she was trying to do.

"I've been thinking a lot about what McGucket said" Mara said, finally turning from the device that she was working on towards her brother. "That I can't go back in the past to change it. Then it occurred to me that I'm supposed to invent time travel in the future. I figured, why not now, when I really need it?"

Dipper tensed when she said those words. That didn't sound like her at all. She never rushed towards the future, and yet this was exactly what she was trying to do. Her lack of sleep seemed to be affecting her judgement.

"Then, why don't you just create another memory serum instead of going through all this trouble?" he suggested. "You can use it to restore McGucket's mind."

Mara shook her head.

"No, that serum restores memories. It can't fix a broken mind. Besides, that's not good enough. I want to go back in time, and make sure that he never finds the memory gun in the first place so that his life doesn't get ruined."

"Look, Mara, why don't you take a break?" he asked, putting a hand on her shoulder. "You look exhausted. Get some sleep. And here."

He dropped the handful of candy onto the desk next to her, but she didn't budge. Mara was not stuffing her face with chocolate the instant she saw it. She really did have impaired judgement.

"Thanks, Dipper" she said. "But I can't take a break."

"What? Why not? Look at yourself! You haven't slept in three days straight! It appears that you've been trying, and failing, to invent the tape measurer, and this attempt right here is mostly in vain. You're not getting any closer to creating a time travelling device, but you will if you take a break-"


Mara slammed her hand down onto the tabletop furiously.

"Dipper, you don't understand, I am the reason that McGucket is the way that he is today. Can you imagine living with that guilt for the rest of your life? I can't live like that. I have to find a way to go back in time, and stop myself from dropping that stupid memory gun as soon as I can. Fixing things is what I do best."

The intense expression that she gave him could have set oil aflame.

Dipper noticed that while her words were as determined as ever, they were laced with a tone of anguish, and the desperation in her tired eyes matched her cracked voice exactly. He couldn't help but be afraid of her while she was in this state. She seemed to be a bit...unstable.

In the end, he decided to just give her some space, and try again maybe later. Chances were, she was bound to fall asleep anyways if she had gone for seventy two hours without sleep. Maybe he should bring Mabel during his next attempt, she was much better at cheering people up than he was.

Trusting this logic. Dipper started to walk away, and Mara turned away from him and reconcentrated on the tape measure device she was working on at the table.

"Ok" he said as calmly as he could. "I'll come and check on you later, Mara. But if you're not gonna take a break, at least eat the chocolate. Mabel and I got that specially for you."

And with that, he walked out of the shed, and closed the door behind him gently.

When he was gone, Mara eyed the pile of candy that he had left her that was sitting on the tabletop just to her left.

Very slowly, she picked up her favorite candy bar, the 'Caffeine-ator 8.0,' opened the wrapper, and took a small bite out of it.

When Dipper reentered the gift shop, he caught Mabel red-handed holding Soos's wallet.

"Ah ha!" he exclaimed, pointing at her as he walked up to his guilty sister. "I knew you'd break into Soos's wallet the instant my back was turned!"

"Oh come on, Dipper, I've never seen Soos's wallet before!" Mabel replied. "Don't you wanna learn some Soos secrets?"

Dipper took the wallet from his sister's hands.

"I'm not sure we should...whoa!"

He stopped mid-sentence, for something inside Soos's wallet had caught his eye. He pulled it out. It was a membership card for a laser tag place in Gravity Falls.

"Soos has a membership to laser tag?" he said.

Dipper flipped the card over, and saw the words 'Fun for ages 12 and under' written on the back.

"I didn't know they let grown ups into there."

"And look at this!" said Mabel, pulling what looked like an old piece of meat with a band aid on it from the wallet. There was a sticky note stuck onto it labelled '4 Emergencies.'

"Emergency salami!" she said. "Soos, my respect for you has grown."
Dipper took out Soos's ID, and started to read aloud.

"Jesus Alzamirano Ramirez" he said. "Organ donor, birthday July 13th."

Dipper suddenly realized something.

"Wait a minute, that's today."

"Whoa!" said Mabel.

"That's weird" said Dipper. "I wonder why he didn't tell anyone."

"Well duh! It's probably because he wants someone to throw him a surprise party!" said Mabel. "I can relate. I've been waiting for a surprise party my whole life."

As if on cue, Candy suddenly ran up behind her, and threw confetti into the air, which rained down onto Mabel.

"Surprise!" Candy cried.

Mabel turned and faced her friend with narrowed eyes.

"Too little too late, Chiu" she said.

Candy hung her head in shame, and walked away.

Despite how much candy she'd eaten, Mara was still not feeling any better. The empty chocolate wrappers were sitting in a pile on the floor next to her as she continued her work on the current tape measurer device, which she knew would probably be a failure.

Mara was sitting in the exact same chair that she had been when Dipper had checked in on her, and she hadn't moved from it since, and she had been sitting for so long that her entire body had gone numb.

She finished screwing in the last bolt, and then held it up. She noticed even though the device was very tiny and light in weight, her arms were still trembling to hold it up.

"Ok" she said, yawning in exhaustion and wiping her eyes before turning back towards the device.

"Time to...t-test it out...again..."

She felt herself nodding off, and her head started to drop downwards.

Mara quickly snapped herself back awake, her eyes red in exhaustion as she turned back towards the device.

"...Here goes nothing."

She slid out the tape from the measurer device, and pressed the 'Backwards' button on the side. She waited in anticipation, before finally letting go of the tape.

Nothing happened.

Mara howled in frustration, and threw the failed prototype into the pile with the rest of them.

She started to pound her fists against the table in agitation.


She could feel the pressure of her guilt fuse with the sleep deprivation, resulting in a crazed, desperate feeling. It suddenly came bursting out of her after she had been holding in in for three days.

Then suddenly, she collapsed from pure exhaustion onto the desk, and she felt her head hit the hard surface. Her vision was starting to get blurry as she blinked rather slowly a few times.

Mara could tell that her body was forcing itself to go to sleep, and she could feel the dreary fatigue starting to overwhelm her senses.

Now, she could only see through half closed eyelids, and she let out a loud yawn.

"Stay...awake..." she muttered to herself, right before she entered a world of infinite emptiness.

Grenda was standing on a ladder outside, using a paintbrush to paint the words 'It's your birthday, yo!!!!!' onto a banner that hung above them.

"More exclamation points!" yelled Mabel. "More, I say!"

Grenda grinned, and added some more explanation points to the banner.

"Man, you guys have thought of everything" she said.

"Grenda, triplets are born birthday experts" said Mabel, as Dipper set a cake down onto a table with a red cloth outside.

"The three of us have shared every birthday together, so we know how to make them perfect" said Dipper, as he walked over towards Mabel.

"Maybe I've forgotten how to count, but I'm pretty sure there's only two of you right now" said Grenda. "Where's Mara?"

Dipper looked nervously between them. Of course, he'd already told Mabel, complete with all the details of what had happened, but he didn't want to describe the entire thing to Grenda.

"Yeah, uh, let's just say that she's not exactly in her most...stable state right now" he said.

"Which is too bad" said Mabel. "Because the party won't truly be awesome-mazing without all three party planners."

Suddenly, Dipper heard the sound of very soft footsteps.

"Quick! Places everyone!" he yelled, as everyone took cover behind the table. "I hear footsteps!"

"Everyone be QUIET!!!" yelled Grenda.

They peaked over the table to see Candy, leading a blindfolded Soos towards the party.

"Alright, you promised a giant hummingbird, so I'm expecting to see a giant hummingbird" Soos was saying.

"Three, two, one..." said Candy, as she ripped the blindfold off of his eyes.

Soos's eyes widened at the sight of the birthday banner, balloons, streamers, and table, where Dipper, Mabel, and Grenda popped out from behind.

The three of them threw confetti into the air.

"Surprise!" they shouted.

They walked up to him, all of them wearing huge smiles on their faces.

"Happy birthday, you King on Earth!" said Mabel cheerfully, as she lightly elbowed Soos. She then turned towards the food table. "We've got everything you love: cake flavored pizza, pizza flavored cake..."

She then led Soos over towards a small stage with a curtain over it. There was a sign above it labelled 'The Razz Dazzler.'

"...and one more treat!!!" she chimed.

Dipper pulled the curtain back, and suddenly a tap-dancing Toby Determined was revealed behind it. He was wearing a skin tight red leotard with a sparkly blue bow tie and hat. He was also wearing tap shoes, and had a cane in his hands.

"Razzle dazzle, friends, it's me, the Razz Dazzler!" he chimed, as he danced around on the stage. "This is what my life has become!"

Soos watched the tap-dancing with anxious eyes.


"Quick!" said Mabel, pulling out a camera as Dipper, Candy, and Grenda gathered around Soos. "Everybody pose for the birthday smiles memory album!"

She snapped a picture, and the four of them gathered around to see the picture that the camera printed as Mabel pulled it out.

The photo developed, revealing Soos with a rather sad look on his face.

Dipper turned towards him.

"Soos, what's wrong?" he asked.

"It's, um...It's nothing" said Soos nervously. "I, um, gotta go fix a pipe or something."

And with that, he walked away from them with his head down in sadness.

Just as Soos was walking around the corner of the Mystery Shack, Wendy and Stan appeared at that very spot.

"Whoa, did you guys see Soos?" said Wendy. "What happened to-"

She paused when she saw the party that they had thrown.

Stan and her looked at it with huge, worried faces.

"Oh no" said Wendy anxiously, as she gripped the sides of her head. "Oh no, no!"

Dipper and Mabel walked up to her with confused expressions on their faces. After all, what was wrong with throwing a birthday party for Soos?"

"Ok, you guys didn't know so it's not your fault, but Soos hates his birthday" said Wendy.

"What?" exclaimed the two of them at the same time.

"It's a total mystery. I guess he's been like this since he was a kid" said Wendy. "Some weird, personal biz."

"There's gotta be something we can do!" said Mabel.

"We've tried everything!" said Wendy.

"I even petitioned to have this day removed from calendars" said Stan, as he held up a piece of paper with his mugshot on it and the word 'BANNED' written across it. "Now I'm not allowed on airplanes."

Soos was sitting on the steps of the Mystery Shack porch, looking at a postcard from New Orleans. He sighed sadly and hung his head.

Stan, Wendy, Mabel, and Dipper were watching him from behind the corner of the shack.

"I don't know" said Wendy. "Maybe we should just leave him alone."
"No one should be alone on their birthday" said Dipper. "There's gotta be a way to cheer him up."

It was then that he realized that Soos wasn't the only one who was miserable. Dipper turned and looked at the desolate shed, where he knew that Mara was.

"And Mara too" he said, now starting to feel a bit guilty that he hadn't really helped her much at all. "We've just gotta try harder."

Mabel leaped out from behind their hiding spot.

"You're right, Dipper, it's time for us to bring out the big guns!"

Mara was still sleeping in the shed, her head resting in her arms on the desk. She moaned agitatedly in her sleep as she dreamed:

In her dream, she was in the woods of Gravity Falls. However, the entire forest was black and white, and the setting itself seemed to be emitting an atmosphere of fear.

There was a huge tree next to her, with a peculiar triangular shape carved into it.

Keeping her guard up, Mara wandered further into the woods, readying herself to grab a weapon from her toolbelt as she walked forward.

However, a shadow suddenly loomed over her, and Mara looked at the ground to see that it was shaped like a very distinct triangle.

"How's it hanging, Snowflake?"

Mara turned around, and glared, refusing to show any signs of surprise.

"Bill Cipher" she seethed.

The floating triangle with one eye and a top hat laughed gleefully, but there was a hint of cynicism laced into it.

Mara looked at him with a purposely deadpanned expression, trying to hide any emotion from him.

"What do you want from me?"

"Ah, straight and to the point, as always" said Bill, as he floated down towards her. "Although the question you should be asking is what do you..."

He pointed at her.

"...want from me" he said, pointing to himself. He then floated up into the air a bit higher.

"I've been watching you for a while, Snowflake" he said. "So don't deny it when I tell you that you're trying to find a way to go back and fix that one teeny mistake" he said, making a gesture with his hands to show the tiny mistake.

Mara flinched when he mentioned that. She didn't bother to ask how he knew that, for she already knew the answer to that question.

She only crossed her arms over her chest stubbornly, and raised an eyebrow.


"So, I think that I may be able to help you" said Bill, as he floated downward and put an arm around her shoulders. In response to that gesture, Mara shoved him away from her.

He pretended as if she hadn't done that. He floated a little ways off, and turned so that his back was facing her.

"As you know, I have a certain... influence over several people" he said.

He then turned around to face her.

"I'm sure that by now, you know that there's no inventing time travel early?"

Mara only stared at him uneasily, feeling cracks start to appear in her supposedly emotionless face.

"The only way you're getting back to the past is through the only people who currently have access to time travel" Bill continued. "I can get the time agency to come back to Gravity Falls, giving you an opportunity to nab a tape measurer that you can use later to send yourself to the time period where you dropped the memory gun."

Mara looked back up at him, for that had caught her attention. She tried not to let him know this, but Bill saw the tiny spark of interest in her eyes.
"What's the catch?" she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I become your next living human sock puppet?"

Bill laughed.

"Oh no, Snowflake, something much, much easier for you: I want you to fix something."

She wasn't sure if she had heard him right.

"Fix something?" said Mara, who thought that statement sounded rather vague.

"Yeah, you're great at fixing things!" said Bill. "You're the only one who has the ability to help me out, you special little snowflake."

Bill examined her to see if this unctuous tactic had worked. But based on her continuous hard expression, he could tell that her stubborn stance hadn't been shaken any by that flattery. She didn't seem to be as credulous as he thought she was. He decided to switch tactics.

"Look, kid" Bill said, floating downwards so that he was directly in front of her. "You and I both know that there's no other way to get to the past to fix that one, regretful, soul-crushing mistake."

Mara tensed when he said that, and he could see her start to give way a bit.

"I understand you wanting to go back and undo it all" he said. "You know, prevent yourself from ruining Fiddleford's life."

Suddenly, several scenes flashed across Bill's chest, and Mara saw clips of a young McGucket. It looked like he had grown to be very successful off of the personal computer, and that he was very wealthy. His wife was still with him. His son loved him dearly, and was very proud of his father.

She watched as the scenes changed, and McGucket progressively grew older. But no matter how old he was, he never looked anything near his current, crazy self. She watched him grow old in his life, and as she did, the guilt started to creep back into her heart.

Bill's chest suddenly flashed back to normal as the scenes of uncrazed McGucket ended.

"That's what his life would have been like if you hadn't interfered. He could have been rich and successful, and he and his loving family would have been together. Now, because of you, he's a broken man who lives by himself in a junkyard. His wife left him, and his son tries to pretend he doesn't exist" he said. "It's an understatement to say that you made a mistake. You've completely ruined his life, Snowflake. It's all your fault."

Mara was fighting the tears that she could feel starting to form in her eyes. She turned around so that Bill couldn't see her in her weakened state.

He floated down towards her, and put a hand on her shoulder.

This time, she didn't push him away.

"But I can help" said Bill. "I can get the time agency to come back to Gravity Falls, so that can steal a tape measurer. You'll be able to go back in time and give Fiddleford the life he deserved back. And all you have to do is fix this one little thing for me, Snowflake. After all, fixing things is what you do best."

Mara refused to look him in the eye, instead concentrating her attention to the side as she thought about it. She knew he was right. There really was no other way to get McGucket his life back.

Bill then out his hand towards her. A blue flame appeared in his hand, the very same one that always appeared whenever he made a deal with someone.

"So do we have a deal?"

She had to help McGucket, and all she had to do was fix something for Bill. She was sure that she'd be able to fix it. What harm could come out of it?

She looked back at Bill with a determined look in her eyes. Slowly, she took Bill's flamed hand, and shook.


Suddenly, everything began to flash, and Mara looked down at her body to see that she was starting to disappear, just like she and the others had in Stan's mind.

"Well, it looks like you're about to wake up, Snowflake" said Bill, letting go of her hand and floating upwards. It looked like he was starting to disappear out of her mind as well.

"The time agency will come for you soon" he said. "Once you get your hands on the tape measurer, go to this exact part of the forest in Gravity Falls so that you can fulfill your end of the deal. Just look for the tree with the triangular carving!"

Mara turned towards the tree with the peculiar triangle carved into it. It was the last thing that she saw before she woke up.

"Mara. Mara" someone was saying.

Mara slowly opened her eyes as she woke up.

Mabel was rubbing her shoulder and calling her name.

"Wakey wakey!" she chimed cheerfully. "I see you've been busy."

Mara groaned, then sat up and stretched.

She yawned loudly before turning back towards her sister.

"We're taking Soos to laser tag for his birthday to cheer him up!" said Mabel joyfully.

Mara's eyes lit up at the word 'laser tag.'

"Laser tag?" she asked, her voice starting to take on an excited tone. It was then that something else caught her attention.

"Wait, it's Soos's birthday today? Have I been holed up in here that long?"
"It's not just you who didn't know. He never told anyone because he apparently hates his birthday" Mabel explained.

"What?" exclaimed Mara. "Why?"

"I don't know, but we tried to throw him a surprise party...let's just say that that didn't go so well" said Mabel. "I guess I should have expected that when I invited Toby to tap dance at his party. Anyways, we're taking him out to laser tag to cheer him up, and we figured that he probably wasn't the only one who needed cheering up."

Mara looked at her sister.

"I don't know, Mabel" she said reluctantly.

"Come on, Mara! You love laser tagging!" said Mabel. "And you're really good at it too! Remember the time you managed to get Dipper out ten seconds into the game?"

Mara couldn't help but laugh, remembering Dipper's frustrated face after she had done that.

"You need a breaky break, sis" said Mabel, grabbing Mara's hand and dragging her out the shed before she could do anything.

"And by the way, it's a surprise for Soos, so don't ruin it."

A few minutes later, they were all walking towards into Big Gunz Laser Tag, leading Soos with a blindfold over his eyes.

"Alright guys, blindfold me once, shame on you. Blindfold me twice..." Soos was saying. "...wait a minute."

He sniffed the air.

"Hot dog smell? Sticky floors? Future sounds?"
He took off the blindfold himself, and found that he was in the middle of Big Gunz Laser Tag. He was surprised.

"Laser tag? I love laser tag" he said. "How'd you guys know?"
"Um, we definitely didn't rifle through your wallet" said Mabel, as she started to laugh nervously.

The intro to the laser tag game started to play on a TV screen behind her.

"Welcome to the year 8000. Society collapsed. Fog machines everywhere."

Wendy touched the walls, which appeared to be soft and squishy.

"Are these walls just mattresses spray painted purple?" she asked skeptically.

"I think this place used to be a mattress store" said Stan.

"I...I don't know guys" said Soos worriedly, after he finished gearing up for the game. "I'm not sure I'm up for this today."
"Don't worry, Soos" Dipper assured him, after he and his sisters geared up for the game as well. "As soon as you start playing with us, you're gonna have a great time."

"Yeah, you're gonna have a blast!" said Mara, as she was trying to put her chest armor on. "Pun intended."

However, it appeared that she wouldn't be able to put the laser tag armor on because her tool belt was in the way.

"Darn, toolbelt" she said, as she snapped it off of her waist and left it on top of one of the counters. However, she took a portal device from one of its compartments, and stuck it into her cargo pants pocket just in case.

"We promise, no matter what happens, we won't leave your side" said Mabel.

"Well, I guess I could give it a shot" said Soos, smiling as they all stood in the back of the line in front of the closed doors ready to enter the laser tag game.

"Laser tag in 3, 2, 1...GO!!!" announced the computer.

The doors opened, and Candy, Grenda, Wendy, and Stan all ran in.

Soos was about to run in himself, but found that his shoelace was untied.

"Uh oh, better tie up these cowboys" he said, as he bent downwards and started to tie his shoes.

Meanwhile, the triplets started to run into the game.

However, none of them noticed that the entrance had actually turned into a white portal leading elsewhere as they ran straight through. And they also failed to notice the laser bars that appeared over the entrance the instant the three of them had come through.

The triplets looked around at the room, which was glowing white on the ceiling, walls, and floors.

"Whoa! This is even cooler than I imagined!" said Mabel.

She walked up to two people wearing futuristic grey and green armor, though how the three of them hadn't noticed them before was a mystery.

"Look at how real these laser guys are!" Mabel said, as she walked up to one of them and kicked him in the crotch twice.

'Kick deflected!' said the protective armor by itself as it blinked. 'Thank you for buying digi-con, the smart conpiece."

Mabel looked at it in confusion.

"Wait, what?"

Dipper gasped, realizing what was going on, and looked back at the entrance to see the laser bars that were trapping them inside. Soos was starting to walk towards them.

"Oh no!" he yelled, as the white portal disappeared completely. "Soos!"

Soos ran right into the game just as the portal disappeared, and started to look around for the triplets.

"Mabel? Mara? Dipper?" he called. "Dudes?"

"Soos!" yelled Dipper, as he ran up to the wall where the laser bars had previously been.

Mabel kicked at the wall several times, and Mara put her shoulder up against it and started to try and run into it.

"Nice try, but that's solid time-tanium, kids" said one of the time agents. "But there's only one way out of here."

"Through me!" a new voice said that the triplets instantly recognized.

They turned to see none other than Blendin, whose invisibility suit was on, so all he appeared to be was a floating head and hands.

He seemed to have realized this, and he held up his watch and started to mess with it. Each time he hit it the suit changed to a different, random setting.

"Sorry" he said. "Come on!"

He finally got it to turn back to its usual grey color, and he pointed at himself again.

"Through me!" he said. "And that's what it would have been like if I had just gotten it right the very first chance, but it still was effective."

The triplets all gasped in shock, Mara gasping as well in an attempt to try and cover up how unsurprised she was. So Bill really had delivered. It was clever how he had gotten the time agency to come back to Gravity Falls through Blendin, who probably was seeking revenge against the three of them. But now how was she going to get her hands on a tape measurer?

"The time traveller guy! What did you say your name was again?" said Mabel. "Blendo, Blandin?"
Dipper suddenly snapped his fingers in realization.

"Blar blar" he said.

"There it is!" said Mabel.

Mara was laughing hard, because she knew what his name really was.

"It's Blendin! Blendin Blenjamin Blandin!"

Mara smirked.

"Your parents must have really hated you, man" she said.

"How could you not know my name after you ruined my life?" said Blendin.

The triplets all gave him confused expressions.

He then held up his watch and pressed a button.

"Initiate flashback. It was after you stole the time device to win your stupid pig. I was cast out of the Time Anomaly Removal Crew, my life's purpose! And I was given ten square life sentences in time prison."

He focused his attention on Mara.

"Mara Pines, you used to be my hero. I used to look up to you. But you've turned yourself into my mortal enemy, you and your siblings. I've spent every day since then planning my vengeance. And now finally, it has come!"

"Look, we're sorry about all that, but we're in the middle of something really important right now" said Dipper.

"It's our friend's birthday today and we promised we wouldn't leave his side" said Mabel.

"What? You think some dumb birthday matters right now?" said Blendin. "Do you know where you are? Welcome to Globnar!"

He pointed at a wall, which disappeared and turned into laser bars instead. Behind the bars was a huge, futuristic-looking arena that was glowing blue as the crowd cheered.

There was chaos going on in the arena, including a running woman on fire, a man getting eaten by a purplish blob monster, futuristic warriors engaged in battle, and two men carrying weapons and hitting each other with them. With each hit, the age of the men would fluctuate.

"Is this some reality show?" asked Mabel. "Are we in Japan?"
"It's Gladiatorial Time Combat!" said Blendin. "The winner gets a precious time wish, and then decides the loser's fate."

The triplets watched in horror through the bars as the winner of Globnar received a glowing yellow orb, and then looked down at the loser and lowered his thumb. The loser screamed as he was vaporized in a purple light.

"And the three of you have been officially challenged" said Blendin, suddenly turning and walking away from the three of them. "Dundren! Get me my war paint!"

Mabel turned towards her siblings.

"Dipper, Mara, we need a way out of here!"

"The only way out of here is to get our hands on one of those time devices" said Mara, gesturing towards the yellow tape measurer that was strapped to one of the time agents' belts.

"That's gonna be difficult" said Dipper. "Can't you use that portal device you brought with you?"

Mara shook her head, as she tried to come up with an excuse.

"The portal can only transport you to places in the same time period" she explained. "If I used it now to send us home, it would probably take us to the remains of the Mystery Shack in this future."

Dipper sighed, and then looked at the tape measurer in the time agent's belt.

"I think I've got an idea."

"Don't sorry, Soos, we're coming for you" said Mabel.

"Dipper? Mara? Mabel?" called Soos, as he wandered through the laser tag game. "Requesting backup."
Suddenly, lasers were fired at Soos, who cried out in surprise as she tried to block himself from getting hit.

"Oh no!"

Robbie laughed as he ran up to Soos, and continued to fire lasers at him.

"Laser Robbie!" he cheered for himself.

"Dudes?" called Soos, as he started to sweat nervously.

Mabel walked up the time agent with the tape measurer.

"Oh my stars! Could it be?" she exclaimed.

The time agent turned his attention towards her.

"My little..." she looked at his name tag, which was labelled 'Lolph.'

"...Lolphie!" she finished. "It's me! You're great, great, great, great..."

Mabel looked at Dipper, who was gesturing for her to keep going as Mara snuck up behind Lolph.

"...great, great, great, great, grandmother! From the pastimes" said Mabel.

Lolph's eyes suddenly went large with recognition.

"Gam Gam?" he asked.

Mara smirked as she secretly unclipped the time device from Lolph's belt.

"Yeah, neon green is good. This is a good color for me" Blendin was saying, as the other time agent was putting green paint onto Blendin's face. "It looks fierce..."

But he trailed off as he noticed Mara, behind Lolph with the time device in her hands.

"Who? What? No!" he yelled, directing everyone's attention at Mara. "You can't let them escape, stop them!"

Mara instinctively tossed the tape measurer to Dipper just as Blendin and the time agent who had been painting his face started to come try and tackle her.

She then ran out of the way, and grabbed Mabel's hand as she started to run after Dipper.

"Gam Gam, how could you?" said Lolph.

"I ain't no one's Gam Gam, sucker!" called Mabel over her shoulder. "You just got time-tricked!"

"No!" screamed everyone.

"Hurry! Back to Soos' birthday!" yelled Mabel.

"Ok!" yelled Dipper, as he started to pull out the tape from the measurer.

"Maybe you should let me do it!" shouted Mara. "I'm the one who invents that thing in the future."

"I've got it, Mara" he said, as he let the tape go.

The triplets hooked arms as they suddenly disappeared back in time.

They appeared in the air, and screamed as they came falling down...right onto an empty mattress.

"Are we back?" asked Mabel.

Dipper sat up in sudden realization of where they were.

"Oh no, look!" he said, pointing to the large room around them.

His sisters looked around to see that they were sitting on a bed in a mattress store.

"Guys, the laser place is a mattress store!" said Dipper. "We went too far in the past!"

"I told you that you should have given that thing to me" said Mara.

"Time travel, why you gotta be so complicated!" said Mabel.

Suddenly, they saw the two time agents and Blendin appear in the air a few feet away from them, and they screamed as they scrambled underneath one of the mattresses.

"Looks like they overshot their destination by ten years" said one of the time agents.

"I don't see them" said Blendin nervously. He was in laser handcuffs. "You'd better find those kids!"

"You'll get your justice, Blendin" said Lolph.

"I'm gonna keep stammering until you find them!" said Blendin, as he started to walk out of the mattress store.


Lolph sighed.

"I hate that guy."

"Let's move."

The two time agents unnecessarily jumped across the beds, including the one that the triplets were hiding underneath, and then walked out the stores after Blendin.

"Ok, we've just gotta go forward ten years" said Dipper, as he helped his sisters out from under the bed. "We can be back before Soos even realizes we were gone."

Mara noticed something.

"Wait, where's the time device?" she said, her voice laced with panic.

"Oh no!" exclaimed Mabel, as she bent downwards and picked up the broken time device. "The timey thing, it's broken!"

She turned towards Mara, whose eyes were wide.
"Can you fix it?"

Mara took the busted time device from her.

"I should be able to" she said. "But I can't right now because I left my toolbelt in the present!"

"You're gonna need tools?" asked Dipper.

Mara nodded.

He then glanced at a sign of an arrow, which was labelled 'Mystery Shack one mile.'

"Then I think I know where we can get some."

The triplets walked outside the shop cautiously as they started to make their way through town ten years ago towards the Mystery Shack.

"Let's try and lay low. We don't want to change the future, or cause the future" Dipper was saying. "I forget how this works exactly."

"This is so weird" said Mara. "I wonder what our two-year-old selves are doing right now."
"Wow, ten years in the past" said Mabel, as she looked around in curiosity. "Everything is same-y, but different-y."

They stopped by a dance studio, where they saw a younger Toby Determined tap dancing in his outfit.

"A dabbity doo, a dabbidy da!" he was singing. "Look out, broadway, here I come!"

Mabel pounded on the glass and got Toby's attention.

"This dream goes nowhere, Toby!" she yelled, as she and her siblings continued to make their way around town.

"Aw, marbles" he said.

The triplets were walking along, when suddenly two five-year-olds riding little tricycles screeched to a stop right in front of them.

One of the girls was had tan skin, purple hair, and a telephone shirt, and the other had pale skin with freckles, red hair in pigtails, and green overalls.

The triplets knew the instant they saw them that they must be little Tambry and Wendy.

"Oops. Sorry" said little Tambry.

Little Wendy suddenly whispered something into Tambry's ear.

"My friend thinks you're cute" said Tambry, pointing at Dipper.

"Oh my gosh! Tambry!" exclaimed Wendy, as she shoved Tambry off her trike. "Shut up!"

"Ow! Hey!"

Dipper laughed nervously, and he could feel himself blushing.

"Thank you, I mean, you're super young, so this is weird..."

Mara and Mabel laughed, and Mabel elbowed her brother.

"Now you know how she feels, creep."

"Heh heh," said Dipper nervously, as Tambry and Wendy rode off and Mara and Mabel were starting to leave him behind.


"Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, to see my latest attraction!" Stan was saying to the group of tourists outside the Mystery Shack.

Apart from the fact that the S in Shack was actually present, the Mystery Shack didn't look much different than before.

The triplets were hiding behind a tree watching and waiting as Dipper planned what they were going to do.

"Alright, the coast is clear" he said, as the three of them pulled the laser tag gear off of them.

"It's now or never" said Mara.

"Now's our chance" said Mabel.

The three of them darted as quickly as they could past Stan and the tourists, who fortunately didn't seem to have noticed them.

Mabel opened the window to the gift shop, and Mara held her hands together for Dipper to step on them. He did so, and she boosted him up through the window.

He fell right through, and landed on his face. A few seconds later, Mabel was boosted up by Mara, and then Mara herself did a flip right through the open window.

Dipper noticed a box full of tools sitting beside him. His eyes lit up.

"Ha ha! Bingo!"

He picked up a red screwdriver, and handed it to Mara.

"Thanks, Dip" she said, as she took out the time travelling device and started to repair it.

While Mara was busy doing this, Mabel noticed a plump little boy with a party hat on his head at the vending machine.

"Aw, come on, candy" he was saying, as he pounded his little fist against the glass. It appeared that his candy had gotten stuck. "Fall! Fall!"

Mabel lightly pushed him aside.

"Allow me" she said. "You just need to know a guy on the inside."

She pounded on the panel just as Soos had shown her before.

"Beebidy Boop!" she said, before she pounded a fist on the side of the machine. "Whomp!"

The machine door suddenly fell open.

Mabel reached in and grabbed several bags of candy.

"Jackpot!" she exclaimed, turning so that she could give it to the little boy. She gasped when she saw who it was.

The boy was little Soos.

He looked exactly like himself, except he had hair, was wearing colorful clothing, and was Mabel's size.

"Thanks, dawg" he said, as he gently took the candy from her arms and walked away. "You must be some kind of genius."

"Come on, come on" said Mara, as she was concentrated on trying to fix the device.

"How far along are you?" asked Dipper.

"It's hard to say" said Mara. "I've never seen technology as advanced as this, so I can't say that I've even fixed it correctly."

Mabel suddenly ran up to her siblings, and used her hands to turn each of their heads towards little Soos.

"Mara, Dipper, look!"

"No way..." said Dipper.

"That can't be...Soos?" said Mara.

Soos was looking at a shirt, which the triplets recognized as the one that he always wore in the present. Suddenly, a younger version of his abuelita appeared.

"Mi precioso, you keep wandering off" she said to her grandson, as she took him by the hand. "You don't wanna be late for your big day."

"Sorry, Abuelita" said Soos, as she led him outside.

"Big day? This could be the birthday when that personal biz went down!" said Mabel. "We could finally find out why Soos hates his birthday!"

"But I haven't even fixed the time device yet" said Mara.

"So we'll just go and follow Soos while you're fixing the time device!" said Mabel. "Just come and find us after five minutes."

Mara thought about this, thinking that this would be a perfect opportunity for her to sneak off into the woods to find the spot where Bill had told her to go after she was done fixing the device.

She turned back towards Mabel and nodded.

"Alright, but let's be quick" said Dipper.

The two of them followed Soos and Abuelita all the way to their house, and hid behind some nearby bushes as they watched the party.

It looked like there were several family members at Soos's birthday party, and there were balloons, and a long table set up outside in the backyard.

There were little kids running around the table.

"Who's a handsome birthday boy?" said an older girl to Soos, as she pinched one of his cheeks.

"It's you!" said another older girl to Soos, and the two of them walked away as Abuelita approached holding a cake box in her hands.

"Soos, you're such a ladies' man" she said.

"They're my cousins, grandma, gross" said Soos.

She flipped up the cake box, and held it up for him to see.

"Got you a race car cake!" she chimed.

"I don't know why Soos hates his birthday" said Dipper. "This looks great!"

Soos was licking frosting off of the race car, when suddenly another kid sat in a chair at the head of the table.

"Um, sorry dude, could you move seats?" Soos asked. "That's the seat of honor."

"Uh, who's it for?" asked the kid.

"Oh, it's for my dad actually" said Soos, who started to laugh nervously. "I haven't seen him in, like, eight years, and he's coming today!"

Suddenly, the doorbell rang from inside the house.

"That must be him!" he exclaimed excitedly, wiping his mouth and then adjusting his party hat before running towards the front door in the house.

Dipper and Mabel looked at each other anxiously as they secretly crept towards an open window, where they could see the front door.

Soos was running up to the front door, when he stopped and took in a deep breath.

"Alright, Soos, today's the big day" he was telling himself. "Be cool. Be cool."

And with that, he opened the front door...only to find a mailman standing there.

"Postcard for...Soos" he said, handing the postcard to the boy. Soos took the card in his hands, and the mailman walked away.

Soos flipped the postcard over, and read the writing on the back aloud.

"Sorry Champ, couldn't make it this year. Real busy again. See you next year for sure -Dad."

A little Reggie walked up to Soos, and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, don't sweat it, cuz" he said. "You'll see him next year."

"Heh, yeah" said Soos sadly, as he started to walk towards the TV. "Next year..."

He bent down onto one knee, and pulled out an old shoebox that was sitting underneath the TV. He opened the lid, and there were even more postcards inside, all of them with the exact same message as the one that he had just gotten.

Soos placed the new postcard into the box, put the lid back on, and then picked it up off the ground.

"Um, I'm gonna go lay down" he said sadly, as he started to walk away. "You go party without me, dudes."

"Wait!" exclaimed Abuelita, as she picked up a wrapped present that was clearly a keyboard. "What about your presents?"

She pressed a random key on the keyboard.


Soos only walked into his room, and shut the door.

Mabel and Dipper slid down onto the ground in a sitting position against the house. Both of them felt so sorry for Soos.

"So that's why Soos hates his birthday" said Dipper. "It's the day he realized his dad wasn't coming back!"

"So, how much partying can fix that?" said Mabel.

Suddenly, a splash of water suddenly hit Dipper in the face, and they both looked up to see little Robbie pointing a water gun at them.

"Ha ha! Dorks!" he said. "Young Robbie!"

Abuelita was holding a plate of dinosaur shaped cookies, and peering in on a sad Soos in his room through a cracked door.

It pained her to see her grandson so depressed.

"Soos's father is a deadbeat!" she exclaimed. She then started to rant angrily in spanish, which translated as "If he ever shows his face here again, I'll tear him limb from limb!"

She then cleared her throat, and entered Soos's room with a more gentle approach.

"Soos! I made you cookies shaped like dinosaurs!" she said, holding up the plate.

"I don't want cookies" said Soos. "I want to see Dad again."

"And he wants to see you" said Abuelita. "He's just...busy."

Soos scoffed.

"Busy in New Orleans."

"Ay, yes" she said, patting his knee. "Trust me, you will feel better one day."
Dipper and Mabel were watching from the window, and they crouched down low again.

"Argh! This is awful!" said Mabel.

"We promised Soos a happy birthday, but how can we give him that now?" said Dipper. "This goes beyond anything we know how to fix."

"And speaking of fixing things, where is Mara?" asked Mabel, as she looked down at her watch. "It's been way over five minutes."

Dipper started to look around, when suddenly something caught his eye: it was a girl with a filthy white t-shirt and cargo pants going into the woods with a tape measurer in her hand.

"Mabel, look!" he said, pointing towards their sister. "Over there!"

Mabel looked up and saw who he was pointing at.


The two of them started to run towards her, but Dipper noticed that something was wrong. Mara was walking in a brisk, silent way, sticking to the shadows as she wandered deeper into the forest. It was almost as if she didn't want to be seen.

"Mabel" Dipper whispered, gesturing for his sister to stop running and making so much noise. She obliged, and they watched as Mara wandered even deeper into the woods. It looked like she had a specific destination in mind.

"What is she doing?" whispered Mabel.

"I don't know" said Dipper. "But we probably shouldn't let her know that we're following her. Step quietly..."

And with that, the two of them started to sneak from bush to bush, keeping out of sight from Mara as she walked further on.

There were several instances when Mara would turn around, and Mabel and Dipper would be forced to duck, but they managed not to get caught as she walked onward.

Eventually, she came to a small clearing, where there was a tree with a peculiar triangle shape carved into its trunk.

"This is the place" she said, brushing her fingers against the triangle as she walked into the clearing.

Suddenly, the woods turned black and white once again, and a triangular shape appeared in the sky, along with an eye, two arms and legs, a bow tie, and a top hat.

Dipper and Mabel gasped as Bill came into view.

"Bill?!" exclaimed Dipper, as quietly as he could so that Mara wouldn't be alerted of his presence. But what shocked him even more was that she wasn't running. In fact, it appeared that she had been expecting him.

Bill floated down so that he was in front of Mara.

"Well, Snowflake, took you long enough" he said, holding up his hand as a stopwatch suddenly appeared in it. It disappeared almost as quickly as it had appeared.

"Well, I wasn't expecting for you to have us captured and almost compete in a futuristic gladiatorial arena" replied Mara.

Mabel and Dipper gasped.

"That was Bill who sent Blenda what's-his-face and the time police after us?" said Mabel in disbelief.

"Whoops" said Bill. "Must have slipped my mind."

He started to laugh at his own joke, before he finally turned back towards her.

"Well, I've fulfilled my end of the deal" he said, as he started to float upwards. Suddenly, Mara's body started to glow blue as she was levitated upwards along with him.

"Now it's time for you to uphold yours."

Bill suddenly held out his hand towards Mara.

"I need to borrow that time device for a bit, kid. We're going a bit further into the past."

Very reluctantly, she handed over the time device, and Bill took it from her.

Finding out that Bill had made a deal with Mara was Dipper's last straw.

He suddenly ran out of his hiding place, and Mabel ran along with him, out into the open clearing.

"Bill!" he yelled furiously, and Bill and Mara both looked down.

"Dipper? Mabel?" she exclaimed in surprise. She obviously was not happy with getting caught. "What are you guys doing here?!"

"Mara, why did you make a deal with Bill?!" yelled Dipper. "You know just as well as I do that your end of the deal is never good."

"Au contraire, Pine Tree" said Bill. "All she has to do is fix a little something of mine. And there's nothing you can do to stop me!"

He started to laugh manically, as he pulled the tape out, and then let it go.

He took a hold of Mara's arm, and the two of them disappeared.

"Mara?" said Mabel with a shocked voice.

A small portal device and a red screwdriver that had dropped out of Mara's pants pocket fell onto the ground in the center of the clearing, where their sister had been standing just a few minutes ago. Those two items appeared to be all that was left of her.

When Mara reappeared, she opened her eyes and rubbed them. She looked around at her surroundings in awe.

Everything was a light blue, and there were random items floating around them everywhere. It appeared that there was some kind of weird floor underneath her, for she was able to walk around without floating like all the other items. There was also a huge, glowing light blue circle that was swirling in front of her.

The entire place kind of reminded her of what the mindscape might have looked like if she had ever been in it.

"Are we inside somebody's mind?" she asked.

Bill laughed.

"That's a sharp observation, Snowflake, but not quite" he said, skipping over the part about how he had actually shown someone else this in their own mind.

He tossed the time device back to her.

"Welcome to the Doomsday portal, kid, or rather the inside of the portal thirty years from the present."

"Whoa" said Mara, as she started to look around. Admittedly, she had seen some pretty strange things during her stay in Gravity Falls, but this was by far the weirdest place that she had ever seen.

"Why am I here?" she asked.

Bill floated up to her.

"Oh, just to fix this little thing right here" he said, gesturing towards something peculiar that Mara couldn't believe she hadn't seen before.

It looked like a rather large tear, with edges that were glowing orange. And on the other side of the tear were black outlines of monsters with glowing orange eyes. There was a weird rainbow colored background behind them.

Mara was a bit disturbed by this sight, for it seemed to emit a very ominous ambience. She could feel her skin crawling just as the sight of it.

"This is the thing that ol' Spectacles saw that made him want to erase his memory" he said.

Mara gasped.


"That's right, Snowflake. He was working on this doomsday portal with an associate, when he suddenly got sucked up into the portal and saw this horrible thing" Bill explained.

Mara looked back at the tear. It sent chills down her spine as she looked at it.

"Anyways, in just a few short minutes, his head's gonna pop up from that whirlpool over there, the entrance" said Bill, gesturing towards the swirling blue circle that Mara had noticed previously. "I need you to patch up that rip inside the portal so that he never sees it, and therefore never even thinks about erasing his mind in the first place!"

He then snapped his fingers, and suddenly Mara's toolbelt appeared out of midair. He handed it to her, and she slowly took it from his hands.

"Wait, so I won't even have to go back in time to retrieve the memory gun?" she asked skeptically.

"That's right, Snowflake. Trust me, I've been trying to help you all along!" said Bill.

Mara looked down suspiciously, and thought about that. For surely, that couldn't be right...

Dipper and Mabel ran back out of the woods, finally stopping once they reached Soos's house. They bent over, and panted in exhaustion, before Dipper finally spoke.

"Mara made a deal with Bill" he said in a shaky voice.

"And Soos hates his birthday because his father never came back" added Mabel.

"Could this day possibly get any worse?" said Dipper.

As if on cue, they heard the sound of someone's voice, who sounded an awful lot like Blendin.

"This way!" he was yelling.

Dipper's eyes widened.

"Mabel, hide!" he shouted, and the two of them bolted and disappeared behind a nearby tree just as the time agents and Blendin appeared, standing right at the spot where the two had been just a few seconds ago.

"They've gotta be around here somewhere" said Blendin, whose hands were still cuffed. "I-I-I think I heard them!"

Lolph pointed his gun at a nearby tree, and fired.

The tree was completely disintegrated, but it was not Dipper and Mabel standing behind it.

It was little Robbie.

"Freeze!" shouted Lolph.

Robbie dropped his empty water gun and ran away crying.

The two time agents then took out two tracking devices.

"Trace their chrono-signatures" said Lolph.

Dipper and Mabel were watching anxiously from behind another tree, both of them staying perfectly still.

"Man, the sooner I defeat those kids in Globnar, the sooner I can win my time wish!" said Blendin.

"Tell you what I'd do if I had a time wish" said one of agents. "Retire early. Spend more time with the kids."

Blendin began to mimic the time agent.

"Neh neh neh neh, spend time with the kids!" he then turned towards him. "Don't you know that a time wish can do literally anything? Any impossible problem solved? Just like that? I mean imagine the possibilities!"

Dipper suddenly got an idea.

"Wait, Mabel, that's it! The time wish!" he said to his sister. "If we defeat Blendin at that space battle..."

"...then we can wish that Soos's dad came to his twelfth birthday!" said Mabel.

"And Soos's birthdays would be fixed forever!" said Dipper. "All of them!"

"But what about Mara?" said Mabel. "We can't just leave her with Bill. We'll have to choose between helping Soos or Mara. We've got two crazy problems!"

Dipper thought about this, before getting the answer. He snapped his fingers when he had the idea.

"Yeah, but there's also two of us!" he said. "We'll split up: you'll compete in Globnar for the time wish, and I'll rescue Mara from Bill."

"But how are you going to find her?" said Mabel. "She and Bill disappeared and took the timey thingy with them."

Dipper smiled, and pulled out the portal device that Mara had dropped earlier.

"No, way" said Mabel. "But Mara said that that thing sent people to the same time period."

"No offense, Mabel, but Mara's been lying to us from the start" said Dipper. "Besides, I've got no other options. I don't care that she's made a stupid deal with Bill. She's still my sister, and I just want to make sure that she's safe."

Mabel decided not to mention that he himself had actually made a deal with Bill before. Or maybe that was the reason that he wanted to go rescue Mara.

"But do you really think I can win Globnar by myself?"

"It's the only chance we have" said Dipper. "Besides, it's for Soos. He would do the same for us."

They both turned and looked through the window to see a sad little Soos pushing away the plate of dinosaur cookies.

Both of them looked at each other determinedly, and nodded in agreement.

"As soon as I get Mara, we'll go straight to Globnar to help you win" Dipper promised.

Mabel nodded gratefully.

Dipper took out the portal device and typed the words 'wherever Mara Pines is,' then turned the device in his hands. The device emitted a purple glow, indicating that it was ready to be thrown.

Before he threw it, he hugged Mabel one last time.

"Good luck, Mabel" he said to her.

"You too, Dipper" she replied.

And with that, he threw the baseball-sized device against the trunk of the tree, and it exploded into a purple portal. He slowly stepped into it with a determined look on his face, and the portal closed behind him.

Dipper was gone.

Mabel then stood up, put her arms behind her head, and walked out of her hiding place into the open.

"Here I am, Blendin!" she declared bravely. "I surrender."

"It's them!" screeched Blendin.


The two time agents pointed futuristic guns at her.

"Careful, she's from the past" said Lolph. "She might have powder muskets or slap bracelets."
"Actually, I do have slap bracelets" said Mabel cheerfully, pulling out several multicolor slap bracelets from her sweater. She slapped them onto her wrists.


"W-w-where are the rest of them?" stuttered Blendin. He then turned towards Mabel. "There were three of you!"

"My sister made a deal with a psychotic nacho, and so my brother went to go get her" said Mabel. "They should be back for Globnar in a bit."

Blendin laughed.

"That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard" he said. "I guess your siblings just abandoned you to face Globnar alone!"

"They'll come back for me, I know they will!"

"Oh sure, that's what they all say" said Blendin.

Mabel ignored that comment, for she knew that Dipper and Mara were too loyal to just abandon her, and that both of them almost never broke their promises.

"I'm ready to challenge you, Blendin" she said determinedly.

"Yes! Let the Globnar begin!" screeched Blendin. "Prepare for GLOBNAAAAAA-"

Suddenly, a green mute symbol appeared over Blendin's mouth, and he found that he was no longer able to talk.

"Hey, turns out I can mute him" said Lolph cheerfully.

"Man, I wish we'd known that earlier."


Lolph pressed a button on his glove, and the four of them disappeared, Mabel accidentally dropping the red screw driver that she had taken after Mara had dropped it.

Mara was now fixing the tear inside the portal, examining the edges of the rip to see what the inside was made of while she was secretly thinking about Bill's plan in her mind.

Bill was floating right behind her, so she didn't dare to think out loud.

'It just doesn't make any sense. Why would Bill want to prevent McGucket from seeing the monsters behind this rip? There's no way that the reason is to help me. No, there's gotta be some kind of twist that ends with this benefitting himself as well' she thought to herself.

'Let's see, according to his memories, McGucket was working on some kind of big project that went wrong with the author. This doomsday portal must have been it! I bet that he quit the project because of what he saw inside the portal! But why would Bill want him to not see this terrifying rip? The only reason would be to prevent him from quitting the project with the author. If that's the case, why would Bill want the portal to stay on?'

Mara examined the monsters that were laughing behind the rip, and she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end.

"Who are these freaks, friends of yours?" she said out loud to Bill.

Bill laughed.

"You could say that, Snowflake."

"They're absolutely hideous" she said, playing her words very carefully. Maybe if she kept Bill talking, she could get him to reveal the last piece of the puzzle she was missing.

"They're supposed to be. They're the horsemen of Weirdmaggeddon."

Mara froze at the mention of that word.

Weirdmaggeddon? Was that even a word? She had never heard it before, and yet the sound of that word had caused her entire body to freeze up, even with her ADHD.

'That word, 'Weirdmaggeddon,' sounds an awful lot like the word 'armageddon.' But with the way that he said that word, it sounded almost like some sort of Apocalypse...'

Her thoughts suddenly froze in realization, as the last piece of the puzzle that she had been trying to figure out snapped into place.

She wheeled around towards Bill, a furious expression on her face.

"I knew it!" she shouted, pointing her finger at him accusingly. "You don't want me to cover up this tear so that McGucket doesn't go insane! You want me to cover it up so that he and the author won't quit the project, and therefore this Weirdmaggeddon will take place!"

Bill let out a long, exaggerated sigh.

"You know, Snowflake, I knew you were smart, but I didn't know that you would see right through my plans this early. You never cease to impress me."

"I won't fix the tear. I refuse!" yelled Mara. "You can do it without me."

And with that, she started to storm off away from Bill, fingering the time device.

But suddenly, a blue chain appeared out of nowhere, and snapped itself over her waist.

"What the-"

She looked down to see the chain locked around her waist, and saw that the end of the chain was right in front of the tear. Mara pulled as tightly as she could against the shackle, but they wouldn't budge.

She looked up at Bill with a furious glare.

"Bill, let me go!" she shouted.

"I'm afraid I can't until you uphold your end of the deal" said Bill, as he floated closer to her. "You see, Snowflake, when it comes to my deals, there's no backing out of them. Once you make one with me, you're at my expense until you fulfill your end of the bargain."


Mara pulled out the time device and tried to pull the tape out, but the entire tape turned a light blue color similar to the color of Bill's flames, and locked up for good.

She tried any other invention, the freeze ray, the intangibility belt, the slow motion/fast motion tube, but they all simply turned the same blue color and refused to function.

"Your attempts of leaving me are quite cute to watch" said Bill. "But there's no escape until you hold up your end of the deal."
Mara simply put away the devices, and crossed her arms over her chest stubbornly.

Bill sighed.

"You're only making this harder on yourself, you know" he said. "I can keep you here for all of eternity until you fix that tear, Snowflake. You'll never see your dumb siblings ever again."
Mara did not want that to happen. She had to find a way out of here. But the only way out was to fix that tear. No inventions, no plans of escape, and no one here by her side. But if she fixed it, she would ultimately bring about the end of the world.

How had she gotten herself into this mess? All of this because she wanted to try and fix her mistake in the past? In the end, none of it mattered, for McGucket would probably be gone even with a sane mind if Weirdmaggeddon occurred. It seemed that she only made things worse by trying to change the past.

She sighed. She knew what she had to do.

She looked back up at Bill, who could see the submission starting to come into her eyes.

"So if I fix the tear, you'll let me go?"

"That was the deal, wasn't it?" said Bill.

Mara closed her eyes, and clenched her fists at her sides in frustration. She could not believe what she was about to do.

She looked back up at Bill with an incensed gaze.

"Alright. I'll do it."

Mabel suddenly appeared with the time agents and Blendin in the arena of Globnar, her hands cuffed together with a similar pair of laser hand cuffs as the ones Blendin was wearing.

She was standing in the center of the empty arena, and surrounding her were huge crowds of people chanting, "Globnar! Globnar! Globnar!"

Mabel could see her face on a screen above the crowd as a hidden video camera was recording her.

Suddenly, a huge platform opened up in front of her, and a giant baby with a glowing infinity symbol on his forehead was raised up from it.

"Silence!" time baby demanded.

The crowd became completely silent, except for one man.

"Whoo! Oh yeah!" he cheered, and in response to that, time baby fired a laser from his eyeballs at him.

"That is one big baby" said Mabel.

"Welcome, Globnar tributes! I have a very important nap to get to, so let's make this quick" said time baby. "You each have the chance to settle your time feud through gladiatorial combat."

As he said the word, pink holographic images of several old-timey weapons suddenly appeared in the arenas, and then disappeared shortly afterwards.

A hovering robot held up a giant hourglass with a baby bottle lid on it that was filled with purple substance.

"You will have until time baby finishes drinking the cosmic sand in his hour glass."

The robot held up the bottle to time baby's face, who pulled away stubbornly.


"Come on!" said the robot, as he poked the time baby's face with the bottle several times. "It's good for you."
"Get ready, kid" said Blendin. "When I get that time wish, you'll wish you were never born. Or rather, you'll wish you were born, because I'm gonna wish you were never born!"

The end of the portal opened, and Dipper stepped through. However, the place where the portal had taken him was not at all what he was expecting. It was entirely light blue everywhere, and the place seemed to stretch on for miles. There were random items floating around, and a huge swirling circle a few yards away that looked an awful lot like the entrance to a portal. For a second, Dipper wondered if the portal device had made a mistake, and had transported him hundreds of years into the future.

But he quickly noticed Bill, floating above Mara, who had a glowing blue chain around her waist.

Dipper ran right towards them.

"Bill!" he yelled, and both Bill and Mara turned. He saw relief flood over her face. "Let my sister go!"

"Oh I will, gladly" said Bill. "As soon as she finishes fixing that tear."

"It is done" said Mara, standing back from her work, and revealing that the tear was completely gone. She was holding a device that she had built to help her fix the rip.

Bill looked at it triumphantly.

"Ah, perfect!" he said, as he floated up towards the empty space. "It looks almost as if it was never there. I'll simply remove the covering once Spectacles makes his very brief appearance."

He gestured towards the huge swirly blue circle.

He then floated towards Mara.

"A deal's a deal, Snowflake" he said, snapping his fingers. The chain instantly unclasped from around her waist, and she was free again.

Dipper instantly ran up to his sister's side.

"Not like that will matter" Bill said. "Once Spectacles pops his head through that portal entrance and sees that there's absolutely nothing wrong, the portal will remain open, and Weirdmaggeddon's date will be pushed earlier! And it's all thanks to this special, little Snowflake."

He started to laugh maniacally, Dipper turning in shock towards his sister.

"Mara, what did you do?!"

Mara gave him a glance that was so brief that Bill couldn't have possibly seen it, but she winked at him, and mouthed the words 'Trust me.'

Even though the situation appeared to be completely out of her control, Dipper held up his hands and stepped back to let Mara do what she did best: outsmarting people.

Mara quickly turned towards Bill, dropping the trusting act that she had given Dipper completely and replacing it with a look of rage. Dipper had always admired how she was able to change her countenances so easily and convincingly. It was a trait that he wished he had.

"Bill, you lying snake!!!" she screamed furiously up at him. "You're a monster!"

Bill only chuckled amusingly.

"Oh, I'm the monster?" he said, floating down so that he was directly in front of her. "You're the one who caused all of this in the first place by making that deal with me!"

If Mara was feeling regret, she was hiding it very well.

"Me? A monster? I'm just a defenseless twelve-year-old-girl" she said. "But I will say, you don't really look any more threatening than me."

"What are you getting at, Snowflake?" said Bill, his eye narrowing at her.

"I'm saying that you look so harmless!" she said, as she started to list off all the terrifying things that she had encountered over the Summer. "I've faced zombies, revenge-hungry ghosts, creepy summerween creatures, giant man-eating dinosaurs...and a floating triangle with a top hat."

Dipper could see that she was starting to make Bill angry.

"Oh, you have no idea how dangerous I am" he bellowed.

"You? Dangerous?" Mara snickered. "Pfft, yeah right. I've eaten nachos that look more threatening than you."

"Are you saying that I am not a threat to be taken seriously?!" Bill exclaimed, his eye starting to turn red.

"Aw don't be sour about it, illuminati. If it's any consolation, you're just about as threatening as any other dorito I come around."

Why Mara was trying to get Bill angry was beyond Dipper's comprehension, but he could see that it was definitely working. Bill was starting to shake in fury, and his yellow color was changing to red.

"Oh, you want threatening?" he exclaimed. "I'll give you threatening!" he said in a much lower voice.

He suddenly grew to about fifteen times his normal size, turning from yellow in color to red, and his eyeball turned black with a red slit.

Dipper recognized this form as the one that he had taken when they were fighting him in Stan's mind.

"HOW'S THIS FOR TERRIFYING?" said Bill in his low voice, as he started to stomp towards Dipper and Mara. She backed up, and put her arm protectively in front of her brother.

But then, Mara smirked.

"It's terrifying enough for any normal man to want to quit the project."

Bill's eye widened, and he turned around to look at the portal entrance.

"Wait, what?"
As if on cue, young McGucket's head suddenly appeared in the huge swirly blue portal entrance, right in the middle. His eyes widened in terror at the sight of him.

McGucket screamed in pure fear at the sight of the terrifying form that Bill had taken.

"McGucket, listen to me" said Mara to his head urgently. She gestured towards the terrifying Bill. "This is Bill Cipher, and he's going to end our world as we know it if that portal stays on. Do whatever it takes to shut it down! When Gravity Falls and Earth become sky, fear the beast with just one eye!"

And just as quickly as McGucket had appeared, his head suddenly disappeared.

It didn't take long for Bill to realize that he had been tricked.

"WHAT?!" he exclaimed, as he shrunk back to his normal size.

He turned to see Mara and Dipper, gripping each other's hands as they ran away from him.

"Hey, get back here!"

Bill grew back into his terrifying form, and started to pursue the siblings.

"You said that you'd make it so that Spectacles didn't see any monsters, Snowflake!" bellowed Bill. "That was the deal!"

"No, I don't believe it was" Mara yelled over her shoulder. "If I remember correctly, I said that I would fix the tear and you would let me go as a part of the deal."

Mara gestured towards the completely clear area where the tear had previously been.

"And I've fulfilled my end of the deal. I fixed the tear. Therefore, our business is done."

She shot him a huge smirk as he realized exactly how she had tricked him.

"What? No!" he screamed in fury. "NO!!!!!"

Mara took out the tape measurer, and pulled the tape.

She let the tape fly, kept her hand clasped tightly in Dipper's, and the two of them disappeared.

"You know, it's too bad that you'll be facing non-existence alone without your siblings!" taunted Blendin.

"Dipper and Mara will be here!" Mabel declared.

"Sure, keep telling yourself that" said Blendin. "Keep up your hopes from the soul-crushing reality of them not being here."

Mabel looked down at the ground, now starting to wonder if she really was going to face this alone. Dipper said that he and Mara would come back once he found her. They wouldn't really leave her...right?

"It's a real shame your siblings abandoned you in your time of need" said Blendin with a huge smirk on his face.

Suddenly as if on cue, the outlines of two kids appeared right next to Mabel, and they solidified into two people that she instantly recognized: Dipper and Mara.

"We didn't abandon her, Blubber-face" said Mara determinedly.

While they were travelling through time, Dipper had explained to her the entire situation and plan, and Mara had whole heartedly agreed to compete for Soos.

"Yeah, we've come to challenge you as well" added Dipper.

"What?!" exclaimed Blendin.

"Guys!!!" Mabel said excitedly, as she wrapped her arms around her siblings in a hug. "I'm so glad you came!"

"Of course" said Mara. "You didn't think we'd actually leave you here, did you? I mean, you guys didn't just leave me with Bill even after you found out about our little deal."

She then looked down.

"And about that, I'm sorry for leaving you guys" she said. "I got so hung up on a regretful mistake that I let it control me for the past three days. Bill was only able to trick me because of my regret and desperation."
"It's ok, Mara" said Dipper. "You're not the only one Bill's tricked into making a deal with him through desperation" he admitted sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as he remembered the deal that he'd made with Bill a few weeks ago.

"Aw, what a sweet little family reunion" said Blendin mockingly. "You know, before the three of you are wished into non-existence!"

The triplets turned towards him, all of them wearing the same hard glare.

"Dream on" said Dipper. "There's three of us."

"We've got guts, determination, and no stuttering issues" said Mara. "Except maybe Dipper."

"And we have hair!" added Mabel.

"O-Oh yeah? Well I have training!" said Blendin, as he suddenly grabbed a spear and started spinning it in his hands before pointing it right at the triplets. "What do you think I did in prison all that time?"
"Uh oh" said Mabel.

"Let the Globnar, begin!" declared time baby.

A huge scoreboard with Blendin's picture on one side, and the triplets' picture on the other suddenly came to life, each of them starting with zero points.

The handcuffs on Mabel and Blendin's wrists suddenly fell off, and the instant they did, Blendin let out a very high-pitched war cry.

In the first event, the competitors were armed with sticks that had glowing barbs on the end of them. On top of that, they were fighting on a giant clock, whose hands were spinning so tributes had to jump over them while they were fighting each other.

Dipper was going head to head against Blendin, but Blendin was too strong. He easily overpowered the boy, and Dipper was thrown backwards.

Mabel tried to lunge at Blendin from behind, but he saw her in the corner of her eye, for he swung his stick right at her, knocking her down to the ground next to her brother.

However, his attention had been too focused on Mabel to notice that he actually had two attackers. While Mabel had been going for the top, Mara had been aiming for the bottom.

At the same time that Blendin swung his stick into Mabel, Mara lunged at his legs and managed to swing her stick at them, sweeping it underneath his feet and causing him to lose his balance.

Blendin fell onto his back, and immediately, the triplets all had their sticks pointed at his chest. They had defeated him.

"What? No fair!" he exclaimed. "Mara, you play dirty!"

Mara smirked.

"That we can agree on."

They looked up at the scoreboard, and the triplets had been given one point to Blendin's zero.

They high fived each other excitedly.

The next event was a futuristic motorcycle race, Blendin on one, and the triplets on the other. Dipper was driving, Mabel was holding onto him in the middle, and Mara was on the end.

As they drove up the loopty loop, Mara had been messing with the motorcycle's energy booster in the back. "I've got it!" she cried, as she tightened a knob in the back and then pounded on it with her fist.

Suddenly, the motorcycle retched forward at a much faster speed as the finish line came into view.

"Yay!" cheered the three of them as they crossed the finish line before Blendin.

They were given another point on the scoreboard.

They were now playing chess against Blendin, Dipper concentrating on the pieces while his sisters stood by his side supportively. He examined the pieces carefully, before deciding to move his piece backward.

However, the game was suddenly smashed by a red futuristic time monster, and everyone had to leap out of the way.

The monster roared furiously as all four of them ran in opposite directions away from the weird monster.

There were several more events that took place, including outrunning a giant clock that Blendin was rolling towards them, a hot dog eating contest, time boxing, wheelbarrow racing, outswimming a time shark, tightrope battling, and giant jenga.

The four of them were now working together to push the time beast from earlier back into his confinement, finally managing to shove the huge door closed.

They then turned towards time baby, who was watching with interest.

"Very good" said time baby. "You have escaped the cy-clocks."

"Yes!" cheered Blendin, as he turned towards the scoreboard. "Blendin for the almost...WHAT?!"

The scoreboard was not at all what he had expected it to be, for it appeared that the triplets had 777 points to his 556.

The triplets pumped their fists excitedly.

"Oh yeah!" cheered Mabel, as the three of them high-fived.

"And there's only one event left!" said Mara. "We're saved!"

"B-b-b-but how's that even possible?!" exclaimed Blendin. He then turned towards time baby. "This is unfair! They have Mara Pines on their team! If she wasn't there, I'd probably be at least one point in the lead now!"

"It is indeed fair, Blendin" said time baby. "For Mara Pines doesn't create Globnar until later on in her life."

"Wait, I create Globnar too?!" said Mara.

Dipper shrugged.

"A giant arena filled with life-threatening games and futuristic weapons where tributes are forced to fight to the death?" he said sarcastically. "This sounds nothing like something that you would create."

Mara glared at him, and punched him in the arm.

"This is unfair! THIS IS UNFAIR!!!!" screeched Blendin, as he started to stutter anxiously. He couldn't believe that as he was plotting his revenge against the triplets, he had forgotten to take into account that he would be competing against them in a game that Mara herself would create in the future. How could he have missed that?

"There is only one final challenge for Globnar, which will grant the victor 222 points" said time baby.

Mara jaw dropped.

"222 points?! Do you guys realize what this means?" She turned towards her siblings. "If Blendin wins this game, he'll end up with 778 points to our 777."

Both Dipper and Mabel seemed to realize what she was getting at.

"If he wins this last game, he wins it all" said Dipper.

"And by one point too!" exclaimed Mabel.

They all turned towards time baby, waiting anxiously for him to announce what the final event would be.

"An ancient game, thousands of years old, chosen for its exemplification of pure strategy. The ancient art...of laser tag!"

Suddenly, a pink holographic laser tag maze appeared all around them in the arena. Floating above the highest pink hologram piece was a yellow orb with the infinity symbol across it.

"The one who touches the victory orb first will win!" declared time baby.

Pink glowing laser tag equipment suddenly appeared on all of them, including chest armor and laser guns.

"Laser tag?" said Dipper. "Seriously?"
"Oh, I know it may now seem so challenging now, but just wait until they turn on that fog machine" said Blendin.

Mara laughed.

"Laser tag? If you were trying to beat us, I'm sorry to say that you have chosen the wrong game to compete against us with."

Dipper remembered that Mara was very skilled at laser tag, but he really liked how she had specifically used the word 'us' instead of 'me.'

"You'll be done-for" ranted Blendin. "You just wait until you-"


Dipper fired a laser at Blendin, and it hit his laser tag protective chest armor.

Mara, who had taken cover behind a wall while Blendin was ranting, was now shooting lasers at Blendin's back from behind.

"Hit! Hit! Hit! Hit! Hit!" said Blendin's chest armor. Mara then fired one last laser at him, and his chest armor suddenly turned a red color.

"You're dead!"

"Aw, man!" said Blendin, as he looked down defeatedly at the ground.

Dipper turned towards Mabel, who was running up the pink hologram tower towards the orb.

"Mabel! Grab the orb!" yelled Dipper.

"Got it!" she yelled back when she reached the top, slamming her hand down onto the orb.

There was a bright flash, and everyone was forced to shield their eyes.

Time baby was finishing up the last of the cosmic sand from his giant hourglass bottle. The robot who had been feeding him pulled the empty bottle away from him.

"It is finished!" declared time baby, with purple substance smeared all over his mouth. The robot then hovered towards time baby's back, and started to pat him until time baby burped.

The crowd cheered wildly as the triplets' points went up until it reached 999 to Blendin's 556.

"No! No! No! NO!!!" screamed Blendin.

"Yes!" exclaimed the triplets, as they high-fived each other triumphantly.

The two time agents from earlier marched up to Blendin's sides, and re-cuffed his hands.

"You has made victory in Globnar" said time baby. "Now tell us, what fate do you decide for the loser?"

Blendin had a distressed look on his face as the two time agents placed their hands on his arms.

"Oh, geez!"

"DEATH!!!" yelled Mabel, raising her arms up into the air.

"Mabel!" scolded Dipper.

"Sorry" said Mabel, lowering her arms. "Got carried away."
"Let's talk about this" said Mara, as she turned herself and her siblings around so that the could discuss what they would do with Blendin.

"What are your thoughts, Dipper?" she asked.

"So Blendin did try to wish us out of existence" he started.

"And can you imagine what would have happened if he did?" said Mara. "I would have never invented time travel, and so he would not even be a time traveller in the first place."
"But it was kind of our fault that we ruined his life" pointed out Dipper.

"Yeah, and he's kinda too sad to be a bad guy" said Mabel.

"Not to mention, he stutters way too much" added Mara.

"Maybe if we treat him right in the present, he'll turn out better in the future" said Dipper.

"Yeah" said Mara. "And besides, I'm done with ruining lives for the day."

The triplets nodded in agreement, and then turned back towards time baby.

"Ok, as long as you keep an eye on him, we'd like to set Blendin free" said Dipper.

"And restore his position at the Time Anomaly Removal Crew" said Mara.

"And give him pretty hair!" said Mabel.

"So be it!" said time baby, lowering his hand towards Blendin as it started to glow blue. Suddenly, the cuffs fell right off of Blendin's wrists.

"W-what?" said Blendin in joyous disbelief. "You'd do that for me?"
A little spur of brown hair that looked like a mustache suddenly sprouted on Blendin's bald head.

"Mara gave me my job back!" he exclaimed excitedly, turning towards her. "Mara Pines, you are officially my hero again."

Mara smiled, and tried to keep the sheepishness out of it, for fame had always made her feel a bit uncomfortable.

Blendin then put his hand on Lolph's chest. "I could hug somebody!"

"I could kill you in eight different ways" threatened Lolph.

Blendin immediately pulled his hand back.

"Yes, sir!"

"Now, children" said time baby, rubbing his cheeks as the infinity symbol on his forehead started to glow yellow.

With that motion, the yellow time wish orb floated down in front of the triplets.

"What is it that you want for your time wish?"

"Thank you" said Mabel, as she looked at her siblings. "But the wish...isn't for us."
"Not you?" said time baby with surprise. "But then who? Who is worthy to receive such power?"

Soos was standing out in the open in the laser tag game, holding his gun uselessly in his hands as lasers were fired all around him.

"Dipper? Mara? Mabel?" he called. "Oh, who am I kidding? I'm not up for this."

He walked towards the game exit, taking out a quarter from his pocket.

"Heads I stay, tails I go make myself some dinosaur-shaped cookies."

He flipped the coin up into the air.

But it was at that very instant that time suddenly froze all around Soos, and he looked at the coin that was now floating in the air.

"Huh" he said, as he fingered it. "That's unconventional."

Suddenly, there was a blue blast from behind him that was so powerful it knocked his hat right off his head. Soos turned around to see all three triplets standing there, along with a guy wearing a grey tracksuit. The Pines were dirty and much darker in color because of filth, and they were covered in scratches.

"Soos!" they all exclaimed, as they ran up to him.

"Guys!" Soos exclaimed.

"We're so sorry we left you hanging, dude!" said Dipper. "We got caught up in this time travel junk."

"And Bill Cipher" said Mara.
"And there was a time-cyclops" said Mabel.

"And don't forget about the..."

"...time race!" all three of them said at the same time.

Mabel then turned towards Soos.

"The point is, Soos, we think we may know how to fix your birthday."
"Whoa, really?" said Soos, as he placed his hat back onto his head, and used his hands to rub his eyes. "Wait, you guys did all that, for me?"
"And that's not all" said Blendin, as he pressed a button on his watch. Suddenly, the time wish appeared right out of it, and floated up above all their heads.

"Behold, your wish!" said Blendin.

The time wish lowered itself in front of Soos' face.

"The power to alter time paradox free in any way you choose" said Blendin.

"We think think the only thing that can make you happy is meeting your dad" said Dipper.

"Or maybe an infinity slice of pizza" said Mara.

"But the choice is yours" said Mabel.

"You mean I can finally see my dad by touching this thing?" said Soos. "You guys battled through time and space just to get this for me?"

"Well, we had to get Mara back from Bill before competing, but the three of us did do that for you" said Dipper.

Soos pulled out the New Orleans postcard from his pocket, then looked at the filthy triplets.

"Well, what are you waiting for, Soos?" said Mara.

Soos determinedly put the postcard back into his pocket, and then turned back towards the time wish.

"Ok, here goes nothing!"

He placed his hand on the time wish as he kept his wish in mind. There was a huge flash, and everyone covered their eyes.

The triplets suddenly looked down to see that they were now clean and without any cuts or scratches. It was almost as if they hadn't competed in Globnar.

"Wait, what?" said Mabel.

"Bam, fixed you up" said Soos cheerfully. "Enjoy dudes!"
"But Soos, what about meeting your dad?" said Dipper.

"Well, birthdays are supposed to be spent with the people who care about you. But you know what, that dude didn't care enough about me to visit me once, let alone fight through time and space like you dudes" said Soos. "I mean, you won a gladiator fight just to make me happy. I've been being ridiculous this whole time. Whoever my dad was, he can take a hike."

He threw the postcard aside, and bent down on one knee in front of the triplets.

"I know who my family is right now, and it's you dudes."
The three of them ran into Soos's outstretched arms, and the four of them hugged.

"Thanks for giving me the best birthday ever."

"Are you kidding me? Do you have any idea what you've just wasted?" exclaimed Blendin. "Do you know how many have died to get a time wish? The wars that were started?!"
"Oh that's not all, dudes" said Soos, holding up a slice of pizza. "I also wished for this infinite slice of pizza, like you suggested, Mara. Watch."

He took a huge bite out of it, the the missing section glowed yellow and reappeared brand as new.

"And it can do that for, like, infinity" said Soos.

"Oh, good" said Dipper.

"Nicely done!" said Mabel.

"Can I have some later?" said Mara.

"Phew, that's a good time wish" said Blendin.

Soos bent down onto the triplets' level, and put the pizza away.

"There's still ten minutes before laser tag closes" he said. "You dudes wanna play?"
"Yeah" said Dipper.

Just then, Mara remembered something.

"Oh, and Blendin, here's this thing back."

She handed him the tape measurer, which he took and put away gratefully. Blendin saluted her, and then disappeared forward in time.

"Wait, Mara, weren't you going to use that to go back in time and get the memory gun back?" said Dipper. "You could have easily fix McGucket's life.
"Dipper, I learned that things that happen in the past usually should just stay in the past, and that messing with it only makes it worse" she said. "It would be best to leave the past behind, and simply learn from your mistakes for next time."
Mabel put her arm around her sister.

"I'm proud of you, sis" she said.

Mara smiled, then turned towards Dipper.

"And thanks for coming back for me, Dip" she said.

"It's no big deal, really" said Dipper. "You saved yourself anyways. I don't know why I even bothered to go back."
"It's the thought that counts" said Mara.

And with that, they all ran back into the laser tag game to play ten last minutes of laser tag. Soos left the New Orleans postcard in the garbage.

"Happy birthday, Soos!" all three of them cheered.

Little Soos was walking out towards the back, where he could have sworn he had heard a very loud explosion.

"Whoa" he said. "Thought I heard an explosion."
He then caught sight of a red screwdriver, the one that Mabel had dropped, and picked it up off the ground.

"Whoa, what's this?"

He turned it in his hands, and there was a label on the screwdriver that said, 'Mystery Shack.'

"Mystery Shack..." he read aloud.

Stan in the past threw out his handyman angrily.

"That is it!" he yelled. "You are single-handedly the worst handyman I have ever seen!"
The poor man scrambled to his feet and scurried away.

Little Soos was walking up to the Mystery Shack just then, intent on returning the screwdriver.

"Um, excuse me, sir?" Soos asked.

Stan turned towards the boy.

"Hey you, Gumdrop, think you can fix a golf cart?"
"Well, uh, I don't know if I-"
Stan threw the green question mark shirt onto the boy's face.

"You're hired" he said, as he walked past him. "One size fits all."

Stan walked up to a group of waiting tourists.

"Step right up to the Mystery Shack, folks!" Stan was telling them. "Step right up!"
He didn't see little Soos making huge eyes of admiration at Stan, for he was so glad that someone was acknowledging him for once.

It looked like he might even get a father after all.

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