Gravity Falls Pines Triplets...

By opal35416

107K 1.6K 4.2K

Dipper, Mabel, and Mara Pines are triplets who have been sent to Gravity Falls for the Summer to live with th... More

Tourist Trapped
Legend of the Gobblewonker
Head Hunters
The Hand that Rocks the Mabel
The Inconveniencing
Dipper vs Manliness
Irrational Treasure
Time Traveller's Pig
Fight Fighters
Little Dipper
Boss Mabel
Bottomless Pit!
The Deep End
Carpet Diem
Boyz Crazy
Land Before Swine
Gideon Rises
Into the Bunker
The Golf War
Sock Opera
Soos and the Real Girl
Little Gift Shop of Horror
Society of the Blind Eye
Blendin's Game
The Love god
Northwest Mansion Mystery
Not What He Seems
Tale of Two Stans
Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons
The Stanchurian Candidate
The Last Mabelcorn
Roadside Attraction
Dipper, Mara, and Mabel vs the Future
Weirdmageddon: Part I
Weirdmageddon Part II: Escape From Reality
Weirdmageddon Part III: Take Back the Falls
The Triplets' Guides
Mara and Nat's kids' story
Lost Legends with the Pines Triplets

Double Dipper

3.4K 53 157
By opal35416

Soos stuck a party hat on the horn of a taxidermy rhino head that was hanging on the wall. Then he grabbed the box of party decorations and started walking across the room.

Wendy was sitting on a couch blowing up balloons of all sorts of colors for the party.

Meanwhile, Stan was holding a clipboard supervising the two employees while Dipper, Mara, and Mabel were sitting on a couch behind him.

"Oh no, Mabel, Mara" said Dipper, queasily clutching his stomach. "I don't feel so good...bleh!" He turned towards his sisters and started spraying them with a can of pink silly string, keeping his mouth open and pretending that he was throwing up all over them. He laughed hysterically.

"Grunkle Stan, what did you feed us!" said Mabel dramatically, as Mara started making barfing noises and spraying Dipper back with a can of blue silly string. Mabel did the same with a can of purple silly string.

All three of them were making puking noises and pretending that they were throwing up on each other while they sprayed each other with silly string until all three of them were covered in the stuff.




Grunkle Stan was irritated with the triplets goofing around, but he tried his best to ignore them.

The three of them were now laughing hysterically, until Wendy approached them with one hand behind her back.

"Guys guys, stop!" she said. "Something terrible just happened."

The triplets all froze and looked up at her with serious expressions, waiting to hear what she was going to say.

Suddenly, Wendy took her hand out from behind her back: she was holding a can of green silly string.


She sprayed the three kids with it until they were all covered in green silly string as well.

The triplets then hopped off the couch, and Mabel picked up a bag gold confetti.

"Woo hoo!" she cheered, throwing up some confetti into the air. "Comedy gold!"

It rained down onto Mara, who in turn grabbed a bag of silver confetti and started throwing it over her sister.

Dipper and Wendy were still spraying each other with silly string.

"Alright alright" said Stan grumpily, grabbing the confetti and silly string from the four kids. "Party supplies are now off limits."

"Hey, Mr. Pines" said Soos as he hung up a banner of blue and purple triangles. "Whose birthday is it again?"

"Nobody's" said Stan, unrolling a picture of a donkey for Soos to hang up. "I just thought that throwing a party would be a great way to get kids to spend money at the shack."

"Nice!" said Soos.

"The young people of this town want fun, I'll smother them with fun!" said Stan greedily, with a rather dark tone.

"Maybe comments like that are why kids don't come to the Mystery Shack" said Dipper, who was pouring a cup of Pitt Cola for Mabel.

"Hey!" said Stan, grabbing the bottle from Dipper. "How's about you make yourself useful and copy these fliers." He handed Dipper a clipboard with a pink party flier on it. At the bottom was the word: "Free?"

"Oh boy! A trip to the copier store!" said Mabel cheerfully. "The last time we went there we got kicked out because Mara broke all the printers!"

"No I didn't!" said Mara. "I was disassembling only a few of them for parts. They would have worked just fine without some of those expensive pieces."

"Calendars, mugs, t-shirts, and more! They've got it all at the copier store!" chirped Soos. "That's not their slogan, I just really feel that way about the copier store."

"Save the trouble!" said Stan. "You know the old copier in my office? I finally fixed the old girl up. Good as new."

In the office, Dipper ripped the cover off of the copier machine, to reveal a broken down machine that was fixed with several pieces of duct tape and covered in rust. Several moths flew out from under the tarp. Mabel was drinking a cup of Pitt Cola.

She gasped excitedly. "Butterflies!"

Mara looked questionably at the copier machine. "This thing's a piece of garbage. I could've fixed it good as new."

"Yeah" said Dipper. "Does it even work?"

He pressed the copy button on the machine, doubting that it would work, then looked at the fliers, leaning his arm on the copier machine.

Suddenly, the copier started glowing a green color, and it scanned Dipper's arm. He pulled back in alarm. Electricity started sparking from the old machine, and suddenly it spewed a huge cloud of smoke. The triplets coughed as the cloud of smoke slowly vaporized.

They then looked at the machine to see that it had printed a piece of paper with a black and white picture of Dipper's arm.

Mabel picked it up. "Success!" she said.

Suddenly, the paper squirmed on its own, and Mabel dropped it in shock. The paper landed on the floor. The picture of Dipper's arm turned from black and white to color as the paper rippled some more. Suddenly, the arm solidified and rose up from the paper. It had become a real copy of Dipper's arm. It reached upward, and started making its way towards the triplets.

"Stay back!" yelled Dipper, grabbing the cup of soda from Mabel.

"Oh yeah, like that's gonna do anything" said Mara sarcastically. Dipper ignored her and flung it at the arm. The arm suddenly started bubbling when the liquid hit it, and then it vaporized and melted into nothing.

"You were saying?" said Dipper, but Mara wasn't listening. "Oh my gosh, guys, I think this copier machine can copy human beings!"

They all gasped in shock.

"Do you realize what this means?" asked Mabel seriously. But then suddenly, she took out a can of silly string, and sprayed her siblings with it. "Bleh!"

Dipper, Mara, Mabel, Wendy, and Soos were now all standing in a line in the party room, and Stan was holding a clipboard and directing them.

"Alright party people" Stan said. "And Dipper" he added. Dipper frowned.

"Let's talk business. Soos, because you work for free, and you begged, I'm letting you DJ"

"You won't regret it, Mr. Pines" said Soos excitedly. "I got a book that will show me how to do it r-r-right!" He held up a book, which was titled "How to DJ R-R-R-R-Right."

"Not encouraging" said Soos, as he moved down the line.

"Wendy, you and Mabel are working the ticket stand."

"What? But Grunkle Stan, this party is my chance to make new friends!" said Mabel.

"Why don't you let Dipper do it?" said Mara, pushing a slightly protesting Dipper towards Grunkle Stan.

Dipper smiled nervously.

"You realize if you do, you're gonna have to commit to staying at the ticket stand with Wendy, no getting out of it, just the two of you, alone all night" said Stan to Dipper.

Dipper turned around to see that Soos had lifted his shirt up, and Wendy was spray painting a face onto Soos's belly. Soos then started bobbing his belly up and down, and he and the three girls all started laughing. Dipper was mostly watching Wendy though, with a huge grin plastered across his face.

"I promise" he said.

Later that night, Dipper was in his room getting ready for the party. He straightened his bow tie in the mirror, then reached over to get some spray-on deodorant. He turned back to see that Mabel and Mara were suddenly standing next to him.

He yelped in surprise and dropped the deodorant. His sisters both laughed hysterically.


"Uh, uh, I promise I'll stay at the ticket stand with Wendy, no getting out of it, just the two of us alone all night" mimicked Mara, in her perfect imitation of Dipper's voice.

"Let's kiss!" said Mabel, and she started making kissing noises and making out with the air.

"Yeah yeah, you girls laugh all you want" said Dipper, turning towards the mirror and re-adjusting his bow tie.

"I've devised a plan to make sure my night with Wendy goes perfect."

"A plan?" moaned Mabel. Mara groaned. "Oh, you're not making one of those over complicated listy things, are you?"

"Psh. Overcomplicated." said Dipper, pulling out a piece of paper from his vest pocket. "Let me just, um ok..." he started unfolding the piece of paper, which was so long that it touched the ground.

Mabel and Mara sat down.

"Dipper, the last time I followed a list of steps, I ended up worse than I started, and Grunkle Stan destroyed the list."

"Step one" said Dipper, ignoring his sister. "Getting to know each other with playful banter. Banter is like talking, but smarter."

Mara groaned. "Banter isn't something you plan! It's something that you make up on the fly!"

"Yeah, that sounds like a dumb idea for poopheads" added Mabel.

"Yeah, this isn't banter" said Dipper. "This is what I want to avoid with Wendy. The final step is to ask her to dance."

Dipper started fantasizing a daydream of him dancing with Wendy, who was in a green dress, while Soos played a trumpet in the background.

"Oh, Dipper!" said Wendy as he dipped her. "I'm so happy you decided to work the ticket stand with me. You're so organized! Show me that checklist, again?" Dipper pulled out his long plan, and Wendy sighed lovingly.

"Why can't that be step one?" Mara pointed out. "Then you won't have to go through all the trouble of all those pointless other steps."

"But if I follow steps one through eleven, nothing can get in my way" said Dipper.

"Dipper, you're the one getting in your way" pointed out Mabel, and Mara nodded in agreement. "Why can't you just go up and talk to her like a normal person?"

"Step nine, sisters" said Dipper, showing the checklist to the girls, and pointing to step nine. Step nine was "talk to her like a normal person."

Mabel rolled her eyes, and Mara groaned and buried her head into a pillow.

The party started shortly afterwards. The disco ball lit up, all the lights turned on, and the music started playing with Soos as the DJ. "Everything electronic has just been turned on!" Mara declared from the powerbox.

Mabel was standing at the top of the stairs looking out at all the people who had already arrived.

Stan was dancing as he approached Mabel.

"Can your uncle throw a party or what?" he said.

"The energy, it's electric!" said Soos into the microphone. He then tried to turn on the lightning sound effect, but ended up pressing all of the other sound effects instead. "Uh, lightning, lightning, lightning..."

"And if anyone wants to leave, I've charging an exit fee of fifteen bucks!" said Stan.

Lee and Nate were on the dance floor, looking through the cash that they had. "I've only got thirteen bucks!" said Nate with a panicked expression. "We're trapped!" exclaimed Lee. The two of them started pounding on the glass.

Meanwhile, Dipper and Wendy were outside at the ticket booth, handing tickets out to the arriving people. There was a small bowl of popcorn on the table along with the money box. Dipper was extremely nervous as he sat there in his chair next to Wendy. He bent over and looked at his plan.
"Step one: casual banter."

He sat up straight and rigid.

"So here's a casual question" he blurted awkwardly. "What's your favorite type of snack food?"

"Oh man!" said Wendy. "I can't just pick one."

"No way! Mine too!" Dipper blurted, following his original script that he had come up with in his head.

"Wait, what?" Wendy asked, confusedly.

"Uh..." Dipper fumbled for an answer. He could feel his face sweating in nervousness. "I mean, I mean..." He shoved some popcorn into his mouth to avoid saying anything else that was messed up.

While Wendy was busy giving another customer a ticket, Dipper bent over and coughed up popcorn as he took out his plan again.

"New topic, new topic!" he said frantically. He coughed some more.

Mabel and Mara were inside dancing out on the dance floor. Mara wasn't a huge dancer, so Mabel had to practically drag her out on the dance floor, but once they started having fun Mara pretty much forgot all about the fact that they were dancing in front of many people.

"Go go! Work it, work it!" cheered Mabel. Mara laughed and continued dancing. Mara was having so much fun that she didn't notice Mabel leaving the dance floor to sit down in a chair and take a water break.

Mabel took a huge sip of water from a bottle, then turned to see the girl next to her. The girl was holding a huge bowl of popcorn in her lap, and on her huge shoulder was a lizard.

"Whoa!" exclaimed Mabel enthusiastically. "You've got an animal on your body! I'm Mabel" she introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm Grenda" said the girl with the lizard on her shoulder. She had an extremely deep voice which sounded like it should belong to a pro wrestler's. Grenda was a huge girl wearing a pink shirt with the word "cool" across it, and had her brown hair tied back in a ponytail.

"This is Candy." She gestured towards the korean girl sitting next to her, who was wearing glasses, a striped green shirt, and her dark hair down.

Candy held up her hand to wave: her hand had forks taped to it.

"Why do you have forks taped to your fingers?" Mabel asked, fascinated.

Candy plunged her hands into the bowl of popcorn and then pulled it up. Now there were five pieces of popcorn skewered to the forks.

"Improvement of human being" Candy replied. Grenda fed her lizard a piece of popcorn, and the two girls started laughing.

"I found my people!" said Mabel excitedly.

"Remember dudes!" Soos announced. "Whoever, uh..." he squinted at the book in confusion. "...Party hardies, what?...gets the party crown!" He held up a gold plastic crown for all to see. "Most applause at the end of the night wins!"

Mabel, Grenda, and Candy gasped in amazement.

Just then, a beach blonde girl walked up to Soos with her two friends. The girl was wearing a light purple dress with a white belt and a darker purple jacket with sunglasses. Mabel wondered why she was wearing sunglasses at night.

The blonde girl took off her sunglasses when she reached the DJ table where Soos was at, then checked her make-up in a mirror.

"Party crown? I'll take that, thank you very much" she said snottily.

"Who's that?" Mabel asked. "The most popular girl in town, Pacifica Northwest" said Candy. "I always feel bad about myself around her" said Grenda.

"I, uh, can't just give you the crown" Soos replied to Pacifica. "It's sort of a competition thing."

Pacifica laughed snootily, then grabbed the microphone from the table.

"Honestly, who's gonna compete against me?" She then turned towards Mabel's new friends.

"Fork girl? Lizard lady?"

She then started laughing, and her friends laughed along with her.

"Hold me, Candy!" exclaimed Grenda sadly as she hugged Candy. "Our kind isn't welcome here!" said Candy sadly.

Mabel couldn't stand seeing her friends like that. It was then that she knew what she had to do. She walked determinedly right up to the DJ table where Soos and Pacifica were, and shut the laptop on the table closed.

"Me!" she exclaimed eagerly. "I'll compete!"

Grenda and Candy gasped excitedly.

Mabel held her hand out to Pacifica. "I'm Mabel!" she chimed cheerfully.

"That sounds like a fat old lady's name" said Pacifica. "I'll take that as a compliment" chirped Mabel.

"May the better partier win" said Pacifica sassily. She snapped, and with that she and her two friends backed up in a snooty way.

"Nice meeting you!" Mabel called after them cheerily. "She's going down."

Meanwhile, Mara was still dancing on the dance floor. She still hadn't noticed that Mabel had abandoned her a long time ago. Suddenly, someone started spinning her, and Mara cheered happily, thinking that it was Mabel, that is until the person dipped her.

"Mabel!" Mara scolded. "What are you..."

She opened her eyes and looked up to see that the person she was dancing with was not, in fact, Mabel.

It was a boy who looked around her age, with dark caramel colored hair and a pointy nose. He was wearing dress shoes, khaki pants with a light blue shirt dress shirt, and a navy sweater vest over it.

"Why did you stop?" the boy asked with a teasing smile. He had a British accent. "I thought we were having a pleasant time."

Mara pulled herself out of his arms.

"You're not Mabel!" she scolded. "Who the heck are you?"

The boy grinned, and held out his hand arrogantly. "Northwest, Nathaniel Northwest V, great great grandson of the original Nathaniel Northwest" he said.

Mara looked at his hand skeptically, and chose not to take it. She caught a glance of the blonde girl in the purple outfit dancing against Mabel.

"You wouldn't happen to be related to be related to that brat, Pacifica, over there, would you?" she asked boldly eyebrow raised.

"I admire your spirit, lass" he said, and Mara grimaced. "Pacifica is my cousin. I'm from Great Britain. My father sent me here to live with my uncle, Preston, and his family for the time being."

"It figures" Mara muttered.

"I was just getting myself a carbonated beverage" said Nathaniel. "When I saw a beautiful lass out here on the dance floor, dancing all by herself. I figured I'd...cut in."

"You mean a 'soda?' What is this, you creep, a ballroom dance?" Mara said brusquely. Nathaniel took a step closer to her.

"I like your moxie, darling" he said with a flirtatious tone. "And I love it how you're pretending to not be interested."

"I'm not interested!" Mara protested, noticing that Nathaniel was getting way too close for her comfort. He was now reaching for her hand.

In a panic, Mara suddenly threw down a smoke bomb onto the floor, the very same one that she had stolen from Grunkle Stan all those weeks ago. It exploded and sent a huge cloud of smoke up into the air.

Nathaniel coughed as he waved his hand around to get rid of the smoke, and when it finally cleared away, Mara had disappeared.

"Yes!" cheered Grunkle Stan, who had been watching the entire scene from the indoor balcony. "That's my girl!"

Mara was running in a random direction, turning her head to see that Nathaniel was still blind and confused. "Yes!" she said, unfortunately, she didn't notice that she was heading right towards the snack table. She plunged right into it unknowingly, and punch was spilled all over her.

"Dang it!" she cursed herself. "That was my last clean shirt and pair of pants!"

She ran upstairs towards her room for a new change of clothes, knowing that she would have to borrow Dipper or Mabel's.

Dipper and Wendy were outside collecting money from the eager cloud. The music from inside seemed to have gotten much louder than it was before.

"Whoa" said Wendy. "Sounds like the party in there's getting nuts!"

"Let the battle for the party crown begin!" Soos announced, holding up the party crown for all to see. Mabel was dancing wildly on the dance floor.
"Mabel starts out strong!" Soos announced. "Watch out, Pacifica!"

Dipper and Wendy were watching the party through the window, Wendy's hands were pressed up against the glass eagerly. "I've gotta get in there!" she exclaimed. "Can you cover for me?"

Dipper laughed nervously.

"I, um..."

"Thanks man!" said Wendy, tipping his hat upwards. And with that, she ran inside and started dancing cheerfully. Dipper watched her and looked down at his plan sadly. He decided that he was going to follow her.

He went back to the table, and flipped the "open" sign to the "closed" side.

"I'll be back shortly!" he announced at all the people who were waving their money eagerly at him. Dipper straightened his bowtie.
"I'm sure Stan won't mind if I'm gone for a few minutes."

"Hey!" Suddenly, Grunkle Stan grabbed Dipper by the back of his shirt. "What are you doing, kid? These suckers aren't gonna rip themselves off."

He turned towards the crowd of kids. "Yeah!" said one of them.

"You promised, remember?" Stan bellowed. "I did?" Dipper asked. Stan took a voice recorder out of his shirt, and pressed the play button.

"I promise" said Dipper's voice.

And with that Stan walked away ever so slowly. Dipper looked down sadly, then suddenly Stan turned back to make sure that Dipper stayed. Dipper jumped in surprise, and then Stan finally decided to leave for real.

Dipper sat down defeatedly at the ticket stand. He sighed and flipped the "closed" sign back to "open."

People all started shoving money into his face. Dipper looked sadly through the window to see Wendy dancing happily.

He sighed frustratedly. "If only I could be in two places at once." Suddenly, Dipper got an idea...

Dipper was now in Stan's office, where the copy machine was. He opened the lid, and then laid down onto the machine. He pressed the scan button, and then sat perfectly still.

"I wonder if this is a good idea."

The machine sparked just like it had before, and a green laser scanned Dipper's still body. When it was complete, Dipper sat up and turned to look at the piece of paper that the machine had printed out.

He watched cautiously as the paper started wrinkling on its own just like it had before.

Suddenly, the copy of Dipper rose up from the piece of paper, changing from black and white to color as it did, and stood up on its legs. It turned around to look at the real Dipper.

"Whoa" real Dipper said. "I have a really big head."

Dipper hopped down from the machine to examine the copy of himself. It looked just like him, albeit his hat was missing the pine tree and its colors looked a bit more dull.

For a moment, the two Dippers examine each other awkwardly.
"So, uh..." the both said at the same time. Then, they both started laughing.

"Sorry, you first" they said at the same time again. "Stop copying me!" They both accused and pointed to each other at the same time. They then started laughing again.

The real Dipper slapped his arm as he laughed, and the copy of Dipper did the same, except he clumsily hit his elbow against a safe behind him as he did.

"Ow, ow! Funny bone!" said the copy of Dipper, as he rubbed his elbow in pain.

While his head was down, the real Dipper took out a sharpie and wrote the number "2" on the hat of his clone.
"I will call you, number two!" Dipper announced.

"Definitely not" said the clone, raising his hat back up. "You know a name I've always wanted..."

Both Dippers leaned in towards each other.

"Tyrone" they said at the same time, grinning with one eyebrow raised.

"Alright, Tyrone, let's get down to business" said Dipper. "I'm thinking, you cover me at the ticket stand, while I ask Wendy to dance."

"I know the plan, buddy" said Tyrone cheerfully. Suddenly, both Dippers took out their long, complicated plans, and unfolded them till they reached the ground.

Dipper took a step back skeptically. "Hey, we're not gonna get jealous of each other and turn against each other like the clones in the movies, are we?" he asked suspiciously.

"Dipper, please, this is you you're talking about" replied Tyrone. "Plus, hey!" he snapped. "You could always just disintegrate me with water."

"Yeah" both Dippers said at the same time, pointing to their own foreheads, then pointing to each other's foreheads. "Yeah!"

Tyrone was outside at the ticket stand taking money from the people and giving them their tickets. He glanced at Dipper through the window and gave him a thumbs up. Dipper smiled and gave him a thumbs up in return.

He then turned towards Wendy, and took a deep breath nervously, before dancing right up to her.
"Doo dee dah dah doo dee dah doo...hey Wendy!" he said. "I finally got someone to cover the ticket stand for me."

"That's awesome!" said Wendy. "You can hang out with me and Robbie."

Dipper's eyes widened as he suddenly noticed Robbie, standing next to Wendy with his bike parked inside the Mystery Shack next to the stairs.
"Robbie, you remember Dipper from the convenience store" she addressed Robbie.

"Uh, no" said Robbie in a careless manner. "Yo, Wendy, check out my new guitar."

He took out a guitar from its case, and started strumming a cool tune.

"Whoa, cool!" said Wendy. Dipper gasped in horror.

He fantasized a new version of his daydream from earlier. This time, Robbie was dancing with Wendy.

"My, Robbie!" said Wendy. "You're a stupid, arrogant, fraud!" Robbie dipped her. "But kiss me anyway because you can play guitar!" She suddenly pulled out his arms. "Oh wait, I forgot something!"

She walked away from Robbie towards Dipper, and bent down to his level. Then, she punched him in the gut, and Dipper moaned in pain, and fell over clutching hit gut. Wendy ran back over towards Robbie.

"Let's get married tonight!"

Suddenly, Dipper's cell phone started buzzing, and he snapped out of his fantasy, and picked up.

"Hey, buddy, it's me: you" said Tyrone. "I just had the same jealousy fantasy."

Dipper walked away from Robbie and Wendy. "We've gotta get rid of Robbie if I ever want to dance with Wendy!" Dipper whispered urgently.

"Dipper!" Wendy called. "We're going to go sit on the couch. Meet us when you're done!" And with that, she and Robbie made their way over to the chairs.

"Oh no!" exclaimed Dipper with a panicked expression. "They're sitting on the couch! We've gotta think of something quick!"

He then looked around, and caught sight of Robbie's bike.

"I've got an idea" he said into the phone. "I've got the same one" said Tyrone. "But we're gonna need some help."

Back in Stan's office, Dipper and Tyrone made another copy of Dipper. Dipper wrote the number "3" on the new clone's hat.

"...and that's where you come in, number three" Dipper finished. "But what if Robbie catches me?" asked Dipper #3. "I'll be all alone!"

"Good point" said Tyrone.

"Ok, one more" said Dipper, making his way over towards the copy machine and climbing up onto it. "Four Dippers. This is a four-Dipper plan." He laid down and scanned himself for the third time, and the machine sent up a puff of smoke in protest.

"Uh oh, paper jam" said Tyrone, as he reached into the machine and unstuck the piece of paper jammed into there. He shook it out and laid it on the floor. The paper rippled, and a wrinkled, messed up, version of Dipper emerged from it.

Tyron yelped in surprise and fell back as paper jam Dipper started climbing him like a jungle gym.

"Nya nya nya nyah nyah!"

Tyrone stood up and held paper jam Dipper baby-style.

"Come on, you're not gonna make me partner up with him are you?" protested Dipper #3.

"Shh, don't be rude!" scolded Tyrone, then he turned towards paper jam Dipper. "Hey, buddy, hey. It's ok!"

Paper jam Dipper screamed some more, as he pulled Tyrone's hat up and down with one hand and pulled his tongue with the other.

"Ok" said the real Dipper. "Just one more clone."

"All that means is, forever. Alwaaaaayys!" Pacifica sang, hitting the last note so high that someone's paper cup actually shattered. The crowd cheered for her.

"Forever" Pacifica whispered.

Mabel, Grenda, and Candy watched with stunned faces. "I used to sing like that" said Grenda. "Before my voice changed."

"Pacifica pulls ahead!" Soos announced.

Pacifica walked up to Mabel, and shoved the microphone into her. "Try and top that." And with that, she started to walk towards the crowd. "And by the way, Grenda, you sound like a professional wrestler." She laughed snootily. "I wanna put her in a headlock and make her feel pain!" growled Grenda.

"It's not over till it's over, sisters!" declared Mabel determinedly. "Watch this." She stepped up onto the stage with the microphone.

"Soos, give me the 80est, crowd-pleasiest, rock-bandiest song you've got!" she said, and Soos turned on a song called "Don't start un-believing."

"Excellent" said Mabel, as she walked to the edge of the stage, and started singing.

"Don't start un-believing!

Never do not feel your feeling!"

The crowd started cheering for her excitedly, while Mabel swung the microphone over her head wildly.

"I'm gonna do a flip!" she announced into it. And with that, she jumped and landed on her stomach on the stage.

"That was for you guys!" she announced.

The crowd cheered even louder, and Pacifica looked at them with disbelief.

Just then, the real Dipper walked up to Soos, and whispered something in his ear. Soos nodded and turned on the microphone.

"Would the owner of a silver and red dirt bike report outside? It is being stolen right now" he announced.

Robbie sat up from the couch suddenly.

"Wait, what?" He ran to the window and pressed his face against the glass to see that his bike was, indeed, getting stolen by two kids whose faces he couldn't see.

Dippers #3 and #4 laughed as they rode Robbie's bike far away from the Mystery Shack. Robbie ran after them. "Come back here!"

The real Dipper took a sat on the arm of the couch next to Wendy. "Aw, tough break" he said. "I wonder who those guys are who aren't me because I'm right here."

"We're gonna bring it down for a minute!" Soos announced. "Ladies, dudes, now's the time." Soos turned the dials down, and a slow, romantic, song started playing. Couples everywhere started dancing to the slow tune.

Mara was now hiding underneath the other snack table that she hadn't knocked over, trying to figure out a means of escape. She had changed into a pair of Dipper's clothes, red shirt, shorts, and vest, since she didn't want to wear another one of Mabel's hot sweaters and girly skirts. "Ok, if I tranq him now, I could hide his body in the broom closet and lock the door..." She reached into her shorts pocket to grab the weapon, but instead pulled out a party popper. She then remembered that she was wearing Dipper's clothes, and that she had left her tranquilizer gun in her cargo pants pocket. "Dang it! Curse Dipper, and his lack of useful items!"

Suddenly, the cloth of the table was lifted upwards, and light flooded into Mara's hiding spot. She was met with a familiar face.

"There you are, my beloved!" said Nathaniel. "I've been looking everywhere for you! Hiding under the table was very clever, I must say. What are you wearing? Never mind...a slow song is playing, darling, we shall dance together now!"

He held out his hand, and Mara slapped it away. "Get away from me, you dolt!" Mara exclaimed, backing up even further underneath the table.

"But you never told me your name" said Nathaniel, as he reluctantly got down onto his hands and knees and started crawling towards her.

"It's Mara" sneered Mara. "Mara Pines, and I said, GET AWAY FROM ME!" she shouted, and she bolted out from under the table and disappeared into the crowd, frantically looking for another hiding spot.

"Oh, sweet, I love this song!" said Wendy. She started swaying slowly to herself on the couch with her eyes closed.

Just then, Mabel appeared at Dipper's side. "Hey, goofus!" she said excitedly. "Now's your chance to ask Wendy-"

Dipper hurriedly slapped his hand over Mabel's mouth, and then hopped down from the couch away from Wendy. He then took his hand off Mabel's mouth.

"Now's your chance to ask Wendy to dance" Mabel said. Dipper took out his list and started looking through it.

"Come on, go!" insisted Mabel, pushing her brother towards Wendy.

"I, um..." he stared at Wendy, who was still dancing to herself on the couch. He took very slow, awkward steps towards her.

Mabel smiled to herself proudly...that is until Dipper ran away past her. "I'll be right back!"

"Oh, I agree, you can't just dance with her" said Tyrone agreeably to Dipper. The two of them were pacing back and forth in his room, thinking of what to do.

"The dance floor is a minefield, Tyrone, a minefield!" exclaimed Dipper.

"What if there's a glitch in the sound system?" said Tyrone worriedly.

"Stan might get in the way" Dipper pointed out.

"Robbie might come back!" said Tyrone.

"There's too many variables!" Dipper concluded. "We need help."

A few minutes later, Dipper was lying on the copy machine in Stan's office making even more copies of himself yet again. Tyrone gathered all the papers the machine was printing and started to lay them all out on the floor to let the Dipper clones form.

When they were done, Dipper started to create a new plan, of which all of the clones were helping to write it in.

Dipper chewed on his pencil nervously, and several Dipper clone hands started rubbing the original Dipper's chin, scratching his hair, rubbing his nose, patting his head, and adjusting his hat.

The Dippers then made their way back to his room, where they were all discussing the plan.

The real Dipper tapped his pencil on a lantern to get their attention.

"Alright Dippers, gather around!" he announced. All ten Dipper clones stood in a perfect group in front of him, all with their hands in the vest pockets and all wearing the same expressions. The only thing that was different about them were the numbers on their hats.

"Now's the time, you all clear on what to do?" asked original Dipper.

The Dipper clones all nodded simultaneously, then started walking out into the hall and into the Party room.

Dipper #10 walked up to Soos at the DJ table. "Hey Soos!" he said, pulling out a laser pen. "A glowing dot!" He turned on the light, and a green dot appeared on the wall. Soos turned and looked at the dot on the wall. "Oh man, I'm so glad I turned my head" said Soos, absorbed into the tiny dot. "That dot does not disappoint." He tried to grab it similarly to how a cat would, pawing his hands on the wall trying to catch it.

Dipper #10 then made his way over to the abandoned DJ station and inserted a disc labeled "Wendy Mix."

He gave a thumbs up to Dipper #7, who was sitting on one of the ceiling beams next to a spotlight. Dipper #7 placed piece of translucent pink paper onto the spotlight, dying the light pink. He then gave a thumbs up to Dipper #5, who was on the ground next to the window. He pulled down the window blinds, then gave a thumbs up to Dipper #8, who was also sitting on one of the ceiling beams. He was holding a fishing pole with a dollar bill taped to the end of the line. He lowered the money right over the snack table, where Stan was using a pair of tongs to put some marshmallows onto his plate. Stan noticed the money instantly, but acted disinterested.

"Right" he said, unimpressed. "Like I'm gonna fall for that." He went back to putting marshmallows on his plate, but then suddenly dove towards the money. Unfortunately, Dipper #8 had pulled the line up so that Stan missed, knocking over the only remaining snack table instead. Dipper #8 then started to pull the line away from Stan as he got up and started chasing it. "Give me that money! Money!" Stan exclaimed, running after the money attached to the end of the line. He ran right past Dipper #6, who was standing next to the end of a rope. Once he saw Stan run by, he pulled the rope, which rang the bell in the attic (the triplets' room), where Dipper and Tyrone were.

"There's your cue!" said Tyrone, starting to lead Dipper towards the door. "It's the perfect moment to ask Wendy to dance. Good luck, me!"

"I don't need luck" replied Dipper, patting his vest pocket. "I have a plan!" And with that, he walked out the door and down the stairs, making his way towards the dance room.

He was about to run past the hall where the bathrooms were, when he suddenly froze right in his tracks and let out a panicked gasp: standing outside the bathroom door was Wendy, who was leaning against the wall and holding a cup of Pitt Cola.

"Oh hey, man, what's up?" she asked in her usual laid-back manner.

"W-w-what are you doing here?" Dipper stuttered nervously. "W-wouldn't you r-rather be out on the dance floor in exactly forty two seconds?" he asked, as he checked his watch and tried to shrug in a casual manner.

"I'm just waiting for the bathroom" said Wendy. "Oh, um, ok, um..." Dipper stuttered nervously, fumbling for his list and looking through it. "Small talk, small talk, small talk..."

"Oh hey, lets say everyone at this party gets stuck on a desert island" said Wendy. "Who do you think the leader would be?"


"I'd go with this lunatic." She gestured towards a business-man, who was dressed in dress pants and a tie. His shirt was soaked in sweat as he punched the air ferociously in his own weird dance moves.

Dipper laughed nervously, and shoved the plan into his vest pocket.

"I'd probably go for 'Stretch' over there, uh... because tall people can reach coconuts?"

He gestured towards an extremely tall man, who was doing a backwards moonwalk.

Wendy laughed. "Speaking of tall, wanna see something?" She handed Dipper her cup of Pitt Cola so that she could reach into her back pocket and pull out her wallet, which she opened to show Dipper. Inside was a picture of four kids, and Wendy had her finger covering the head of the fourth kid.

"Those are my three brothers" she said. "And I'm...boop!" she lifted her finger to reveal the face of the fourth kid, which was herself. She was twice the height of her tallest brother.

"Ha ha!" Dipper laughed. "You're a freak!" Realizing what he had just said, he slapped his hand over his mouth. But Wendy didn't seem to mind.

"Yup." She nodded.

"You know, people used to make fun of my birthmark before I started hiding it all the time" Dipper said without thinking.

"Birthmark? You have white hair too?"

Dipper was surprised.

"Wait, are you talking about Mara?"

"Oh yeah, she told me, Soos, and Stan. I'm sworn to secrecy, but I'm sure you already know. Now about your birthmark..."

"Uh, no it's nothing, I mean I don't have white hair...uh..." Dipper blushed and scolded himself. "Why did I say that?"

"No way, dude" said Wendy. "Now you have to show me. Show me! Show me!" she chanted. Dipper took a sip of the cup of Pitt Cola, then handed it to Wendy to hold.

Then, he reluctantly took off his hat, and turned to face her. He brushed aside his hair to reveal a birthmark shaped like the big dipper on his forehead.

"The big dipper!" said Wendy in realization. "That's how you got your nickname! I thought your parents just hated you or something. Hey, how come Mara wasn't nicknamed after her birthmark?"

Dipper put his hat back on.

"We actually used to call her "Storm" when we were kids, because her white hair kinda looked like a lightning bolt, and it suited her personality."

Wendy laughed.

"Hey, I guess we're all freaks" said Wendy, holding out her cup in a toast. Dipper smiled, then bent down to the ground to pick up an abandoned cup, then toasted his cup against hers.

They laughed together.

Just then, the bathroom door opened, and a furious Pacifica stormed out. "Wait here?" asked Wendy as she made her way towards the empty bathroom. "Of course!" said Dipper. And with that, Wendy closed the door to the bathroom.

"Hey!" someone suddenly said. Dipper turned to see his clones, standing there staring at him angrily.

"What are you doing here?!" Tyrone scolded. "#10 has been distracting Soos for fifteen minutes! He's gonna get tired of that dot eventually."

"Never!" Soos called from downstairs.

"You won't believe it, guys!" said Dipper excitedly, though all the clones were still glaring at him. "I bumped into Wendy accidentally and things are actually going great!"

"That's nice" said Tyrone, taking out a list. "But not the plan. Do I have to remind you?"

The other clones all took out their lists and reading aloud Dipper's crazy plan.

"Oh man" said Dipper. "You guys sound crazy. Look, maybe we don't need the plan anymore, you know?" he said cheerfully. "Maybe I could just go talk to her like a normal person."

The clones all gasped.

"You bite your tongue!" said Tyrone.

"If you're not gonna stick to the plan, maybe you shouldn't be the Dipper to dance with Wendy" said Dipper #5.

The clones all started to discuss this, and it looked like they all seemed to agree with Dipper #5. Dipper looked at them worriedly, sensing what was going on.

"Guys, come on" said Dipper skeptically. "We said we weren't gonna turn on each other."

"I think we all knew we were lying" said Tyrone with a low voice, as the Dipper clones all started to surround the real Dipper.
"No, hey!" Dipper screamed in protest as they closed in on him and started dragging him by his feet around the corner of the hall.

The Dipper clones had taken the real Dipper to his room. They threw him into the closet. "No, wait!" yelled Dipper, but the clones shut the door on him and locked him in. Dipper brushed himself off, and then suddenly had a plan.

"Ah!" he yelled in his most dramatic tone, though it didn't sound very convincing. "I can't breathe in here!" "Yeah, you can!" one of the Dipper clones replied. "Plus there's snacks and a coloring book in there for you!"

Dipper sighed irritatedly, annoyed about how smart his clones were. They were clones of him after all.

Dipper took the packet of cheese and crackers and yanked it open. He spread the cheese across one of the crackers, and then shoved it into his mouth. He chewed irritatedly.

Outside the closet in the attic room, Tyrone addressed the Dipper clones.

"Ok, so now that original Dipper, or 'Dipper Classic' is no longer fit for it, I nominate myself to dance with Wendy instead. I've been along the longest, so it should be me, I mean logically, logically guys."

"Fair point" said Dipper #10. "Counter point: Maybe I should get to dance with Wendy because I've been around for the least."

"That makes, like, zero sense" said Dipper #5 crossly. Dipper #10 suddenly turned around and shoved Dipper #5, who was caught by Dipper #7. Dipper #5 got up angrily, and shoved Dipper #10 back.

"Watch it!" he yelled at him. Dipper #6 then shoved Dipper #5. "Don't shove people!" he yelled ironically.

Just then, the door burst open, and the Dipper clones all turned around in surprise.

Standing at the door was Mara, wearing Dipper's clothes and a look of panic on her face. She looked out of breath.

"Dipper!" she exclaimed through pants, immediately bursting into the room. "I need your he..."

She paused mid-sentence, when she saw that there were multiple Dippers, each of them with a number on their hat instead of a pine tree.

Mara knew immediately that Dipper must have used the copier machine on himself.

"Dipper?" she asked.

"Yes?" all the Dipper clones replied simultaneously.

"The real Dipper?"

The Dipper clones all hesitated to answer her, most of them now refusing to look into her eyes.

"Mara?" asked a Dipper with a #2 on his hat with concern. "Why are you wearing my clothes? And what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"It''s this boy named Nathaniel..." Mara said with a worried voice. All of the Dipper clones' fists clenched the second she said the word "boy."

"He...he's been hitting on me all night" Mara stuttered upsetly. "He won't leave me alone! I keep trying to run away from him... but he won't..."

The Dipper clones all seemed to understand. They were all wearing the same enraged look on their faces.

"I'll show him who's sister he shouldn't be messing with!" said a Dipper with a #7 on his hat angrily.

"Yeah, we'll show him!" another chimed in.

And with that, the Dippers all stormed furiously out the door of the attic towards the dance floor, all of them muttering plans of torture that they had in store for Nathaniel.

A Dipper with a #9 on his hat was following suit, when Mara suddenly slammed the door on him and locked it, trapping him inside.

"Mara! I'm trying to help you!" Dipper #9 protested irritatedly. "What are you-"

Mara pounced on him, tackling him to the ground before he could finish his sentence. She pinned him down, using her knees to press into his chest, and her hands to grab his wrists and bring them to the ground.

She dropped the look of fear on her face entirely, replacing it with a look of anger.

"Where's my brother?" she demanded in a low voice.

"I am your brother!" protested Dipper #9.

"You know very well what I mean!"

"Fine. Even if I did know, why should I tell you?" Dipper #9 spat. "You tricked me."

"You'll tell me" said Mara with a merciless tone. "Because if you don't..." she took out a spritzer bottle of water from her tool belt.

Dipper #9 got the message. His eyes widened in fear.

"Ok! Ok! I'll talk!" he exclaimed panickedly. "He's in the closet."

Mara abandoned Dipper #9, and rushed over to the closet, unlocking it and swinging it open to reveal the real Dipper, sitting on the floor eating a packet of cheese and crackers.

"Mara!" said the real Dipper, leaping out of the closet happily. In the spur of his joy, he was about to hug her, when he suddenly received a blow to his left temple.

"Ow!" he cried out in pain, rubbing his cheek. "What was that for?"

"You used the copier machine to make clones of yourself?!" Mara yelled. "Do you have any idea what you you've done?"

"Yes, yes, I know!" said Dipper. "Now help me get rid of them!"

Mara sighed. "Fine. But we're destroying that copier machine after this is all over."

Dipper reluctantly nodded, and the two of them ran out of the attic room.

"It looks like it's about to rain outside" said Mara as they ran. "If we can just lead them out there, they'll all melt when the rain comes pouring down."

"But the Dipper clones are smarter than that" pointed out Dipper. "They're clones of me after all!"

Mara sighed. "Even in times of danger, you just can't help but brag about your brilliance" she said with an irritated tone.

"I'm just stating the truth!" Dipper said. "What if we can get Wendy? I'm sure she can help us."

"Oh sure, go to your crush for help. Maybe you can kiss your way out of this" said Mara bitingly.

The two of them reached the indoor balcony, where the entire dance floor was in view. Oddly enough, there was no sign of any of the clones, or of Nathaniel, which must have meant that the clones had already taken care of him. Dipper spotted Wendy dancing right in the center of the dance floor.

He called out to her.

Suddenly, he and Mara were grabbed from behind, hands covering their mouths so they couldn't scream for help. They were pulled away from the balcony. The two Dipper clones who had grabbed them shoved then shoved the two forward into the hall, where the rest of the clones were waiting, all of their arms were on their hips angrily, and they all looked pretty vexed.

"Hey guys" said Mara good-humoredly, flashing them a forced smile. "So, uh, how did it go with Nathaniel?"

"We were dealing with that blonde brat" said Dipper #8. "Until Dipper #9 showed up and told us about how you had lied to us so you could free Dipper classic" he finished grudgingly.

"That's water under the bridge!" said Mara with a charming tone. "Besides, I didn't technically lie. That creep's been stalking me all night."

"Come on guys, give up!" demanded Tyrone. "You're overpowered."

"Hold on, guys, think about it!" said the real Dipper. "We're exact equals mentally and physically. If we start fighting, it'll just go on for infinity if Mara doesn't join in."

The Dipper clones all started to discuss amongst themselves about how Dipper was right. They were too busy to notice Dipper walk up to Tyrone, and punch him directly in the face. The Dipper clones all stared at him in shock.
"CLONE FIGHT!" yelled Dipper #9. A huge fight broke out between the Dipper clones and Dipper and Mara. Dipper #5 tackled the real Dipper to the ground, pinning him to the ground. He started to slap him in the face several times.
"Quit hitting myself! Quit hitting myself!" said Dipper #5, but he was tackled from the side by Dipper #8.

Mara was suddenly attacked by Dipper #9, who immediately went for her water spritzer bottle. He stole it from her and shoved it into his vest pocket out of her reach. Fortunately, Mara was a quick thinker, and had taken the opportunity to steal Dipper #9's hat and put it on her her own head, tucking her short ponytail into it so that she blended right in with the Dipper clones.

"Guys, help!" she yelled with her perfect Dipper impression of his voice. "Mara's got me!"

"Wha-" A hatless Dipper #9 was tackled to the side by two Dipper clones, and Mara snuck away, melting right into the crowd of Dippers. For the first time that night, she was glad that she was wearing Dipper's clothes.

In all the commotion, the real Dipper had taken a piece of paper, wrote a number "7" on it, and taped it over the pine tree on his hat so that he would blend into the crowd of Dippers as well.

During the fight, the clones were all fighting each other, since none of them could tell which one of them was the real Dipper or Mara.

It was one of the strangest fights ever. Dipper was not a fighter, so the clones' idea of fighting consisted of giving each other Indian rubs, pulling down hats over faces, and karate chopping someone's stomach while two other clones held the victim's arms.

Mara spotted the her brother though, for he was the only Dipper wearing a bow tie. He was hiding behind two Dipper clones wrestling each other to the ground. Without drawing attention to herself, she snuck over to him until she was right next to him.

"Dipper" she whispered, and the real Dipper jumped in surprise, immediately getting into an attack position.

"Relax, Dipper, it's me" said Mara in her own voice again. "Mara."

"You stole a clone hat?" asked Dipper. "That was clever. You look just like me!"

"Compliment me later when we're not being attacked by your clones" said Mara. "Let's get out of here."

The two triplets got down onto their knees, and started to crawl away from the commotion. They stood up, and had almost made it when suddenly one of the Dipper clones called them out.

"Hey! Classic Dipper and Mara are getting away!"

The real Dipper and Mara turned around innocently.

"No, friends, it's me" said Dipper calmly. "Number Seven." "And nine" Mara added in her brother's voice.

The Dipper clones turned towards the real Dippers #7 and #9, who were frozen in a wrestling position with Dipper #7 on the ground and a hatless Dipper #9 on top of him.

"That's not me guys!" screamed Dipper #7. "That's not me!" yelled Dipper #9.

Unfortunately, Dipper's #7 peeled off his hat, revealing a pine tree underneath it, and Mara's hat fell off, revealing a short ponytail and a camo bandana.

"Get 'em!" declared Dipper #9, getting off of Dipper #7 to retrieve his hat. The Dipper clones started to corner the two triplets into a corner of the wall.

"Stay back, stay back!" yelled Dipper, keeping his arm in front of Mara protectively. As the Dipper clones started closing in, Mara suddenly got an idea.

She pushed her brother out of the way, and reached into her shorts pocket, pulling out the party popper from earlier. She pulled the string, and confetti and smoke bursted out of it.

The Dippers looked at her in confusion as confetti rained down on them, and one of them actually started snickering.

But the smoke reached the smoke detector on the ceiling, and the fire alarm started going off. Water started spraying everywhere.

"Boo! Lame!" yelled the clones as they melted away into puddles. Paper jam Dipper muttered something no one could understand before he melted as well.

A wet Mara and Dipper stood there watching the strange scene.

"Huh, how 'bout that?" said Dipper. "Good job, Mara."

"Don't thank me yet, brother" said Mara, turning her brother around to show him that Tyrone was still alive, and had not melted with the others.

"You!" he pointed at the siblings. "Uh oh" said Dipper.

Mabel and Pacifica were still competing for the party crown. Mabel was currently in the center of the dance floor with the crowd in gathered in a circle around her cheering for her. She was on her her hands and knees leaping across the dance floor, and the audience loved it. Pacifica watched in disgust.

"One more song, dudes!" Soos announced. "And then it will be time for the bestowing of the party crown. It's gonna be..." he pressed a button, and a sound effect of an explosion played.

"Nailed it" said Soos.

"Pacifica" said Mabel genuinely. "I just wanna say that whoever wins, it's been a super fun party." She held out her hand to Pacifica, who recoiled in disgust.

"Aw, it thinks it's gonna win" she said sassily. She held her hand up to her ear. "Hey, did you hear that?"

Mabel held her hand up to her own ear as well so that she could hear what Pacifica was talking about.

"People clapping for the weird girls? Yeah, me neither" she said brattily, as she walked away from her. Mabel looked around confusedly, still trying to hear what Pacifica had been talking about. She knew very well that Pacifica had just insulted her, but she still liked to give people the benefit of the doubt.

Meanwhile, Tyrone was holding Dipper in a choke hold, and Dipper was gasping for breath. "Say it!" demanded Tyrone. "Say I can dance with Wendy."

"Guys, cut it out!" yelled Mara, pulling Tyrone off of Dipper, but this only resulted in Dipper grabbing Tyrone in a choke hold back.

"Never!" Dipper yelled. Mara sighed.

Just then, Wendy's laughter echoed from the dance room.

"Wendy?" Dipper and Tyrone said simultaneously, and they both hurried to the indoor balcony, where they got a clear view of Wendy, who was talking with Robbie, and clearly having a good time with him. Robbie whispered something in Wendy's ear, and she in turn shoved him playfully and laughed.

"Robbie!" she said. "Shut up!" The two started laughing again.

Dipper and Tyrone sighed sadly, and Mara patted both of their shoulders in a comforting manner. "Thanks, Mara. We blew it, man" they said at the same time, and with that they both turned around, and slid their backs against the railing until they were both in a sitting position.

Mara watched them, and instantly felt kinda bad for them.

"Hey" she said to both of them. "Wanna go grab some sodas or something?" she offered. Both Dippers smiled at her in agreement.

"Let the party crown voting commence!" announced Soos. He was standing on the stage with Mabel on one side and Pacifica on the other. Soos hit a button, and a starting gong sound effect was played.

"Good luck, Mabel" said Pacifica snootily, narrowing her eyes at her.

"Applause to vote for...Mabel!" announced Soos, gesturing towards Mabel. Grenda and Candy both cheered as loudly as they could, and they weren't alone. About half of the crowd cheered along with them. Stan shoved the money that he had grabbed from the mysterious fishing line into his shirt, and clapped eagerly along with the crowd.

"Let's check the applause-o-meter!" said Soos, raising his arm to a certain level above Mabel as if he were measuring the amount of applause. "Oh, oh, pretty good!"

Mabel smiled brightly.

"And the next contestant, Pacifica!" Soos announced, gesturing towards Pacifica. Pacifica's two friends cheered, along with only a select few people in the crowd.

Pacifica glowered, and half the crowd started to reluctantly cheer for her out of fear.

Soos raised his other arm to represent Pacifica's total amount of applause, only to find that it was perfectly even with the one that represented Mabel's applause.

"Uh oh" he said. "It's cut. This has, like, never happened before." Pacifica was furious that she was equal to Mabel. She looked around ferociously for someone, anyone, she could use to get her more applause. Her eyes landed on old man McGucket, who was sleeping on a bench of chairs. She smirked, and snuck off the stage over to him. She held out some money to the old man, who immediately woke up at the smell of the money. He grabbed it, and then started cheering for her.

Soos raised the arm representing Pacifica's applause a bit, and then looked down sadly.
"Listen, ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner" he said, deflated. Mabel looked down sadly. Grenda and Candy looked up from the crowd in disbelief at what just happened.

"The winner of the contest, is Pacifica Northwest" said Soos sadly, handing the plastic crown to the blonde girl. Pacifica took it from him and placed it on her head, though her hair was so poofy that the crown didn't even go down onto her head completely, just rested on the top of her hair.

"Thank you, Jorge!" she said, holding out her arms. "Thank you everyone! Everyone come to the after party at my parents' boat. Whoo hoo!"

The crowd cheered excitedly. They all carried her out the door and left the party. "Pacifica! Pacifica! Pacifica!" They chanted.

The only two people who had stayed were Candy and Grenda. Mabel noticed. She sighed sadly, and climbed down from the stage.

"Sorry I let you guys down" she said sadly, hanging her head down. "I understand if you want to leave."

"But then, we would miss the sleepover" said Candy. Mabel perked up at that.


"We wanna call our moms and sleepover here with you!" said Grenda. "You're, like, a total rockstar!" she pumped her fist up into the air. Candy held up some magazines from her backpack.

"I have magazine boys!"

"Really?" asked Mabel excitedly. She gasped with joy. "You guys!"

"Maybe we don't have as many friends as Pacifica" said Candy. "But we have each other, and that is pretty good I think."

Mabel turned back towards Soos, her usual joy now replenished.

"Soos! Play another song!" she said eagerly. "This thing's going all night!"

"Way ahead of you, hambone!" replied Soos, as he laid a record onto the player. Music started playing, and Mabel and her new friends started dancing to the music. Mabel was overjoyed that she had finally made some new friends.

Dipper, Mara, and Tyrone were hanging out on the roof in Wendy's secret hangout place, the cool night air blowing in all of their faces. Dipper reached into the cooler and pulled out two pitt colas. He handed one to Tyrone and the other to Mara, then reached back into the cooler to retrieve one himself.

"Some night, huh?" said Tyrone as the three of them looked up at the sky. Dipper opened his can of soda and sighed.

"You think we really have a chance with Wendy?" he asked, mostly addressing Tyrone. "I mean, she's fifteen, we're twelve."

"I don't know man, I hope so" said Tyrone. "But we're making zero progress the way we're doing it."

"Yeah. The only good conversation you had with her was when you didn't do any of that list stuff" added Mara.

"I know" said Dipper. "Mabel was right, I do get in my own way."

"Literally!" said the two Dippers at the exact same time. They came to the same conclusion at the same time.

"Whoa" said Tyrone, making an explosion noise with his mouth. "Pooooh!"

"Hey, Tyrone?" asked Mara.

"Yeah?" he replied.

"What did you guys do to Nathaniel, by the way? I don't think I saw him exit with the rest of the party."

Tyrone smirked.

"We may or may not have tied him to a random tree in the woods, spilled some pitt cola on his precious sweater vest and his 'perfect' doll hair, and then taken a picture of him and posted it onto the internet."

Mara grinned.

"I would have built a giant catapult and used it to launch him off the edge of the Gravity Falls cliff to his ultimate doom, but no, tying him to a tree and leaving him there covered in Pitt Cola sounds good."

Dipper and Tyrone laughed. "Well, it looks like we won't be seeing him for a while!" said Dipper, relieved that his clones had taken care of the creep who tried to hit on his sister.

Once they were done laughing, the three of them toasted their sodas, and then took a a sip of them.

Tyrone's stomach churned, and a hole started to appear in his chest. "Oh boy" he said worriedly. "Don't look now."

Dipper and Mara dropped their sodas, their eyes widened. "Tyrone!" said Dipper worriedly. "What do we do?" asked Mara.

"It's ok, dudes, I had a good run" said Tyrone as he was melting. "Remember what we talked about."

"O-of course" stammered Dipper.

"And hey, quit being such a wimp around Wendy, ok?" Tyrone added as he continued to melt. "For my sake!" And with that, he disappeared into a pile of nothing.

Dipper had fallen to his knees.

"Tyrone!" he said sadly. Mara put her hand on his shoulder in a comforting manner. He picked up his can of soda again, and held it up. "You were the only one who understood." He poured some onto the puddle remain of Tyrone, and then took a sip out of the rest of his soda.

Dipper and Mara climbed down from the roof and peeked in through the window. Stan was greedily counting his money, Soos was as the DJ table, and Mabel was dancing out on the dance floor with her two new friends. Wendy was leaning up against the bottom of the stairs, nodding to the music and holding a cup of pitt cola.

Dipper and Mara stepped up in front of the door, and Mara reached out to grab the door handle. "Wait" said Dipper, and Mara paused and turned towards him.

He took out the list that he and the clones had written earlier, and ripped it to pieces, leaving the shreds on the ground. Mara grinned, then opened the door to let herself and her brother into the Mystery Shack.

"Mara! Dipper! Where have you guys been? Meet my girlfriends!" exclaimed Mabel excitedly. 

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They're on an adventure to uncover the truth about their missing parents. Solving a mystery involving breaking into top security prisons, infiltratin...
67.6K 3K 41
Mabel Pines and her twin brother Dipper are staying in Gravity Falls, Oregon for the summer. As Mabel wanders the town she meets Pacifica Northwest...