Gravity Falls Pines Triplets...

By opal35416

107K 1.6K 4.2K

Dipper, Mabel, and Mara Pines are triplets who have been sent to Gravity Falls for the Summer to live with th... More

Tourist Trapped
Legend of the Gobblewonker
Head Hunters
The Hand that Rocks the Mabel
Dipper vs Manliness
Double Dipper
Irrational Treasure
Time Traveller's Pig
Fight Fighters
Little Dipper
Boss Mabel
Bottomless Pit!
The Deep End
Carpet Diem
Boyz Crazy
Land Before Swine
Gideon Rises
Into the Bunker
The Golf War
Sock Opera
Soos and the Real Girl
Little Gift Shop of Horror
Society of the Blind Eye
Blendin's Game
The Love god
Northwest Mansion Mystery
Not What He Seems
Tale of Two Stans
Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons
The Stanchurian Candidate
The Last Mabelcorn
Roadside Attraction
Dipper, Mara, and Mabel vs the Future
Weirdmageddon: Part I
Weirdmageddon Part II: Escape From Reality
Weirdmageddon Part III: Take Back the Falls
The Triplets' Guides
Mara and Nat's kids' story
Lost Legends with the Pines Triplets

The Inconveniencing

3.1K 41 204
By opal35416

Wendy, Soos, and the triplets were hanging out in the Gift Shop. Wendy was reading a magazine, Mara was spinning Mabel, who was sitting on a globe on the counter, and Dipper was reading the journal. It was pretty usual.

"Mara, Mabel?" Dipper asked. "Do you guys believe in ghosts?"

"I believe you're a big dork!" said Mabel, laughing giddily. Dipper lightly pushed Mara aside to make her stop spinning Mabel, then used his pencil to stop the globe from spinning. Mabel flew off the globe and landed on the ground.

"If you asked me that question a few weeks ago, I would have called you crazy" said Mara. "But with all these weird things that we've been seeing all over this town, I honestly wouldn't be too surprised if ghosts did exist" said Mara.

"Yeah, well ten bucks says you can't prove that ghosts exist" said a dizzy Mabel as she picked herself off of the floor.

Mara lifted her eyebrow.

"Is that challenge?"

Mabel nodded, and Mara grinned.


"Hey, Soos, Wendy!" Stan yelled, entering the Gift Shop through the front door. Soos hurried as quickly as he could to his boss. He panted in exhaustion despite that fact that he had only run a few feet.

"What's up, Mr. Pines?" he asked.

"I'm heading out" said Stan. "You two are gonna wash the bathrooms, right?"

"Yes, Sir!" said Soos, raising his hand in a salute.

"Absolutely not" said Wendy, doing the same as Soos.

"Ha ha!" Stan laughed, but then he narrowed his eyes. "You stay out of trouble."

And with that, he shut the door and left the Mystery Shack.

Wendy smirked, and headed towards the back of the Gift Shop.

"Hey, guys!" she said, making her way towards a blue curtain in the corner of the Gift Shop. "What's this?" she asked, though it was pretty clear that she knew exactly what was behind the curtain. She pulled it back, revealing a tall ladder that went up through the ceiling.

"A ladder to the roof?" she said.

"Uh, I don't think Mr. Pines would like that" said Soos anxiously.

Wendy reached her arm out towards the ladder, and Soos made noises of anxiety. She pulled it back and reached out again repeatedly, causing Soos to make more anxious gasps each time she reached out towards the ladder.

"You're freaking me out, dude!"

"Wait, can we actually go up there?" asked Dipper.

"Sure we can" said Wendy as she climbed up the ladder.. "Roof time, roof time, roof time!" she started chanting.

"Roof time, roof time, roof time!" the triplets repeated enthusiastically, following her up the ladder. Mara went up the ladder first, followed up Mabel, then Dipper.

Wendy opened the hatch at the top, and climbed out, the triplets following suit. They all starting climbing further up the roof of the Mystery Shack until they reached the very top.

"Alright, check it out!" said Wendy, gesturing towards a section of the roof.

"Whoa! Cool!" The triplets all stared in amazement at the beach chair and umbrella that was set up on the other side of the roof. With it was a cooler and a bucket of pine cones.

"Did you put all this stuff up here?" asked Mara.

"I may or may not sneak up here during work all the time every day" said Wendy, reaching down towards the bucket of pine cones. She grabbed one and threw it towards a paper target, which was taped to the totem pole a few yards away. It hit dead center.

"Yes!" said Wendy.

The triplets all started throwing pine cones at the target as well, none of them however making their mark. One of Dipper's pine cones actually hit a parked car, and its alarm started beeping.

Dipper blushed in embarrassment.

"Man, and I thought my aim was bad" said Mara

"Jackpot!" said Wendy excitedly, holding out her hand to Dipper for a high five. "High five!"

For a while, Dipper just started at her in amazement.

"Come on, don't leave me hanging" she said.

After a while, Dipper finally high fived her.

Just then, a van pulled up next to the car that Dipper had hit, and the triplets and Wendy were able to hear it screech to a stop.

"Hey, it's my friends!" said Wendy excitedly. An arm reached out from inside the van and waved at them. "Wendy!" a teenaged boy's voice called.

Wendy turned towards the three kids.

"Uh, you guys aren't gonna tell Stan about this, are you?" she asked.

"Are you kidding me?" said Mara. "I would totally ditch work to hang out with my friends...if I had any."

"Thanks, Mara!" said Wendy. "And don't stress, maybe you and your siblings can hang with my crew some time."

Dipper simply zipped his lips closed in a silent gesture, and Wendy did the same.

"Later, dorks."

And with that, she turned and jumped onto the nearest tree, which bent under her weight to another tree. Wendy jumped onto the other tree, which bent under her weight as well, until she reached the ground right in front of the car. She leaped into the car, and slammed the door shut.

"Let's get out of here!" one of her friends yelled as the car screeched its tires and zoomed away.

"L-later, Wendy!" yelled Dipper after her, even though she probably couldn't hear him. He laughed nervously and put his hands into his vest pockets. "Ah, good times."

Mabel and Mara grinned.

"Uh oh" chided Mabel, putting her hands on her hips as Mara snickered loudly.

"What?" Dipper asked defensively.

"Somebody's in looove!" chirped Mabel as she poked her brother on the cheek.

"Y-yeah right" Dipper stammered nervously. "I just think Wendy's cool, ok? It's not like I lay awake at night thinking about her!"

Later that night, the triplets were sound asleep in their beds. Or at least, Mabel was. Mara turned to her right side to see that her brother was wide awake, his body stiff as a board as he stared up at the ceiling.

"It's not like I lay awake at night thinking about her" mimicked Mara, doing a perfect imitation of Dipper's voice.

Dipper turned towards her nervously in one quick movement, shocked to see that she was awake.

"Mara! Please, please, don't tell Wendy!" he pleaded.

"I won't tell a single living soul" said Mara.

The following morning, the triplets were in the Gift Shop again with Wendy. Dipper was writing on a clipboard trying to ignore his crush, and Mara was working on a ghost-detector to use so she could prove that ghosts were real.

"Random dance party for no reason!" Mabel screamed suddenly. She turned on the radio, and the music started playing. Mara dropped the device that she had been working on on the counter and started dancing, along with Wendy and Mabel.

Dipper was writing on a clipboard, trying to look occupied. 'I am pretending to write something down' he wrote.

"Dipper!" Wendy called to him.

Dipper fumbled with the clipboard before hiding it behind his back.

"W-what, y-y-yes?"

"Aren't you gonna get in on this?" Wendy asked.

"I, uh, don't really dance" said Dipper nervously, blushing slightly.

Mara smirked.

"Yeah, you do" she said. "Mom used to dress him up in a lamb costume and make him do 'the lamby dance'."

Dipper's eyes narrowed at her. Was this because of last night?

"Now's not the time to talk about the lamby dance" he grimaced.

"Lamb costume?" said Wendy, intrigued. "Was there like little ears and a tail or..."

"Well..." said Dipper uncomfortably, after he shot one last glare at his sister. "Uh, uh..."

"Dipper would prance around and sing a song about grazing!" added Mabel, taking out a photo of a younger Dipper in a lamb costume.

Mara snickered.

Dipper desperately made a silent lip-zipping gesture towards his sisters from behind Wendy.

Just then, the cuckoo clock went off, and Wendy's face lit up.

"Hey, look at that!" she said excitedly. "Quitting time! The gang's waiting for me."

"Hey!" Dipper called after her. "Uh, maybe I-"

Mara shot him a glare.

"Uh, I mean, we could come with you" he said. "You said it yourself to Mara yesterday."

"Ooh, I don't know" said Wendy, turning around. "My friends are pretty intense. How old did you guys say you are?"

Mara and Mabel watched Dipper scramble for an answer.

"Uh, we're thirteen!" he lied. "Yeah, so technically a teen" he said, scratching the back of his head in discomfort.

"Alright, I like your moxie, kid" she said. "Let me get my stuff."

She turned and left the Mystery Shack.

"Since when are we thirteen?" Mabel whispered to Dipper. "Is this a leap year?"

"No, Mabel, Dipper just lied to her about our ages" said Mara, her eyes narrowing at her brother.

"Since when did you care about lying?" Dipper countered. "On average, you lie about 15.5 times a day, about once every .65 hours."

"What, are you keeping track of how much I lie or something?" Mara questioned.

Dipper shrugged off her question in annoyance, but not before shoving the papers that he had been writing on the clipboard earlier into his vest. .

"Look, guys" he said, "This is our chance to hang out with cool kids!" he paused. "And Wendy and whatever" he added hesitantly.
"I knew it!" said Mabel, getting up from behind the counter and dancing around triumphantly. Mara, who had already heard Dipper confess last night, sat on the counter with her arms crossed as she watched the scene unfold before her eyes before going back to working on the ghost-detector.

"Love love love love love love!" chanted Mabel as she danced around Dipper, who glared at her.

"Hey look, what's that?" he asked, pointing in a random direction.

"Huh?" Mabel turned around, and Dipper flipped her hair up over her head. It landed directly over her face, and Mabel started spitting hair out of her mouth.

Mara chuckled, remembering how this had been the exact reason she always pulled her hair back in a ponytail.

Outside the Mystery Shack, Wendy's friends were doing crazy things while they waited for her.

Two teens were holding a shirtless teen upside down by his ankles, while a goth teen was throwing gumballs at the poor guy.

"H-hurry up!" the shirtless teen pleaded.

"In the belly! In the belly!" chanted the two teens holding him upside down by his ankles.

The goth teen fingered a red gumball while a teenaged girl with pink hair stood beside him about to take a picture with her phone. The goth teen was about to throw his red gumball, when suddenly a green gumball was thrown at the shirtless teen, and it landed right inside his belly button.

The five teenagers turned to see Wendy, who was the one who threw the gumball into the shirtless teen's belly button.

"Wendy!" they all exclaimed excitedly. "Wendy! Wendy!" one of them chanted.

"Hey guys!" said Wendy with a cool tone. "These are my pals from work: Mabel, Mara, and Dipper."

"I chewed my gum so it looks like a brain!" said Mabel cheerfully, sticking out her tongue to show the piece of gum.

"I'm inventing a ghost-detector that will prove the existence of the supernatural!" said Mara in an equally cheerful manner, taking out the small device she had been working on earlier.

"They're not ones for first impressions" said Dipper.

Mabel shot him a confused look while Mara shot him an offended look.

"Unlike this guy!!" he said, pointing to himself.

The teens all watched him in awkward silence.

Dipper started sweating in nervousness.

"This guy" he repeated awkwardly, though much quieter than before.

The goth teen strummed a guitar as he leaned against the van. "So are you like, babysitting, or..."

Wendy snorted. "Come on, Robbie."

She put her hand on Mara's shoulder.

"Guys, this is Lee and Nate."

She gestured towards the two teens who had been holding up the shirtless teen upside down before. Nate elbowed Lee in the stomach.


She gestured towards the teenaged girl with pink hair on her phone. She wasn't paying attention to anyone. "Heh."

"Thompson, who once ate a runover waffle for fifty cents" continued Wendy, gesturing towards the formerly shirtless boy, who was now wearing a lime green shirt.

"Don't tell them that" he said uncomfortably.

"And Robbie, you can probably figure him out."

She gestured towards the goth teen, who was stroking his guitar while he flipped his greasy black hair.

"Yeah, I'm the guy who spray-painted the water tower" said Robbie.

"Oh, you mean the big muffin!" said Dipper. "Um, it's a giant explosion" said Robbie offensively, as everyone turned to look at the water tower, which had a huge red muffin-like looking thing spray painted on the side.

Lee snickered.

"Kind of does look like a muffin."

He and Nate started laughing at Robbie's terrible artwork.

Robbie glared at Dipper grudgingly.

"Lets hurry it up guys" said Wendy. "I've got big plans for tonight!"

And with that, everyone piled into the car. Dipper was heading toward the passenger seat, only to have Robbie beat him to it.

"Sorry, kid, I ride shotgun around here" said Robbie snootily.

Dipper didn't argue, instead piling into the very back and taking the seat between his two sisters.

Thompson started the car, then turned around.

"Ok, before we go my mom said you guys aren't allowed to punch the roof anymore, so..."

The teens all started punching the roof excitedly.

"Thompson! Thompson! Thompson!" they chanted as Thompson sadly started driving the car away from the Mystery Shack.

Dipper was chewing on a red sharpie nervously as Mabel was looking at all the writing written on the inside of the car. She grabbed the sharpie from him, and crossed out the words "You stink," writing underneath it "You look nice today."

Mabel chuckled.

"This is gonna blow someone's mind."

Dipper elbowed Mabel, shoving Mara against the back of the seat as he did so, since he had to reach over her to do it.

"Mabel, please!" he hissed.

Mara glared at him. "Is this how it's gonna be the entire time?" she accused. "You trying to impress all these teenagers and stepping on us in the process?"

"Yeah" said Mabel, but in a much more cheery manner. "Are we embarrassing you in front of your new GIRLFRIE-"

Dipper slapped his hand over Mabel's mouth before she could finish. Dipper suddenly pulled away disgustedly.

"Ew, did you just lick my hand?"

Mara smirked. "Serves you right."

Meanwhile that night, Stan was sitting in his living room watching tv. "You're watching the black and white old lady boring movie channel."

Stan looked around for the remote to change the channel, but couldn't seem to find it.

"Kids!" he called. "I can't find the remote and I refuse to stand up!"

"Stay tuned for the Friday Night movie 'The Duchess Approves' staring Sturly Stembleburgiss as the Duchess, and Grampton St. Rumpterfrabble as erasible cogswaying Saunterblugget Hampterfuppinshire."

"KIDS!!!" The movie started playing as Stan continued to scream in horror. "No! NOOOOOO!!!!!!"

The triplets and the teens were now looking through a wired fence at an old abandoned gas station called 'Dusk to Dawn.'

"There it is, fellas" said Wendy fascinatedly. "The condemned Dusk to Dawn."

"Whoa!" said all the teens in amazement.
"Neato!" said Mabel.

"Cool!" said Mara.

"Why did they shut it down?" asked Dipper anxiously. "Like a health code violation or..."

"Try murder!" replied Nate.

"Some folks died in there. The place has been haunted ever since!" added Lee.

"Haunted?" asked Mara excitedly, taking out the ghost-detector from earlier. "This is the perfect place to test my ghost-detector!"

"This town has such a colorful history!" said Mabel with an equally excited tone.

"A-a-are you guys serious?" asked Dipper worriedly.

"Yeah! We're all gonna die!" said Wendy dramatically. "Chill out man" she lightly punched Dipper's arm. "It's not as bad as it looks."

Dipper glanced up at the sign that said 'No trespassing or violators will be prosecuted DEAD!"

Everyone had already climbed over the fence except for Dipper, who was clinging nervously to the top of the fence, and Mara, who was currently climbing the fence.
"Come on, Dipper!" encouraged Wendy. Dipper laughed nervously.

"Ok, I'll be down in a bit, just, uh, gotta get a foothold."

"Dude, your sister did it" said Robbie, gesturing toward Mabel, who was running on the ground on her side in circles.

"Whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop!"

Mara reached the top of the fence.

"If you won't do it, brother, then allow me!" she said, shoving her brother off the fence onto the ground. He yelped in pain and surprise as Mara leaped off the fence and landed soundlessly on her feet beside him. "Ow" he said. "A little heads up next time would be nice."

The teens approached the closed gas station, and Robbie tried to open the doors. Unfortunately, they were locked. Wendy looked at the gas station through the window.

"This place is amazing!" she said.

"I think it's stuck!" said Robbie as he struggled to open the door. Dipper and Mara approached them.

"Let me take a crack at it!" said Dipper.

Robbie laughed sarcastically.

"Oh yeah, I can't break it down, but I'm sure that junior here is going to break it down like Hercules."

"Come on, leave him alone" said Wendy. "He's just a little kid."

Dipper looked hurt for a second, then he suddenly lowered the bill of his hat determinedly and started running towards the side of the gas station.

"Dipper!" Mara called. "What are you doing?"

Dipper ignored her as he continued running, climbing up the trash bin and then jumping up onto the roof. Everyone started to watch Dipper with concern as he made his way over to the air vent. He pushed and pulled at the lid, then finally pulled back a fist and punched it. The air vent lid gave way.

"Go, Dipper!" Mara cheered.

"Punch that metal thing!" Mabel added, as Dipper climbed into the air vent.

"Hey, Dipper, take it easy!" said Wendy with a concerned voice.

Robbie scoffed.

"Who wants to bet he doesn't make it?"

As if on cue, Dipper opened the doors to the gas station from the inside, then gestured for everyone to enter. Everyone cheered as they walked into the gas station while Dipper held the door open.

"Good call inviting this maniac" said Lee.

"Your new name is Dr. Fun times" said Nate.

"Alright!" said Mabel and Mara, and each of them gave Dipper a high five as they walked past him.

"Nice work" said Wendy, giving him a light congratulations punch on the arm. Dipper grinned as he hurried in after her.

The kids were all too busy talking to each other excitedly about whether or not the place was haunted to notice the sign on the door, which previously said 'open,' flip completely on its own to 'closed.'

Everyone looked around the dark creepy gas station in complete amazement.

"Whoa, it's even creepier than I imagined" said Wendy.

Mabel wiped her finger across the dusty counter, and then licked it.

"Yup, it's dust" she said.

Dipper picked up a newspaper from the stand and wiped away the dust, examining the old headline.

Mara took out the ghost-detector and started walking around, swinging it through the air as she did. The device was making soft beeping noises similar to a metal-detector. She didn't seem to be picking anything up though.

"Hey dude, where do you think they keep the dead bodies?" asked Lee to Nate.

Nate playfully shoved him.

"Shut up man."

"Hey guys!" called Wendy, gesturing towards thee light switches on the wall. "Do you think these still work?" She flipped all three of them on, and suddenly the entire gas station was lit up until it looked like it was just a regular gas station that wasn't supposedly haunted.

Everyone gasped in amazement.

"So what are we gonna do now?" Dipper asked.

Wendy grinned.

"Anything we want."

The triplets looked at each other excitedly.

Everyone started having a food fight, throwing random goods they could find on the shelves at each other. It was Tambry, Nate, Thompson, and Dipper vs. Mara, Mabel, Robbie, and Nate. Mara threw a pack of who-knew-what at Dipper, and managed to nail her target right in the face. Dipper was now covered in mysterious pink sludge. Dipper threw another random food packet at her, but missed.

Lee swung a bag of ice into Nate's stomach, and he gasped for air.

While Lee was laughing, Nate picked up another bag of ice and nailed his friend in the stomach, causing him to bend over for air as well.

The teens then grabbed a bottle of coke, and stuck three mentos into it. Soda exploded all over the gas station as everyone sat in a circle around it. Everyone started opening their mouths to catch a few drops of soda on their tongues.

Mabel was running around rowdily, when she suddenly came to a screeching halt. She gasped in amazement. In front of her was a whole shelf of Smile Dip, with a banner which clearly read "Do Not Sell" across it.

"Oh my gosh!" she squealed excitedly as she picked up a packet from the shelf. "Smile Dip! I thought this stuff was banned in America!"

Dipper looked at his sister with concern.

"Maybe they had a good reason" he said.

Just then, he was nailed in the face by a mysterious yellow goop similar to the pink goop from earlier. He turned to see Mara with her arm still outstretched from the throw. She laughed, then turned and ran away as Dipper chased after her, forgetting all about Mabel and the smile dip.

Later on while everyone was having fun around the gas station, Dipper and Wendy were sitting on top of one of the shelves eating ice cream bars.

"Thompson!" Wendy chanted, before turning towards Dipper.

"Dipper, this night is like legendary!"

Dipper looked at her excitedly.


"Yeah, just look around! The guys are bonding!"

She gestured towards the teenaged guys, who were pouring ice into Thompson's pants and laughing hysterically.

"I've never even seen Tambry look up from her phone this long."

Tambry was sitting in the corner texting on her phone. She looked up for about five seconds before going back to texting.

"And your sister seems to be going nuts for that smile dip."

Wendy pointed towards Mabel, who was laying on the ground in front of the shelf of smile dip covered in the pink sugar.

Mabel groaned in pain.

"Maybe I've had too much. What do you think?" she asked to no one in particular. In her mind, she was talking to a huge imaginary dog.

"Would you like to eat my candy paws?" the imaginary dog asked her.

"Of course, you little angel!" Mabel replied back.

In her mind, she was chewing on the paw of an imaginary dog, but in real life, she was awkwardly eating air with huge over-glazed eyes.

"And speaking of which, where's your other sister?" Wendy asked, looking around the store for Mara, who was nowhere in sight.

"Ah, I'm sure she's fine" said Dipper. "She's probably messing with the power control panel to this place or something."

"You know, Dipper" said Wendy. "I wasn't sure if you were able to handle my crew at first, but you're surprisingly mature for your age."

"Yes, yes I am" said Dipper epicly, opening his mouth and trying to jam the ice cream into his mouth. However, he missed and hit his face instead. He tried again with the same result.

Just then, someone tapped him on the shoulder from behind. Dipper turned around to see Mara, who was half-way up the shelf he was sitting on. She didn't look like she was enjoying herself like the others. In fact, she had a very serious expression on her face.

"Sorry to be interrupting your date" she said with a stern tone. "But I've got something important to tell you."

"Not right now, Mara" Dipper whispered. "Can't you see I'm busy?"

"But this is important, Dipper!" Mara insisted. She held out the ghost-detector, which was now lighting up a green blinking color as it beeped frantically. "The detector started going off a few minutes ago. Its designed to scan the area for high levels of abnormal imperceptible subatomic molecules which are undetectable to the naked human eye, or in other words, 'traces of ghosts.' And this thing has been going off like crazy shortly after we started wrecking this place."

Dipper raised an eyebrow in confusion.


"So, I think that this place really might be haunted for real, and that we are angering the ghosts in here by trashing the gas station!"

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that we should probably get out of here while we still can, before things get really out of hand and we find that we can't escape."

Dipper sighed in exasperation and brushed his sister lightly aside.

"Come on, Mara, you said it yourself earlier; you wanted to go inside this place to test your ghost detector to prove the existence of ghosts, and now you just have. So what's there to worry about?"

"How about angering the ghosts by trashing this place and risking the possibility of not making it out of here alive?"

"Come on, Mara, loosen up a bit, will you? Have some fun, and stop worrying about these so-called 'ghosts.' If there really were ghosts in here, they would have attacked us by now, don't you think?"

Mara looked at her brother in concern.

"Dipper, are you really letting your desire to impress Wendy and her friends cloud your judgement?"

"No, I'm saying that it's illogical to simply conclude that we all must leave this place just because your invention is going crazy."

Mara shook her head, surprisingly it wasn't in anger, more like disbelief.

"So after all the dangerous weirdness of Gravity Falls that you've witnessed, you're choosing to ignore it and risk the safety of everyone here just to look cool in front of Wendy and her friends?"

"Seeing is believing, Mara. I won't believe that this place is haunted until I see it."

"We're dealing with ghosts, Dipper. You can't freakin' see ghosts!"

"Hey, guys!" Nate suddenly said. "We need more ice!"

Dipper was glad for the excuse to get away from Mara.

"I'm on it!" he said hurriedly, hopping down from the shelf and heading over towards the freezer.

What if Mara was right? What if this place really is haunted? She was usually pretty reasonable, and her logic was always reliable. But since when did she of all people use logic? Only to manipulate people into getting what she wanted. She's very cunning and she lies extremely often, so why should I even trust her? I can't just ruin everyone's fun just because of my shrewd, hallucinative sister and her crazy do-hickey and paranoia.

Dipper's thoughts seemed to decide in the end that it would be ridiculous to just leave. They were having so much fun and nothing bad had happened, so why should they leave? Everyone would just make fun of him if they did anyways.

He opened the door to the freezer and grabbed a bag of ice, then suddenly got the feeling that he was being watched. Slowly, he looked up, and gasped at what he saw: it was a floating brain with eyeballs, a mouth, and tentacles. It was glowing blue in the freezer. It eyeballs extended right towards him.

Dipper screamed, threw the bag of ice into the air, and shut the freezer door.

He panted in fear.

Was that really what I thought that was?

Slowly, Dipper placed his hand on the handle of the freezer door, and cautiously opened it.

There was nothing there.

Was that just my imagination?

"What was that?" Lee asked, as the teenagers all started to approach Dipper. "I thought I heard some lady screaming back here."

"You freaking out, kid?" Nate asked playfully.

"N-no, I'm cool" Dipper stammered, doing his best to try and recompose himself. "E-everything's cool."

Robbie pointed at the dropped bag of ice, which was spilled all over the floor.

"Then what's all this about?"

"O-oh" Dipper stuttered, "I, uh, that's...hey look!" he suddenly pointed at an arcade game that was sitting near the entrance to the gas station. "Dancy pants revolution! The game that tricks people into exercising!"

All the teens completely lost interest in Dipper as they all rushed over towards the game.
Dipper laughed nervously.

"Let's all go play that!"

"You saw a ghost in there, didn't you?" someone said suddenly from behind him.

Dipper jumped in surprise, and turned to see Mara standing there right behind him, arms crossed with the device in her hands, still going off.

Dipper sighed.

"Ok, so maybe you were right" he admitted, throwing his hands up in a slightly irritated manner. "So what do you suggest we do?"

"I already told you, get out while we still can" said Mara.

Dipper did not want to do that. He didn't want to blow his only chance at looking cool in front of the teens. If he tried to get them to leave early, they would mock him and call him a scaredy cat. He stubbornly crossed his arms.

"Look, why don't we just try to get a hold of Stan instead" he said.

Mara rolled her eyes and sighed as Dipper hurried over towards the phone booth. "You really can't take a hint, can you?"

Dipper nervously fingered at the telephone cord as it continued to ring.

"Come on, Grunkle Stan, pick up! Ugh, what is he doing?!"

Stan was too absorbed in the movie he was watching to hear the telephone ringing. He reached towards the bucket of ice cream sitting on the table beside him.

"I don't care about dukes or duchesses or his royal highness, Sir Lionel of Conwore. I'm not afraid anymore, mother!"

Stan took a bit of ice cream as he watched the TV with great interest.

"Duchess, I forbid you." "I may be a duchess, but I'm also a woman!"

"Yes!" Stan exclaimed. "Yes! In your face, Elizabeth!" he started sobbing into his own hands. "It's just like my a way."

Back at the gas station, Dipper had completely abandoned the phone. He made his way over to Mabel to get her opinion. Mara was standing there watching her brother.

"Mabel, I need your advice!" he said anxiously. "We're hanging out at a haunted convenience store, I can't get a hold of Grunkle Stan, and if I say anything they'll all think I'm some scared little kid or something!"

Mabel made gurgling noises as pink goop started foaming from her mouth. It was obvious that she was on a sugar rush.

"Mabel?" Dipper asked worriedly.

In her own mind, Mabel was riding a flying dolphin-man hybrid.

"The future is behind us! Onwards, Zeroshima!"

The dolphin-man hybrid spun and shot rainbows in a really weird way as it continued to fly forward. It was making car alarm noises as it did.

"Mabel!" Dipper exclaimed, worriedly, shaking his sister by her shoulders. "How many of these did you eat?"

"Bleven-teen" she murmured, as if she was in a trance.

"Oh man!" Dipper started panicking, and he dropped Mabel, and Mara rushed forward to catch her sister. Dipper started sweating in anxiety.

"Oh man oh man oh man!"

"Dipper, the answer is simple" said Mara, propping up Mabel into a sitting position against the shelf of Smile Dip. "Just tell everyone that it's not safe here, and that we need to get the heck out of here before who-know-what happens."

In a sudden burst of panic, Dipper grabbed Mara by the front of her shirt and started shaking her.

"Mara, you don't understand! If I do that, they'll all make fun of me! They'll call me a chicken, or something!"

Mara yanked herself out of his grasp.

"You need to get your priorities straight! Why are you worried about how you look in front of teenagers when we're dealing with a haunted gas station? What's more important, your image or the safety of everyone, including you?"

Dipper knew she was right once she put it in that perspective. She was always right. He sighed in defeat. Mara put a hand on his shoulder.

"Look, I know that standing up for what's right can be tough, especially when it comes to peer pressure. But what matters in the end is standing apart from the crowd when you know something is wrong. That's true courage. And you won't be alone. I'll go with you to tell everyone that we need to leave, so that if they laugh, then at least you won't be the only one that they'll be laughing at."

Dipper looked at her gratefully.

"You really mean it? Even after I kept ignoring you and called you hallucinative and paranoid?"

Mara looked at him with a confused expression.

"You never called me hallucinative or paranoid."

"Then I'm sorry for thinking that."

"Hey guys!" Robbie suddenly called. "You might want to check this out!"

Everyone made their way over behind the counter where the goth teen was, and gasped in shock when they saw what was on the floor: two white chalk outlines of two dead bodies.

"The rumors are true!" Nate gasped, then he grinned over at Lee. "I dare you to lie down in it."

As Lee started to make his way over to the outlines, Dipper stepped in front of him.

"Wait! M-maybe this isn't such a good idea" he stuttered. Mara stood by his side, holding his hand in an encouraging manner.

"Yeah, we probably should not be doing that" said Mara firmly.

"Ooh, we've got a bunch of scardey-cats here!" Nate chanted.

"All I'm saying is, why attempt the fates?" Dipper asked nervously. "I mean, what if this place really is...haunted?" he winced at the last part, afraid of what everyone would think. Mara gave his hand an encouraging squeeze.

"Good job, Dipper" she whispered.

The teenagers all started booing.

"Take it down a notch, Captain Buzzkill" said Robbie.

"But I thought I was Dr. Fun-Times" said Dipper with a pitifully sad voice. Mara was desperately fighting the urge to shout something back at Robbie. She hated watching her brother get shot down for standing up for what was right. She knew that she had to let Dipper fight his own battles, and that the best she could do was just be by his side supporting him.

"Well, you and you're acting like Captain Buzzkill" Robbie accused. "Right?"

All the teens nodded in agreement as they glared at Dipper. They all looked down at him with unison glares. Wendy looked down at Dipper reluctantly.

"Yeah. A little bit."

That was Mara's last straw. He was trying to protect them, and all they were concerned about was him ruining their fun. She didn't bother holding back her fury.

"Really? You're just gonna stand there calling him a killjoy?!" she yelled at them angrily, mainly directed at Robbie though. "HOW DARE YOU! HE'S TRYING TO PROTECT YOU ALL BUNCH OF JERKS, ALTHOUGH NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT, I DON'T EVEN THINK YOU ALL ARE WORTH SAVING!"

She took out the ghost-detector, which glowing even brighter than ever.

"I was planning on just going in and scanning the place just to see if there were ghosts here, and this thing's been going off like crazy. Do you idiots have any idea what that means? It means that the ghosts here are really powerful, and Dipper's already seen one of them. We all need to get out of here before something terrible happens!"

Everyone looked at her in shock.

"So, we're all just supposed to get out of this really cool place just because of that dumb device you made from your grandpa's parts?" Robbie asked in a careless manner.

Mara looked like she was about to attack Robbie just then.

Dipper held her back just as she was about to leap at him, though it took a surprisingly lot more strength than it usually did for him to hold her back. When she finally stopped fighting him, he reluctantly let go. Mara was still pretty furious, but it was more controlled.

"You know what?" said Mara with a dangerously low voice. "I think I'll just leave you all here to suffer."

She grabbed her brother's hand, and started walking away towards Mabel. "And I'm going to take my brother and sister with me. None of you deserve to be saved."

Mara started to storm over towards Mabel, still holding Dipper's hand in an uncomfortably tight grip.

Tambry started texting on her phone.

"Status update. Trapped in store with insane nine-year-olds."

While that statement didn't bother Mara, it had a different effect on Dipper. He yanked his hand out of Mara's iron grip angrily and made his way back to the counter.

"I'M NOT A NINE-YEAR-OLD!" he yelled furiously.

"Dipper, what are you doing!?" Mara yelled.

"I'm thirteen!" And with that, he laid back defiantly into the outline of the person. "Technically a teen!"

Suddenly, the outline started glowing green, and the electricity in the gas station went out.

Tambry looked up from her phone just then to see what was happening, and suddenly her body vaporized in mid air and disappeared.

Her phone was dropped onto the ground.

The other teens gasped in fear. Dipper slowly picked up her phone, and looked at the words on the screen. He read them aloud:

"Status Update: Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!"

Suddenly, one of the TVs were flashed on, and Tambry was on the screen. She looked at them in with a panicked expression, as she screamed and pounded on the glass.

Everyone screamed in terror. The only one who didn't seem to be in a complete state of terror was Mara, who looked around the gas station with a calculating expression, analyzing the situation and everything in her surroundings.

"Tambry!" Wendy cried.

"Can you hear us?" Dipper called to the TV screen Tambry was trapped in, but Tambry didn't seem to even be able to see them.

"Ok, everyone, calm down!" Mara commanded with a voice much more braver than the rest of them. "We need to assess the situation and come up with a solution, and we can't do that if we're all panicking."

"Easy for you to say!" Dipper shot back at her.

"Thompson!" Wendy yelled at Thompson, who was still playing Dancy Pants revolution. His body was stiff in pain as he continued to dance. "Come on!"

"I can't!" he yelled. "I've almost got the high score!" Suddenly, his body vaporized similarly to how Tambry's had before, and his body reappeared on the screen of the dancing game console.

"Time to shake what your mama gave you!" said the game, as arrows continued to rain down, some of them even sticking into Thompson's back.

"Oh no!" he screamed as he fell to the ground. "Help! So many arrows!"

"You're a dance machine!" said the game.

"No, you're a dance machine!" screamed Thompson with a terrified voice, and with that he curled up into a ball and started crying.

"Thompson!" Wendy cried.

"What are we supposed to do, man?!" cried Nate.

"I don't know, man, I DON'T KNOW!!!!" cried Lee.

"We need to figure out why only some of us are disappearing" said Mara assertively. "If we can find the reason, then we can prevent it from happening to any more people. But for now, we need to figure out a way to get Thompson and Tambry back!"

"Forget them!" Robbie screamed. "Let's get out of here while we still can!"

Mara rounded on him, a look of pure rage in her eyes.

"And leave Thompson and Tambry? We can't just abandon them here!"

"Sure we can!" screamed Robbie, as he started running towards the open exit doors. Suddenly, they swung shut, and he ran face first into the glass and crumpled to the ground.

Wendy hurried towards the doors and tried to open them.

"What the...? They're locked!"

Mara turned towards her brother.

"Dipper, check the book" she ordered. "There's gotta be something in there about ghosts! Otherwise, you wouldn't have prompted me to the build the ghost-detector in the first place!"

Dipper seemed to have regained his senses, as he took out the book from the inside of his vest and started looking at the page about ghosts.

"Everybody wait!" he said. "Whatever ghost is doing this has to have some sort of reason. Maybe if we can figure out what it wants, it'll let us out of here."

"Or maybe the book will reveal some sort of weakness!" Mara added.

"Uh, they'll let us out of here! The book will reveal some sort of weakness!" said Robbie, mimicking Dipper and Mara. He scoffed. "Yeah that makes a lot of sense."

"Do you have any other ideas?" Mara countered. "Because if you do, then go ahead and tell us, because being sarcastic isn't going to help us any."

"I don't know guys" said Wendy worriedly. "Maybe they've got a point."

"Well, first thing's first" said Mara, taking out the ghost detector, which was blinking wildly. "Let's find the ghost's exact location. Once we find it, we can, I don't know, try and ask it to give us back our friends and let us out. Or something like that once we find it." Mara started holding up the device around the area, and following it wherever it started to beep more frequently.

"Yeah right" said Lee with an extremely sarcastic tone. "I'm sure the ghost just wants to talk about his feelings."

Suddenly, he was lifted up into the air with a green glow, and he vaporized just like Thompson and Tambry with a panicked scream. He reappeared on the front of a cereal box. He was in the picture of the bowl of cereal. The bird that was eating it on the cover started pouring milk on Lee's head.

"I'm bonkers for eating you alive!" it said cheerfully.

"No, NOOOO!!!!"

"Lee!" Nate screamed.

Then he turned towards Dipper and Mara.

"Ok, I'm with you kids, 100%"

"Guys, I've got something!" Mara said, and everyone turned towards her. She was directly in front of the counter, holding out the ghost detector over it. The device was beeping wildly.

As if on cue, Mabel suddenly started floating upwards from behind the counter. She was glowing a green glow just like everything else that had been levitating. Her eyes were glowing so that no one could see her pupils.

"Oh no, they've got Mabel!" Dipper exclaimed.

"Welcome to your graves, young trespassers" said Mabel, but with a voice so deep that it was definitely not hers. She started laughing in a creepily giddy way, and clutching her stomach and kicking her legs back and forth as she did so.

"W-we're super sorry for hanging out in your store!" stammered a scared Wendy, and Robbie nodded in agreement.

"Please, just give us back our friends and my sister, and we'll leave you in peace forever" said Mara in the most innocent and convincing way that she could. She purposely used the word "please," and asked the ghost rather than demanding it.

"Well...ok" said ghost Mabel. "You are all free to go, because this polite little girl asked nicely."

The doors to the gas station suddenly swung open, and freedom beckoned them all. Mabel floated over towards a hot dog machine behind the counter, which was roasting some hot dogs which were who-knew-how-old.

"But before you leave, hot dots are now half off. I know it might sound crazy, but you've gotta try these dogs! I'll free your friends and give you your sister's body back after you do."

Mara was skeptical, after all he hadn't demanded anything and was just letting them go. She decided to play along.

She smiled politely in return.

"Really?" she asked with a purposely innocent tone.

However, Nate and Robbie were panicking. They screamed and ran towards the exit, which slammed in their faces.

"Just kidding about the hot dog sale!" said Mabel.

"Just let us out already!" Nate demanded.

"I don't like your tone!" said Mabel angrily, and her eyes started glowing even brighter.

Nate started glowing as he floated up into the air, and just like the previous three teens, his body vaporized. He reassembled in the hot dog machine as a hot dog.

Nate screamed.

"No! I'M A HOT DOG!!!"

"It begins!" said Mabel, eyes still glowing as suddenly everything started floating towards the ceiling, including the four remaining kids.

Dipper, Mara, Wendy, and Robbie all hit the ceiling with a loud thud as the ceiling became the new floor and the floor the new ceiling.

"Welcome to your home for all eternity!"

"Mara, Dipper, what do we do?!" exclaimed Wendy.

"Duck!" screamed Dipper.

Mara managed to duck in time, and Dipper pushed Wendy down to the ground as a floating ice cream machine came hurdling past them in the spot where their heads had been just a few seconds ago.

"Quick, in there!" Wendy yelled, pointing towards a Pitt Cola machine, which was tilted on its side. The cabinet underneath it was wide open.

The three kids ran right towards it, and Dipper and Wendy managed to dive right in. As Mara tried to do the same, however, a cash register came hurdling towards her, and she was forced to dive to the side instead.

"Mara!" Dipper screamed protectively.

She landed a few feet away from the cabinet.

"Guys, hide here and think of a plan!" Mara commanded. "I'll buy you guys some time and keep ghost-Mabel's attention elsewhere so that she doesn't find you."

Wendy nodded and shut the cabinet door.

Mara turned towards ghost-Mabel, and ran all the way on the other side of the store. She hid behind one of the shelves, and started raiding random items from it. Using some tools from her belt, Mara hurriedly whipped together a weapon, then stepped out into the open.

"Hey, ghost-freak!" she yelled, and ghost-Mabel turned around to face her. "I tried being nice, but you forced my hand! Get out of my sister's body!"

Mara held out the makeshift weapon, which resembled something like a homemade crossbow crossed with an electric nerf gun. The weapon whirred to life, and shot a tennis ball at ghost-Mabel, managing to nail her in the stomach. Mara winced as ghost-Mabel recoiled and gasped for air.

Mara had chosen to use tennis balls as ammo out of fear of seriously hurting her sister's body. She was only a distraction to stall for time for Dipper to come up with a real plan. However, it still pained her to see that she had hurt her sister.

"Puny girl!" ghost-Mabel bellowed. "You have no idea what you're messing with!"

She started to go after Mara, who turned and ran in the opposite direction of Dipper and Wendy's hiding place, every once and a while turning around to shoot a tennis ball at ghost-Mabel, trying to be careful to not hit her sister in the face.

Unfortunately, she accidentally managed to nail her sister on the side of her head. Ghost-Mabel yelled out in pain.

"I'm so sorry, Mabel!" Mara exclaimed.

Meanwhile, Dipper and Wendy were catching their breath as they hid inside the cabinet.

"Ok, just like Mara said, we need to think of a plan!" declared Dipper.

"But what do they want from us?" Wendy exclaimed.

"Revenge I guess?" Dipper replied.

"But what did we do wrong?"

"Ok, lets try to figure out the pattern here. Why was each person taken?" he started listing off everything that the victims did. "Tambry was texting, Thompson was playing a video game, Lee was being sarcastic, it doesn't make any sense!" Dipper exclaimed, throwing his hands up in frustration.

"I know, I mean, those are all just normal teenage things!" said Wendy.

Dipper looked up in sudden realization.

"Wendy, say that last part again?"

"Normal teenage things?"

"Of course!" said Dipper, finally having an idea. "Stay here until I get back."

He kicked down the door to the cabinet and looked around cautiously before army crawling to avoid getting hit by flying gas station stuff towards ghost-Mabel, who was hurling random appliances at Mara as she dodged out of the way.

Dipper stood to his feet.

"Hey ghost!" he called.

Ghost-Mabel turned her head around while keeping her body facing in the opposite direction before the rest of her body turned along with it, which was really creepy.

Mara breathed a sigh of relief and stopped running to catch her breath.

Suddenly, Dipper's body started glowing green as he was levitated off the ground and brought closer to ghost-Mabel.

"I've got something to tell you!" Dipper paused before yelling the next part. "I'm not a teenager!"

Suddenly, Mabel stopped glowing, and her eyes returned to normal. She seemed to be awake again. Everything that was previously flying around in the air was dropped to the ground suddenly, including Dipper.

Suddenly, two elderly ghosts with glasses appeared: an old man and an old woman. The old man ghost was holding up Mabel by her hair.

He started chuckling.

"Then why didn't you just say so?"

He dropped Mabel, and she fell into a pile of random gas station junk. She rubbed her head in pain where Mara had nailed her with a tennis ball earlier.

Mara quickly made her way over to where her sister was to help her.

"How old did you say you were?" the old man ghost asked Dipper.

"I'm..." Dipper said, turning to see that Wendy was watching from the inside of the Pitt cola cabinet. The door was still open from when he had kicked it down.

"I'm twelve" he admitted reluctantly. "Technically not a teen."

He said this with a very guilty tone.

"When we were alive, teenagers were a scourge on our store" said the old lady ghost.

"Always sassy-frassy customers with their boomy boxes and disrespectful short pants!" added the old man ghost.

"So we decided to up and ban them, but they retaliated with this new fangled rap music."

"The lyrics" said the old woman ghost. "They were so hateful! It was so shocking we were stricken down with double heart attacks. That's why we hate teenagers so much!" she said cheerily with a voice that sounded like it should belong to a sweet grandma rather than a vengeful ghost. "Don't we, honey?"

The two ghosts started nuzzling each other and chuckling to themselves affectionately.

Mara gagged behind them.

"But, they're my friends!" said Dipper. "Isn't there anything I can do to help them?"

"There is one thing" said the old man ghost. "Do you know any funny little dances?"

Mara saw exactly where this was going.

"Dipper! The lamby-lamby dance!" she called out. "Do it!"

Dipper shot a glare at her.

"Shut up" he hissed.

Then he turned back at the ghost couple.

"Uh, is there anything else I can do?" he asked hesitantly.

Suddenly, the old man ghost started glowing red, and he turned into an angry fiery ghost.

"NO!" he bellowed.

Mara and Mabel stumbled back in surprise, and Dipper's eyes widened at the sudden outburst.

"Ok ok ok!" he exclaimed. "I, um, I do know...the lamby lamby dance" he admitted, but then he perked up. "But I can't do it without a lamb costume" he said, putting his hands on his hips with absolute confidence.

The old man ghost, still on fire, snapped his fingers, and... POOF!

Suddenly Dipper's clothes had been replaced with a cute little lamb costume, complete with make up and a huge pink bow.

"Oh. Well, there it is."

He took in a huge deep breath before doing the humiliating dance that he thought he had left behind in the past. Then, he started dancing and singing the lyrics:

"Well, who wants a lamby lamby lamby?

I do, I do!

So go out and greet your mammy mammy mammy

Hi there, hi there!" I

Wendy, who was still watching from the inside of the Pitt Cola cabinet, watched her friend in awe. Mara might have been laughing if he weren't dancing for all of their lives.

"Yes, yes, MORE MORE!" commanded the fiery old man ghost.

"So march march march around the daisies

Don't don't don't you forget about the babies!"

Dipper got down on one knee in the final pose of the dance, and winked as he used one finger to poke his cheek cutely.

By now, the old man ghost had calmed down enough to return to his previous physical look as an old man. He and his wife were now floating above Dipper, looking impressed.

"That was some fine girly dancing, boy! Your friends are free."

The doors swung open, revealing the morning sky.

"Well, I don't think you have to worry about us coming back" said Dipper. "So..."

But the ghosts had vaporized and disappeared from sight. The electricity came back on.

Suddenly, gravity seemed to be returning back to normal as everything started to fall towards the ceiling, which was actually the floor of the gas station. It was then when Dipper realized that he was actually standing on the ceiling of the gas station. He yelled in surprise as he fell to the ground, and gasped in pain when he managed to land right on his stomach.

Everyone winced in pain as they came out of their hiding places. It looked like Tambry, Thompson, Nate, and Lee were back to normal.

Mabel had landed on top of Mara, who looked like she had gotten the air sucked out of her lungs as she tried to get her breath back. However, Mabel wasn't feeling much better than her sister, as she had a stomach ache from all the smile dip she ate.

"Ugh, I'm never gonna eat or do anything ever again" she said painfully as Dipper helped her up off of Mara. He then helped pull Mara to her feet. Dipper caught sight of an open pack of Smile Dip, and he took a peek inside.

"Hey! There's still some left!" he exclaimed.

Mabel slapped it out of his hand.

"Evil!" she screamed.

Wendy's friends were all sitting in a line in front of a standing Wendy, all of them looking bewildered and confused.

"What happened after everything went crazy?" Lee asked.

"You are not gonna believe it!" exclaimed Wendy excitedly. "The ghosts appeared, and Dipper had to..."

She looked at Dipper, who was giving her a pleading expression.
"Uh, and uh, Dipper just grabbed a bat and started beating ghosts down left and right while Mara was shooting them with a tennis ball gun that she managed to create in, like, under ten seconds."

"Whoa!" said the teenagers looking at the triplets in amazement.

"And then the ghosts ran away like a couple of little girls. It was insane!"

As Wendy's friends were talking about the events Wendy described to them excitedly, Dipper smiled gratefully at her.

Wendy turned around and zipped her mouth closed in a silent gesture, similar to the one Dipper had given her earlier. Dipper did the same in return.

Everyone was now in the van catching up on some much needed sleep while Dipper and Wendy were talking.

"Well, I'm scared for life" said Wendy nonchalantly.

"Yeah, that was pretty crazy" said Dipper.

"Hey, I think I'm going to stare at a wall for a while and rethink everything. Hey, next time we hang out, we'll stay at the Mystery Shack, ok?"

Dipper laughed nervously and excitedly.

"Y-yeah, n-next time? Y-yes, let's, uh hang out at the shack!"

He laughed nervously as he climbed into the van with the sleeping teenagers. "Next time."

And with that, he took one last glance at the abandoned gas station, and closed the van door.

He hopped into the back seat with his sisters, taking the seat on the far right this time with Mabel on the far left and Mara in between.

"That was incredible!" exclaimed Mara, lightly punching her brother in the arm in a congratulating way. "You saved our butts back there!"

"Thanks!" said Dipper. "I probably couldn't have done it without you though. You, like, took charge back there in the chaos and everything, and you lead everyone fearlessly and told them exactly what to do. I wouldn't have been able to get a hold of myself if it wasn't for you."

Mara grinned proudly.

"Thanks. You weren't so bad yourself."

Dipper chuckled nervously, as if he had something else on his mind.

"Yeah, uh, by the way, sorry about what happened back there with the whole trying to look cool in front of teenagers thing, which was kinda the reason we had to battle ghosts in the first place, but I think that I'm just gonna enjoy being a kid while I still can."

Mara smiled.

"It's fine, Dipper. Besides, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have been able to prove to Mabel the existence of ghosts!" she held up her ghost detector. "She owes me ten bucks when we get back to the shack."

Mabel groaned in pain. She was still not feeling well from all the Smile Dip she ate. She looked at the red message she had written earlier: You look nice today!

"What kind of sick joke is this?" she moaned, as the van continued to drive far away, leaving the abandoned gas station in the distance.

Stan was still watching The Duchess Approves, and he was as absorbed into it as ever. He had stayed up all night to finish the movie, and had finally reached the end.

"Ah, the wedding! I've waited so long for this! Oh, look at her in that dress!"

Suddenly, Stan's eyes widened.
"Count Lionel? What's he doing here?!"

"I've come to reclaim my bride!" said the TV.

"You had your chance at the Cotillion, you!" Stan exclaimed angrily.

"You had your chance at the Cotillion, you!"

"That's what I'm saying!" yelled Stan. "Erghh!!!!!"

The triplets had just arrived at the shack, and were walking towards the entrance, when suddenly a TV was thrown through the window, shattering the glass and landing on the grass. Stan's head appeared at the new hole in the window.

The kids looked questionably at him.

"Uh... couldn't find the remote."


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