Gravity Falls Pines Triplets...

By opal35416

107K 1.6K 4.2K

Dipper, Mabel, and Mara Pines are triplets who have been sent to Gravity Falls for the Summer to live with th... More

Tourist Trapped
Legend of the Gobblewonker
Head Hunters
The Inconveniencing
Dipper vs Manliness
Double Dipper
Irrational Treasure
Time Traveller's Pig
Fight Fighters
Little Dipper
Boss Mabel
Bottomless Pit!
The Deep End
Carpet Diem
Boyz Crazy
Land Before Swine
Gideon Rises
Into the Bunker
The Golf War
Sock Opera
Soos and the Real Girl
Little Gift Shop of Horror
Society of the Blind Eye
Blendin's Game
The Love god
Northwest Mansion Mystery
Not What He Seems
Tale of Two Stans
Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons
The Stanchurian Candidate
The Last Mabelcorn
Roadside Attraction
Dipper, Mara, and Mabel vs the Future
Weirdmageddon: Part I
Weirdmageddon Part II: Escape From Reality
Weirdmageddon Part III: Take Back the Falls
The Triplets' Guides
Mara and Nat's kids' story
Lost Legends with the Pines Triplets

The Hand that Rocks the Mabel

3.6K 49 302
By opal35416

"For tonight's final illusion" said Stan eagerly to the tourists outside the Mystery Shack. "I give you the Sack of Mystery!" He said, holding out a brown sack with a question mark stitched onto it.

"When you put your money in, it mysteriously disappears!"

The tourists started to excitedly put their money into Stan's "sack of mystery" before leaving the Mystery Shack.

Meanwhile, Mara, Dipper, Mabel, and Soos were inside the Mystery Shack watching TV.

"The Tiger was badly injured in the explosion, but we repaired him with a fist!"

A clip of a tiger with a fist attached to its side appeared on the screen. T

he four of them cheered as the fist punched the tiger in the face.

Mabel was knitting a sweater while they were watching TV.

"And...done!" she said, proudly holding up a pink sweater with the word "Rebelle" stitched onto the front. Mara groaned.

"Please don't tell me that sweater's for me."

"It's for you, Mara!" Mabel proclaimed loudly, holding it up to her sister.

"I made it just for you! You can wear it while we give each other makeovers and do each other's hair today!" she said excitedly, handing the sweater to her.

Mara blanched.

"Mabel, I already told you, I don't want to play 'dress up' with you. I don't want to have anything to do with any girly junk."

Mabel frowned.

"It's not 'dress up,' it's makeovers. And can you at least try on the sweatshirt, please? Just for five minutes?" "I wouldn't be caught dead in that thing" Mara replied.

"Tiger Fist will return after these messages" said the TV.

Just then, an ad started playing.

"Hey, look!" Said Soos. "It's that commercial I was telling you dudes about."

"Are you completely miserable?" said the ad.

A clip of a man crying appeared on the screen.

"Yes!" he cried.

"Then you need to meet...Gideon."

"Gideon?" Dipper asked, confused.

"Who the heck is that?" Mara asked.

"What makes him so special?" Mabel asked.

"He's a psychic" the TV ad continued. "So don't waste your time with other, so called, 'Men of Mystery'."

A clip of Stan exiting an outhouse was shown, and the word "Fraud" appeared over the screen.

"Learn about tomorrow tonight at Gideon's Tent of Telepathy!"

"Wow!" said Mabel excitedly. "I'm getting all curious-y inside!"

"Well don't get too 'curious-y'!" said Grunkle Stan, appearing at the doorway to the TV room. "Ever since that monster, Gideon, rolled into town, I've had nothing but trouble!"

"Well is he really psychic?" Mabel asked.

"I think we should go find out!" said Dipper, getting up excitedly.

"Yeah. I'll bet you ten bucks his whole show is a fraud, just like yours, Grunkle Stan!" said Mara.

Stan glared at them all.

"Never! I forbid you from patronizing the competition! No one the lives under my roof is allowed under that Gideon's roof."

"Do tents have roofs?" asked Dipper.

Mara smirked.

"I don't believe they do."

"I think we just found our loophole!" said Mabel, holding up a string with a loop tied into it. "Literally!"

Later that night, people were heading into the Tent of Telepathy for the show. A fat man wearing a straw hat and a pink shirt was at the entrance holding up a blue sack.

"Step right in, folks, to Gideon's Tent of Telepathy! Don't forget to put your money into Gideon's Psychic Sack!" he said as tourists eagerly put money into the sack.

The triplets were already inside, sitting in the second row next to Soos.

Mabel was on the far right, Dipper on the far left, and Mara in between them. Dipper was looking around at the place.

"Whoa, this is like a bizarre-o version of the Mystery Shack" he said.

"They even have their own Soos!" said Mara, pointing at a fat handyman in the corner of the tent.

Soos narrowed his eyes at him.

Just then, the lights dimmed.

"It's starting!" said Mabel excitedly. "It's starting!"

"Lets see what this monster looks like" said Dipper.

The curtains were pulled back to reveal a tiny kid with chubby cheeks and extremely goofy white hair.

"Hello, America!" he said in a southern accent.

Mara sniggered loudly, and Mabel elbowed her.

"Welcome to the Tent of Telepathy!" Gideon continued, as several doves flew out of his poofy hair.

"That's Stan's mortal enemy?" Dipper asked, confused.

"But he's so wittle!" said Mabel.

"He looks like a pig in an Elvis costume" Mara sniggered.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is such a gift to have you guys here tonight, such a gift. I have a vision. I predict that you all will say 'Aw!'"

Gideon turned his head away from the crowd and turned it back again, posing with a cute face.

"Aw!" said everyone in the crowd except Soos, Dipper, Mara, and Mabel.

"It came true!" said Mabel, intrigued.

"What? I'm not impressed" said Dipper.

"Yeah. The kid's already proving himself to be a ripoff" said Mara.

"Oh, you're impressed!" said Mabel to her siblings.

"Hit it, Dad!" said Gideon, pointing towards the fat man from outside the tent, who started playing a song on the piano.

Gideon took off his cape and threw it into the crowd. A lady caught it excitedly, only to be pummeled by several other people.

Meanwhile, Gideon started singing:

"Oh I can see, what others can't see.

It ain't some kind of side-show trick, it's a notability,

where others are blind, I am futurely inclined

and you too could see, if you was wittle ol' me!"

Gideon placed his hand over his pendent.

"Come on, everybody, rise up!"

The triplets hadn't intended on standing up, but they found that some invisible force had pushed them to their feet.

"What?" Dipper exclaimed. "How did he..."

"Keep it going!" Gideon said, before continuing to sing.

"You wish your son would call you more" he sang, pointing at an old lady in the front with a cat.

"I'm leaving everything to my cats!" she said angrily.

"I sense that you've been here before!" Gideon sang, pointing at Blubbs in the front, who was decked out in Gideon merchandise.

"Oh, what gave it away?" he asked eagerly.

Gideon then approached Mabel.

"I'll read your mind if I am able. Something tells me you're named 'Mabel."

Gideon made his way back to the stage as Mabel turned in disbelief.

"How did he do that?" she asked in amazement.

"Mabel, you're wearing a sweater with your name on it" Mara pointed out.

"So welcome, all ye, to the Tent of Telepathy!" Gideon sang on the stage.

He turned around.

"And thanks for visiting." he winked. "Little ol' me!"

He turned around and then raised his arms in excitement as a huge lighted sign of his name appeared above him.

He was sweating and panting for breath by the end of it.

"Oh my goodness" he said tiredly.

"This guy's seriously out of shape" Mara commented as Gideon raised a water bottle to his mouth and started thirstily drinking.

Nonetheless, the audience applauded.

"Thank you!" said Gideon. "You people are the real miracles!"

Mabel cheered and clapped along. "Whooo! Yeah!"

"I knew that guy was a fraud!" said Mara excitedly as the triplets exited the tent.

"Yeah, that kid's an even bigger fraud than Stan" said Dipper. "No wonder our uncle's jealous."

"Come on, his dance moves were adorable!" said Mabel. "And did you see his hair. It was like, whoosh!" Mara chuckled.

"You mean his wig?" Mara asked.

"You're too easily impressed" said Dipper to Mabel.

"Yeah, yeah" said Mabel, and the triplets started to lightly shove each other in a playful manner as they walked away.

None of them seemed to notice Gideon watching them from the tent.

The next morning, Dipper was reading the journal at the dining table while Mara was working on another invention at the table.

Mabel approached them, her face covered entirely in jewels.

"Check it, Mara and Dipper, I successfully bedazzled my face!" she said, painfully blinking. "Blink...ow."

"Is that permanent?" Dipper asked.

"Do you need me to help you get that stuff off?" Mara asked.

"No, no" said Mabel. "Cause we're gonna bedazzle your face during our makeover today!"

Mara instantly dropped the screwdriver that she was using on her invention and looked at her with a rather annoyed face.

"Mabel, where did you get the idea what I would do a makeover with you? I already told you no last night." Mara went back to her invention, and Dipper went back to his book.

Mabel sighed sadly.

"I'm unappreciated in my time."

Just then, the doorbell rang.

"Somebody get that!" yelled Stan.

"I've got it!" said Mabel, seeing that her siblings were obviously not going to. She brushed the jewels off of her face as she opened the door.

It was Gideon.

"Howdy" he said cheerily.

"It's wittle ol' you!" said Mabel excitedly.

"Ha ha, yeah, my song's quite catchy" said Gideon. "Now, I know that we haven't formally met, but I just couldn't get your laugh out of my head last night."

"You mean this one?" Mabel asked. She started laughing her signature laugh.

Gideon giggled.

"When I saw you in the audience I thought to myself, now there's a kindred spirit! Someone who appreciates sparkly things."

"That's totally me!" squealed Mabel.

Just then, she started coughing up some jewels left over from her 'bedazzlement.' They landed on Gideon's suit.

"Enchanting" he said.

"Who's at the door?" Stan yelled.

"No one, Grunkle Stan!" Mabel yelled back.

"I appreciated your discretion" said Gideon. "I just don't know how a lemon so sour could be related to a peach so sweet!"

"Gideon!" said Mabel, laughing in a flattered manner.

"What do you say we step away from here and chat a bit more. Perhaps in my dressing room?"

Mabel gasped in excitement.

"Makeovers! I've totally been wanting to do one with my sister for the past few days, but she keeps turning me down."

"Well I promise I won't ever turn you down" said Gideon.

Mabel squealed.

"Oh, you always know exactly what to say!"

And she poked Gideon in excitement.

"Ow" he said.

The two entered the dressing room at Gideon's house.

"Do you see something you like?" asked Gideon. "Cause I do" he said, looking at Mabel and smirking.

But she didn't seem to notice, as she was too busy looking around at all the outfits in the dressing room.

Mabel returned to the Mystery Shack a few hours later. She entered the TV room, where Dipper was still reading his book and Mara was using a hammer on an invention.

"Hey Mara and Dipper!" she said, waving her newly manicured fingers in front of Dipper's face.

"What's going on?" Dipper's eyes widened, and Mara looked up in surprise from her project.

"Whoa, where have you been?" Dipper asked.

"And what's going on with your face?" Mara asked.

"You look like a wolverine" said Dipper.

"I've been hanging out with Gideon. He's one dapper little man!" said Mabel.

"Mabel, I don't trust anyone whose hair is bigger than his head" said Dipper.

"Oh leave him alone!" said Mabel, and Dipper shrunk back a bit in surprise.

"You get to do boy stuff with Soos all the time!"

"What? That's not true!" said Dipper.

Just then, Soos entered the room holding a package of hotdogs.

"Hey, dude, want to blow up these hot dogs in the microwave one by one?" he asked.

Dipper jumped up excitedly.

"Do I?" He and Soos ran into the kitchen and started blowing up the hotdogs, leaving Mabel and Mara in the TV room.

"Mabel, I think you need to be careful" said Mara finally getting up from her project on the floor and approaching her sister.

"I think he's falling in love with you."

"What? Don't be ridiculous, of course he's not!" said Mabel. "And besides, since when did you start caring about me? You never want to do anything girly with me!"

"Girly stuff is junk!" Mara said. "It won't get you anywhere in life."

"But girl stuff is what sisters are supposed to do together!" said Mabel.

"No. Girl stuff only exists for gullible girls to waste their time and money on make up and clothes. I'm not like you, Mabel! Why can't you just accept me for who I am?"

Mara went back to her invention, a little heated.

Mabel sighed sadly.

"And then she said, 'Girl stuff only exists for gullible girls to waste their time and money on make up and clothes.'" Mabel said frustratingly, sitting on the rooftop next to Gideon and venting out to him angrily.

"Oh, don't listen to Mara" said Gideon. "Girl stuff isn't junk. If Mara won't do it with you, then I will" said Gideon.

Mabel sighed gratefully, despite how awkward that sounded.

"Thanks Gideon. I guess that I've just been a bit lonely lately since Mara's been ignoring me."

"It's the least I could do" said Gideon.

Mabel looked out at the view.

"The view from your family's factory is nuts!" she said. "Good thing we both brought our..."

Both of them took out a pair of opera glasses.

"...opera glasses!" they both said at the same time, first looking at each other, then out at the town.

"Mabel, when I'm up here looking out at all them little people, I feel like I'm king of the world. I guess that makes you my queen!"

Mabel smiled. It felt good to be acknowledged for once.

"Aw, you're being so nice to me, Gideon, quit it!" she said, shoving him.

"My sister hasn't said anything nice to me for a really long time!"

"I can't quit it" said Gideon. "I'm speaking from the heart."

"From the where now?" Mabel asked, now feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"Mabel, I've never felt this close to anyone before" he continued. "So, so close" he said, getting closer to Mabel and reaching out towards her hair and stroking it.

"Heh heh."

Mabel was unsure of what to do in this awkward situation.

She gently pushed his hand away.

"Look, Gideon, I um..." he reached towards her hair again, and she gently pushed it away again. "I like you a lot, but lets just be friends" she said.

"At least give me a chance" said Gideon. "Mabel, will you do me the honor of going on a date with me?" Mabel started to sense where this was going, and she was feeling very uncomfortable now.

"Playdate?" she offered weakly.

He shook his head.

"A shopping date?"

He shook his head again.

"It'll just be one little ol' date. It's why I wear my lucky bowtie" he said, reaching his hand over his bowtie. "Uh..." Mabel said, really wanting to say no, but not wanting to hurt his feelings.

All she had wanted was a friend or a sister. She did not want to get into another romantic relationship.

Gideon made his eyes big and gave her a begging face.

"Ok, then" she said reluctantly. "I guess."

"Mabel Pines, you have made me the happiest boy in the world!"

He hugged her suddenly, and she hugged him back awkwardly.

"Are you sniffing my hair?"

"I told you that he was falling in love with you" said Mara.

The triplets were sitting on the couch playing a video game.

"It's not a date-date" said Mabel. "It's just, you know I didn't want to hurt his feelings, and so I figured, I'd throw him a bone."

"This is exactly why I'm trying to stay away from girly stuff" said Mara. "Throw him a bone? You're basically leading him on. I don't really like Gideon all that much, but you're gonna break his heart eventually by doing that, which is even worse than hurting his feelings. It's best you end it with him before things get escalated"

"Mara's right, Mabel" said Dipper. "Besides, guys don't work that way. He's going to fall even more in love with you if you keep doing this."

"What?" said Mabel. "I'm not that lovable!"

She blew up Dipper and Mara's players in the video game.

"Kaboom! Zap!"

"Ok, we agree on something here" said Dipper.

Just then, the doorbell rang. Mabel got up from the couch to get it.

As she opened the door, she was met by a huge horse.

She screamed in surprise and fell backward.

On the horse was Gideon, dressed up as a little blue cowboy.

"A night of enchantment awaits, my lady" he said. Mabel looked up at him.

"Oh boy."

Mabel and Gideon were sitting at a special table with curtains at a fancy seafood restaurant.

"I can't believe they let us bring a horse in here!" said Mabel excitedly.

"Yeah" said Gideon "People have a hard time saying no to me" he said, as his horse started eating someone's food.

Just then, a waiter appeared at their table.

"Ah, Gideon! The feet on the table, an excellent choice!"

"Jondre, what did we say about eye contact?" Gideon said.

"Ah, very well!" said the waiter, looking away from Gideon's eyes and then walking away cheerfully.

"I've never seen so many forks before!" Mabel said, picking up her glass of water. "And water with bubbles in it? Ooh la la, wee wee!"

"Parlevu France?" Gideon asked.

Mabel gave him a confused look.

"I have no idea what you just said.

Meanwhile, Dipper and Mara were hanging out at the Mystery Shack Gift Shop with Wendy and Soos, who was reading a magazine with Gideon and Mabel on the cover.

Just then, Stan barged in wearing his usual undershirt and blue boxers, looking quite angry.

"Hey!" he said, holding up a newspaper for the four of them to see. "What the jackal is Mabel doing on the front cover next to that greasy pickpocket, Gideon?"

"Oh yeah, it's like a big thing nowadays" said Wendy, holding up her phone with a picture of Mabel and Gideon on the cover.

"Everyone's talking about it!"

"WHAT?!" exclaimed Stan, furious. "That little shyster is dating my great niece?!"

"I wonder what the new power couple name is going to be" said Soos. "Mabideon? Gideable?"

He gasped.


Stan crumbled up the newspaper in a fury and threw it to the ground. He stormed out of the room.

"I didn't know, I didn't hear about it!" said Dipper.

"Yeah right" said Mara. "We were literally just talking to Mabel about her date with Gideon a few hours ago." "I warned her not to go!" Dipper added.

Stan stormed back into the room, fully dressed in his usual suit.

"Yeah, well it ends tonight" he said angrily, opening the door to the Mystery Shack. "I'm going right down to that little skunk's house and this is gonna stop right now!"

And with that, he slammed the door shut behind him.

"Dude, wouldn't it be funny if he had exited through the closet door, and he had to come back out and use the real door?" Soos asked randomly.

Wendy, Mara, and Dipper gave each other confused looks before looking back at Soos. Soos opened the front door.

"Nope. Real door."

Stan drove to Gideon's house, and parked right in front of the house. He walked through the gates and stormed up to the front door. He started pounding angrily on the door.

"Gideon, you little punk! Open up!!" he demanded. Stan noticed a sign hanging on the front door that said "Pardon our Garden." He stared angrily at it, ripping it off the front door.

"I will pardon nothing!"

Just then, the front door swung open, and Stan stood face to face with Gideon's father, Bud Pines.

"Why Stanford Pines! What a delight!" he said in a southern accent.

Stan shoved him out of the way to look inside the house.

"Out of the way, Bud!" he snapped. "I'm looking for Gideon."

"Well, I haven't seen the boy around" said Bud, putting his arm around Stan. "But since you're here, you simply must come in for coffee."

He pushed Stan into the house and closed the door behind them.

"But I came-"

"It's imported all the way from Columbia."

"Wow" said Stan, his anger leaving him suddenly. "I went to jail there once!"

Stan took a look around at the house for the first time, and admired the room he was in.

"These are some digs you've got here" he said. "Oh, this, this is beautiful!" he said, pointing to a painting of a sad clown. He then sat down on the couch and laid back.

"Now, I hear that your niece and my Gideon are...well, their 'singing in harmony' so to speak" said Bud, bringing in a tray with two mugs of coffee on it. He paced the two mugs on the coffee table in front of Stan, and sat down on another couch.

Stan instantly sat upright.

"Yeah, and I'm against it!"

"No no no" said Bud cheerfully. "I see it as a fantastic business opportunity."

He got up out of the couch.

"The Mystery Shack and the Tent of Telepathy" he put his arm around Stan and pulled him to his feet. He started walking around the room.

"We've been at each other's throats for far too long...let me get that" he said, tearing down a picture of Stan from a dartboard. "We've been at each other's throats for far too long, yes we have. This is our big chance to brush aside our rivalry and pool our collective profits, you see."

That got Stan's attention. He leaned against a cash register, which made a dinging noise as the tray of money slid open.

Stan grinned a greedy smile, and pushed the tray of money back into the register.

"I'm listening..."

Meanwhile, Gideon and Mabel were finishing up their meal at the date.

"And so I said, 'Autograph your own head shot, lady!"

He started laughing at his own joke.

Mabel shifted uncomfortably.

"Uh, yeah..." she lowered her fork towards the lobster on her plate, and it snapped at it, still very much alive. Mabel wondered if going on this date was such a great idea.

Maybe Mara was right.

"Mabel, tonight's date was a complete success" said Gideon. "And tomorrow's date promises to top this one in every way!"

"Whoa whoa" said Mabel. "You said just one date, and this was it."

"Hark, what a surprise!" said Gideon, completely ignoring Mabel's last statement. "A red crystal South American Macaw!"

A huge red, yellow, and blue bird landed on Gideon's arm. It was bigger than him. Mabel jumped surprise, knocking over her sparkling water.

"Two, three, four" said Gideon.

"Mabel" said the macaw. "Will you accompany Gideon to the ballroom dance this Thurbsday?"

Gideon shook him angrily.

"Thursday?" the parrot corrected, coughing up an invitation, which landed on the table in front of Mabel.

It then flew off.

The other people at the restaurant gasped in delight.

"Aw so adorable!"

"Gideon's got a girlfriend!"

"They're expecting us" said Gideon, holding up the invitation to Mabel. "Please say you'll go?"

People started crowding around their table in anticipation.

"Gideon" said Mabel sadly. "I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to say..."

"I'm on the edge of my seat" said Blubbs.

"This gonna be adorable!" said the guy with a green hat.

"If she says no, I'll die from sadness" said an old woman.

"I can verify that that will indeed happen" said a doctor.

Mabel started to feel the pressure of saying yes to the invitation as the people waited for her answer in anticipation...

Mabel sadly walked into the Mystery Shack TV room silently, which was very unusual for her. She was holding the lobster from the restaurant that had been alive.

Dipper and Mara were pretty much doing the exact same things that they had been doing earlier that day. "Hey!" said Dipper, looking up from the journal. "How'd it go?" he asked as Mara looked up from the invention she was working on.

"I don't know" said Mabel sadly, climbing onto a chair so that she could reach the top of the tank. She dropped the lobster inside it.

"I have a lobster now."

"Well at least it's over and you won't ever have to go out with him again!" said Dipper, and Mara nodded in agreement, but then looked over at her sister, who was staring at the tank sadly.

Everything was definitely not ok for Mabel.

"Mabel?" Mara asked cautiously. "It is over, right?"

Dipper looked at Mabel suspiciously.


Mabel suddenly turned around, waving her arms in frustration.

"Blarg! He asked me out again and I didn't know how to say no!"

"Like this" said Dipper, pointing to his lips. "No."

"It's not that easy!" Mabel said. "And I do like Gideon, as a friend slash little sister. Besides, he was so nice to me before. He was like the sister I never had!"

Mara cleared her throat in irritation.

"I'm in the room too, you know" she said. "I am your sister."

"Really? Well you certainly haven't been acting like a little sister."

"Mabel, I'm only ten minutes younger than you. Ten minutes!" said Mara, now starting to get really irritated.

"And what difference does that make?" Mabel said, rounding up at her sister. "You still refuse to do anything with me! Gideon's not my sister, but he doesn't mind doing makeovers with me in the least bit!"

By now, the sisters were yelling at each other angrily.

Dipper was debating whether or not he should interfere, but after one look at the terrifying fury that was in both of his sisters' eyes, he decided against it. All he could do was keep his mouth shut and watch his sisters argue in fear.

"Is this what this Gideon business is all about? You're replacing me with him?!"

"Maybe I am! At least he spends some quality sister-time with me!"

Mara had heard enough. She whipped around furiously, snatched the invention that she had been working on that had been lying on the table, and stormed upstairs to their room, slamming the door behind her.

Mabel made her way to the bottom of the stairs.

"And for the record, I'm looking forward to the next date!" she screamed furiously from the bottom of the stairs.

And with that, Mabel turned and stormed out of the Mystery Shack, heading to the destination for her next date with Gideon.

Mabel was trying to force herself to enjoy the date with Gideon, but she was still in a miserable mood after her fight with Mara. The dance had all been a blur in her mind, for she was too preoccupied with thinking about the fight, and she was still feeling very melancholy as she sat in the boat with Gideon while McGucket rowed in the back.

Mabel was hardly even paying attention to the date. All she wanted was to go home.

"Boatin' at night, boating' at night! He he he he!" cheered McGucket.

"I thought that dancing was going to be the end of the evening, right?" said Mabel glumly.

"Don't you want this evening to last, my sweet?" asked Gideon, taking her hand into his own.


she replied rather harshly, yanking her hand out of his.

"Is something wrong, my apple fritter?" asked Gideon.

Mabel sighed.

"It's Mara!"


"Yes, again! This time we were fighting! She thinks that I'm replacing her with you, just because I've been hanging out with you a lot lately. But what does that even matter to her? Before we started hanging out, she never spent any time with me! She's always working on her dumb inventions!"

Gideon growled angrily.

"This Mara sure does seem to upset you, doesn't she, pumpkin?"

Mabel continued ranting as if he hadn't said anything.

"I mean, she's my sister. She should be spending more time with me. If she's upset that I've replaced her with you, then she should have stopped ignoring me and did makeovers with me the first time I asked!" Mabel then forced a smile onto her face.

"You know what? I am going to enjoy this date." she declared. "I'm going to give Mara what she deserves by having fun without her!"

"Now that's the spirit, my apple dumpling!" said Gideon. "I can't wait until the next date."

"NO!" Mabel said, but then she recomposed herself.

"I mean, I'm always happy to hang out with a friend...buddy, pal, chum, other word for friend"

"Pal?" McGucket offered.

"I already said pal" said Mabel. "Uh, mate?" she offered weakly.

"How about, soulmate?" said Gideon, looking at her with loving eyes.

Mabel had no idea what to do.

Just then, red fireworks erupted into the sky, exploding into a heart that said 'MABEL.'

"Well, you can't say no to that!" said McGucket.

Mabel looked up at the fireworks in horror.

Was this really better than being pushed aside by Mara?

Dipper was walking down the stairs along with Mara. He had just gotten her to cool down and finally come out of their room. Mara was still mad at Mabel for replacing her, but most of her anger had subsided. They were now walking right by the living room.

"He's so nice, but I can't keep doing this!" someone was ranting inside the living room. Dipper and Mara turned around and took a peek inside the living room to see Mabel pacing around, ranting to herself.

"Argh, I have no way out!"

Dipper and Mara entered the room.

"What in the heck happened on that date?" Dipper asked, approaching his sister.

Mara stood off to the side stubbornly.

"I don't know!" said Mabel as she freaked out.

"I was in the friend zone, and then before I knew what was happening, he pulled me into the romance zone! It was like quicksand!" she grabbed her brother. "Chubby quicksand!"

Mabel purposely didn't grab Mara too, knowing full well that they weren't exactly on good terms.

"Come on, Mabel" said Dipper, putting a hand on her shoulder to comfort her. "It's not like you're gonna have to marry Gideon."

Just then, Stan entered the room wearing a shirt that said "Team Gideon" on the front. The shirt was particularly unflattering.

"Great news, Mabel, you have to marry Gideon!" he said.

"WHAT?!" Mabel exclaimed.

"It's all part of my long term deal with Buddy Gleeful" he said. "There's a lot of cash tied up in this thing! Plus I got this shirt!" He paused to look down at the shirt.

He frowned.

"Ugh, I am fat."

Mabel screamed and ran out of the room, heading up the stairs into their room.

Stan turned towards the remaining triplets in the room.

"Well, it looks like you'll be marrying Gideon, Mara!"

Mara glared at him that was more incensed than usual and he shifted a bit uncomfortably.

Eventually, Dipper and Mara decided to go upstairs to check on Mabel. It took a lot of persuading for Dipper to convince Mara to come up there with him though.

Dipper opened the door, and the two stepped into the room.

"Oh no" said Dipper, spotting his sister sitting on the floor with her sweater pulled up to cover her face. "Mabel."

"Mabel's not here. She's in sweater town."

"Are you gonna come out of sweater town?" Dipper asked as he and Mara approached her.

Mabel whimpered and shook her head.

Dipper couldn't stand to see his sister in misery. He bent down on one knee so that he could talk to her level. "Alright, enough's enough" he said. "If you can't break up with Gideon, then Mara'll do it for you."

Mara looked up in disbelief, cross expression on her face. "What?!"

"Come on, Mara" said Dipper. "Think about this logically. You're Mabel's identical triplet. Just throw on a sweater, go to the date with Gideon pretending to be Mabel, and break up with him. No one'll know the difference."

"Forget it" Mara snapped. "I'm not doing a favor for the girl who replaced me. You're also her triplet. You do it."

Dipper shot her a bewildered expression.

"What? No, that would be just awkward! What am I supposed to do, walk in there as myself and tell him that Mabel doesn't want to date him anymore? He needs to think that Mabel's the one breaking up with him herself."

Mara turned away from him stubbornly. Dipper sighed.

"Look, I know that you and Mabel aren't exactly on good terms right now, but you've gotta look past that. Look at how miserable she is over there."

Mara glanced over at her sister, who was glumly sitting with her head still engulfed in her sweater. She heard very soft, but distinguished sniffling sounds.

Mara sighed. No one deserved to be that miserable.

"Ok, fine, I'll do it."

"You will?" said Mabel, perking up from inside her sweater.

Mara nodded.

Mabel's head emerged completely from her sweater.

"Oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!" she said, wrapping her arms around her sister and then tightly embracing her.

"Ok, now remember, just like we practiced" said Mabel to Mara.

The triplets were outside the restaurant, where the next date with Gideon was supposed to be. Mara was wearing Mabel's blue sweater that had Mabel's name stitched onto the front instead of her mostly commonly worn black shirt with a white snowflake on the front. She was also wearing a purple skirt with socks and black flats.

She also had a cross body purse with her. Mara had her hair down instead of in its usual ponytail, and had taken off her camouflage bandana. She was even wearing blush to replicate Mabel's rosy cheeks.

Mabel turned towards Mara to go over a few things before Mara went in.

"Ok, so who are you?" she asked Mara.

"Mabel Pines" Mara replied in a perfect imitation of her sister's voice.

"What do you like to do?"

"Have makeovers and laugh at completely random moments."

"And what are you going to do if Gideon doesn't take the break up well?"

"Force the break up and hold him at gunpoint!" exclaimed Mara with Mabel's voice still, holding up the blaster that she had finally managed to fix after the gnome incident. Mabel had no idea how she had managed to conceal the weapon so flawlessly.

Dipper sighed and facepalmed.

"No, Mara, we've already talked about this!" he said "Give me that."

He grabbed the blaster from her hands.

Mara looked at him sadly.

"Oh come on!"

"No weapons at fancy restaurants!" Dipper scolded.

"Psh. Fine."

Mara groaned, took the purse off of her and flipped it open. She turned it upside down and started shaking it. Small weapons and inventions of all kinds started falling out of it onto the ground, and Dipper and Mabel's eyes widened in surprise.

Mara shrugged.

"You can never be too prepared."

"Ok, you're on!" said Dipper, pushing Mara into the restaurant.

When Mara had finally walked out of earshot, Mabel turned towards Dipper.

"You really think she can pull this off?"

Dipper decided not to answer that question as they caught sight of Mara pickpocketing a man walking by her.

Mara looked around the restaurant, and managed to spot Gideon at one of the tables. She walked over towards it, pulling at the uncomfortable sweater.

"A sweater in the Summer? How has she not died of heatstroke yet?" she murmured to herself silently.

Gideon's face brightened instantly when he saw her.

"Mabel, my little muffin!" he said cheerfully as Mara sat down in the chair across from him. "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing absolutely fantastical!" said Mara in Mabel's voice.

Then she dropped her voice to a more serious tone.

"Listen, Gideon we need to talk."

"Anything for you, my sugar cube!" Gideon said, reaching over the table to touch her hair.

Mara pushed his hand away and fought the urge to gag.

"Look, I'm sorry, but I don't really want to be your girlfriend anymore. This has all escalated a bit too quickly for my comfort. And I'm a bit weirded out by offense" said Mara after she saw Gideon's face fall.

For a while, Gideon didn't say anything and just stared at her for an uncomfortably long time, thinking.

Wondering if she had broken character, Mara shot him a huge apologetic smile and said,

"Ree, ree, ree!"

Gideon looked like he was trying to contain his anger.

"So, what you're saying're breaking up with me?" he asked with an unusually low tone.

"You're not gonna freak out, are you?" Mara asked.

For a moment, Gideon looked like he was about to leap across the table and attack her.

But then he dropped the furious expression completely and put on his most adorable smile.

"Of course not! These things happen" he said, chuckling with a sweet southern accent. "Bygones, you know."

Mara sighed in relief.

"Ok, then, cool!" she said, getting up quickly from her seat. "Sorry about that, but good luck with the next girl."

And with that, she turned and walked away, out of the restaurant.

"...Good luck indeed, Mara Pines" whispered Gideon evilly.

The real Mabel was waiting anxiously outside the restaurant, fiddling with her fingers, along with Dipper, when Mara finally emerged from the restaurant.

"How'd it go?" asked Mabel the instant she saw her sister. "Was he mad? Did he try to read your mind with his psychic powers?"

"Don't worry, Mabel, he's just a kid" said Mara. "He doesn't have any powers."

Gideon had left the restaurant early, and was now at his house in his room. He was now sitting in a chair looking into a mirror on a small desk, a dimly lit candle sitting on it.

Gideon was fuming as he took haggard breaths in and out.

"Mara Pines" he fumed. "You don't know what you've done."

He grabbed onto his pendent, and it started glowing. the candle went out, along with all the lights which were lit along the mirror. Furniture in the room all started glowing as well as they were lifted off the ground.

"You've just made the biggest mistake in your life!" he said angrily, telepathically throwing down a dresser to the ground, which was smashed to smithereens when it hit.

His father burst into the room.

"Gideon Charles Gleeful!" he scolded. "Clean up your room this instant!"

Gideon turned on his father.

"I can buy and sell you, old man!" he screamed, pointing a finger at his father.

"Fair enough" said Bud, leaving Gideon and closing the bedroom door behind him.

Hanging on the back of the door were pictures of Mabel. There was on larger picture in the middle of Mabel and Mara, and Gideon used his pendent to burn off the section that Mara was on in the picture.

The next morning at the Mystery Shack, Soos was outside with the triplets. He stuffed a pillow into his shirt, which made him look even fatter than he already was.

"Hit me, dudes!" he said, and with that the triplets all charged towards him, one by one.

Mara hit Soos first, followed by Mabel, then Dipper.

They all fell back to the ground and started laughing.

"Feels good!" said Soos.

"I'm so glad everything's back to normal" said Mabel.

Just then, the telephone started ringing.

"Your turn" said Mabel and Mara at the same time.

"Your tu-" said Dipper, realizing that he said it too late. "Aw man."

He went into the Mystery Shack and picked up the ringing phone.


"Toby Determined, Gravity Falls gossiper" said the phone.

"Oh, hey man" said Dipper. "Sorry for accusing you of murder last week."

"That's water under the bridge!" said Toby. "Say, is Mara there?"

Dipper looked out the window to see Mara taking another charge at Soos along with Mabel.

"Yup, she's here" said Dipper.

"Could I talk to her please? In private?"

A red flag went up in Dipper's head. Why would Toby want to talk to Mara in private? Dipper looked suspiciously at the phone for a long time before deciding what to do next.

"Yeah, uh, sure. I'll go grab her. Hang on a sec."

He left the phone on the counter and made his way over the the front door of the Mystery Shack. He opened it.

"Mara!" he yelled. "Toby Determined's on the phone, and he wants to talk to you!"

Mara made her way into the Mystery Shack and found the phone on the counter, picking up.

Meanwhile, Dipper stood there the entire time, observing his sister suspiciously.

Mara didn't notice him.

"Hello? Toby Determined?" Mara asked.

"Yes, is this Mara Pines?"


"Great! I was going through stuff in my attic to get rid of when I found a hydraulic power generator! I figured that you might want it to use in another one of your little inventions?"

Mara's face brightened.

"Oh, that would be perfect! I've been looking for one of those to finish my heli-boat!"

"Great! You can pick it up at my warehouse. Do you have a paper and pencil? You might wanna write down the address."

"Uh huh" Mara took a pad of paper and a pen from the counter. "412 Gopher Road. When can I pick it up?"

"Tonight would do."

"Tonight? Got it!" said Mara.

Toby hung up the phone in his office. He turned towards the guy sitting in the chair across from him.

"There. I did your dirty work" he said. "Now it's time to pay your end of the bargain!"

The guy threw a sheet of paper at Toby, who picked it up in excitement.

He gasped.

"Chandra Jiminez's phone number! Bless you, lil' Gideon!"

Gideon stood up from the chair, and left Toby's office.

Meanwhile back at the Mystery Shack, Mara ripped the piece of paper with the address on it from the pad, and pocketed it. She started heading to the door.

"Wait, where are you going?" asked Dipper suspiciously, still watching his sister.

Mara turned towards him.

"Didn't you hear? To pick up a part for my latest invention."

"But doesn't that sound sketchy to you?" asked Dipper. "412 Gopher Road is an abandoned warehouse."

"Which makes sense, considering that this is Toby Determined's warehouse" said Mara, turning away from her brother as she left the Mystery Shack.

The sun was starting to fall as Mara finally managed to find 412 Gopher Road, and it was just like what Dipper had said: an old abandoned warehouse that looked like no one had set foot in it in years. The warehouse was sitting on the edge of a huge cliff.

As Mara made her way up the road that led to the warehouse, unaware that Dipper had actually followed her the whole way from a distance, afraid for his sister's safety.

Mara peered at the warehouse suspiciously. Maybe her dorky brother was right about this being too sketchy. But there was no way that she was going to back out now.

Dipper followed Mara as she cautiously opened the door to the warehouse. He waited from a distance and just watched.

Mara entered hesitantly.

"Hello?" she called out as she walked further into the warehouse.

There appeared to be nothing in it but an old chair that was turned around and several boxes of who knew what. Other than the open door of the warehouse, it was completely dark.

She finally concluded that there was no one here, and wondered if Toby had even told her the right address. She turned to leave when suddenly the doors slammed shut.

From outside, Dipper had seen the doors mysteriously shut on their own, and he ran up to them, trying to find some way to open them.

He knew that this had seemed off from the very start!

Meanwhile, Mara pounded on the doors and tried to open them, but they were locked.

Suddenly several lights turned on, causing Mara to turn back around.

The old chair that was in the middle of the room spun around, and sitting it was none other than Gideon Gleeful, stroking a miniature doll of himself and looking menacingly at her.

"Hello, friend" he said, rather darkly.

"Are you playing with a doll of yourself?" asked Mara snidely, as Gideon started playing with the doll's arms. "Now that's not at all egotistical or creepy."

Gideon ignored her comment.

"Mara Pines, how long have you been here in town? A week, two? You like it here? Enjoy the scenery?" he asked, his eyes narrowing at her.

"What do you want from me?" Mara asked irritatedly.

"Listen, girl, this town has secrets you couldn't begin to comprehend."

Mara snorted.

"You really think I haven't noticed that by now?"

Gideon still looked extremely ticked off, as if something else was bothering him.

It was then that Mara finally realized what was going on.

"Is this about my sister breaking up with you?" she asked. "Because I swear, she's really not into you."

"LIAR!!!" Gideon sprang from his seat. "You came in her place at the date last night and impersonated her breaking up with me!"

"What?!" Mara asked, shocked. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't play games with me, girl. I know it was you breaking up with me at the date last night, not my sugar cube!"

Mara gagged. No wonder Mabel wanted out on this relationship.

"You think you're so clever, Mara Pines, don't you? And you most certainly are! You almost fooled me with your little 'triplet switche-roo,' but you forgot one thing: Mabel has braces."

Mara face palmed herself.

"I knew I forgot something."

"Ah ha!" so you admit it!" he said, pointing accusingly at her.

"Ok fine, you caught me, I did take Mabel's place last night to break up with you, but I'm telling you the truth! Mabel was too afraid to break up with you herself, so she sent me to do it for her."

"That's not true!!" Gideon yelled, stepping closer to Mara. "You turned her against me! She was my peach dumpling!"

Gideon reached for his pendant that was hanging around his neck, and it started glowing. He raised his arm up, and Mara suddenly started floating upward off the ground, glowing a turquoise glow.

She gasped in surprise as Gideon telepathically threw her into a stack of boxes filled with Gideon plush dolls.

"But, you're a fake!" Mara said in disbelief.

"Well then tell me, Mara" said Gideon darkly. "Is this fake?"

Keeping his hand on his pendant, he raised his other arm, and Gideon merchandise inside all the boxes around the room started floating upwards, all glowing a turquoise glow.

Mara's eyes widened as the merchandise started coming down right at her.

Meanwhile back at the Mystery Shack, Mabel was sitting sadly on the porch of the gift shop, a lock of hair in her mouth. Wendy exited the Mystery Shack, and caught sight of Mabel.

"Hey" she said, sitting down next to Mabel. "How's that hair tasting, buddy?"

"Wendy, I need some advice" said Mabel glumly. "You've broken up with guys, right?" she asked, looking up at the redhead.
"Oh yeah" said Wendy. "Rusty Orum, Eli Hal, Stony Davidson..."
"I just don't know what's wrong with me" said Mabel. "I thought everything was back to normal, but I still feel all gross."

"Nick Whirley, Nate Holt, that guy with the tattoos..." Wendy continued, ignoring her. However, Mabel didn't seem to notice.

"Maybe letting Mara do it for me was a mistake" said Mabel. "Gideon deserves an honest break up."

"Danny Fellman, Mark Epstein-" Wendy paused. "Oh man, I'm not sure I actually broke up with him. No wonder he keeps calling me."

Mabel stood up.

"I know what I gotta do. Thanks for talking to me, Wendy."

And with that, Mabel rushed over to her bike and started riding it to where Gideon was to break up with him.

Wendy's phone started buzzing, and she picked it up.

"Ignore" she said, hanging up.

Meanwhile, Mara was running around in the warehouse, trying to avoid getting hit by flying merchandise that Gideon was telepathically hurling at her. She had dodged a Gideon collectible plate when suddenly the warehouse door was flung open. Standing there was none other than Dipper.

"Mara!" He yelled, running towards her.

Unfortunately, the doors swung shut and locked behind him.

"Well well well" said Gideon, turning his attention towards Dipper. "Look who decided to join in on the fun!" He hurled a box full of Gideon forks at him, and Dipper leaped out of the way just in time. He landed next to Mara.

"Dipper!" Mara yelled, running alongside him as they dodged Gideon mugs hurling towards them. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to save you!" replied Dipper. "What does it look like I'm doing?"

"Running for dear life right next to me trapped in an abandoned warehouse" Mara shot back. "You followed me, didn't you?"

His hesitation to answer confirmed it.

"Dipper, why?" Mara demanded.

"I told you, that call sounded really sketchy! And I was right!" Dipper yelled back.

"Ok, fine, you were right" Mara admitted. "But what good are you doing now? Now we're both trapped in here running for our lives from flying Gideon merchandise!"

Mara was too busy yelling at her brother to notice a Gideon baseball heading straight towards her head. Dipper grabbed her hand and pulled her to the side, the ball narrowly missing her by a few inches.

"Let's argue about this later when we're not being attacked by a psychopathic Elvis" Dipper said.

Just then, Gideon willed a huge bookshelf to start falling over on top of the two triplets.

Mara noticed and she dove into Dipper, tackling him to the side just as the bookshelf came down on the spot they had been standing just a few seconds ago.

They both went tumbling into a wall as Gideon laughed evilly.

"Grunkle Stan was right!" yelled Mara. "You are a monster!"

"No, you are!" Gideon countered, yelling back at her. "My little sugar cube has been ranting on and on about how much you ignored her, pushed her aside, and refused to spend an quality sister-time with her. You only have your own selfish interests at heart."

Mara looked down guiltily as he continued.

"You're the worst sister ever!"

"Yeah, well at least she doesn't trap people in warehouses and attack them just to get back at them!" Dipper yelled at him.

"Your sister, Mabel, will be mine either way!"

Gideon laughed maniacally, pulling the string on the Gideon doll he had been toying with earlier. It let out an evil laugh as well.

"Who's adorable?" Gideon asked it, starting to cuddle with it.

While he was distracted, Dipper eyed a baseball bat and Mara a golf club. The two triplets picked up their weapons of choice, and then charged right at Gideon.

"Who's a cute little guy, you are!" said Gideon to the doll.

"No, you are!" the doll replied back.

Mara and Dipper raised their weapons and prepared to swing as they charged at Gideon.

Unfortunately, Gideon looked up just in time and he held up his hand, telepathically lifting them off the ground and causing them to drop their weapons.

"She's never gonna date you, man!" Dipper yelled angrily.

"That's a lie!" said Gideon. "You've both done nothing but lie to me!"

He eyed a box of shears and grinned evilly. He telepathically lifted the pair of shears out of the box, and made them float right towards Mara.

"And I'm gonna make sure you never lie to me again, friends."

Mara and Dipper struggled helplessly in the air, unable to move at all as the shears came closer towards Mara.

"Wait! Don't hurt her, it wasn't her fault!" Dipper yelled desperately. "It was all my idea! I'm the one who made her dress up as Mabel and go to the date to break up with you!" he yelled.

Gideon narrowed his eyes at him.

"Oh, so you were in on this little fiasco too?" he said wickedly, directing the shears towards Dipper instead. "My hero" muttered Mara.

Just then, Mabel arrived at the warehouse, taking off her bike helmet and making her way towards the window, where she saw the horrible scene unfold before her eyes. She rushed to the doors as quickly as she could and swung them open.
"Gideon!" she demanded. "We have to talk!"

"M-Mabel, my marshmallow!" said Gideon, turning around in surprise.

He dropped the pair of shears as he did, and Mara and Dipper sighed in relief.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry, Gideon, but I can't be your marshmallow" said Mabel. "I needed to be honest and tell you that myself."

Gideon turned around briefly to make sure that this was the real Mabel breaking up with him, and after seeing Mara still floating in the air next to Dipper, he knew that this wasn't a trick.

"I...I don't understand..." said Gideon sadly.

Unfortunately, he was choking Mara and Dipper subconsciously.

"Mabel!" Mara gasped.

"Now's probably not the best time to be brutally honest with him!" Dipper gasped.

"Hey, but we can still be makeover buddies, right?" Mabel asked, walking closer to Gideon. "Mara would still never do that with me. Wouldn't you like that?"

"Really?" Gideon asked.

Mabel glanced down at the source of his power: the pendant, which was still glowing. She quickly grabbed it and snatched it off of him.

"No, not really!" she yelled angrily. Mara and Dipper were dropped to the ground. "You were like attacking my sister and my brother, what the heck?"

"My pendant! Give it back!" Gideon demanded, reaching over Mabel to get it, but she had already thrown it in Mara's direction.

Mara caught it, and seeing Gideon charging straight at her, she threw the pendent in Dipper's direction. Dipper managed to catch it, but didn't seem to notice that Gideon was now redirecting his charge right at him.

"Ha! Not so powerful without this, are you?" Dipper asked, right before Gideon tackled him and sent them both right through the window. The two started plummeting off the cliff.

Dipper had dropped the pendent, and it landed right in front of Mara's feet.

"Dipper!" his sisters yelled.

The boys had been too busy slapping each other as they were falling to notice that they were plummeting to their dooms. When it finally did occur to them that they were going to die, they screamed and braced for impact, but it never came.

Dipper looked up to see both of his sisters levitating in front of moon, both of them glowing a turquoise glow. They were holding hands, and intertwined in their hands was the pendent.

They started floating down to the ground and when they landed, the glow disappeared.

Mabel let go of Mara's hand when they were on the ground, leaving the pendent in Mara's hand. Mabel walked up to Gideon's face.
"Gideon" she said seriously. "It's over. I will never ever date you."

"Yeah!" Dipper added, right before Mara decided to drop them onto the ground.

The boys landed hard on their stomachs.

Mara handed the pendant to her sister.

"Would you care to do the honors?" she asked.

Mabel grinned.


Mabel raised the pendant up in the air, and threw it down onto a rock in front of Gideon. It smashed into a cloud of turquoise smoke, and disappeared.

"My powers!" Gideon exclaimed. "Oh this isn't over" he said, backing up into the dark woods slowly. "This isn't the last you'll see of wittle...ol'" he whispered, before disappearing completely from view.

The triplets looked at each other.

Mabel was unscathed and Mara had several cuts and scrapes on her legs and arms, but none of them looked nearly as bad as Dipper, who was covered in mud, cuts, and filth, and had one black eye.

Meanwhile, Stan was still at the Gleeful house, sitting on the couch along with Bud. The two of them were drinking glasses of sparkling water. Stan reclined back into the couch.

"Ah, this is living, brother!" he said cheerfully.

"From now on it's all name-brand foods and clown paintings" said Bud, as the two men toasted their drinks.

Just then, Gideon stormed in through the front door of the house, looking furious.
"Well, hey, Gideon!" Bud said cheerfully.

"Look who I-"

"Stanford Pines!" Gideon said angrily, standing up on the coffee table. "I rebuke thee! I rebuke thee!"

Stan looked at him, confused.
"Rebuke? Is that a word?" he asked.

"The entire Pines family have invoked my fury! You will all pay recompense for your transgressions!" Gideon yelled.

"What, you got like a word day calendar or something?" Stan asked.

"But sunshine" said Bud to his son. "What about our arrangement with Mabel and-"

"SILENCE!" Gideon interrupted, yelling at his dad.

"Well, I see that he's taken to one of his rages again" said Bud nervously. "Sorry, Stan, I have to side with Gideon on this one."

Bud picked up the contract and ripped it in half.

Stan's eyes widened.

"Ok ok" he said. "I can see when I'm not wanted."

Stan grabbed the painting of the sad clown painting and got up.

"I'm sorry, Stan, but I'm going to need that painting back" said Bud as Stan started leaving with the painting. Stan broke off into a run.

"Stan, STAN!" Bud yelled after him.

"Try and catch me, suckers!" Stan yelled back, as he ran away.

Stan managed to make it back to the Mystery Shack. He hung the stolen painting on the wall of the TV room.

Stan sighed sadly.

"I could have had it all."

He turned around to see the triplets all sitting glumly on the couch side by side in front of the TV. Mara and Dipper looked a bit beat up.

"What the heck happened to you three?"

"Gideon" said Mabel.

"Gideon" said Mara.

"Gideon" said Dipper.

"Gideon" said Grunkle Stan, walking over towards the triplets and sitting down on the dinosaur head coffee table next to the couch.

Mara turned towards Mabel.

"Look, I'm sorry that I was being such a jerk" she apologized. "I'm sorry that I kept pushing you away. If I had spent more time with you, then this whole 'Gideon' mess probably wouldn't have happened. I was too busy pursuing my own interests to see what really mattered."

"It's ok, Mara" said Mabel grinned. "I forgive you, 100%!"

Mara smiled.

"So what do you say we do some makeovers tomorrow morning?" Mara said, pulling on the pink sweatshirt that Mabel had made her a few days ago on.

"I'll even let you bedazzle my face."

Mabel gasped in excitement.


Mara nodded, still smiling. Mabel squealed excitedly, gripping Mara's shoulders.

"Oh, I can't wait for tomorrow! When we're done with you, you're gonna look beautiful."

Mara turned towards Dipper.

"Should I be scared?" she asked nervously, and Dipper chuckled.

"Not as scared as you should have been of Gideon."

"Yeah the little mutant swore vengeance on the whole family" said Stan, and he chuckled. "I guess he's gonna try to nibble my ankles or something."

"Oh yeah" said Dipper, cheering up. "How's he gonna destroy us now, huh? Dance us to death?"

"No! He's gonna try to guess what number we're thinking of!" Mara exclaimed cheerfully.

"He'll never guess what number I'm thinking of!" said Mabel happily. "Negative eight! No one would guess a negative number."

The four of them started laughing.

"I bet he's 'planning' our destruction right now!" said Stan, sitting on top of the three kids as they all continued to laugh.

Meanwhile that very same night at the Gleeful House, Gideon Gleeful was sitting in his room, painting a small wooden figurine of Mabel. On his desk was a popsicle stick version of the Mystery Shack and a book that was open to a page on magic amulets.

He finished painting the Mabel figurine and set it down, pretending to act it out.
"Gideon, I still love you" he made the figurine say. "If only my family weren't in the way."

Gideon assembled a wooden Stan figurine, and started acting him out as well. "Look at me, I'm old and I'm smelly."

Gideon then finished a wooden figurine of Mara.

"I always wear a ridiculous-looking toolbelt!"

He then made the finishing touches on a Dipper wooden figurine.

"What are you gonna do without the amulet?" He mimicked for the figurine.

"Oh, you'll see, boy" Gideon replied darkly to it in his normal voice. "You'll see."

He closed the book that had been on his desk. It was a red worn journal with a gold six-fingered hand on the cover with the number "2" on it.

"You'll see..."

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