

134K 2.7K 182

Karin isn't your average girl, she's more than that. Karin dedicates her life to sports and throws what she'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 21

2.9K 76 14

My apartment was now done. Fully furnished and decorated to my taste and I loved it. I fell back onto my bed allowing the soft mattress to consume me.

These past 2 months have been hard but I overcame the struggles they withheld. Sam and I have grew even closer, she stayed by my side through the entire moving process and gave her thoughts on colours and designs for the apartment.

I hear my phone buzz pulling me out of my thoughts. I pick it up and look at the screen.

Sam   1 minute ago.
Are you still picking me up or will I start walking now? X

I smiled before replying.

Yeah I'll be there in 5 x

I got up onto my feet and pulled my jacket on before grabbing my keys and heading out the door.
A few minutes later I pulled up outside Sams house before shooting her a quick text.

Outside x

A second or two later Sam emerged from her front door locking it behind her before walking towards the car and getting in the passenger seat.

"So breakfast?" I questioned her.
"Definitely" she smiled back. I turned on the ignition and drove to a local diner a few minutes away from campus.

We sat in a booth ordered. "So it's your first training back since your injury today isn't it" Sam asked. "Yeah I really can't wait to get back into it, I've missed it a lot" I chirped in response.

She nodded her head and the waitress came over and put our plates down on the table. Her stare lingered on Sam a little too long for my liking. "Is there anything else I can get you" she asked Sam directly.

"Umm no I'm good, do you need anything Karin" she asked me. "Not right now" I replied plainly. She smiled at Sam and then walked away to another table.

"What is it with horny waitresses these days, all I want to do is get my fucking food" Sam protested.
I let out a chuckle before shaking my head "I haven't a clue" I said.

We finished our food and the same waitress as earlier came over with our bill."Here you go" she said putting it on the table before handing Sam a piece a paper with her number then saying "call me".

I start to laugh. She gave me a glare "what's so funny" she snapped. "The fact you think you have a chance with her" I said with a light laugh. "And what, you do?" she fired back.

"Who's the one sitting here having breakfast with her" I said before slipping $25 into the check book and getting up to leave. "Have a good day and keep the change as a tip" I added with a smirk before walking out with Sam.

Moments later Sam burst out laughing. "You did not just do that Karin" she squealed laughing and smacking me in the chest. "What she was making you uncomfortable" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Whatever you idiot, if we don't leave now we're gonna be late so hurry up" she said pulling me towards the car. I got in and drove us towards school.

I pulled into the parking lot and turned the ignition off. Opening the door I grabbed my bag from the backseat before locking it.

I turn around to head towards the main building when I see Jess leaning against her car, arms folded. "King" she called out.
"Not again" I heard Sam mumble from beside me.

"Jess what do you want now" I said shoving my hands in my jacket pockets. "Her" she replied nodding her head towards Sam. "For the billionth time it's not gonna happen now get over it" I retorted.

"Sam it's me or her" she said anger lacing her voice before poking her finger into my chest. "Jess don't fucking touch me" I said smacking her hand out of the way.

"Let's go Karin" Sam said pulling me towards the main entrance. "I guess you got the answer you were looking for Jess" I said with wink and a laugh before heading towards my locker.

Me and Sam weren't an official thing, I wasn't one to rush into relationships with people too quick. Doing that always seemed to backfire on me in the end.

"I'll catch you later if you run into Jess give me a call" I said giving her a smile. "Will do, have a good day" she replied. "Have a good day" I added.

And with that Sam slung her bag over her shoulders and wandered off down the hallway to her locker.
I put my soccer gear into mine before going to my first class.

Time skip to later in the day

Its now the end of the day and that means I had soccer practice. Sam has cheerleading practice which was quite convenient seeing as I bring her to and from school most days.

As usual I'm the first one in the locker room, this is the only thing I'm early for. I put my shorts and socks on before slipping my boots on and lacing them up.

I get it, it's weird putting my boots on before my jersey but it's just something I'm known to do. I hear the door open and close and Sam walked in with her friend Ally who is also part of the cheerleading squad.

Her eyes trail up my body before meeting mine causing me to smirk. I refrain myself from making a snarky comment for the sake of not embarrassing her in front of Ally.

I give her a smile before pulling my jersey over my head and putting my hair up into a tight ponytail finishing it of with a thin Nike hair band.

I grab my water bottle and small towel and head out to the fields, i get in some extra stretches before practice starts to cut down the chances of getting a muscle injury.

10 minutes later a few other girls start to arrive. Coach comes a few minutes after that. "Alright ladies fitness to start off with, nothing too soul destroying I promise" coach calls out.

"Come on get to the line" she adds. A cacophony of groans is heard from the surrounding girls, I internally sigh. It's not that I hate running and fitness it's just so physically draining especially on a warm day like this. It's about 26°!

We were almost towards the end of fitness. Me and 4 other girls remained as everyone had dropped out already. I wasn't giving in no matter how loud my legs screamed at me to stop.

I could feel the lactic acid starting to build up and the familiar burning sensation was coursing through my muscles. My legs ached and my chest was tight, a thin layer of sweat clung to my skin doing it's best to cool me down.

The other 4 girls dropped like flys not lasting very long. Once again I was the last one standing, this isn't anything unusual to the team as I'm always in the last 2. I maintain my fitness levels by going to the gym or out for runs when I've got free time.

We done a few drills based on first touch, passing and moving, shooting and beating players on the attack 1v1. Coach blew her whistle and called for a water break.

I was sweating so bad I had to pull the sleeves of my jersey up to form a tank top. I gulped down more water and wiped my face with the bottom of my jersey exposing my lower torso. It felt relieving, the light breeze cooling down the skin on my stomach.

I pour some water down the back of my top and rub my face with whatever was left of it on my hands. Practice was killing me in this heat. The loud screech of a whistle made me slightly jump and pulled me out of my thoughts.

"We're going to end today's practice of with a scrimmage for the last 10 minutes" she instructed splitting us up into two teams.

I was in the team that had to wear bibs. Why for the love of god did I have to be in the bib team. That's just another layer to add to my already sweat rudder jersey.

I pulled my jersey off over my head and wore the bib as if it were a tank top. I wasn't suffering any longer. Coach blew her whistle and the game begun.

I played a 1-2 with Zoe and she passed it out wide to Darcy, who crossed the ball into the box but the keeper came and  collected it throwing it out to the fullback. I groaned making a recovery run into the midfield because I knew my defence would be lazy.

They got on the counter attack and scored a decent goal that probably could have been prevented if my team hadn't been so tired from fitness and the heat. I was exhausted myself but I still maintained my standards I don't see why they couldn't. I groaned and kicked off the ball to start again.

Coach blew her whistle signalling practice was over, my team lost 1-0 due to the lousy goal we gave away towards the start of the game. I gathered my things and headed back to the locker room.

Sam was there waiting for me and we headed out to my car so I could drop her home.

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