Elusion // l.h


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"What happens when your worst demon and fear is your father, but your saviour is the arrogant rich boy you wo... Еще

Elusion // l.h
Chapter 1- Hurt, Betrayal, Anger
Chapter 2- Rudiment
Chapter 3- Fear
Chapter 4- Fate
Chapter 5- Sociality
Chapter 6- The Glass Theory
Chapter 7- Numerals
Chapter 8- Mistakes and Silence
Chapter 9-Immortality
Chapter 10-Warmth
Chapter 11-Compliments
Chapter 12-Cheese Chips
Chapter 13- Highways
Chapter 15- Energy
Chapter 16- Environments
Chapter 17- Tumbleweed
Chapter 18- Homecoming
Chapter 19- Homecoming Part II
Chapter 20- Interrogations
Chapter 21-Problems
Chapter 22- Defiance
Chapter 23- Examinations
My life Update
Chapter 24- Smiles
Chapter 25- Judgement
Chapter 26- Curiosity
Windows- Short Story
Chapter 27- Rehabilitation
Chapter 28- Peace Offerings
Chapter 29- Flour Power
Chapter 30- Ignorance
Chapter 31- Brotherhood
Chapter 32- Tricks
Chapter 33- Anarchy
Elusion Q+A
Chapter 34- A Close Ear
Update and Apology
Chapter 35- Simplicity
Chapter 36- Confession
Chapter 37- Fright Night
Chapter 38- Memory
Another Update (I suck)
Chapter 39- Denial
Chapter 40- Salty Kisses
Chapter 41-Graduation
Update 2020

Chapter 14-Color Blind

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"Peyton what the hell was that?" Luke was fuming as he sat back down.

The situation was quite strange looking back and I was still pissed myself. I could never understand why Luke wouldn't stand up for himself, or at least tell those idiots to piss off. He has plenty of balls to yell at me and Ashton and Maggie, even his mother. But when it matters he just stood there like a little school girl.

"I could ask you the same thing." I replied.

"There's nothing to say. You didn't have to go off on them." He said throwing his hand on the small round table.

"Are you kidding me? Nothing to say? Some random pretentious assholes come to our table, insult you, insult me twice and talk to you like pricks, and there's nothing to say?" At this point , I wanted to smack Luke for his lack of integrity.

"Peyton it's not that simple." Luke said in obvious frustration.

"It doesn't have to be complicated either. They insult me, so they got it back. I had a shitty night and day and I wasn't in the mood for whatever show they were trying to pull off. And neither should you. " I stated and leaned back on the chair. This wasn't my problem to deal with, so I wasn't going to dwell on it any longer. If someone isn't acting right with me then they will get it back. If Luke can't do or think the same then it's his problem.

"Wasn't Maggie at your place last night?" Luke asked still with a hint of attitude in his voice.

"Yeah she was...and?" I returned the attitude fused favor.

"So why was your night so shitty then?" He prompted. To which I blinked a few times and sighed.

"It's not that simple." I mocked and threw my signature fake smile. His hypocrisy was laugh inducing. He had to know everything about everyone but God forbid I ask one question.

"Awkward make out session gone wrong or something?" I gave a look of disgust as the vulgar words left his mouth.

"You're disgusting." I cringed and put my head back into my hand as I leant on the table. My headache was back again, only this time the ache was on a full stomach, contrary to this morning.

Yet again, silence took over the small table and all that was heard, was the noise coming from the other shoppers and hungry people.

"Well I don't know about you, but I have nothing to wear tomorrow so, I suggest we go look for something." This time I was one to break the silence. Luke looked like he was about to fall asleep or punch something. Or both.

"Yeah me too." He silently responded. I stood there just giving him a look, not even sure how to describe that look but I didn't know my way around this mall and he should consider walking towards some store.

"Are you going to walk or?"

"Right." Luke finally started to walk. He literally went attentive to brain dead in 30 seconds. He walked ahead and didn't even bother so see if I was behind him or not. That interaction obviously made him weird and I thought he was acting like a big baby.

We reached a store called Adammos Closet and it was filled with goth styled attire. After being in the store for five minutes, I felt like I was color blind since I only saw the color black.Luke had disappeared into the store to look for himself and I was left with my own thoughts. Was I even looking forward to this? Yes I was. Well as of two days ago I was. It seemed like many things get over thought in my head. So to answer my own question: I don't know. As excited as I am to relish in the world of the goth/gore rock scene, I am yet to relish in the world of Ashton, Maggie and Luke. Calum and Michael seemed nice so I am not going to call them out just yet. Although, I do wonder how Michael will be able to look gothic with this purple hair. Putting Michael's hair thoughts aside, I just kept looking for the perfect outfit.

Something in me wanted to look really good, or more so really into costume. Before I looked further, I needed an idea. It was music inspired so I needed a muse, as strange and artistically pretentious that sounded. The light bulb went off in my hand and I got the perfect idea. Luckily, I was in the perfect store and I found mostly everything I needed there.

"Pink hair spray? Really?" Luke laughed from behind, startling me as I held the product in my hand.

"Yes really." I countered.

"That's not very goth." He tried to say in that 'as a matter of fact' kind of way.

"I wouldn't talk just yet." I planned on keeping my idea and costume inspiration a secret until tomorrow. I wanted people to guess it. Although thinking about it, I'm sure no one will figure it out.
Luke held a bag in his hands which showed that he already bought something. I quickly walked to the cashier and bought my stuff. Luke continued to stay behind me. Shortly after paying, I felt my phone buzz from my back pocket.

"Can you hold this quickly?" I asked Luke and he nodded taking the bag.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone.

"Hey Peyton" Ashton spoke. I didn't look at my caller I.D when I picked up so I was surprised to hear from him.

"Ashton! Hey," I greeted and Luke stood next to me as I spoke. He furrowed in confusion. Probably because Ashton was calling me.

"I was actually going to ask you about tomorrow if you had a costume and all, but you weren't at school. And then I texted Maggie asking her about last night and she said you're at school , but you're not so we both got worried." He said all in one breath very fast. I didn't realize that Ashton or Maggie would be worried.

"Oh yeah I was at school for like 45 minutes. I left." I half ass explained.

"Oh, did something happen?" He asked. I took a breath.

"Yeah it actually did, it's a long story." I sighed. I wanted to tell him all about it surprisingly. Maybe because I hate my math teacher so much and I read somewhere that trash talking about someone you hate, is good for the soul.
Regardless of my desire to rant, now wasn't the place.

"A story you can tell over milkshakes?" He offered with a childish tone. The offer did sound quite good.

"Milkshakes. Amazing idea." I lightly chuckled.

"Good then. I'll pick you up 4. You are at home right?" Ashton asked.

"I'm actually at the mall with Luke right now, but I'll be home in time." As I said that to Ashton, Luke started to glare at me and shake his head, gesturing me not to tell Ashton of this random venture, but it was too late. I shot him a look of disapproval since it really didn't matter.

"You're at the mall with Luke?" He almost yelled in disbelief.

"That is another story I will tell." I chuckled.

There was a long pause on the phone. I wondered if I should've asked if he was on the line, but he spoke answering my thought.

"Okay. Sounds like a plan. See you later." He said and I returned saying the usual goodbyes as I hung up. By this time, Luke and I had made it to a bench somewhere, where we both sat at.

"Handcuffs?" Luke laughed incredibly loud. He still had my bag in his hands this whole time, and he obviously took the liberty to look inside. I guess the handcuffs were floating at the top..

"Luke!" I exclaimed ripping the bag from him. He was still smiling like an idiot.

"Been reading too much 50 Shades of Grey?" He continued to tease. I smacked his arm in annoyance, since I wasn't planning on using the handcuffs in a recreational way.

"You're so annoying." I exasperated. By this time another headache made its return and I just looked across my shoulder, watching the hustle of the mall.

"Why was Ashton calling you?" Luke asked, his voice had sounded slightly annoyed.

The question made me stop watching the random people and I had to concentrate on whatever Luke was saying, which was kind of hard.

"He wanted to know if I was okay." I answered grabbing a gum from my bag.

"Why?" He grimaced.

"Because he cares Luke. Maggie probably told him about last ni-" I stopped myself in the train of words. Once starting this sentence, I knew Luke would not leave me alone with the subject. Which was very contradicting.

"So something did happen last night." He pushed once again. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the statement.

"Why can't you just drop it?" I pondered in frustration.

"Because there's always something Peyton." Luke quietly complained.

I wasn't sure if I had understood it correctly, but either way I felt a bit offended.

"What the hell is that suppose to mean?" I countered.

"Oh come on don't play stupid. You always have some kind of issues. Shaking, crying acting fucking strange." He spat and I felt my mouth almost drop to the floor. How dare he mention those things? As if he had any clue what I was going through. No matter how much better life was getting, a part of me was still deteriorating every single day and he has the nerve to call it 'fucking strange'.

"You have no fucking idea what you're talking about." I stood up and pointed my finger at him, speaking through gritted teeth.

"But you don't see how it comes across weird?" He asked again. At this point, I came to the conclusion that Luke wasn't just insensitive, but utterly stupid.

"Honestly, I don't care how it comes across. You don't think that Maggie or Ashton have their own stupid theories about the new girl? I'm sure they do, but they understand that I don't want to talk about it." I ranted turning around for some reason. One thing I hated more than feeling the things I did, was talking about them. I knew that I was getting better. I was able to admit pain or discomfort but no matter what, I still have my limits. If anyone would deserve to know anything about my past, it would certainly not be Luke.

"Whatever." Luke breathed out, almost sounding annoyed. That's when I turned back around and darted my eyes at him.

"You know you're definitely one to talk." I sneered and Luke chuckled sarcastically.

"What?" He asked in slight sarcasm once again.

"You honestly have more problems than anyone I've met here. I don't know you long Luke, but you're just as fucked up." I yelled holding back tears and I started to walk away. I didn't know how I was going to get anywhere since this mall was God knows where, and public transportation is obviously not working out in this city.

After making at least five circles around the huge mall, I realized that this was not going to help the situation. On top of everything else, my bag was still with Luke. I mentally scolded myself for not taking it with me, but that was obviously something I couldn't change now. As pissed as I was at him, I knew that I had to find Luke so I could get my stuff back. And to get a ride home.

I walked for what felt like another five minutes and found nothing. I thought that this trip to the mall would be a distraction or even small getaway, but I should have known better than to come here with Luke. The proof being, the 3 times that we fought. While still walking, I saw the bench that we sat at before and sat down again. I thought about Luke's words and that maybe he was somewhat right. It's human nature to want to know why people act the way they do, and I haven't been acting normal. He might put up an antisocial front, but he's only human, and humans are curious.

Like as if on cue I heard my name be called from the long hallway.

"Peyton!" Luke called from behind me as I sat on the familiar bench. He sped up a little bit, and in few seconds was at the bench. He stretched his arm out with my bag and I awkwardly nodded in thanks.

"That was out of line." He spoke up, having his hand in his hair. The confession was obviously not comfortable.

"You think?" I rudely remarked. It was maybe a little ruder than I intended, but I obviously couldn't control it.

"Christ Peyton-" He started to exclaim, but stopped himself, obviously not wanting to start another argument and I was grateful. By brain capacity for the day was full.

"Can we just go home?" I asked and Luke nodded pointing the way.

Short minutes later, I was sitting in the lavish sports car once again. Luke was obviously speeding, but I don't think either of us cared, since we wanted to get home. It was only 11:00 and I was exhausted. Granted, I barely slept the night before but I thought the extra adreneline would keep me going I was obviously wrong. Once we reached that infinite highway, Luke turned on the music and I abruptly shut it off.

"Peyton what the-"

"I had a really messed up childhood." I said interrupting Luke. I wasn't planning on going into crazy details, but maybe this would get him off my case.

"I know it's weird. But there are things that still affect me okay?" I said, almost whispering.

"I'm sorry, I should not have brought it up." He apologized and my mind was a little bit more at ease. His apology wasn't the most heartfelt of most, but you take what you can get.

"Can I turn the radio back on?" Luke chuckled and it seemed like he was slightly afraid I'd shut it off again. I laughed and nodded to which he recipricated by turning on the music. He obviously liked the song since he tapped on the steering wheel ad bobbed his head slightly. He even started to quitely sing along, but stopped himself probably because I was in the car with him. I sighed loudly since I found his shyness about singing ridicolous but to each his own.

Just like earlier, I leaned by elbow on the side of the car and looked out admiring the surroundings. The music in the background was also relaxing in a way and as I looked out, I felt my body become lighter and lighter as I drifted off to sleep.

(A.N, Hey everyone! I know it always takes so long and I am so happy you guys are this patient with me! I have a goal to post Chapter 14 by Monday so you have more to read. So I thought I would share some awesome news, I won a really cool writing contest! I sent an excerpt of Elusion and I won! 500 words of the story will be posted on a major newspaper and im really happy! Anywho, I hope you like the chapter so comment, vote and interact with me! I love hearing your guys' feedback! Even negative feedback is welcome because I'm far from perfect and I want to know what could be better so dont be shy! Thanks again! -Liz)

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