What A Baddie

By queencostell

83.7K 1.1K 204

A bad boy and a good girl cross paths More

New book


3.1K 28 2
By queencostell

Erika's POV
I wake up at 7 and I get ready putting on some makeup, jeans, a red crop top and white Nike's. i do my thing in the bathroom. I run down the stairs and grabbing my bag waiting there for me. I go into my dads office

E- dadI'm leaving
D-okay I love you have a great day
E- love you too Say goodbye to Morgan for me

He gets up and kisses my head and I leave grabbing my keys. I leave out the front door getting into my Jeep and making my way to school

Jakes POV
I get up at 7:30 and I get up putting on jeans and blue tank top hoodie. I also put on some black vans. i throw a piece of gum in my mouth after I brushed my teeth. I grab my bag and I go downstairs, where I see my mom.

J- hey mom
P- are you leaving
J- yea imma head out
P- okay I love you
J- love ya

I grab my keys and I open the garage. I head in and I grab my helmet putting it on. I get on my bike and I put my keys in hearing it roar. I back out and I head to school. I Soon get to school and I park. I get off and I fix my pants and shirt. I take my helmet off and hold it in my hand, I fix up my hair. I start to make my way inside the school as I get girls trying to talk to me. I pull out my phone looking at my locker number. My locker number is 1034, so I go find it. When I find it, I take my lock out and hand it in the hook. I put my helmet on the top shelf and I hang my bag in the hook. I think I brought like 4 note booked and a pencil but I'm not even sure.

Erika's POV
I make my way inside and I find my locker. I put all my things neatly in there, once I'm done I text the girls and see where they are. Soon they tell me that they are at Shannon's locker. So I make my way there. I pass the "bad" guys and I hear a couple of the guys

?-okay nah nah nah he got 12 girls
?-dude fuck off it's only 8
?-that's still a lot

I finally meet up with the girls and we talk for a bit till the bell rings and we make our way to English. We sit in the back waiting for the teacher to come. The teacher walks in and introduces herself and she starts to tell us what we will be doing in this class. About 15 minutes into the class the door opens and Jake comes stumbling in as someone pushed him. Then the teacher has a fit

T- boys it's the first day of school and you can't even be on time.
J- we had to do someone
T- someone?
C- something he means something
An- dumbass
T- go find a seat I don't want to deal with you guys on the first day

The only seats that had three desk beside each other was in front of us. They all come and Jake sits in the middle Chance on his right and Anthony on his left.

Jakes POV
I pull a juul out of my pocket and chanthony look over to me

J- we all hit it. Who ever the teacher catches has to buy the things for tonight
An- deal

I hit it first and I wave the smoke away. Then I give it to Anthony, he goes and doesn't get caught. We pass it to chance and as soon as he hits it the teacher looks at us

T- chance office now
C- come on it's the first day of school
T- now

He throws the juul on my crotch and I put it in my pocket as he leaves the classroom.

J- we have a football game in like a week. I like how they had tryouts in the summer, so we can get right into the season
An- they actually smart for once

The teacher looks at us and then talks about something going on. I whisper to Anthony

J- dude Matt is going to try and fight me
An- how do you know
J- dude I've got ears all over the school

After a bit the bell rings and then I make my way science but I don't go straight there.

M- jake

I grab his shirt and push him on the lockers.

J- you don't want to fight a guy like me
M- how did you know
J- people have my back

I let go of him and I continue walk to science.

Erika's POV
Me and the girls have all the same classes. So we all sit at the back of science. Of course Jake and his two friends walk in and they sit in front of us. Jake turns around looks at me and then turns to chance.

E- I can't wait to leave
R- I know me too I'm dying here
S- guys it's only 2 period
E- still I'm over it

The teacher walks in and just talks but I really don't pay attention

Last bell

Jakes POV
I walk to my locker and I put my combo in. I open it and throw my notebook in there. I zip up my bag and I throw it over my shoulders. I grab my helmet and I lock up my locker. I walk threw the hallways

?-Jake can I get a ride
?- I walked Can I go with you
?- hey jakey

I laugh at all the girls trying to ride with me. I exit the school and I go to my bike. I rest my helmet on the seat as chanthony walk up to me.

This is what I've been working on that's why chapters aren't going out for my other book. And school Is another reason

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