of blind heroines and foolish...

By ellewoodss

19.8K 1.6K 216

“i give a fuck. i give a lot of fucks, actually. i'm a prostitute of feelings.” More

v. ODD


2.9K 365 50
By ellewoodss

i once saw a scientist

on television.

and she was speaking generally

about science things

(being a scientist and knowing science things


and, speaking generally

i am not a science


and while i respect them,

i do not have much interest

in scientists

or science things.

so i went to switch the channel

at the precise moment that the presenter sitting beside the scientist asked:


in your opinion,

is the most ASTOUNDING fact

about the universe


and this stopped me.

because it is not often that television presenters ask such interesting questions,

and the scientist was pursing her lips in a thoughtful way that made me think

i wanted to hear her answer

to the interesting question.

after a pause,

she did not look directly at the


but directly at the presenter.

did you know,

she said,

that there are atoms in your body?

the presenter laughed.

of course,

he said.

what else would my body be made of?


said the scientist,

and i did not need to look at the television screen to know

she was smiling.

do you know where those atoms came from?


said the presenter.

and he did not say anything else.

i snickered from my place in the armchair

and the scientist smiled again.

the most ASTOUNDING fact that i have ever known,

she said,

is not a fact, specifically,

but the story of every atom on this planet.

the ones that make up the grass and the sea and the sand and the forests and the human


these atoms came

from stars.

the presenter sat forward and so did i.


continued the scientist,

are mortal

like humans.

they die,

and, in their later years,

are unstable.

it pains me a little to say it, but a star’s death

is far more dramatic than a human’s.

is it? asked the presenter.

the scientist was looking at him still,

and i felt strongly as though i was listening in on a very private


it is, the scientist nodded. the stars

i am referring to,

she said,

collapsed and exploded a very long time ago, and scattered their enriched guts across

the entire universe.

here, she paused, and her words caught in my mind in a way that made me wonder

if she was a scientist

or a poet.

their guts, she said whilst sipping from a glass of water, were splayed across every


of time and space.

these guts were made of the

fundamental ingredients

of life and existence.

carbon and oxygen and nitrogen and hydrogen and all the

rest of it.

all in the bellies of these stars that flung themselves across the universe in protest when it was their time to die.

and then? asked the presenter.

the scientist’s lips quirked upwards. and then, she said.

it all became parts of gas clouds.

ones that condense and collapse and will form our next solar systems -

billions of stars with billions of planets to orbit them.

and these planets have the ingredients of life sewed into the very fabric

of their own lives.

so, she said, smile still playing on her lips -

where do your atoms come from?

from those gas clouds, said the presenter.

no, said the scientist.

from those stars.

every atom, every molecule, every inhale and exhale and beat of your heart, is traceable

to the crucibles that cooked life itself.

and you are sitting here and so am i and so are your viewers at home,

and we’re all in the universe, aren’t we?

yes, said the presenter.

but i’ll tell you what’s even better, the scientist smiled wider.

the universe is in us. your atoms and my atoms and your camera men’s atoms came from those stars. you’re connected and relevant without even having to try. you are made of stardust and the fabric of the universe.

that is the most ASTOUNDING fact

i can tell you.

the presenter smiled and the scientist smiled wider and i smiled too,

and later i switched the channel to something less scientific

and wondered if i should feel small,

tiny and insignificant in relation to the stars that collapsed and exploded and

threw themselves everywhere.

and that is how my mother found me,

sitting on the sofa.

and she asked me what was


and i said,

nothing. i’m just a lot smaller than stars are.

my mother is very literal woman. as such, her natural response was:

of course you’re not. don’t you see how small stars are?

that’s only from a distance,

i said.

maybe you’re looking at yourself from a distance too, she said.

and she left the room and it is years later now, but i still

think about the scientist and what she said

and my mother and what she said

and i still see the presenter on television.

and i still think that the stars are very big

but now i think,

they are in me.

so i am big too.

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