The Fire Inside

By MichelleTorlot

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When Dutch sends Arthur and Charles to bury Jake Adler they find a young woman trying to defend the property... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 5

1.9K 63 23
By MichelleTorlot

You didn't say much on the ride back to camp. Dutch kept glancing at you. Probably just checking you weren't about to try to make a bit for freedom. Not much point really. By the look of Dutch's horse, he would out run you easily. It didn't alter the fact, that you felt like a prisoner. Maybe he was thinking of your welfare, but you were sure if you'd put your foot down, you would have found yourself tied to the back of a horse again.

You'd noticed a young lad, tied to a tree. If you tried to leave again, you figured you might end up with the same fate.

For now, you'd stay put. Avoid Sadie, and try to keep your head down.

When you arrived back, you dismounted Lily and hitched her. Before you had a chance to walk off, Dutch was there, his hand on your shoulder, guiding you where he wanted you to go.

Its something you had noticed about this gang, they were really touchy, feely. Your daddy had never been like that. He'd just tell you to go somewhere, and leave you to it.

You supposed that was something else you would have to get used to. Or more likely put up with, until you could make another bid for freedom.

As you walked into the centre of the camp, Susan came rushing over.

"Are you OK, Blair?" she asked.

Dutch let go of your shoulder.

"Yes, I'm fine," you remarked.

Susan's hands, clamped on your face, and her other hand pressed your nose.

You winced, slightly. But wasn't able to pull away.

Susan hummed, "I think it's just bruised, at least its not broken. Now sit down, and I'll get you some stew, then you can get some rest. I set you up a tent next to Dutch and Arthur."

You just stared at her, as she kept talking. When you first laid eyes on her, she didn't strike you as the maternal type, but right now she was mothering you. You couldn't quite understand why. A bit like when Arthur brought you down off the mountain.

You glanced around the camp, there were several people there you hadn't seen before. Not really surprising, considering you had spent most of the time in the little cabin in the mountains.

You saw Arthur wandering across camp towards you, he sat at the table.

"You came back then," he smirked.

"I didn't have much choice," you scowled. "If I'd known, I wouldn't have gone to the hotel in Valentine," you grumbled.

"We're only lookin' out for ya," Arthur remarked.

"Well I can look out for myself," you huffed.

Arthur chuckled, "you get a fever, then you nearly get your nose broke. Seems to me you need all the lookin' after you can get."

you rolled your eyes, "ain't my fault if Sadie can't keep her fists to herself."

Arthur raised his eyebrows, "is if you're bad mouthing her!"

You narrowed your eyes, "It ain't bad mouthing, if it's the truth," you retorted.

Arthur shrugged, "well one of ya ain't speakin' the truth."

"Fine!" you stood up, and walked away. You headed towards the edge of the cliff.

Susan called over to you, "Blair, I've got your food!"

You carried on walking, "I ain't hungry!" you snarled.

You sat on the edge of the cliff, your legs dangling over the edge. The one person who you thought might be your friend, had already betrayed you. Not really surprising. Everyone always believed Sadie. Even your father, and look where that got him. It wouldn't be long, she'd get the whole the camp to believe her side of the story, and that would be it. At least then you could leave, they'd probably kick you out. After all, that was what you wanted wasn't it. You didn't want to be an outlaw.

You heard footsteps behind you. Glancing over your shoulder, you saw the person who had pulled Sadie off of you earlier. You didn't know who he was.

"You shouldn't sit so close to the edge, chica, you might fall," he suggested.

You shrugged, "it's only a matter of time, I'll either fall, or I'll be pushed."

He grinned, "Ahh the woman who tried to break your nose!"

You nodded, "thank you, I guess it would have been more than my nose, if you hadn't pulled her off."

He chuckled, "my pleasure, chica. I'm Javier by the way, wouldn't want her to mess up your pretty face."

You felt your face flush, "Blair," you replied.

Javier held out his hand, "come on Blair, lets not tempt fate eh."

You took Javier's hand, and stood up.

As soon as you were standing, he let go of your hand, and instead offered you and arm.

"It's getting late, let me at least escort you back to your tent." he offered.

You smiled and took his arm, "thank you, Javier, I guess I need all the friends I can get."

"So?" Javier started, "why does she hate you so much?"

You sighed, "it's a long story, Javier. I've already been accused of bad mouthing her, and lying. So I guess it's best not to say anything!"

Javier nodded, "that's very wise chica, but if you ever want to talk..."

You smiled, "thank you, Javier. I'll keep in mind your offer."

You reached your tent, and Javier let go of your arm, he took your hand, and kissed it.

"Goodnight chica, sleep well."

You felt your face flush, and quickly escaped into your tent.

There was a lantern that had been lit, and it looked like Susan had left the stew she had got for you earlier. You even had a proper bed in your tent, rather than a bedroll.

You pulled off your boots, and pulled the gun from your belt, and put it on the table. It was pointless carrying it around, when you were too afraid to shoot it.

You picked up the bowl and ate the stew. You had lied when you said you weren't hungry. You guessed Susan had known that. It would have been better warm, but at least it filled you up.

You put the bowl on the table and climbed into bed, and pulled the blanket over you.

You sighed and stared at the canvas which was now your home. Well at least for now.

You eventually felt tired enough to close your eyes, and you drifted off to sleep.

You woke in the morning, to sounds around the camp. You were still feeling slightly sorry for yourself. For the second time in your life you found yourself somewhere, you didn't really want to be. The first time it was in the mountain, your fathers idea of a fresh start, and now here. A virtual prisoner, because people thought they knew what was best for you.

You had however figured, that you would now have to start seeing which people fell into which camps. Yours or Sadie's.

Currently, you figured you could rely on Dutch, and Javier. Arthur, who you thought was a friend, seemed firmly to be in Sadie's camp. Susan, who had originally sided with Sadie, seemed to be more on your side. Of course this could all change. Right now you had to decide who you could trust. You thought you could trust Arthur, but it seems you were wrong on that score.

You pulled on your boots, and looked at the gun. You decided to put it in your belt. If Sadie was going to try anything then you'd at least have the gun. Whether you could actually use it was a different thing.

You picked up the empty plate. The least you could do was wash it up.

You pulled back the flap of the tent, and headed out. You glanced around, looking for where you might be able to wash dish, when you heard your name being called.

"Blair, come over here?" Dutch called out.

You walked towards his tent where he was standing.

"How did you sleep?" he asked.

"Fine, thank you," you replied, "I was just looking for somewhere to wash this," you added, lifting the dirty food bowl.

"Oh don't worry about that, just leave it on the table, one of the women will clean it up." Dutch articulated.

You frowned, "I'm a woman, I want to help around here somehow."

Dutch chuckled, "Indeed you are Blair, but I have much more important work for you to do!"

You tilted your head, wondering what he had in mind for you.

"Go and get mounted up, Arthur is waiting for you!" Dutch exclaimed.

You put the dish on the table, and headed for the horses, Arthur was the last person you wanted to see this morning.

Arthur was standing by his horse.

"Dutch told me to find you, to do something," you huffed.

Arthur nodded, "we're meeting Hosea, up at Emerald Ranch."

You mounted Lily, and nodded.

Arthur frowned, "you OK?" he asked.

You nodded, "fine," you mumbled.

Arthur mounted his horse, and you rode down the track.

"You don't sound fine," he questioned.

You sighed, "Well, I am," you retorted.

You rode on in silence. You really weren't in the mood to talk to Arthur. The only plus side to this trip, is that you would be meeting up with Hosea.

You were almost at Emerald ranch, when Arthur stopped his horse, and pulled on your reins to stop Lily.

You glared at him.

"What's your problem today, Blair?" he growled.

"I ain't got a problem Arthur, I'm just doing as I'm told." you retorted.

"You ain't said more than two words to me since we left." he remarked.

You shrugged, "Didn't know I had to!"

Arthur shook his head, "you still sulking, because of what happened yesterday?"

You stared at him, "Oh what part, the fact that you sent Dutch after me to bring me back, or the fact that you called me a liar?" you hissed.

Arthur closed his eyes and shook his head. He let go of your reins and kicked his horse on.

"C'mon," he growled, "Hosea'll be waiting."

You reached Emerald Ranch and found Hosea talking to a strange looking fella called Seamus.

You weren't sure what was going on, but your last comment to Arthur, seemed to have put him in a particularly sour mood.

As you both walked over Hosea looked at the other man

"I'll tell you what, Seamus, let us prove ourselves." Hosea suggested.

Arthur laughed, "what to this clown!"

Seamus was about to walk away, but Hosea managed to smooth the waters. You didn't here exactly what was said, but Hosea and Arthur walked back to the horses.

"C'mon Blair," Hosea said smiling, "We've got to go and collect something."

You mounted Lily, "What do you mean, collect?" you queried.

Arthur and Hosea chuckled, "We're just going to collect a stagecoach, Dutch was pretty impressed with your driving skills." Hosea smirked.

You nodded, You were pretty sure that this wasn't entirely legal, but as long as there was no killing involved you guessed it would be OK.

When you got to the farmhouse, Hosea explained it wasn't actually stealing, because you couldn't steal something which had already been stolen.

Arthur, snuck into the house, and you snuck into the barn, where the stagecoach was. Hosea, was keeping the farmer, and his farm hands busy. Spinning some sort of yarn about health cures. You couldn't help but snigger. The man was so clever.

After a few minutes, Arthur crept into the barn.

"Just wait until Hosea has finished, then we'll pick him up on the way out," he smirked.

Just listening to Hosea, seemed to have improved Arthur's mood. After a few minutes, you heard Hosea say goodbye, and the farmer and his workers headed off.

You snapped the reins gently, your heart was pounding, as the adrenaline rush kicked in. The stagecoach moved off, then you brought it to a halt, a little way from the house. Hosea hopped on, the farmer, and his workers none the wiser.

Hosea smiled at you, "Congratulations, Blair. You've just done your first job! Now we just need to get this back to Seamus."

You carried on driving the stagecoach, until you were back at emerald ranch, then drove it into the barn. Seamus gave Hosea some money, and Arthur passed over what he had stolen from the house.

There was also some Jewellery which Arthur had lifted, which Seamus gave him some money for.

Hosea then, split the money. Half for the camp, the other half split between the three of you.

You ended up with fifty dollars. You stared at the cash in disbelief.

Hosea looked at you and chuckled. "Welcome to the world of being an outlaw, Blair."

You looked at him, not sure whether to smile or not. Your father would struggle to make this much in a month

You grinned at Hosea, perhaps being an outlaw wasn't so bad after all.

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