Corporate Heat

By amzieerevel

11.8K 202 34

When Hayley begins her new job at "Shields and Sawyer" she immediately gets thrown into the deep end. How do... More

First day
What Happens In Vegas...
Don't tease me...

He dates?

1.6K 34 1
By amzieerevel

He dates? The asshole dates? He agreed to a blind date?

Well that means he's single! Also straight.

No,he's your boss and this is just so messed up.

Still we were staring at one another like we were hoping the other would disappear. This is beyond awkward,like how are we going to come back from this? Work is going to be very difficult now...ugh Adrian!

I wish he'd have told me something more about him!

"Do you two know each other?" Adrian furrows his eyebrows

I gulp and look back to Tristan with wide eyes

"She's my new assistant" Tristan says smoothly. How can he be so smooth in a situation like this?

I narrow my eyes but unfortunately he isn't looking.

Adrian's eyes go wide and he whips his head to me quickly. He pulls my hand and I'm yelping as I'm being pulled into the hallway.

"He's your cousin!" I yell as we stop and face each other.

"I didn't know you worked at Shields and Sawyer otherwise I wouldn't have set you two up" he defended,slapping his hands over his eyes as if everything would be fine when he pulled them off.

I throw my hands into my hair and bite down on my lip. Its just my luck for this to happen. It would be me.

Suddenly we both stop as we see a shadow standing just a few feet away from us.

We turn to both face Tristan who was standing eyes wide looking at us both.

"I'm sorry to over hear but...well you weren't exactly being quiet" he chuckled and combed his hand through his dark hair.

Damn his looks.

"Um...i better go" I mutter and turn towards the door to leave.

"Hayley" I hear a smooth voice call,i immediately turn as if I was pulled round physically.

This man has this affect on everyone I swear.

I groan as I realise what I just did.

I see Adrian wandering back into the living room and Tristan walking swiftly towards me.

For some reason I felt scared. There was heat in his eyes and this scared me a little.

He stood about a foot away from me and even this had me stiff. He's really intimidating.

"Obviously there has been a miss understanding here" his eyes were blazing and I found myself biting my lip from the anxiousness. His eyes dropped my where my teeth now sat. He shook his head and immediately was focused once again.

"We'll forget this ever happened. It would be inappropriate for us to date considering the position we're both in at the firm" he commented.

My stomach flopped in disappointment. Well there goes any hope of...well anything with Mr hot pants then!

I nodded.

"Yes sir" I mumbled.

"I'll see you tomorrow" I whispered before grabbing the door handle and stepping out into the lobby.

Right I want to go home,i think ice cream is greatly called for right now.


I could already tell that things are going to be awkward today. I don't know how to dress now. I mean yesterday I looked good,ill be honest. Today though I don't know whether to attempt to look decent or not really try. Wouldn't he then think I was doing that because of him? Which I would be.

Screw it.

I sat up in my bed and looked towards my closet. Looking nice makes me feel confident and with a boss like Tristan...i need all the confidence I can get.

I threw back my covers and bounded up to the open doors of my wardrobe. I found another pencil skirt,slightly shorter but still appropriate. I don't want to be known as the office slut or something.

Pfft. I giggled at the thought of anyone calling me a slut. That's the complete opposite of me! I mean I've been physical with a few people but...okay that's a lie...just one person and that was when I was 17 so ages ago. I might as well be a virgin again!

I paired the skirt with a midnight blue silky top. Its loose fitting so I tucked it into the skirt,it looked very nice i'd say. I finished this with my handbag and some black pumps with a low heel. Again I waved my hair and did my makeup naturally,foundation,mascara and some natural coloured eye shadow.

I rushed Into the bathroom once I was ready just to ensure I looked okay. I still had to look presentable for work. I think it looks okay. I sighed and quickly rushed towards the door of my apartment.

I don't even have time for coffee this morning,it will have to wait till my lunch break.

I groaned. Oh god,3 hours without coffee or anything to eat. Today's going to be hell.

I wander down the hall until I reach the elevator. I'm usually healthy enough to take the stairs but it is 8:30 and I haven't had my coffee so I think today is an exception. Patiently I wait until the door slides open enough for me to hop in. Rapidly I hit the ground button and wait for it to halt at my floor.

I don't live too far from the firm but it is a 20 minute walk. I know,you're probably thinking 'Doesn't she drive?'


I do but my car is currently in repair,i don't even know what's wrong with it. It just does the other day so I got my brother to come get it,he's a mechanic so it shouldn't be a problem for him. Plus because he's family,he'll give me an honest opinion.

I stepped out of the lift and down the lobby till I hit the exit.

of course the streets were buzzing. I'm not complaining,thats what you expect when you live in New York. It's always busy and everyone is trying to get to work just as I am. It's a great city,i do love living here it's allot more exciting than where I grew up. Its funny because I was originally born in England,but when I was 5 me and my family moved here. Ive lived here ever since.

Slowly but surely,the Lawfirm came into sight.

Something that suddenly hit me was,i wonder if Tristan actually goes into court?

I know on shows like Ally Mcbeal,Richard and John who were both senior partners went into court. It does happen.

Hm. The idea of Tristan in court...i wonder how he is. I bet he's good. He seems intimidating enough to be a lawyer.

I walked through reception and approached the card points. I got my staff I.D yesterday so now just have to scan it as I walk through the gate. A very secure system I think.

I smiled a little as I heard my heels clicking against the marble flooring. I feel good today and looking around I would say I fit in...well except for my hair colour of course. I swear I am the only blonde here!

Did they hire me because of that? For the sake of equality? I shake my head. No. I saw the other candidates,some where blonde,some where dark and even a few red heads. I earned this job.

I clicked floor 12 once I got into the elevator and made sure to get out before the doors shut this time. I'm keeping my head high and getting my job done. Even in the presence of Tristan,i will address him as Mr Shield just to see how he reacts.

I'm very headstrong and I want him to know that. I think that after yesterday when I did everything he asked without questioning might have given him the idea that I'm a push over. I'm not. I will do my job but I...ugh I don't know. I just hope he's a fair boss.

I approached his office and immediately saw him sitting behind his desk through the glass. His eyes were concentrated on his laptop. I huffed out and blinked to calm myself.

I knocked gently and watched as his eyes met mine. she smiled flatly and gestures me to come in. I pull the door open and walk towards my little office. I could really do with shutting my door this morning but remembered his open door policy.

"Morning" I greet

His eyes follow me as I walk to my office. Is that a good thing? I'm expecting to be called back in very soon.

"Morning" I hear him reply as I enter my office and drop my bag beneath my desk.

"Hayley" I hear him call. I roll my eyes and turn on my heal to see what he needs.

I walk until I'm facing his desk.

"Yes sir" I smile .

He rests his elbows on his desk and interlock his fingers as he studies me.

"I have some paperwork I need you to date. It shouldn't take too long,once you finished please bring them back to me" he smiled

I nod. I can do that.

He points to the pile of paperwork and I swiftly pick it up and begin walking back to my office. Again I'm stopped in my tracks...

"Hayley" I turn.

"It's Tristan." he smiles again. He's very smiley this morning.

I smile tightly


I better start on this lot. I carry it back into the office and place it on the desk before sitting down and looking down at what I now have to date.

Am I dating it today's date? He wasn't specific.

Timidly I stand back up and poke my head back into his office where I find him staring cockily back at me smirking.

"Always ask questions. Today's date please" he says before snickering and getting back to his work.

Gobsmacked I slip back into my seat. Well...that was arrogant.


I pick up my own and start dating each page.

This goes on for about 10 minutes before I hear vibrating from my bag.

Oh shit my phone.

I quickly rush over to grab it and silence it. I cringe as I hear my heels clicking on the floor. He's gunna hear me! I thank god my phone was on vibrate and not on loud.

I look at the caller I.D to see its Adrian. I sigh and answer the call.

"Adrian now isn't a good time" I whisper.

"Hayley I'm so sorry about last night! I have someone else I'm sure you'll like" he comments. I can practically hear his smile.

I sigh

"I don't think I'm going to be blind dating again any time soon. Can I call you back later? I haven't had my coffee this morning and am very on edge if I'm honest" I say quietly.

"Owp...okay! Say no more" he laughs before hanging up.

I quietly chuckle and sit back at my desk and start battling through this paperwork once again.

I ears prick up as I hear Tristan walk across his office and close the door behind him.

I shrug. Hm...he probably needs the bathroom or something.

I grimace. Really I'm thinking of him going to the bathroom? Ugh.

I don't even know how to act around him now,if his looks weren't bad enough then last night just topped that off. It can't be helped.

I continue until I get to the last piece of paperwork. My head raises as I hear the door opening once again. He took a while,he's been gone at least 30 minutes. He must have had something else to do.

I put my head down again but again raise it as I hear something being put on my desk. I look up to see a latte and just behind that,Tristan with a serious look on his face.

"I overheard you and figured you may like some coffee. I know how it is" he chuckles.

My mouth opens in shock and I close it immediately.

"Um thankyou" i say.

"How much was it and I'll give you the money back" I offer,reaching for my bag.

He furrows his eyebrows and shakes his head.

"My treat. Keep your money" he says lowly before exiting my view.

I'm sat gobsmacked once again. He's so unpredictable. I blink down at my latte and quickly take a sip.

It hits my taste buds and I sigh in relief.

Hm,just how I like it. Thats strange.

I continue drinking and finishing off the last piece of paperwork. I place my cup back down and lift the papers to take them back to him. Just like I was,Tristan is drinking his drink.

I wonder what he got? He probably got a latte aswell but I could be wrong.

I clear my throat and watch as he looks up at me,eyes wide in question.

He's got lovely eyes. Blue...deep...i could get lost in those eyes.

Ugh stop.

"Um I've finished the paperwork" I say as I place it on his desk and smooth down my shirt,i think that's nerves I fiddle with my clothes when I'm nervous. I always have. Jeez my voice is shaky. Relax God dammit!

He placed his cup back on the table.

"Great. Well I have a meeting in about an hour so I'll need you to take notes"

I nod

"No problem" I smile

"I'll give you a copy of my schedule and others meetings I will need to attend to,it would be great if you could fit that all in and email me a final copy"

I nodded again,thats easy enough.

"Yep,no problem. Is that everything?" I ask, attempting to look somewhat prepared.

He shakes his head and grins at me a final time.

"No I think that's it. I'll come and get you just before we need to leave" I nod


I drop my head onto the desk and sigh

He's got so much going on and this is just for one week! God knows how many meetings,he is in court tomorrow though so I'm curious to see that.

"Hayley,we're off" I hear,i throw my head up and blush in embarrassment.

"Um okay" I flurrish as I gather my notepad and pen together to follow him. I smoothed down my top once again as I approached him.

His eyes studied me as I approached and he smiled at me flatly.

"You're nervous" he comments

I'm taken back. What? Is he like a mind reader or something!

"Um,im fine" I mumble fiddling with my own now,i adverted my gaze down.

"Look at me Hayley" he says gently

I do

"You fiddle when you're nervous. It's a tell I've already picked up on and you've worked for me less than..." he looks down at his watch and then back to me while I stand starstruck.

"12 hours." he finished and smile smugly at me.

This man is...a god?

I shake my head

"Okay,yes I fiddle when I'm nervous. I always have and I know I'm easy to read soimsorrysir" I rambled the last bit so quickly I had to take a huge gulp of breath after.

His eyes went wide

I could feel my face showed my exasperation.

Suddenly his hands were on my shoulders and he was gazing into my eyes.

"You don't need to be nervous. You are right for this position and so far you've aced it. Don't worry. You're a beautiful woman,you're smart and efficient,you've got so much going for you so don't worry. Okay?" his voice was somehow gentle but forceful.

I'm breathless,he thinks I'm beautiful?

I nod breathlessly and watch as he nods and leads. I follow behind him very confused but somehow empowered.

Tristan thinks I'm beautiful.

A.N/ Second chapter! Picture of Hayley attached.

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