The football player and me ~s...

By juggieslover

70K 1.2K 415

***HIGHEST RANK: 90 in Cole and 11 in sprousehart*** Lili Reinhart moved from California to New York with he... More

We're here
The shoot
The date( as friends)
The convention
Desperate times call for desperate mesaures
I love you
Its fine
I'm pregnant
Welcome to the world bunny
Goodbye then
Back to L.A
A normal day in L.A
Baby girl
Aw shit here we go again
Hey brother
Going home/ emergncy
It's ok
Mine all mine and no one else's
Day Dreaming
Your perfect
Drunk Lili
The youtube video
On Hold
The Break Up
A simple day

Back to School

1.7K 31 16
By juggieslover

I wake up and god no it's school again and Cole is taking me to school and Camila and my brother because nobody had time for that

I was scrolling through instagram and my mom posted pictures of my half siblings if there first day of school

I got up and started getting ready I wore a tube top with some jeans and my Air Force ones I left my hair down out in some hoops and I put on the necklace I wear everyday Cole gave me it and then a bracelet

I was ready I got my backpack together
I heard a beep Charles and I went rushing downstairs and locked the door and got in the car

"Morning beautiful" Cole says

Morning babe, I say and give him a kiss

"Hi Lili" Cami says

Hey Cams hi Alyssa, I say in a baby voice

So your taking her to school, I say

"Yea I bought the baby sling thing and my diaper bag and backpack"

If you ever need help just give her to me and I'll have her for a few classes, I say

"Thank you Lili your a life saver" Cami says
Cole POV
We got to school I had 5/8 classes with Lili I had 2 with Cami and and 3 with Charles

I got out of the car and so did everyone else I locked my hand with Lili's and we walked into school

"Hey man" a guy from the team says

Hey, I replied he asked me to go sit with him and the team I declined

"Why did you say no" Lili said

Because I want to spend my time with you, I say wrapping my arms around her waist

I turn around for a second and somebody tries to touch Lili's ass

I suggest you run whilst you still can if I were you I wouldn't do that, I say he looks at me

It's not nice to touch someone inappropriately without consent and especially when her boyfriend is talking to you, I say and he runs away

I then hold Lili tighter to me

"What happened" she asks

He tried to touch you


Then my protective side came out, I say

"Well I love when your protective over me" she giggles and then the first period bell rings

I'll walk you to class, I say

"Ok", she says my class is next to her and then we have the next five classes together
Lili POV
It was fourth period Cole, Charles and I have P.E we were waiting for instructions we already had the required clothes in which was red shorts and a gray shirt that had our school logo and we had our running shoes

"Ok class I'm Mr.Consuleos we are going to do dots in alphabetical order" he says

We waited off to the side till he gave us our dots

"Lili and Charles Reinhart"


"Lili you get this dot here and Charles behind her's"


We waited and Cole surprisingly got placed near me well next to Charles

"Ok class we are going to head to the track"

We all start walking there I'm guessing we're running

"Ok all Junior girls go first you guys will run one lap under 5 minutes" he says and I get on the track

"Ready go" he says I start to run

I was already half way done I kept on running and I was done

"Lili your time is 1:13" he says and we waited for the rest to come I had that fastest time out of all

Now it was Cole and Charles and the rest of the junior boys

"Ok Junior boys same as the girls now go" he says and they all start to run

I look out to see Cole and then Charles right behind him

"Cole your time is 1:12 and Charles 1:14"

Soon everyone finished and we were doing stretches on our dots like jumping jacks and calf stretches

We had about 16 minutes left so we were drinking water

"Ok guys see you tomorrow hit the showers"

And we all did
P.E was finally over and I saw Cami coming up to me

"Hey Lili I have P.E next can you take Alyssa to your next class" she says

Yea I have Home Ed next anyways, I say and take Alyssa and the sling and the diaper bag

I have the next class with Cole because we decided to take home Ed together for the fake baby thing but I have a real one right now

We walked into the class and sat down

"Hello class I am Mrs.Cartright I will be your home Ed teacher"

She gives us a syllabus and a bag

"I know it's barley the first week of school but you will be doing the baby project so we can get it over with because I honestly hate it too" she laughs

Everyone laughs with her so do I she wasn't bad I liked her

"Ok so your partner is who you are sitting next too you will given a baby with a car seat you already have there bags there is a paper of what you need to do it also has a birth certificate for extra credit"

Everyone looks at it and starts filing it out leaving the name empty

"Ok I will be handing you a baby you can chose the gender if you want"

She starts giving everyone there babies Alyssa is sleeping so I'm good

"Ok boy or girl" she smiles at us

What do you think babe

"A girl" he says

"Ok and isn't that Camila's baby" she chuckles

Yea just babysitting her while Camila is in P.E

"That's very sweet of you" she says and walks away

Cole and I look at each other

"So what are we naming our daughter"


"Ok so Aubrie Sprouse-Reinhart"

No just Aubrie Sprouse

"If you say so" he says with a big smile

What do you think Cher will think of her

"I don't know Cher was calm when she met Alyssa" he says

Now we have two babies

"Our little family" he laughs

Yup, and then the bell rings and Cami runs to me

"Oh how I missed my baby" she says

So she didn't give you a baby, I say

"No because I already have one" she laughs

Then Cole and I start to talk

So I will see you next period

"Say bye to Aubrie then" he says while laughing

Don't drop her

"I won't"

Cole POV
Lili and I had 5 classes together English wasn't one of them but I had Charles and he already had his baby since first period in our bags were the slings so I put it on and our Aubrie in and covered her with a blanket because it's a simulator

"Damm Cole's a dad already" one if they guys from football says

Yea it's my daughter, I say laughing

"Well I'm honored to be an uncle" he says and we start to laugh
School ended already thank god we were all in the car we had to pop up the seats in the back so Charles could sit with his baby because we had three car seats in my dad's car

I dropped of Camila and then I drove to Lili's since I was going to stay the night Cami was coming over later too

Lili opened the door and there came our other daughter

"Hi Cher hi girl" Lili says crouching down and giving her a belly rub and hugging her she was so little still

So are we going to introduce our daughter to her, I say

"Yea lets go to the sofa" she says as we take of our shoes and backpacks and Lili gets Aubrie out of the car seat

Cher come here girl, I say and she jumps on the couch and lays her head on my lap and then it begins Aubrie starts to cry

Lili rocks her, feeds her, changes her diaper and she still crying so I take Aubrie from her and she calms down

Looks like somebody wanted her daddy, I say with a victory smile

"That's no fair she likes you better than me" she pouts

Give me a kiss, Lili leans in but I didn't kiss her

"I'm waiting" she says

I was talking to Cher not you, I say joking with her

"Ok then you want to play that way no snuggles no kisses and your sleeping on the couch" she says I was shocked

No I'm sorry baby I'm sorry, I say knowing she wasn't joking

"Until further notice no kisses,cuddles,snuggles and your sleeping on the couch" she says and goes upstairs with Cher

I follow her I enter her room and place Aubrie down

I Cole Mitchell Sprouse will not respect your decision I will get as many kisses and cuddles and snuggles as I desire and will not sleep on the couch, I say and she sarcastically claps

"Get out of my room" she says shit my plan didn't work so plan B

No i will not, I say and I start to tickle her

"Stop Cole" she says while laughing

Not until you say you will give me endless cuddles,hugs,kisses,and snuggles I say while tickling her and kissing her neck

"Ok okay you will get endless,hugs,kisses,and snuggles" she laughs while saying it and I continue to kiss her neck

And then her lips as I kiss her we flip over my back is against the head of the bed and she's straddling me and I'm holding her waist we make out I start kissing her roughly on her neck

And then on her lips again I start forming hickey's on her sweet spot and she tugs my hair and then I remove my shirt and she removes hers and her pants

(Ah ha ha you little nasties thought I was gonna write smut 😭 ok but should I or should I not like I have ideas for a book and don't know if I should write smut please comment if so)

Charles then knocks on the door so Lili pulls on her robe and opens the door forgetting about her hickeys


"I'm going over to Cami's i see your busy I'm taking Cher don't forget about you child"

"Oh umm yea here's Cher her leash is downstairs ok bye"


She slams the door shut and sighs

"Now where were we" she says while smirking since I had already taken of my pants

⚠️SMUT WARING⚠️ (I'm sorry I tricked you)
As Lili grinds on me I groan shit there goes my my boner

I pick her up and hold her from her ass and push her against the wall (like Betty and Jughead in that one episode except Cole isn't breaking Lili's head)

We start making out and it turns into a very heated one she was still grinding on while doing so shit that turned me on so much

I started kissing her neck hard she moaned and I made my way down to her chest leaving hickeys all over her chest and neck

And well after we went to the bed and you know what happens

Smut is over

"Well that's one way to relive the first day of school stress" Lili says while we are in our underwear under the covers

And then of course Aubrie starts to cry Lili is just in underwear and a sports bra and we're in her room so she doesn't care and goes to pick Aubrie off this bed thing Lili made for her

She "feeding" her sat on the bed it looked adorable so I took a picture

"Baby I'm only in my underwear and bra" she pouts

Hey nobody is going to see it's for my safe keeping ok, I say reassuring her

"Ok" she smiles and gives me a kiss

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