Get out of my head!

Af -Mixom-

65.5K 1.3K 786

(Word of warning, this is one of my first stories that I've actually finished, and the ending is not the best... Mere

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11: Part 1
Part 11: Part 2
Part 11: Grand Finale

Part 5

5.5K 124 82
Af -Mixom-

No one POV

a Day after Rias and her brother had Visited, We Now get our sights on Y/n who was Inside of a church and sitting in front of an Altar Praying 

next to him was a cello Case that housed His Buer Drive so that no one would see it

Y/n was also Seen In the Uniform of the school that is in the Kingdom which consisted of a White Dress shirt, black tie, Black school pants and Black Dress shoes

While he was Praying, he heard the sound of a door open and he paid it no mind but when he saw someone in the Corner of his eye, he looked to see that it was one of the girls from Rias's peerage, she was wearing a Nun's outfit and had long blonde hair 

When Y/n saw her, she Looked at him with surprise and then she saw His eyes glowing red, she backed up a little in fear 

Y/n: "Why are you here?"

Asia: "I...I'm sorry, I saw this church and I came here to See what it looked like. A-And maybe pray to god while i'm here...if that's ok with you?" 

Y/n: "This isn't one of god's Churches" 

Asia: "Then Who do you worship?" 

Y/n: "we worship the Trinity" 

Y/n then gestured to the giant statue at the altar that Depicted three Woman 

Asia: "The Trinity? Who are they?"

Y/n: "They are a trio of Goddesses and this is their church that is all I remember of them, maybe Double Could tell you more of them, she is the only Nun here after all" 

Asia: "is she here at the moment?" 

Y/n: "yes but unfortunately, she is rather busy at the moment so she cannot be of assistance. Now please leave, Devil of Gremory" 

Asia: "A-alright, I'm sorry for what you went through" 

Asia then walked over to Y/n who was now looking back at the altar and She gave him a hug and then left in a Hurry leaving a confused Y/n but he then Smiled and Continued Praying for ten more minutes before the Doors opened again and In walked some random civilians and then Y/n decided to head home but when He got outside, He then heard the sound of thunder and then it started to Rain heavily and Y/n sighed as he started to walk home Until...

???: "Y/n!" 

Y/n then looked up for the source of the voice and he then noticed a girl Running across the street towards him with a smile on her face. this Girl was Umbrella, Parasoul's Younger sister 

When Umbrella made it to Y/n, she gave him a bright smile and Opened her umbrella to stop the rain from hitting them 

Umbrella: "Hi Y/n! Big sis wanted to know if you'd like to Come over for Dinner?" 

Y/n: "Yeah, I can do that" 

Umbrella: "yay! Let's go then!" 

Umbrella then started to Walk ahead while jumping in Puddles along the way while Y/n followed behind even though he wasn't under Umbrella's Umbrella so he was getting soaked in the rain but didn't care 

Time skip 

By now, it was around 6:00pm at night and They had finally made it to Parasoul's and Umbrella's Home and they went inside and umbrella turned to Y/n 

Umbrella: "I'll go tell Big sis that you're here" 

Umbrella then Ran off somewhere inside the Large estate while Y/n waited there in the Lobby and he shivered slightly 

With Umbrella 

While Umbrella was Looking all over the Estate for Parasoul, she soon saw the Light from a T.V in one of the Rooms and as she Looked inside the room, she was not amused at the sight:

Umbrella then Knocked on the Wall of the Room and Parasoul Jumped in surprise as she turned to look at Umbrella 

Umbrella: "I thought you said you don't like Annie?" 

Parasoul: "I-I don't!" 

Umbrella: "Sure, real convincing" 

Parasoul: "I'll let you have Ice cream for Dinner tonight if you stay quiet about this" 

Umbrella: "Deal!" 

Umbrella then walked off while Parasoul turned back to watching the show but then Umbrella Leaned back into the room with a Devilish smile on her face 

Umbrella: "also, I Lied and told Y/n that you invited him over for dinner. he's currently in the Lobby" 

Parasoul's eyes went wide as she shot around with a panicked look on her face 

Parasoul: "WHAT?!" 

Umbrella: "Yep! have fun!" 

Umbrella then ran off while laughing like a maniac while  Parasoul was Running around her Room looking for something suitable to wear 

Back with Y/n 

by now, the rain had died down and while Y/n was Looking around, he could hear Laughter Coming from somewhere behind him and when He looked to the top of the staircase, he saw Umbrella Running along while Laughing like crazy and he shrugged his shoulders as he looked at the scene and then returned to Looking at the artwork and after around twenty minutes, he heard someone clear their throat 

Parasoul: "I hope I didn't keep you waiting Y/n" 

Y/n: "of Course not, I don't min-" 

he cut himself short when he saw the Outfit that Parasoul was wearing 

Parasoul: "is something wrong?" 

Y/n: "N-No! No! You look Spectacular!" 

Parasoul smiled as she had a tiny blush on her face and descended the stairs 

Parasoul: "I'm glad you like it, Shall we go? I've organized a reservation at a Restaurant for the two of us" 

Y/n: "should I Change first or...?" 

Parasoul: "No, you look fine already" 

Parasoul then took Y/n by the arm and took him outside as Y/n then saw four cars with filled with Parasoul's Black Egret soldiers and in between the Cars, was Parasoul's Motorbike 
(Best pic I could find of it) 

Parasoul then Got on the Bike and then Y/n got on behind her and held on tight, a move that caused Parasoul to Blush a little more but then she Pointed forwards 

Parasoul: "Egrets, Move out!" 

She then started her bike and then the Cars all started to drive while moving in a Diamond formation to protect all sides of Y/n and Parasoul Until they got to the Restaurant that Parasoul had Hastily made a Reservation for and when they entered, the Egrets all stayed outside while there were already more on the inside of the Building. Once they were seated, They made their orders and Then Parasoul spoke up 

Parasoul: "Now Y/n, I've had some time to think and Right now, I think it's best if you live with one of us for a few nights each for a while. Until we're sure that you're no longer in harm's way" 

Y/n: "Very well Parasoul, as you wish" 

Parasoul: "Thank you, Tonight you'll be staying with me for a few nights and then we'll see who wants to keep an eye on you next" 

Not long after that, Their meals arrived and they Proceeded to enjoy their meal

Time skip to after the meal Y/n POV

After the meal, Parasoul had insisted on paying but I insisted on paying and after giving our reasons, she Convinced me to let her pay saying and I quote "You can pay me back later" and once we made it outside, A lot of the Egrets had gone missing much to our confusion

Parasoul: "what's going on? where are the others?" 

Egret: "We spotted Rias Gremory in the area and Our troops have given Chase to her" 

Parasoul: "What? why is she back after I threatened to arrest her?" 

Then all of a sudden, we heard a Radio go off but I couldn't hear what was going on but the egret that had it did. 

Egret 2: "Rias has been spotted entering the Grand Cathedral! Do we Pursue her?" 

Parasoul: "Yes but don't follow her in, Y/n and I will confront her ourselves" 

Egret 3: "Understood, everyone! Move out!" 

I then got on Parasoul's bike with her and we all Took off into the direction that the Cathedral was in and once we arrived, we saw the Front entrance was surrounded by Egrets and There were some troopers on the surrounding Rooftops with snipers and Parasoul and I then Got off and I still had my Cello Case with me and Parasoul walked up to the Egret in charge 

Parasoul: "What's going on in there?" 

Egret: "Rias is currently just sitting down in one of the Pewers while one of her Peerage members are ogling the Statue of the Trinity. Double is Nowhere to be seen" 

Parasoul: "She brought Her Pawn with her? Alright, Y/n and I are going in. have a team on standby should things go wrong"

Egret: "As you wish Your Highness, just give us the word" 

I then Opened my Cello Case to Reveal the Blades of Buer Drive as I could feel the Cord Emerge from my back and then connect with the blades and Lift them behind my back ready to fight and Parasoul and I then ran towards the Church doors and We kicked them open and Ran in after closing it behind us and I saw Issei Quickly turn to see us and Rias Slowly stood up 

Rias: "Parasoul, I want to talk" 

Parasoul: "I gave you a warning, Now I'll give you exactly ten seconds to explain yourself" 

Rias: "Please! Just Give me Y/n to Fight Riser! We stand no chance without him" 

Parasoul: "As I told you before, No! Now leave!" 

Issei: "hey! Don't talk to Rias like that!" 

I saw Issei start to approach us but I then Made myself known by Striking the Ground in front of Issei and he jumped backwards in fear as he noticed me and Rias smiled sweetly 

Rias: "Oh look, the weapon in Question is here" 

She then turned to me and spoke to me Slowly as if she was trying to get me to understand her 

Rias: "Now Y/n. Will. you. Come. Help. me?" 

Y/n: "No, I don't think I will. Now, Parasoul has asked you to leave so I suggest doing exactly that before things get messy" 

Rias then seemed taken aback a bit but she then Regained her composure and then said 

Rias: "I see, I apologise for talking to you like that. and Parasoul, I promise to bring it back to you when I'm done with it" 

Parasoul: "I said. I'M NOT GIVING YOU Y/N!" 

Rias: "What i'm about to say will make it say otherwise" 

Rias then Looked Right me and then had an Apologetic look on her face 

Rias: "I'm Sorry...Initiate Override code 36E-25-40

That was the last thing I heard before everything went Dark 

No one POV

When Y/n heard those words. He seemed to twitch slightly before his eyes were nothing but the empty black holes of the masks Eye holes and He ceased all movement and Parasoul tried placing a hand on his shoulder and she Looked at Rias with Rage 

Parasoul: "What did you do?!" 

Rias: "Y/n!" 

the moment she spoke his name, Y/n then stood up straight and rias smiled 

Rias: "Good, it looks like Brain Drain wasn't lying" 

Parasoul: "You talked with Brain Drain?!" 

Rias: "Yes, he offered me a way out of the Marriage contract by giving me that Override code for your Weapon" 

Parasoul then Hugged Y/n tightly as she Sobbed into his shoulder 

Parasoul: "Y/n you have to snap out of it, Please!" 

Y/n didn't move at all and that's when Parasoul took out her gun and Aimed it at Rias and Issei 

Parasoul: "I'll Kill you both!" 

Rias: "I'm sorry it had to come to this Parasoul, I'll always cherish our friendship. Y/n, please stop her from getting to me while I prepare the circle" 

Y/n then grabbed Parasoul by the arm and threw her to the ground and it made her drop the gun as Y/n then Stomped on it while making Gae Bulga Go through his foot and into the gun, Destroying it and he then Delivered a Kick to her stomach that made her Fly backwards and into the Door and that then Caused Parasoul to weakly get up and then Called out 

Parasoul: "Egrets! to me!" 

All of a sudden, The windows smashed open as Egrets swarmed inside and this made Y/n get on all fours and Run towards Rias and stood in front of her like a Human shield 

Egret: "Ms Renoir! What are your orders?" 

Parasoul: "Shoot to kill the two devils, Don't let them take Y/n!" 

Egrets: "Yes Ma'am!" 

Y/n gave out a Low Growl as he got ready to fight but then the Magic circle was ready 

Rias: "there we go, I'll be sure to Return it once I've used it to win the Rating game" 

Before they could go in the Circle though, it closed on it's own and They heard a new Voice that sounded like multiple voices in one

???: "You dare enter Our Church and Cause Trouble?"

Rias and Issei then Looked around the Church until their eyes landed on a Nun who was praying by the Altar and Rias Looked shocked 

Rias: "Double! Issei Y/n, let's go!" 

The Nun now Known as Double then Stood up and turned to the group as she had opened her eyes to show That it was all white with no Pupils or anything 

Issei: "Woah What a hot Nun!" 

double: "Ah the Host of the Red Dragon, We've heard many, MANY Disappointing things about you. and Now you and your Whore of a King Dare try and steal what belongs to my two Daughters?"

Issei: "What?! You have two daughters? maybe I can prove that I'm a better Choi-" 

Double: "Silence! you will do nothing but bleed in my Church!"

Much to Issei's Horror, Double all of a sudden Changed into a Horrifying creature 

Double: "I hope you've said your goodbyes, you're not going to be leaving this church alive"

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