Loved By An Amazing Freak

بواسطة Katherin3Coitier

21.3K 649 11

Book Two in the Freak Series- Snow had lost her hope for her future. Her father was gone and had been for som... المزيد

LBAAF- Prologue
LBAAF- Chapter 2
LBAAF- Chapter 3
LBAAF- Chapter 4
LBAAF- Chapter 5
LBAAF- Chapter 6
LBAAF- Chapter 7
LBAAF- Chapter 8
LBAAF- Chapter 9
LBAAF- Chapter 10
LBAAF- Chapter 11
LBAAF- Chapter 12
LBAAF- Chapter 13

LBAAF- Chapter 1

1.6K 56 1
بواسطة Katherin3Coitier

Chapter One

    The wind rushed passed me as I stepped out of the door of the stairwell. My whole body felt hollow as it had for the passed year. Even up here I could feel all the negativity that has stripped the life from my very soul. So much that I no longer could withstand it all.

    My feet felt heavy as I walked slowly to the edge of the roof. I wasn't even afraid of what I was about to do. There was no more reason not to do this.

    I placed my hands on the edge and looked down. No fear at seeing how high up I was here. No doubt. I was about to take my fate into my own hands and throw my life away. Without an ounce of regret either.

    Placing my foot on the ledge, I pushed myself up seeing all of my fellow classmates. None seeing me here just yet. That was until one girl looked up. Her gasp took some time to reach me and I didn't bother looking at her. I just stood here looking out at the forest that bordered the school grounds.

    Soon more and more were looking up at me. All their emotions were hitting me. There really was no where I could go to get away from how others felt. I've tried and now I was done trying.

    My attention was drawn down to the parking lot when the sound of doors closing came to me. For some odd reason my eyes took in whom I could only think was a new student. But still, I couldn't find it in me to find out before I did this. Not even for those gorgeous eyes that I could make out even over the vast distance between us.

    I watched as he raced toward the school. His feelings of desperation and compassion washing over me but only staying on my skin. My eyes closed as it felt nice that someone cared about me even if they didn't know me. I just wished the feeling he was giving off because of me could touch my soul that was just too empty.

    With one last breathe of the wind that swirled around me, my arms stretched out to either side of me. There were more gasped, but only one shout. Only one person seemingly wanting me not to do this. I didn't care as I leaned forward letting myself just fall forward wanting this all to end.

    Inch by inch the whole world went away.

    Inch by inch I accepted this as the fate I choose.

    Inch by inch all my pain and heartache slipped away along with the memories that led me to do this.

    When the moment I thought would be quick, the moment that came to me before my death, nothing happened. My body just floated midair slowly downward. I just laid on the air as I gave into my reality no matter what it was now.

    Was I dead?

    Did I somehow survive?

    Nothing really mattered. My life didn't mean anything. I no longer had any family. No one who cared for me now. Or for a long time.

     Hands slipped delicately up my sides and around my back as I was lowered to the ground. Whomever had me, twisted so when I was laid down, on my back. I just stayed limp and disconnected from everything.

    A caress across my cheek, but I didn't make any motion. The sound of others rushing over as the one holding me giving me a soft shake. "She won't wake." It was a boy who had me.

    "Let me see her." An older voice came toward us before I felt someone bend down on the other side of me. A hand was placed over my breast bone and another was placed on my forehead. A deep breathe before a pause.

    Then his hands jerked away. The guy holding me tightened his hold. "What is it?"

    "No wonder she jumped. There isn't a drop of positive energy in her and there's a barrier keeping her from feeling any from others." The man's hands cupped my face and felt my body stiffen on it's own.

    The one holding me waited before he spoke. "Uncle, stop."

    My body relaxed as the hands went away. "This isn't good. She needs positive energy and I can't give her any. We need to take her somewhere special." There was a shuffle. "Who can we contact for her family?"

    His question was met with silence. "Why do you all just stand there?"

    "She doesn't mean anything." Dale, the captain of the basketball team, said in a monotone. The sound was so absent of anything at all, just like my soul.

    The guy holding me touched my face. "How can you say that? Just look at her. She's beautiful." An air of awe whispered among his words.

    "That is true, but none care about her anymore. She has nothing to give to us. Nothing else that can help any of us left."

    A deep gasp came from the man before I heard one step away from me. A longer pause than before. "Someone has done something to them all. They feel nothing toward her yet I feel a bit of her positive energy in a few of them."

    "Of course. She helped us when we were at our lowest."

    "Yet you won't help her now! Or when she was on the ledge." The guy holding me growled out as he pulled me closer to him.

    "It was not our place."

    "Who is her family?"

    There was a grunt and then a thud before there was some panting. "I can't."

    "What just happened?" The guy's hand from the one holding me found my nearly lifeless one.

    "I can only assume that a dark angelic got to them. That the angelic wanted her dead without having the blood on their hands."

    "Then we'll take her away and save her from the one wanting her dead." He shifted me till I was in his arms. "She doesn't deserve to die like she almost did."

    "You must understand that she may try again to die. True damaged has been done to her."

    The guy rose up holding me. "Then I will be there to catch her again. I'll keep catching her because she needs someone now more than ever."

    "As you wish young prince."

    He turned and started to walk away only to stop abruptly. "Please move out of our way."

    "We cannot do that. Lay her down so we may let her complete what she is destined to do." Multiple voices sounded together. All of them inching closer to us by the sound of it.

    "Uncle B, can't you persuade them?"

    The man stood next to us. "Not with the influence someone else has on them. I'm no where close to that strong. My influence will be like a gentle breeze against the hurricane that grips them."

    A sigh. "Will you hold her so I can get us to the car? I'll drive us out."

    "Of course. You'll have to be quick."

    "Don't worry. My grandfather taught me well." Those words were followed by a chuckle as I was passed into someone else's arms.

    A deep breathe from the guy that had me before sounded right before the wind picked up. The one holding me held me tighter and pressed me to his chest making sure he had me secure. I just stayed lifeless because I was lifeless. There was no life in me anymore.

    It took time, but eventually the wind became so strong that it was pushing us in one direction. I knew people were trying to get to us, but couldn't. The wind was protecting us as they made their way to a car.

    Inside their vehicle, they managed to get away without a problem. It was in that car that I let reality melt away into a nothingness. I didn't care as nothing really mattered any longer, and I didn't matter above all.


    "Please open your eyes now."

    For the passed few days, he has been begging me to open my eyes. The guy who had caught me and said he'd always catch me. I just stayed where they placed me. I didn't know where they brought me, and I didn't care.

    In his desperation, he let his head fell forward. His forehead resting in my hand that was turned palm up. The passed several times, he has been getting more upset and placed his head in my hand.

    The door opened and closed as small footsteps approached the bed. "Oh my baby boy. She will come around. Just give her more time." A gentle female voice said to him.

    He shifted his head and I felt him looking at me. "I know mom, but I can't help wanting her to wake. It hurts to see her like this and want nothing more than see her eyes."

    "I know baby." She was soothing him. "Did Bastian say if she was taking in any of the positive energy they've been trying to give her?"

    The guy shook his head. "It hasn't been working. Whoever did this to her wanted her to never recover."

    Another chair moved closer to the bed. "Come here son." His forehead lifted off my hand, but his hand replaced it. "We will fix her."

    "I can't explain why I feel like this. When she jump, my whole being screamed and I had to save her."

    "Oh son, it'll be okay. Bastian is doing everything he can to figure out her treatment. I've never known an Angelic so good as he is." Movement. "He helped me while I carried you because my heart pined for your late father."

    The guy chuckled. "I've seen the pictures of him cuddling you and you were huge." Smack. "Oww." But it wasn't a completely painful exclamation either, the guy chuckled.

    "What made me huge was you, so remember that the next time you tease your lonely and defenseless mother."

    The door opened and a deeper chuckle that sounded a bit strained, but only lightly. "Your majesties."

    "Good morning Bastian." She greeted the newcomer as she rose from her seat.

    I could only assume it was Bastian who came around to the other side of where I laid and placed a hand on my chest. "So I take it there has yet to be any change in her that you can perceive? No flutter of her eyes. No deeper breathe since you have been with her?"

    "She's been the same as always. Her body is there and she seems so lifeless." The guy squeezed my hand. "Can I help in any way?"

    "I do believe we need to try something else in order to help her. If you both could assist me..." There was shifting about and then the hand on my chest left only to be replaced by two others. "Now just think of a happy memory and let those emotions spread through you. I'll grab them and see if we can transfer some to this tortured young lady."

    My body stiffened as it always did when they started this. But this time was different. A few moments after they started, my insides started to burn. But it wasn't my physical body that burned, it was in my mind. As if warmth was hitting me when I was frozen solid.

    Then my body slumped down as another thudded to the floor. "Uncle!" The guy shouted as he raced around what I could only assume was a bed that I was laid upon. The woman now had both her hands on me. The one on my chest and then her other on my shoulder.

    "Don't worry about me, I'm fine." Bastian said as I heard him being helped up. "I had underestimated the toll I would feel doing that." His hands touched my face before he sigh in defeat. "I can't feel any change."

    "But her hand twitched during it. That didn't happen with the other times." The guy's hand slipped into mine and then his other covered it.

    "Are you sure of what you saw?"

    My hand that was held by the guy lifted up, and he pressed it to his cheek as he nodded. "Completely sure."

    "We'll have to observe her for the next day. If there are improvements, then we'll try it again. Hopefully, little by little she will come back to life. I won't say it will be an easy process, but there are signs of hope now."

    "I'll stick by her side so she's never alone."

    "And I'll help you son." The woman sounded like she was embracing her son.

    Slowly my consciousness darkened and the world slipped away from me. My mind exhausted for the first time in a while. It felt slightly singed from what they just did. Now I just needed to rest.


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