Scarlet Song

By DizzyAxolotl

194 29 0

In a world where inhumans live among the human world, LaRue must figure out where stands in the grand scheme... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 9

7 2 0
By DizzyAxolotl

I had to give it to him, he was scary convincing as a woman and that said a lot with me being a shape shifter. I swiped a shot from the barmaid and slammed it. "This was your discreet plan? I mean, I can see the logic of that now you really can follow me anywhere now." I chuckle and shake my head. "That was--unexpected. The only thing that gave you away was that I know those eyes anywhere." I trace under his chin and come in close but not quite enough for a kiss and smirked. "Try to play nice when Arlemis finds you. I won't say a word." He nods and shrugs, using a convincing female voice. "I can't make any promises, my love. But, just be safe in here. This is nothing like your glamours but, it is impressive work. It was an old friend of a friend named Quentin. He introduced me to him back in my phase of denial when I was a lot younger and infantile I guess you could say to my vampirism. Do what you need to in here and you know where I am." I curtsy and shake my head as I walk away searching the room and finding myself a seat at one of the small tables. I had to let my sisters come to me when they noticed me here so, all I could do is wait. Time passed and I seen Arlemis return. All seemed normal for a while and he even made conversation with Voltair briefly, not recognizing him. Then, things escalated. Soon came a drink sent to Voltair from Arlemis and soon they were talking more and I was way too entertaied by watching this all go down. For a siren, I loved watching people's body language so I knew when talking turned to flirting, especially as Arlemis runs his hand down his arm and I shake my head. Then came the chin lift and whispering sweet nothings into Voltair's ear and leaning in for a kiss. I nearly lost all control when, rather than lean away, Votlair leaned in and I fell into laughter. I lose my balance and utterly end up on back on the floor in laughter and I spy Voltair looking over at me and I wave my arms to signal that I was fine. I stand after a bit and wander over for another drink, ending up next to them. "Oh, LaRue, I want you to meet Kore." I extend my hand to Voltair and shake it gently. "That is a beautiful dress, Miss LaRue. You are all around stunning, M'Lady" I smirk and nod politely. "The same for you, Kore. Just take care to be gentle with Arlemis here, he's a dear friend." I take another shot before I feel a tug at my skirt to see my sister, Xoraya smiling at me. I throw my arms around her as Voltair and Arlemis watch me. "Xoey, it's been forever. How have you been?" She tucks her fiery, red hair behind her ear and giggles. "Yes, it has. I have questions for you but, for now care to reminesce and let this tavern see what my sister and I can do?" I nod and wave to Arlemis and Voltair as I'm dragged off but, they are close behind to watch and keep an eye on me. Xoraya pulls me to the center of an open dirt area in the middle of the room sunken into the floor. We both take a deep breath as we put our backs to each other and wait for the cue of the drums playing. A bucket of water is tossed to me and a torch to Xoraya and we spin and dance with our elements under our control and twisting with each others. Her flames danced across my skin as my water danced across hers. We continued our dance I glanced periodically over at Voltair and the smirk on his face. "So, I know you're here for help. Had you come yesterday, I would've told you to take you and Vera's drama elsewhere but, she's here and I want her gone. She has my husband, Rue. I don't care if you want Crone or not, this has become personal and you know how I take to threats." I nod and make sure not to stop our dance as I scanned the room carefully. "Thank you, Xoey. I'm sorry you got pulled into this. She made me slaughter Lila as well as slaughtering a dear friend of mine's entire crew. When this is over, you will have your husband back, I promise." She nods and smirks. "Would this dear friend happen to be why you reek of vampire? A lover or a mate?" As we finish our act and bow to each other, I giggle softly and lock eyes with her. "Mate and a close friend of mine for the last two centuries. He's disquised in this tavern, keeping an eye on me along with my first mate." She giggles and shoves me playfully. "Well, then sister. Get him comfortable and let me meet him. My room is upstairs, the last one to the left." I wave Arlemis over and I send him for drinks as "Kore" wanders over to me and I shake my head, chuckling. "Go, take yourself upstairs and clean up before I end up with an emabrassing story between you and Arlemis. Last room to the left upstairs, my sister wants a proper introduction and we have work to do." He nods and goes upstairs and Xoraya looks utterly puzzled before throwing her hands up and shrugging. "I have to admire his determination but, I thought he was a vampire, not a shapeshifter." I giggle and nod. "Yes, just drow and vampire. His name is Voltair, Voltair LaCrue." Her comes back downstairs a bit later, his hair still wet as he makes his way back over to us and bows gently. "My apologies, I'm Voltair." He tkaes her hand and kisses the back of it and she curtsies. "Xoraya, it's a pleasure to meet you. So, are you the other captain of her crew?" He nods and swallows back saying more. She nods and sighs. "I know what happened. Rue told me and that's why I have one thing to ask if I join you both. My husband is being held, by our lovely sister. You two get him back to me alive and you have all of us in this tavern." He raises a brow and looks to me. "Are you telling me she's here and that she made it before us?" Xoraya nods before her eyes lock on something across the room and I groan, knowing from the scales shimmering along her face that it was her. She finds us and phases over in front of us two, shoving Voltair back a little and she traces a finger along both of our chins. "If it isn't baby LaRue again Here to recruit because you know that's the only way to beat me?" I shake my head and smirk. "No, I don't need them to gut you like the monster you are. I'm giving them the oppotunity to fight for themselves." She grabs my chin more securely this time and cocks her hand back and laughs. "Awww, how cute. Trying to be everyone's hero like always. So sad, since you're never leaving this tavern again. Have fun rotting like Lila in Hell." Before she can bring her hand down, she takes a small flame across the face, enough to distract her and make her turn and I hear the tearing of flesh as Xoraya and I look to see Voltair with a hand hook in her face as he tears it back out and leaves a giant hole in her cheek. I can hear the low growl coming from his throat as he goes to stand over her. "Keep her name out of your mouth. You don't deserve to ever utter her name or put hands on anyone again." Xoraya wanders over and pushes Voltair out of the way as she conjures a fireball and points it at her as she looks at Voltair. "Stop, you will get your chance to get in on her death but, I need you two to go get my husband and we have to honor tradition and let LaRue do this properly. I have a horse outside that you can take." She mutters some instructions to him as to where he was. I couldn't hear the rest as I watched Vera laying there, horrified and in pain. Xoraya turns back to her and points to the back door with her other hand. "This will serve as your warning, leave now and take your losses, sister." Vera crawls to the door as Voltair tugs me along to the horse out front and props me up onto the saddle before hopping on and taking off. We find him in no time and I slide off the horse to let him hop on with Voltair and I follow close behind them, phasing and meet them at the tavern as I watch Xoraya throw her arms around him tightly. "He was unharmed and we appreciate your help, Xoey. I can't apologize enough for you getting pulled into this." She giggles and shakes her head as she kisses him. "Don't be, LaRue. You brought the light of my life back to me. Now, it's our job to drag her ass to the depths. You have our ships as well as Amsephone's, and any others of our sisters here." I look to Voltair and nod, knowing this was all starting to fall into place for him and avenging his crew and that he was just utterly shattered by ever having to see her again. We make arrangements to sail out again in a couple days and I take my cue to get Arlemis and head back for the ships. When we find Arlemis in the tavern, he's shook and look for Kore and I can't help but crack a smile. We spent nearly two hours trying to explain to him that Kore was Voltair and he seemed aggressively in denial as well as disgusted with himself. That made for an awkwardly silent trip back to the ship and we split ways for me to take Voltair back to his and we wander to his quarters and he rushes to his desk and I watch him curiously. I tilt my head and stay planted by the door as he looks at me, pulling something from a drawer. "I got thinking, after seeing Xoraya tonight. Seeing her happy and genuinely at home with her husband, like it didn't matter that he was human and her a siren. Theywere so happy and content with each other's existence and despite what she was, she truly couldn't live without him, as I can't without you. Which leads me to ask something of you. I know you agreed to give me eternity with you when all of this was over but--", he wanders over to me sinks down to one knee in front of me and opens the box he grabbed, inside sat a silver ring with a cracked sapphire in the middle. "will you marry me, LaRue? Will you give me eternity and hopefully take my last name? Will you be my best friend and my lover for as long as fate gives us? I know it's not much but,I fashioned it from the collar you got from the Captain." I stumble and lean against the door, smiling and crying as I sink to the floor in front of him and nod. "Of course, Voltair. Yes, a million times, yes."

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