Ninjago: Generations- True Po...

By AwesomeSpecs21

4.6K 99 162

This is just a continuation of Ninjago Generations that goes over how the kids discovered their true potentia... More

Ryder's True Potential
Allison's True Potential
Amber's True Potiential
Jax's True Potential
Lily's True Potential
Blake's True Potential
Alex's True Potential

Ashley's True Potential

390 13 3
By AwesomeSpecs21

Hey guys, I wanted to save this one for last, but Alex's isn't done yet and I needed to post something. Just know this is a bit out of order. Ok enjoy!


Ashley's P.O.V.:

I was on a camping trip with my dad, mom, grandma and my brother Ryder. The grown ups were all preparing dinner, so me and Ryder decided to go on a little hike on a trail that was nearby.

"Ashley keep up." My brother said. "I don't want you to get lost."

"Will you calm down Ryder? I'm eight now." I reminded him. "I am totally capable of taking care of myself."

"I know, but Mom and Dad put me in charge." He boasted.

"Whatever you say bossy pants." I rolled my eyes.

"Speaking of which, it's almost time for dinner." Ryder said looking at his watch. "We better get back."

I started looking around and I noticed a trail that was off the path. It looked like it was going on the same place so I told my brother about it.

"Let's go that way." I said pointing to the path.

"That doesn't look safe Ashley, let's just stick to the trail." Ryder said.

"Come on, it's a shortcut." I begged.

"No Ashley, let's just go back the way we came." Ryder insisted.

"Fine, be a buzzkill if you want, but I'm going this way." I said as I started to walk towards it.

"Fine, I'll go with you, but only because I don't want anything to happen to you." He reluctantly agreed.

We kept going down the path and the trail was not what I thought it was. It was really rocky and it had a bunch of twists and turns every which way. Eventually we didn't know where we were and what was worse was it started to get dark and we could see huge rain clouds coming in.

"I knew this was a bad idea." Ryder yelled.

"Ok can you save the I told you so for later?" I said.

"There might not be a later if we don't get back soon."

"So how do we get back then?"


We heard the thunder roar as it started pouring down rain. Ryder took my hand and we ran into a nearby cave for shelter from the storm. We were catching our breath and then a big mudslide came out of nowhere and closed the exit to the cave. Ryder and I were trapped.

"Are you ok Ash?" He asked.

"Yeah." I answered catching my breath. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." He said. "Come on sis, we need to find another way out of here."

"Alright." I sighed.

Ryder and I both took our flashlights out of backpacks and started to work our way to the other end of the cave. Ryder was mostly quiet the whole time and I could tell he was limping a little bit. And what made me feel worse was it was all my fault.

"Ryder?" I spoke up.

"What sis?" He asked.

"Are you limping?" I pointed to his leg.

"I'm fine, I just got a cut on my leg when the rocks covered the entrance."

"Are you sure you're ok? That looks pretty bad." I warned.

"Would you stop acting like Mom and keep going please?" Ryder rolled his eyes and continued to keep going. His leg looked like it was getting worse with every step he took.

"Ryder it's my fault we're in this mess, at least let me help." I insisted.

"Do you even know how to use a first aid kit?" He asked.

"Yeah, Mom taught me." I told him as I got the first aid kit out of my backpack. "Now stop being so stubborn and let me help."

"Ugh fine." Ryder rolled his eyes. "Just hurry, I want to get back before Mom and Dad start to get worried."

"Ok, now sit down." I said.

"Alright." Ryder agreed.

He set down on the floor of the cave and I shined my flashlight on his leg to see his cut. It was bleeding really bad. I wrapped a bandage around his leg to stop the bleeding and I helped him back up.

"How's that?" I asked Ryder.

"I'm fine. Thanks Ash." He answered. "Now come on before the storm floods the cave."

"Wait, you really need to stay off that leg." I said.

"Well we don't have time to rest and you can't carry me." He pointed out.

"Wait I have an idea." I saw a large wooden stick on the ground and gave it to Ryder. "Here use this."

"Good idea." Ryder said taking the stick from me and using it as a crutch.

We started to walk through the cave again but we took it slow so Ryder could keep up. We heard another crash of thunder and then I heard something from the corner of the cave. It sounded like cracking.

"ASHLEY LOOK OUT!" Ryder shouted.

He pushed me forward and a bunch of rocks came down on top of him. I was fine but Ryder was knocked out cold. It's all my fault. I wished their was something I could've done.

All of a sudden my hands started to glow and Ryder flew above the rubble. Then his wounds started to heal and I couldn't believe it. I was so tired I passed out...

Ryder's P.O.V.:

I woke up and I had no idea what just happened. I looked down at my leg and to my surprise the cut on it was completely gone, and I somehow didn't sustain any more injuries from the rocks falling on me. I looked at Ashley and she was unconscious and I stood up and ran over to her.

"Ash? Ashley wake up." I started to gently shake her awake. "Ash? Ash!"

I kept gently shaking her and calling out her name until after a few minutes she finally woke up.

"Ryder?" She questioned.

"Sis you're ok!" I sighed with relief and hugged her. "I was so worried about you."

"How are you ok?" She asked a little weary.

"Honestly I don't know, just be happy we're both still alive."

"Yeah you're right." Ashley sighed as I helped her to her feet. She held her head. "Ow!"

"Easy sis." I said. "It's ok. It's normal to get a headache after unlocking your true potential."

"True potential?" Ashley questioned. "I don't have any powers."

"Well you obviously did something to heal me, and I certainly wouldn't have survived that if you didn't have some kind of healing power." I realized.

"Healing power?" She looked at her hands. "How is that possible?"

"Mom told me that her grandmother was the master of healing, and I think you are too."

"What? No! I can't have powers! I don't want powers!" She freaked.

"Why not?" I frowned.

"Because I want to be a nurse instead of a ninja and if mom and Dad find out they'll make me do ninja training. Please don't tell anyone, I'm begging you!" Ashley pleaded.

"Ashley you're overreacting." I told her. "I'm sure Mom and Dad won't make you become a ninja if you don't..."

"Please?" She looked up at me.

"Ok fine, I won't tell." I gave in.

"Thank you." She sighed with relief. "Now let's get back."

We continued to walk through the cave and eventually found an exit. Then we found our way back to our campsite. Our parents were happy to see us and I kept my promise to Ashley by not telling them what happened. I just hope one day she'll tell them herself.

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