The Fire Inside

By MichelleTorlot

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When Dutch sends Arthur and Charles to bury Jake Adler they find a young woman trying to defend the property... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 3

2K 64 82
By MichelleTorlot

You weren't quite sure how long you'd slept for, but when you woke it was daylight. You were surprised to see Hosea, sitting on a chair, that had been put next to the bed.

"How are you feeling, my dear." He asked.

You blinked, you were about to sit up, when you felt his hand rest on your shoulder.

"Just take it easy, no reason for you to be rushing around."

You frowned, "really I feel fine, maybe a bit light headed," you admitted.

He hummed. "well your fever finally broke last night. You could probably do with eating something."

You gasped, "last night, how long have I been sleeping for."

Hosea put a hand on one of yours, "You've been out of it, for a couple of days. When you were awake, you were rambling, saying some strange things, I guess it was the fever," he added.

You bit your bottom lip. "What was I saying," you asked, some of the colour draining from your face.

Hosea smiled, "Nothing important, I don't suppose. Don't worry about it. Just stay there and I'll see if I can find you something to eat."

He stood up, and walked out the bedroom door.

You rubbed your eyes, trying to fathom how you had got so sick. Probably being out in the cold hadn't helped.

As you lay there, you heard a gentle tap on the door, then the door opened slowly.

Arthur stood there, the door half open.

"You're finally awake then?" he smirked.

You smiled, "thanks for saving me, Mr Morgan."

He walked in the room, letting the door close behind him, and sat on the chair, which had been vacated by Hosea.

"Please, call me Arthur. You had us all worried for a bit there." he admitted.

You sat up, leaning against the back of the bed.

You hummed, "I guess I got a bit colder than I thought." You hesitated, furrowing your brow, "I still do the same again though," you added.

Arthur rolled his eyes, "I didn't think you were that stupid!" he scoffed.

"I ain't!" you exclaimed. "It's just I had to get this," you pulled the silver locket out, from under your clothes, "and I had to say goodbye to my daddy."

You looked down at the locket, not wanting to make eye contact with Arthur, or anyone for that matter. Even talking about your daddy, still hurt right now.

"What is it?" he asked.

You looked up. "Its a locket, my mama and daddy gave it to me for my sixteenth birthday. My mama died shortly after, then my daddy..." you didn't finish the sentence. You didn't even want to think about the day, your daddy married that woman.

You put the locket, back inside you clothes. "Anyhow, its the only thing I have now." you added.

Arthur nodded, "well, good news is we'll be getting off this mountain pretty soon."

You looked up, startled. "Where are you going?"

Arthur shrugged, "Not sure yet, think Hosea has a few ideas." He smiled, "Don't worry, Dutch meant what he said, you can stay with us for as long as you need to."

You frowned, "I guess that goes for Sadie too?"

Arthur nodded, then chuckled. "What is it with you two, anyway?"

You sighed and squeezed your eyes closed. "Its complicated. I guess we'll just have to avoid each other, until one or other of us decides to move on."

Arthur stood up, and headed to the door, "or maybe you could just let bygones be bygones. Not a lot of point holding a grudge."

"That ain't gonna happen," you hissed.

Arthur shook his head, and left the room.

You stared at the door. You could never tell him, or anyone for that matter why the two of you hated each other so much.

Even if you told them, they would never believe you. It was best to bury it, and bury it deep.

If Sadie decided to stay with them, you'd find somewhere else to go. Knowing Sadie, she'd probably try and hook up with one of the men, Dutch probably. He had all the money, all the power. If that happened, you'd get out. Probably even before that happened.

The door opened, and Hosea stood there. A bowl of food in his hand.

"You feel ready for some food?" he asked, hopefully.

You nodded, pushing the conversation you had with Arthur to the back of your mind.

"Once you've eaten, we'll get you out of bed, and on your feet. Hopefully, if everything goes according to plan, we'll be leaving this afternoon."

You raised your eyebrows, "where?" You asked.

Hosea smiled, "A place called The Heartlands. There's a really nice spot for our camp, and quite close to a town." he rubbed his hands together, "and warm. The sooner I get off this mountain, the happier I'll be," he added.

You started to eat the food, that Hosea had brought. Once again, you only realised how hungry you were, when the first spoonful hit your stomach. You also began to realise, how little you'd eaten since the men had killed your father.

Once you had finished the food, you pulled back the blankets and swung your legs over the side of the bed.

"Now remember, to take things steady," Hosea warned, "you haven't been on your feet for days!"

He helped you on with your boots, and you dropped off the side of the bed. You felt a bit weak, but supported by Hosea, you walked through into the room adjoining the bedroom.

Hosea picked up a coat, that had been draped over the back of the chair, near the fire place. You recognised it as the one that Arthur had draped round your shoulders, when he had found you at the ranch.

"Here, put this on," he advised, "You'll need it whilst we travel. I'll go and see if there are a spare pair of gloves you can use. In the meantime, just sit by the fire."

You put the coat on, it was quite a good fit, and warm. You sat down on the chair, by the fire, and looked over your shoulder, as Hosea left the cabin.

You weren't quite sure how long, you sat there, but when the door opened, Hosea came back in with some gloves.

"We'll be leaving shortly, come on outside. You can ride with me and Arthur," he said, smiling.

You guessed he would be glad to be leaving the mountain too.

You put on the gloves, and stood up. Hosea offered his arm, which you gladly took, as you walked outside the cabin.

You didn't know what you were expecting, but it wasn't a convoy of five wagons, which is what you saw.

You looked towards the front wagon, to see Sadie standing there, looking at you, sneering.

You gripped Hosea's arm a little tighter, as he started to walk with you towards the last wagon.

Dutch looked towards Sadie, then looked back at you.

"Blair, good to see you back on your feet, my dear," he beamed, "come along, ride with me."

Dutch climbed up onto the wagon, and held out his hand. Letting go of Hosea's arm, you walked towards the wagon. You grabbed Dutch's hand, and he pulled you up onto the wagon.

You had to admit, the man scared you a little, but seeing at the look on Sadie's face, sitting on the wagon next to Dutch, was more than worth it. If she'd had a gun, she would have shot you on the spot.

She had to make do with riding with the other women.

The wagon train, slowly started to move.

Dutch looked at you and smiled, "have you ever driven a wagon, Blair?" he asked.

You looked at him, and nodded. You felt your heart beating faster, you weren't quite sure why.

Dutch passed you the reins, "Here you are then, you can drive," he smirked.

You gripped them tightly, trying to focus on the trail ahead.

Dutch pulled a cigar out of his pocket, and struck a match on the bottom of his boot, he lit the cigar, sucking on it until the tip glowed.

"Are you scared of me Blair?" he asked, blowing blue smoke into the air.

You swallowed, "a little," you replied, taking your eyes of the trail, for a split second and glancing at him.

Dutch hummed, "you see Blair, sometimes good people, do bad things."

You bit your lip, "But bad people do bad things too," you commented.

Dutch looked at you, "I would hope you haven't come across any bad people, at your young age, Blair!" He exclaimed.

You sighed, "actually I have."

Dutch put his hand on your thigh, and squeezed it gently. You stiffened, and looked at him.

"I hope you don't consider me to be a bad person, Blair," he asked.

", at least I...don't think so" you stammered.

"Good," he said, "because I hope we can be friends, good friends."

You nodded, quickly.

Dutch released the grip on your leg, and gently patted it.

"and remember, its Dutch. No need for formalities here, my dear."

You focussed back on the trail.

"So tell me Blair, about these bad people," Dutch queried.

You swallowed looking straight ahead, "I'd rather try and forget," you replied.

Dutch chuckled, "ahh you don't quite trust me yet, do you?"

You glanced at him, "do you trust me?"

Dutch laughed, a deep baritone laugh, "I knew you weren't stupid, I didn't realise you were quite so clever. I think I'm going to enjoy getting to know you."

You started to feel a little more confident.

"Sometimes," you began, "when people let you down, its hard to know who to trust."

Dutch looked at you, nodding his head.

"Well, I can promise you one thing Blair, stick with me and I'll never let you down."

You narrowed your eyes, and looked at the Outlaw sitting beside you. All these people seemed to be following him, maybe he was telling truth. You guessed you would find out.

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