Forbidden Friendships

By TheKittenWhisperer

128K 5.6K 6.6K

When protector of the Multiverse, Ink, and destroyer of the Multiverse, Error, get tricked into taking part i... More

Author's Note
The Invitation
Candle Light
Pots and Pans
Flames in Shadow
One Big Mistake
Forced Introductions
First Night
We're not friends
A Sappy Apology
Soul Beat
Soul Testing
Night Terrors
Famous Words: I'm Fine
Playing Doctor
When did THIS Happen
To Tell One Everything
I Love Him Too
Bone Saw
A Game of Chase
Sea You On The Other Side
Tell Them
What's The Difference?
Day Dreaming
Sweater Weather
How To Confess To A Multiverse
The Dangers of Shopping
The Sequel is Out!
New Book Cover!

Executing Plans

1.7K 102 87
By TheKittenWhisperer

"Nooooo! How could you win again?!" Exclaimed the creator in frustration.

"I told you this video game was my specialty." The destroyer replied, smirking.

Ink growled to himself as he once again came in second in the game Error, Dream, Blueberry, and himself were playing.

"That's like the fifth time in a row!" Ink exclaimed. "I guess I'll just have to take one of your arms hostage so you can't play."

The creator quickly set down his remote control he was holding and tackled hugged the The destroyer's closest arm. 

"What? No!" The destroyer replied, but not bothering to move his arm, letting the creator grab onto and hug it. "That's not fair."

"You know what's not fair? Your winning streak!" Ink replied back, smiling, as he hugged the destroyer's arm.

Meanwhile, Blueberry and Dream watched the creator and destroyer's shenanigans, smiling and trying not to laugh.

"So, how are you going to play, huh?" The destroyer asked with a smile.

"I don't need to, as long as you don't win again, I win." The creator replied.

Both laughed a little, enjoying each other's company.

"It's strange how Error's voice never glitches when it's just them talking, isn't it..?" Dream whispered to Blueberry.

"Yeah, it is. You think there's a certain reason for that?" Blue asked.

"There's one way to find out." Dream replied.

"So, Error, how come your voice never glitches when it's just you and Ink talking or hanging out?" Dream asked, looking over at the other two skeletons.

The destroyer looked up from the creator latched onto his arm, over to the opposite side of the couch they all sat on, looking over at Dream.

"WhAt Do yOU mEaN?" Error asked, slightly confused.

"You mean you haven't noticed?" The keeper of dreams replied, curious.

"No?" The destroyer questioned.

"Yeah... I guess I haven't noticed it much either, but Dream is right, it never glitches as much." Ink stated. "Your voice is actually quite soothing and handsome..."

The destroyer felt a little flustered at the reply. He never noticed any difference. A light yellow blush faded onto his face and he was unsure how to reply. He felt embarrassed and stupid for not noticing such a change sooner, in fact, the more he thought about it, the more he noticed it. Then there was the compliment that the creator had told him, though the destroyer didn't really see it himself.

"It really does sound nice." Blueberry stated.

"Perhaps it's the amount of trust and safety you feel with him." Dream suggested.

"Wh-What?" The destroyer replied in question.

"Why else would the glitching suddenly go down? The only thing that has changed is your and Ink's relationship. You're so close now." Dream explained. "If you feel safe, you tend to calm down and feel at ease, perhaps that is what is bringing down your glitching."

"...maybe..." The destroyer mumbled, looking down towards his feet.

A few seconds passed and the destroyer looked back over at the creator that still hugged his arm, looking up at him, almost appearing concerned or curious at the other's behavior.

They made eye contact, causing both of them to lovingly smile at the other. Meanwhile, Dream and Blueberry exchanged a few ideas, preparing for something they've planned the whole time. The two nodded when the creator and the destroyer weren't looking. Then they began their plan.

"Does anyone else smell that..?" Blue trailed off.

Everyone in the room turned to look at him.

"Wait a second... That smells like smoke!" Ink exclaimed.

"I must have left the stove on again!" Blueberry shouted, quickly jumping up and running towards the kitchen.

"Wait up!" Ink shouted, reluctantly letting go of Error's arms and following the small skeleton to where the kitchen was.

This left Dream and Error the only ones left in the living room.

"ShOuLd wE gO HeLp tHeM?" The destroyer asked as a few shouts could be heard in the far off distance, likely coming from the kitchen.

"No, I think they'll be alright. It's not the first time..." Dream replied.

"Plus, it was done on purpose..." The keeper of dreams mused with a smirk.

The destroyer over heard and tensed up.

"Don't worry, it's for good reason!" Dream replied cheerfully.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen. The creator quickly turned off the stove and opened up the smoking oven. The smoke flew into his face as he did so, causing him to cough. The smoke soon cleared up.

Ink then glanced inside to see what used to be a tray of cookies, but now appeared to be nothing but ash. He grabbed some nearby oven mitts and put them on before turning his vision back towards the oven.

"Heh, I hope no one was planning to eat these." Ink stated as he took the hot tray out and stood up.

"Yeah..." Blueberry trailed off, clearly a little nervous. "Sorry about that."

"Hey, it didn't burn the house down, nor catch on fire, so no harm done." The creator replied.

"I still feel like I should be sorry..." Blueberry replied.

"What for?" Ink asked.

"For this!" Blue exclaimed, snapping his fingers of his left hand quickly, summoning blue bone attacks that went around and through the artist, trapping him where he was.

It happened too fast for the creator act. He was trapped by the attack.

"Blue, what the heck?!" Ink exclaimed, making sure to hold still so he wouldn't be damaged.

There were hundreds of the blue bones, none of them the same size.

"Don't worry, it's all part of the plan!" Blueberry replied with a cheerful smile.

"DoN't yOu ThInk we ShOULd cHeck on ThEm?" Error asked the skeleton sitting not too far from him. "For TurNing oFf a StOve itS tAkIng a WhIle."

The response he got was the sound of Dream summoning his bow, loading it, and aiming it it just in front of the destroyer in a threatening manner.

Error held his breath and remained completely still, eyeing the other and the loaded bow.

"I'm positive. they'll. be. fine." Dream stated plainly, watching the destroyer's every action carefully.

Oh shi- What the hell! Was it something I said?! The destroyer began to panic.

"Besides, shouldn't you be more concerned about your current situation?" The keeper of dreams asked. "I know neither of us wants a fight, and we won't get one, as long as you play along."

Error anxiously sat there, daring to not move. He slowly sat back more on the couch, never looking away from the other.

I could easily defeat him in a fight, but what would Ink think? I don't want to upset him... I guess I could play along, but what would that entail? The destroyer asked himself. I'll just try to play along, and if all else fails and he makes the first attack I have an excuse to fight back...

"Now, answer me this..." Dream began.

"What kind of a plan?" Ink asked Blueberry. "And what's the point in attacking me like this?!"

"You just need to answer a simple question..." Blueberry trailed off.

"How much do you want to kiss your boyfriend on the teeth?" Both capturers asked their captured victim excitedly.

Though not in the same exact place at the exact same time, both the creator and destroyer reacted almost identically. Both felt their faces heat up at the unexpected question, both of their faces turning into blushing messes.

"B-blueberry?! I-is this really how you ask someone?" Ink stuttered, his face a visible rainbow.

"Sorry... It's just, you would've avoided the question otherwise, and Dream and I didn't want to make it awkward for both you and Error if we asked you both at once while in the same room." Blueberry replied. "So, do you?"

"S-still... C-couldn't you had tried asking in a less th-threatening way-"

"Ink, Stop trying to change the subject!" Blue complained.

"F-fine... Just free me from your attack first, please?" The creator asked.

"Only if you promise to answer my question." The small skeleton stated.

"I promise..." Ink replied reluctantly with a silent sigh.

Seconds later, Blueberry snapped his fingers, making his attacks disappear, freeing the artist.

The creator then finally was able to place the tray of burnt cookies on the nearby kitchen table and take off the oven mitts. Upon doing that, he glanced down at his feet and fidgeted with his scarf.

"W-well... I-I guess I haven't thought too much about it... Perhaps a little." The creator replied nervously, glancing back over at his friend. "W-We've already tried, b-but I chickened out... I guess I don't know."

Ink then looked shyly back down at his feet, his face still a rainbow mess.

Are we really boyfriends now..? Do I want to kiss him like that? I'm not sure... Thought the creator.

"Who the hell asks a question like that?!" Exclaimed the destroyer, taken aback by the keeper of dream's question.

"Sorry, we were afraid you'd avoid it otherwise." Dream apologized, making his bow and arrow disappear. "Be honest, by your face you've clearly thought about it..."

The destroyer froze at the other's statement.

Is it that obvious? Then again, he can sense emotions and feelings, right..? Error asked himself.

"Come on Error, no one else is listening, so you can share." Dream stated with a smirk.

The destroyer visually relaxed, but was flustered at the thought and at knowing the other was aware that he's had the thought.

"K-kiss Ink..." Error mused. "M-maybe..."

His face was almost as bright as the sun due to his blush as he continued to sit there, averting his eyes and looking towards the ground in front of him.

"On a scale of one to ten, how much do you want to?" Dream inquired.

"Wh-Why do you wanna know?" The destroyer asked quickly, glancing back over had the other.

"I'm just curious. You already flood Ink's mind, I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet." Dream began to explain. "It's kinda funny, we bring you up in a conversation and Ink loses any train of thought he may have had. He forgets the topic before hand completely. It makes him even more forgetful."

Dream couldn't help but smile at recalling some of the occasions him and Blue did such a thing to the artist on purpose.

"Heh... Yeah, I'm not very surprised." Error added, smiling a little. "He's adorable that way... I... Never mind."

"Well, now I'm curious." Dream stated.

Error glanced over at the other and then back down at his feet.

"I-I guess a 8 to 10 f-for your answer for the question y-you asked before..." Mumbled the destroyer, still not wanting to share his answer. "B-but we've tried before, a-and he chickened out. He said it didn't feel right..."

"And how long ago was that?" The keeper of dreams asked.

"A good amount of weeks ago..." Trailed off the destroyer. "Perhaps almost a month."

"Why not try again then? Just do it when the time feels right." Dream replied. "It's obvious you both love each other, so I doubt he would hate you for it."

The destroyer remained quiet.

Maybe he's right... I'm still not sure though, how will I know when the time is right? Thought Error as he sat there silent.

He heard Dream stifle a laugh. The destroyer looked over and glared at the other.

"What?" Error asked sternly.

"N-Nothing... It's just funny to see your reaction to the question that's all, and to see that you still haven't recovered from it either. Your face is still as yellow as a lemon." Dream replied.

"HeY!" The destroyer exclaimed.

"It's true though..." The keeper of dreams replied back.

A couple minutes of peaceful quiet passed, allowing the destroyer to calm himself, only a light yellow dusting his cheekbones.

Another minute passed and Blueberry and Ink entered the room.

The creator and destroyer made eye contact, only to both freeze for a seconds time, before both averted their eyes from the other's gaze. Upon doing so, the creator slowly made his way back to the couch and took a seat next to the destroyer again.

"So, how bad was it?" Dream asked Blueberry, continuing on with their charade.

"I forgot that I had a cookie tray in there and that the stove was still powered on, so the cookies were nothing more but ash." Blue replied. "It could had been worse though!"

Dream nodded in agreement. Blueberry then took a seat next to Dream once more.

The room remained silent.

Every now and then, either Blue or Dream would glance over at the creator and destroyer. Neither though would move, speak, nor look at the other. An uneasy tension filled the air.

A couple minutes of the uneasiness passed and Dream once again took a glance over at them. They still hadn't turned their gaze from off of their own feet, as if afraid to look the other in the eye.

Dream then looked back over at Blueberry.

"Do you think our curiosity made it worse?" Dream whispered.

"Yeah... Maybe a little, they seem a little tense." Blueberry whispered back.

Dream nodded in agreement.

"Maybe this was a bad idea..." Blue whispered.

"It could be worse." Dream stated, his voice still a whisper.

"Yeah, I guess so..." Blueberry replied quietly. "What should we do now?"

The keeper and dreams took a moment to think before his reply.

"What if..." He innocently glanced around before whispering the rest of the plan into the other's ear.

"That would be perfect! But we could never get it to work, and it just wouldn't be right..." Blueberry replied quietly.

"I think it's still worth a shot." Dream stated.

"I-I think I should get going..." Error stuttered, finally breaking the silence between himself and the creator, and slowly standing up.

"Y-you sure..?" Ink asked shyly.

"Yeah..." The destroyer nervously replied, anxiously glancing over at the other two skeletons in the room, and then back over at the creator.

"Alright..." The creator said sadly, not really wanting the other to leave.

Error gave a small wave to Ink as he headed out of the room, back to the front door. He felt as if the good bye was awkward, too awkward.

The destroyer soon reached the front door and opened it up. He then stepped outside. Error closed it behind himself and sighed quietly to himself. He had been nervous the whole entire time, scared that something would go wrong, and the tension he had just escaped from didn't help ease his mind.

Error stood there for a moment, looking out across the darkening garden as the sun had begun to set in the sky, painting it multiple hues that were of all shades of the rainbow. The destroyer glanced at the sunset, and an idea came upon him. He smiled to himself and made a portal back to the anti void.

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