The Last Ship (18+)

By NikolaiWolfe

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Highest Rank: #1 Alien 6-21-21 WARNING: This contains Xenophile (Alien / Human smut) If you don't find intere... More

Chapter One: Awake.
Chapter Two: Explanation?.
Chapter Three: Solar Sun.
Chapter Four: The Irinaut.
Chapter Five: Zi-0.
Chapter Six: Lockdown.
Chapter Seven: His Power.
Chapter Eight: The Truth?
Chapter Nine: Zio's Touch.
Chapter Ten: Kiss?.
Chapter Eleven: A Irinaut's Love.
Chapter Twelve: A Irinaut's Strength.
Chapter Thirteen: A Bloody Debate.
Chapter Fourteen: Zio's Dominance.
Chapter Fifteen: The Professor's Talk.
Chapter Sixteen: A Chat.
Chapter Seventeen: A Irinaut's Temper.
Chapter Eighteen: Jewel's Sit Down.
Chapter Nineteen: Confession.
Chapter Twenty: Small Talk.
Chapter Twenty-One: Locking.
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Professor's Discussion.
Chapter Twenty-Three: Their Thoughts.
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Twins.
Chapter Twenty-Five: A Little Sting.
Chapter Twenty-Six: The Den
Chapter Twenty-Seven: New Company
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The New Three
Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Jealous Alpha
Chapter Thirty: The Worried Zio
Chapter Thirty-One: Past.
Chapter Thirty-Two: Guilty Beasts
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Chained Memories
Chapter Thirty-Four: Three Lover's Repeat
Chapter Thirty-Five: Alpha's a Alpha
Chapter Thirty-Six: Memories Bond
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Waking Up
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Cell Chat
Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Panel
Chapter Forty: Hidden World
Chapter Forty-One: A Heated Walk
Chapter Forty-Two: Hollow
Chapter Forty-Three: Dead Sleep
Chapter Forty-Four: Awakening
Chapter Forty-Five: Odd Truth
Chapter Forty-Six: Current
Chapter Forty-Seven: Unworthy?
Chapter Forty-Eight: Unfolding
Chapter Forty-Nine: The Fighting Battle
Chapter Fifty: Boom
Chapter Fifty-Two: Hole
Chapter Fifty-Three: The Beginning of The End
The series continues.

Chapter Fifty-One: King§

1.7K 99 5
By NikolaiWolfe

"What do you mean Professor Jewel tried to kidnap her?!"

"She didn't, she left us here?"

"Dammit! She played me!"

"Fex, where's Zio?"

Luna heard the distorted voices of the others. Her head turned, but for the most part, she was held in place. Fex had hurried her back to the underground. The alpha had done what was asked and brought Luna back down to safety, but not by choice.

Bruno stood with Fex outside the doors where Luna rested. The red haired male puffed on a cigarette as he rolled his shoulders, "Alright, so let's go back out for Zio. He shouldn't be to far yeah?" The twins had brought the translator for times like this. While they tended to Luna, Bruno was preparing to go find their companion, "Let's go get him, Fex. I'll blow through any fuckers that try to stop us."

Fex hissed. The male looked at the translator. Only using it a few times, and he was already becoming annoyed with it. The dark blue male started walking up the hall as he typed, "We will get him now." His red eyes glowed rather brightly as his nails clicked on the floor, "He has to be alive."

Bruno followed behind. His arms crossed to his chest, "Fex, I don't want to piss ya off but, did you see him get out of the Panel before it blew?" He began loading his guns as they walked, "Don't ya think he would had been here by now? If the big guy was shot in the chest-"

'Enough!' Fex roared down at Bruno, who quickly pointed his finger at Fex. The Irishman didn't even seem to flinch.

"Oi! You fuckin' bastard, don't you be getting snappy with me! Least I'm coming to help you." Bruno huffed, "I'm a soldier just like you. I know what it's like to lose the one's who put their arse's on the line, we'll go after em' and we'll find that damn Zio. Now stick those teeth in someone else's direction before I rip em' out of that mouth!"

Fex huffed, seeming to calm down. He turned and began to walk towards the lift to the middle world, "Zio is fast healer. He is alive. Fex knows." The red eyed male typed down before tossing it inside a holster on his side. Really, hoping the translator would break.

As they reached the steps, the elevating stone was being blocked off by Yetis. Fex let out a loud hiss, moving forward quiet suddenly, 'Hey, what the hell are you doing!?' The midnight blue male pointed as he walked. Bruno trotted behind to keep up. The male snapped as he grabbed another Irinaut's shoulder and pulled him forward, 'Class A Zio is still out there! Why are you blocking this off? What the fuck is this?' Fex curled his fists as the other shoved his hands into his chest. The male held his ground as he roared out. For Bruno, that's all he could hear.

'Signs of the spores have been spotted, and daylight is coming. Orders have been to seal off any possible infection.' The male gestured out, 'No one makes it through the day.'

Fex held his hands up, 'Look, the Queen's mate is out there.' The male huffed, shifting as he roared out, 'He needs medical attention and the queen needs him.' Though, that wasn't just the case. The midnight blue male cared for Zio just as much. Though the two very seldom saw eye to eye, they had always had one another's back in their younger days, in the days they had met Luna before Fex's outburst, 'I need to go out there. I thought you all cured the infection?'

'Cure? Yes, can be prevented with high precaution, but one gets sick, all get sick. Cure cannot help against those still infected. Hard to contain one without others getting sick. Only hope is that Zio makes it here before the stone is sealed for the day. Is not safe, comrade.' The Irinaut pointed down the hall, 'Orders to protect the queen. If Zio not return, then you will have his place next to the hybrid.'

Fex closed his eyes. The Hollows on his head began to glow and pulse with color, 'You have to give me some time..' The worry had only grown. Fex pointed towards the door that was being sealed with metal plates and a foam gel around the holes to really seal, 'L-Look, don't fucking do this. Just give me some time to go get him. The hell that with that spot! You're going to let me through, Beta.' Fex of course, didn't have height like many others, but he was still just as intimidating, 'You'll fucking pay with your head if he doesn't show up before that's sealed off.' Fex realized his had no power over this. Luna needed him, and going out was only going to leave her alone, without either of them. He couldn't let Zio down like that again.

Bruno hit Fex's side suddenly, "Hey, are they going to let us through or do I get to blow that fuckers face off?" The Irinaut hissed, and Bruno simply grinned as he threw the large weapon over his shoulder, gesturing for the Beta to come closer, "Fuck with me, I dare ya."

Fex rolled his eyes, shifting a bit as he moved back towards Bruno and shook his head no. He didn't have much to say, and he couldn't do much. The midnight blue male walked back and forth while Bruno, argued with the Irinaut about going out. Fex let out a stubborn growl as he stomped his foot on the ground. The male was in his own thoughts, but as someone grabbed his shoulder, he turned, seeing the lights to the elevator had began to glow, raising up towards the surface, and soon, beginning to come back down. Fex tensed as he moved forward. They were nearly done sealing it. The final piece was being put in. The midnight blue male let out a low growl as he pointed towards the door, 'Stop sealing it. Someone is coming down! It could be Zio!'

'Back off, you fucking grunt!' The Irinaut stepped forward, pointing at Fex before poking his shoulder, 'I told you, we're not waiting for anyone.'

At this point, everyone was already on edge. Some Irinaut's had gathered, even trying to get the one building the wall to cease until they saw who it was, but now Fex seemed to have just as much anger flowing, and the room had began to crowd.

Fex drew his fist back, punching the other Irinaut as Bruno quickly pointed his gun at the man, 'Who are you calling a grunt?' The midnight blue man had gotten the attention of the Yetis, who were already roaring out at him, seeming to be distracted by him hitting at their master. That was just enough time for the rock to rest back in place.

Zio, was on board, but he wasn't moving. His blackened veins were fading, his glow had dulled, and his eyes heavy, 'Fex..' The transfer of thoughts was weak, and hardly heard by the other. Mostly a very rasp whine. Fex was now pulling off the most recently placed piece and pulling Zio through. The male's ears were ringing. Up his entire right side was a burn, blackened and charred. Fex was rushing to get him in, Bruno cursing at the group, and the Irinaut's now seeming more interested in helping Fex with getting the alpha inside. Not even a breath could be heard. Eyes had began to rest on the very wounded Zio. Heads began to bow, but it was not for just one king.

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