She Fixed Them - So They Kept...

By uneey2008

2.8K 108 23

Jenny had a hard life until the night she stumbled into the pizzeria looking for shelter ignoring everything... More

Chapter 2 of 3
Chapter 3 of 3
News of a possible Sequel!

Chapter 1 of 3

1.5K 47 13
By uneey2008

Pushing herself into the old window of the building Jenny whimpered as she cut her leg landing on an old broken chair, her eyes looking around in apprehension knowing where she was but desperation drove her on; she was only twelve and if the police caught her they would take her back to the home. No one would dare look inside the abandoned pizzeria, not after all the stories that went around about what happened to all the night guards; and that was before what went wrong which shut it down to begin with. Walking down the hall she quickly found an old torch and picked it up since the lack of light from the dirty windows restricted her vision, holding it at her side Jenny moved further into the old building until she reached a room she recognised without any sign; the large space filled with old tables and chairs along with a large stage; on which stood two very large and clearly worn down animatronics. One of the two was a large bear his brown colours rusted making the two shades hard to tell apart, a microphone still clutched in his hand as his mouth was slightly open showing his metal teeth; a bow tie sitting under his chin matching the black top hat on his head. And just behind him to his left was a rabbit one of his ears bending to nearly breaking making it stand out even more than his purple colouring, like the bear he had a bow but his was a bright red and instead of a microphone he held a matching red guitar; his fingers still splayed over the strings as if frozen in song. Although she had was not one of the many to see them when they worked Jenny recognised the characters from the midnight horrors children told, Freddie was the bear and the bunny was Bonnie and they once played for the children here; the stories said Freddie was the leader of all the animatronics but there was no one to confirm that as true. Blinking at them for a moment longer Jenny moved on her curiosity beginning to overpower her fear of the old building, her eyes finally coming across a faded and slightly torn curtained corner in the room; a large now broken sign naming it as pirate's cove. The name was familiar but until she pulled the courage to pull back the curtain Jenny didn't remember why, then her eyes met the rusted red fox sitting mouth agape on the floor; his form curled like a child who curled up in their upset to hide which only made Jenny come closer the sight pulling a cord in her chest. Unlike the others this animatronics was far more aged and had one hand missing, in its place was a rather sharp looking hook which along with a eye patch which dangled loosely on its head completed the fox's pirate appearance; yet it didn't seem as scary as it should instead just looking sad to the pre teen as she touched the top of one ear rubbing it in a unconscious attempt to comfort the lifeless machine absently remembering he was called Foxy. After a minute Jenny turned away leaving the curtained area but before she left glanced back, and decided she wouldn't close the curtain after her and offer the abandoned machine some light in its dark home; Jenny knew it was silly but she had always been a little emotional and it seemed now was no different as her stomach clenched painfully growling at her in the process. Looking around she found a service hatch and headed towards the twin set of swing doors close to it hoping it lead to the kitchen, even if this place had been shut a long time maybe it had some old cans which would have survived to be edible; but when she pushed into the room the first thing that took her attention was another animatronics which she instantly recognised. 

The large yellow machine was a chick or chicken depending on who you would ask and unlike the others wore a bib so long it looked more like an apron, the words let's eat which might have been the centre of attention once fading against the fabric the colour complementing the metal cupcake on the plate the animatronics held; oddly the candle on top of the cupcake seemed to almost glow like a low burning light but Jenny reminded herself it must be the light tricking her eyes. "E-excuse me" the words left Jenny's lips on instinct but it was mainly due to the rumours she had heard, in the stories the chicken or Chica was in charge of the kitchen and all food in the pizzeria; and just like the fox before Jenny couldn't help but react to her like she might a human in that situation. Moving around the room Jenny searched the cupboards and even old draws until she came across a small pile of tins, the labels were just legible and before too long Jenny was able to separate the few that would be alright to eat and after a search found tin openers as well; and after a five minute fight with her chosen tin Jenny finally was able to sate her stomach with some chopped fruit. The entire time Jenny stayed in the line of sight of the animatronics as she ate not feeling safe leaving it, and when she was done as if she was in a normal house Jenny binned her old tin and put away the old spoon after licking it clear; leaving the kitchen with a quiet thank you leaving her as she passed the shadow of the large yellow chick. This time Jenny headed away from the four machines thinking it would best to find a room she could lock herself in to sleep for a few hours, it was still early in the day so she felt safe enough to stay here since it was day light but no matter how desperate she was Jenny would not stay here at night; the old stories even if they were just stories scared her too much to risk it. After opening many doors Jenny finally found a room with a working lock on it and key in the door she went inside, locking the door once she found a light switch turning the light on to let her look around properly; and shockingly found herself excited at the content. The room looked like a workshop combined with a tool room a cot stood in the far corner with a old looking blanket and cushion like pillow, moving closer a Jenny's foot hit something sending it spinning to hit against the far wall; the sound of metal hitting metal making the young girl jump and turn to look at what she had accidentally hit. Taking a tentative step towards the mangled animatronics sitting slumped in a small chair against the wall Jenny looked it over with frightened curiosity, this one was not like the others as it sat literally falling apart some metal bent oddly and paint more than faded by rust in spots; the white and pale pink colourations making the fox like machine seem almost doll like. The patch on its chest which was pink resembled a heart shape despite its state of disrepair, and a pink bow sat loosely around its neck and at the base of the large tail which sat to the machines side; two almost red pink circles decorating the cheek area looking like blush circles against the white and lighter pink. The more Jenny took the machine in she realised someone had been trying to put it back together which would explain why it was partly together in some places, while in others metal did not sit right with wires and gear on display through the torn fur like metal covering its insides; the sight was inviting Jenny to try and fix it further but her eyes felt too heavy to approach the task. Glancing at the cot Jenny bit her lip moving towards it and trying to get comfortable, her eyes still darting back to the animatronic which stared at the wall it faced the sight even sadder than the red fox in the cove; which set the idea in her mind moving. She would have a few hours before it got dark even after getting some sleep, and with all the tools her and parts around the room she would be able to work on the machine and at least make it presentable; it would give her a reason to come here during the day besides sleep which oddly made her feel happy. Curling up Jenny soon fell asleep excited at her plan for the rest of the day, feeling warm and safe in the locked room of the supposedly haunted pizzeria; blissfully unaware of the sound of moving metal from across the room as she remained in dream land. 


"I'm home!" The small happy shout echoed through the abandoned building as Jenny moved inside, she had been living here during the day for a couple of months now safely so she declared it home; the animatronics didn't bother her at all and Jenny had long since began talking to them. Sometimes she thought they even had been moved somehow but always pushed the though away putting it up to her imagination and living in low light, they were far too heavy to be moved and of course they couldn't move themselves; and no matter what she tried Jenny couldn't get them to work like they should. She had been using the tools and parts in the building and now all of them looked practically new if a little aged battered, even the animatronic in her room which Jenny with a little asking around found out was called Mangle looked great; she now looked like a fox just like foxy and was rather cute in Jenny's eyes. Despite all the work she put in on them and making the rooms more home like and clean, Jenny still didn't stay in the building at night always waking up and leaving to wander outside or elsewhere until the sun came up; it was an odd routine but it worked and so far Jenny was safe here. There were a lot of local shops and restaurants for her to dumpster dive for food, and weirdly Jenny found that the buildings power water and heating were all still one and working; so even when the weather turned from its current cool autumn to winter she would be comfortable her and able to wash like normal since there was a shower room to Jenny's delight. As usual Jenny headed first to the kitchen to put away her finds from the night of dumpster diving talking away to Chica as she packed away, after having greeted the others as she passed them of course like usual; making herself something to eat shortly after sitting by the large yellow animatronic as she munched away on the salad from her collection. After cleaning up Jenny left going to check on Bonnie as she had left a patch of metal bonding yesterday and wanted to make sure it took, seeing it had the young girl headed to her room smiling as she came inside to see the white and pink machine who she had worked so hard on; the now mended animatronic was what Jenny had labelled her day guard who took care of her while she slept. Moving to take one of the tools off the bench Jenna opened the small panel on the side of the fox, her eyes scanning over the parts and circuits looking for anything that needed work; finding only a couple loose wires before shutting the panel and changing for bed. Once changed Jenny went to her cot and settled in with a quiet good night to her guard, and as usual at the back of her mind she heard the movement of metal; but by now it wasn't alarming just a back ground noise which she ignored as part of her unorthodox home. 

When Jenny woke up she went about her normal evening routine, washing up quickly before getting dressed and collecting her bag heading to the window she used as her entrance and exit; calling a good night behind her to her companions before leaving without a glance back. The pizzeria stayed silent for a short time after her departure, that was until the sound of metal moving echoed through the halls and rooms signalling something odd was happening; something no living person had been witness to for some time. The animatronics were moving. Each left their allotted space heading for the engineer's room where Mangle was standing looking at herself with a huge smile, and when the others all entered the room the pink and white foxed turned to them; holding her arms out to show her body to them. "Just look what a good job she has done I look almost new" The female fox's voice was rather sweet even if the sound crackled slightly at first use, showing she was far from perfectly repaired but was working as intended all the same; the jaw which should have made a terrible noise from the moving metal making no sound to impair her words. Chica moved forward her plate and cake set aside on a chair as she came to examine the other animatronic, her words were just as excited sounding but not as sweet to listen to as her fox companion; the large yellow chick was visibly happy as her heavy body bounced a little as she spoke. "Our little girl has done a fantastic job, I bet you are in good enough shape now to change with us-" Before the chick could finish the red fox across the room moved forward slightly, his movement taking the notice of the others as his hook came to tap his metal chin; the clink of metal ringing faintly against all their senses as his deep voice addressed them. "If ye be feeling up to it lass" The care and concern for the female fox was evident and the purple bunny who was leaning against the wall by the door nodded in agreement, all of the other animatronics shared the concern knowing how long it had been since the female fox was able to even move; so being able to change as they did was a big step she had not taken in a very very long time before the pizzeria was even closed. A giggle broke out in the room the sound rattling slightly at the end as Mangle brought a hand up to her mouth, her eyes looking to all those around her happy to know they cared; but confidently shook her head playfully before offering any reply. "I have never felt better, besides we are going to do it tomorrow right?" Her final words had been directed at the bear of the group, and within moments all eyes turned to Freddie as he seemed to think deeply; his deep authorative tone slipping out as he looked around all of the animatronics. All of them seemed rather focused on the large bear waiting for his reply, as their leader it was up to him to give the approval even if they had all already agreed to the plans; and sure enough Freddie not make the others wait overly long for a reply. "Yes. Does everyone remember what they need to do?" Freddie glanced at Chica who smiled as best she could with her metal mouth. "Make sure some of the old sleeping pills find themselves in her food" The large bear turned his attention next to the large purple bunny who nodded. "Make sure every door and window is sealed shut so she can't get out" Turning around Freddie looked to the red fox who seemed to be examining his hook with mild interest. "Help ye herd the little lassy to that party room then keep her there as ordered captin" Nodding the bear turned to Mangle last and waited for her reply, which after another flawed giggle she did putting her hands behind her back. "Wait until everyone is together then calm our little girl down and explain" The large bear gave one nod of his head before turning towards the door, heading out into the pizzeria the other animatronics soon followed; knowing there was on last thing left to do as Freddie's final words filled the space taking a almost sinister tone. "Then we have one more thing to do before our little girl comes home... a little clean up" 


Climbing inside as usual careful of her cut upper arm Jenny landed pulling her bag inside with her, taking a deep breath thankful to be home at last after a long night; more than ready for a nice shower and something to eat before she got some sleep. "Guys I'm home!" As usual there was no reply but Jenny smiled all the same heading inside noting a few doors were closed that she though had been open before, brushing it off she headed to the kitchen greeting Freddie Bonnie and Foxy as she passed each of them smiling as the kitchen doors parted with a light push; Chica was stood as she normally was and coming inside Jenny began to have her normal conversation with the animatronic. Telling the yellow chick where she went and how she got hurt climbing a fence which she hadn't realised was broken at the top, making herself a small sandwich and then heading to the fridge to collect a bottle of something to drink; finally choosing a small can of soda she had found a couple of days ago. Snapping it open Jenny took a few mouthfuls before focusing on her food, that was until the sound of something banging somewhere in the building made her jump; swallowing Jenny stood licking her lips and moved to the doorway peeking out seeing nothing moved out of place. Stepping out cautiously Jenny looked down the hallways from the safety of the party room, not seeing anything and no more noise coming from anywhere in the five minutes she waited Jenny returned to the kitchen; sitting down slowly this time moving closer to the large yellow animatronics as she finished eating. Washing up like always Jenny felt a yawn try and push its way out of her throat, that was odd in her mind since she normally didn't get tired for a while after getting home and finishing her routine; but maybe she had just over done it last night. With that in mind unable to suppress the yawn a second time Jenny headed to the shower, and within minutes she was undressed and under a hot spray of water fighting to keep her eyes open as her body relaxed; so reluctantly once her hair and body were clean and new dressing put on the cut Jenny left the shower and dried off. Once she had a set of pyjamas on combined with loose sandals Jenny slowly made her way to her room, pushing herself inside and through another yawn said hello to Mangle before sitting on the cot; her eyes becoming heavier with each passing moment so reluctantly Jenny lay down curling herself pulling the old blanket over herself and feeling the heavy blackness finally taking her into sleep as the sound of moving metal caught her attention. Had Jenny been able to stay awake she might have looked up to see what in the room made the noise, but there was nothing that could have kept her awake at that moment as she was pulled into the darkness of sleep; worriedly Jenna did have one more worried thought however. She hadn't set her alarm to wake her up before dark. 


Darkness had filled the pizzeria hours before Jenny finally was able to leave the realm of sleep, any by the time she had blinked the sleep from her eyes and taken in her surroundings panic was well seated in her chest; the low light of the room doing nothing to hide how the night had affected the pizzeria she called home. From her place on the cot as Jenny slowly swung her legs around to rest on the floor she could see the dark hall through the open door, a flash of red light illuminating the dark passage from time to time much like a alarm light was on; and the air was filled with a low noise of metal moving from somewhere out of sight. Whimpering as fear built to the point her body shook Jenny slowly stood glancing around her eyes looking for her bag but found nothing, her clothing was not where it had been and her bag and other shoes were missing from sight as well; leaving her mind to whirl in an almost desperate attempt to decide what to do now. But it was when the her eyes found the chair the white fox animatronic usually occupied empty that Jenny let the panic building in her take control, standing she rushed to the door stopping just before leaving the room her eyes taking in the hallways content with caution; finding nothing even when the red light illuminated the hallway further Jenny moved rushing to her normal exit route. Each twist and turn she took was taken with more care than normal, as Jenny stopped to look around each turn and through any doors which remained open before passing them; the entire time her ears keeping her on high alert at the sound of moving metal and odd low screeches pierced the otherwise quiet building. When the window finally came into view the relief Jenny felt was soon destroyed as she came closer, the normally wide open frame had been covered over with wood nailed in place to the frame itself; and more alarmingly it had been done from the inside. Breathing heavily as her mind gave into the confusion and fear she felt Jenny tried to think about what she could do, there was only a few other places anyone could get in and most of them she had close up herself because of how dangerous they were; but right now even to her the idea of pushing through broken glass or metal sounded better than staying the night here. But before she could turn down the corridor that lead to one of the broken windows she knew about another low screech was followed by the movement of metal from behind her, turning there was nothing in her line of sight until the red light flashed once more showing a form at the end of the corridor; the shape of the large metal bear unmistakable even from the brief moment the light lasted. All the old stories of what happened in the pizzeria broke free from where Jenny had locked them away in her head, she had always ignored them and anything odd she saw during the day needing to keep her new home a safe place in her mind; but within the second it took for the metal bear to move his form coming closer with each new flash of light that safety she had created was shattered and the old image of blood and death returned. With a chocked cry of fear forcing its way from her throat Jenny turning running down the corridor to her right, her mind no longer working under the strain of fear pressing down on it leaving no sense of direction; leaving Jenny to play a terrifying game of cat and mouse in the darkness as yet another screech paired with the sound of moving metal met her ears. 

Time passed in a blur after the first sighting of the animatronics for Jenny, each time she managed to find one of the pew points to enter or get out of the pizzeria she had discovered before; it was either completely blocked or covered with something too heavy for her to move. And at every turn there was always something behind or blocking her path forcing Jenny to take a different corridor or turn than she intended, until she was left in her current predicament rushing into the party room her eyes frantically searching the space around her; which for some reason was lit by a few of the lights making almost everything visible along with the kitchen which seemed to be in the same semi lit state. Breath coming in deep panicked draws Jenny found herself on constant alert trying to find somewhere to hide, there was not one animatronic in sight and before now she had evaded them mostly; only seeing them from a far or partly as she turned corners which in all honesty scared her more. Hearing the movement of metal again Jenny whimpered finding herself in the centre of the room between a few of the old tables, her eyes moving frantically trying to find the source of the sound; only to stumble backwards as the animatronics came into her line of sight. Bonnie appeared first blocking one corridor leading away from the party room and was soon joined by Freddie as he appeared blocking the second corridor, Jenny had turned ready to run into the opposite end of the pizzeria near the main doors but found Foxy blocking the doors like the others; and as if on cue the sound of the kitchen door pushing itself open caught Jenny's attention and despite not wanting to she looked and found Chica standing in the doorway effectively barricading the kitchen entrance. Not knowing what to do Jenny backed herself into the centre of the room turning constantly trying to keep all the animatronics in sight, both relieved and confused as they remained still blocking her escape and watching her; that was until the second of the kitchen doors slowly swung open and the final missing animatronic appeared. Mangle unlike the others didn't stop when she entered the room instead moving closer to where Jenny shrank back and away from her approaching form, the action seemed to upset the white fox as a hand came up almost in a placating way; the foxes appearance taking on one of a more gentle nature as much as the animatronic body could show. "Its alright sweetheart, you are safe none of us will hurt you; we would never hurt you" The white fox's voice crackled slightly at the end but was enough to shake Jenny out of her fear fuelled shock, her eyes widening as the information the animatronic was talking to her filtered in; and then everything turned black and Jenny felt herself falling but not into the cold hard floor but something soft and warm instead. 


In the few seconds it took for Jenny's body to begin falling Mangle's own changed, the metal morphing into skin and bone as she dived forward catching the young girl before she could hit the floor; pulling Jenny's unconscious form into her chest Mangle turned to the others a concerned look crossing her face. The other animatronics had followed the Mangle's example and were no longer machines, and to any seeing them now there was no indication of what they were except for the matching colouring of their hair and eyes; along with the clothing they wore which was the same costume but seemingly now more appropriately size to their new form. "Oh don't look so worried Mangle, our little girl is just fine she is just a little overwhelmed that's all; considering how much Freddie Foxy and Bonnie have been scaring her that isn't surprising" As Chica approached she came to Mangle's side stroking a hand over Jenny's hair, then turned hand on hips to look at Bonnie and Freddie who were coming closer; a hand coming to thread through her short blonde hair in clear frustration. "You guys really over did it you know that right?!" While Freddie seemed to shrug off the accusations moving to pull out a chair for Mangle to sit in, Bonnie rubbed the back of his head in clear embarrassment as he watched the previously white fox sit down; his own eyes locked on Jenny's sleeping form. "I didn't mean to scare her that bad, I just tried to make sure she didn't get out; she almost did too... Twice" Chica seemed unimpressed by the explanation but there was a deep chuckle from across the room, which was quickly followed by the sound of boots hitting the floor leaving the groups to turn to see the red headed man approach, his single eye focused on the sleeping girl in an almost approving gleam. "Aye Little Lassy took more chasing than planned" Freddie watched the red head approach Mangle, out of the group he was not usually easily swayed into accepting anything new; however he had taken a shine to the girl just as quickly as the white fox had. That had made the whole group excluding Mangle wary of how he would be around the young girl, his nature had always been unstable at best leaving them unsure how Jenny's presence would change it; but as he approached all of them could see how his entire form softened taking her in. "Sleepin like a wee babe" The fox's voice was gruff but held a softness to it now as a clawed hand came to push as strand of hair from Jenny's face, the small affectionate actions making the white fox smile any tension in her from his approach gone; now leaving her at ease as he turned moving to lean on a nearby table to watch the group. "So what now captin?"

The fox's words hung heavily in the air until Freddie spoke stepping forward from where he had been watching, his eyes looking at the still unconscious girl before addressing everyone; making sure all eyes were on him. "Mangle and I will remain here with Jenny while Chica and Bonnie will go and make something ready for when she wakes, she will most likely be in shock but after that she will need something to eat; Foxy go secure the exits I don't want there to be any chance of our little girl getting out for at least the next two days. Not until we have had time to get her used to her new family anyway" There was a nod from the fox before he sauntered from the room leaving at the same time Bonnie moved to the kitchen, Chica however hesitated looking at the girl in Mangle's arms seeming torn; before a happy blush covered her face as she giggled to herself heading into the kitchen. "Oh I know I will make a cheese cake and some pizza! Jenny would love that instead of those stale old sandwiches she has been eating, BONNIE?! Where did you put my-" The chick's vice became muffled before cutting off as she went into the kitchen, the door swinging shut behind her before setting itself shut next to its twin; leaving only the white fox and bear in the room along with the still unconscious girl. After a silent minute Freddie finally move to look at Jenny himself, one hand coming to cup her cheek as she slept on; remaining as he was even when she whimpered in her sleep before settling against his hand. "She will accept us won't she Freddie? I think I would break for good if she left us" The quiet words made Freddie look up at Mangle, her eyes watching the bear in clear fear and uncertainty; he could see she meant every word. She had always been different from all of them when she was set aside, and then being torn apart slowly by uncaring people until she was a husk of her former self; that was until Jenny came along and fixed her. She was the first to fix any of them because she wanted to rather than simply because she was paid to, talking to them and caring for them like they were people rather than machines; before she even knew their secret. Now they were attached to her as they never allowed themselves to attach to anyone before, many children had come into the pizzeria doors before it closed but they never bonded to them like Jenny; and now none of them were prepared to let her simply leave them. Slowly nodding his head Freddie turned to take a seat watching the pair, letting a hand rest under his chin as he got comfortable crossing one leg; his eyes and voice softening as he spoke fully focused on Jenny rather than the person holding her. "Eventually but we need to be patient with her, she will be frightened at first; so we must be firm and consistent Mangle. Our little girl will hear us out and understand she is ours now even if it takes her some time to accept it" With that the room fell silent again as both their eyes fell on the young girl, the smell of food filtering into the room along with the odd sound of materials crunching and banging in the distance as preparations were made; all of the group were egger for Jenny to wake now but focused on their tasks for now. Tonight would be hard on all of them but they were determined to get it right for their little girl, she deserved an explanation and the chance to understand; because they weren't willing to give her a choice to leave... not now not ever.

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