I'm Hers

By missk11_

42.5K 1.4K 161

I'm Hers~ The Bosslady Romance I doesn't deserve her. I'm far so good for her. I'm not bold and brave like he... More

Prologue - I Love You.
Chapter 1 - Intoxicating Kiss.
Chapter 2 - Get To Know.
Chapter 4 - We're Dating.
Chapter 5 - To Confess.
Chapter 6 - Proposing Him.
Chapter 7 - First Heartbreak.
Chapter 8 - Miss Her.
Chapter 9 - Making Up.
Chapter 10 - Owe Her.
Chapter 11 - Only Temporary.
Chapter 12 - Years Later.
Chapter 13 - Changing Myself.
Chapter 14 - No Possible.
Chapter 15 - Locked Eyes.
Chapter 16 - Feeling Wow.
Chapter 17 - Till Ready.
Chapter 18 - Becoming One.
Epilogue - Saying Yes.

Chapter 3 - His Reaction.

2.2K 72 5
By missk11_


Happy Reading!❤️

Mia's POV:

My phone ranged as it mentally slapped my sleeping state that is now lying on the desk over my History book and yeah, History is the one which made me sleepy.

"Hello. " I answered the call.

"Hey, girl. What are you doing? " Stacey asked through the call.

"I'm just going through History. " I said frantically gaining a gasp from her.

"Girl...don't tell me that your revising for the exam. " she yelled in the phone making me to jerk away my phone from my ear.

"Well...not to lie but ya...I'm. " I said while I scratch my already messy hair due to the slumber that I'm consuming by looking through this History. God, I better die.

"Damn, you...when you had transformed to the good girl. " suddenly I felt a sound of the phone being snacthed from Stacey and Clara yelled.

"Girls...please. I'm already exhausted. " I said as I knock my head on my desk.

"Good so...be a bad girl now and come out now. " she stated and I widen my eyes.

"What? " I rapidly asked.

"What do you mean by, what?...don't tell me that you are that naive and innocent who doesn't know what I mean. " she said and I could felt the smirk on her lips through the phone.

"Come on...just climb down already. We are waiting down here." Stacey said as I hummed. A day night out while my parents being in foreign isn't bad right.

I get ready in minutes and climbed down my window profesionally as I had done that like ten...no, twenty times before. Yeah, exactly.

I know that climbing out the window on the middle of night is such a wrong doing and I could also came out through the gate yet my parents not home after all but guess what, my dedicated neighbours here are very sick of me. They eye me all day and I hate that, so it's better to sneak out secretly rather than getting obviously out.

They drove off the car as soon I climbed in and they went to our popular hang out spot. It was a bar with mythic and classic, surrounding with dozens of drinks. It was a famous bar where we could find most of our school mates here.

We made our way to the person in charged of the counter bar and choose our usual drink. We have a few shots and we enjoyed the background melodic music behind us.

"Lets play a game. " Stacey suddenly mentioned while making her hair fall behind her shoulders.

"What game? " Clara asked as she took a sip of her drink.

"Dare and...Dare. " she winked at me as she know the effect of the game on me. I dislike this game the most because first of all its nonsense and second of all, its why I had to gave my first kiss to that so called jerk Kevin. Well, it was just like brush each other's lips and that was when we are ten though.

But the thing never gets old as he reminds everyone that he was my first kiss and at that very time I really calm down my anger from killing him at the spot. And yeah, it was a truth or dare but the stupid friends of mine just couldn't take that thing like it is.

"I'm out of here. " I mumbled as I closed my eyes and face palmed myself.

"Girl...come on. Its just a game. " Stacey said as she tapped my shoulder playfully.

"I don't want to play this game. " I groaned.

"Just once, okay? " Stacey begged with her puppy dog face and I glared her.

"Yes...she is in. Good so let's start then. " she stated as she begin to nudge my elbow.

Stacey sip all of her drink on a gulp and placed the empty drink bottle on the center. She spun it around and my bad luck, it faced me at the first attempt. The girls controlled their selves from laughing and I glared them both.

"So...since it's for Mia, what should we give her? " Stacey said as she cleared her throat and eyed Clara for second. They both lean up together with their mouths on ears and doing the same between each other again as they were in a deep conversation. This was a bad sign.

"Can't you guys make it quick? " I snorted as I eyed them both intentionally and my patience getting out of control. This is the thing in me, being out of patience and anger was the basis in me and whatever can't make me peace even when I got warned by my parents to control myself.

They smirked on me while shaking both their hands together and I gaze them questioningly. What are they up to this time?

"You need to date. " they said in unison and I deadpanned.


As if date? Like really?

"You are guys joking. " I said plainly.

"Nope...we wasn't. " Stacey said as she smirk at me.

"Girls...come on...you guys know that I can't...date. " I explained and the shrugged their shoulders like they doesn't care about anything.

"Mia...you have been saying this for like million times now and its to shame for a famous girl like you to not date..come on, just a month though and...you can also learn about dating right. " Clara explained while Stacey nod at her.

"Dating isn't a game...it should happen with..." I was finding a perfect word as I trailed my sentences.

"...love. " I said simply and yeah, I believe in love. Well, not like they say like from the first sight but yeah I do believe in love and I want to do every crazy things with that someone of mine like every true love birds do.

"Girl...are you kidding me?...we are teenagers and true love...seriously? " Stacey questioned as she eyed me with big sized eyes.

"Yeah...not bad what. " I defended and they looked each other confusingly.

"Fine...fine...so just make a prank dating with any guy here or in our school...or whoever you like for a month. No love need to include though. " Clara exclaimed.

"One month is a very big time. What if I get a name of a player or a...bitch after I exposed the truth...this isn't good and I'm new for it. " I stated for myself.

"Well, fine then...one month is a big time...but a week won't hurt right? " Stacey said as she winked on me.

"You girls are never going to leave me, aren't you? " I asked and they nodded innocently.

"Now...find the guy. " Stacey confirmed my gaze on them as the acceptance and roam her eyes around the bar.

"Kelvin. " she whispered as she spot him behind us laughing with his members and I rapidly shook my head. No way. I do rather get caught to my parents for climbing down my window rather than fake dating him. Thats also for a week? Damn, no.

"Then...who do you want?...remember its a dare. " Clara stated and I nodded my head. My eyes now travelling around to find the most naivest soul in here and none of them looks that alike. I took a sigh and I return my gaze to them.

"I don't find any guy here. " I said as I rested my head on my hand.

"Then, who are these around us?...Women? " Clara mocked as she pointed everyone around us.

"Hey...you need to choose someone and fake date them...as a prank only so just do it already. " Stacey nudged my hand as her tone reflected irritation and I rolled my eyes.

I took good more minutes to find for the guy but none get into my expectation. Then, I tried to choose someone from my mind while thinking about all the guy that I met before.

"She's really making this late. " Clara pointed as she snorted aloud.

"Mia Knight...are you done? " Stacey asked as she poked my shoulders.

"You know what, she isn't going to do it today so lets leave this for tomorr--"

"Brown. " I stated as I found the guy which I'm going to fake date. He isn't a loud type but quiet and shy so why not him yet I wanted to get to know him also. This might be a great chance for me.

"Harry Brown?...Seriously? " Clara asked with big doubled eyes and Stacey's jaw was already on the floor.

"Oh...so his name is Harry. Good name...and yeah I'm going to date him. " I explained dramatically while swiping my hair behind my shoulders. Their expression was damn laughable but I controlled as they stare me deathly.

I wonder how could a guy like him will react when he know this?

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