The Motion of Memory

By justinac47

40 2 1


The Motion of Memory

40 2 1
By justinac47

The universe and each living thing contain memory.

 A tree never forgets its roots,

 whether they waste away

 or grow deeper into the earth.

  A fluff-white seedpod floats;

 a babe, bathing in a spring breeze.

 It too remembers

  that it is a part of something

  much larger than itself.

 I look up.

 There, in the deep blue sky,

 is a sea

 of tiny glistening white balls.

 I walk down a trail


 by life.

 A doe prances by.

 It calls for my attention.


 with warmth, our eyes locked

 and the purest connection was made.

 It allowed only for a moment.

 It did not forget,

 Nor could I.

 Something so impressive.


The water falls on

 A faded black lab

  jumped cautiously into a pool

 at the bottom of the stream

 It swam in circles grinning

all the time,

 But at the high bank

it scrambled,

 and could not pull itself out.

 Surely that is something

 it will not forget.

 Though the water veins deep,

 it may someday bleed


 but the universe wilt not,


 It will remember.

 I am –

 The universe, is

 always moving forward by turning back.


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