Stay With Me

By leafyx

68.1K 3.1K 2.2K

GARY OAK X READER Gary Oak was your childhood rival. After you are forced to travel with him, you find ways t... More

Chapter 1: A Journey With You...?
Chapter 2: You Have Your Fan Girls, So Why Do You Need Me?
Chapter 3: How Did You Find Me?
Chapter 4: I Want To Leave!
Chapter 5: Thinking... About... You?
Chapter 6: Just Like The Old Times
Chapter 7: Opposites Don't Attract... Right?
Chapter 8: A Battle Between Old Rivals
Chapter 10: Discovering True Feelings
Chapter 11: What Confession Brings
Chapter 12: The Curse Strikes
Chapter 13: A Last Drop of Hope
Chapter 14: The Sun Shines Down

Chapter 9: Jealous Much?

3.9K 222 137
By leafyx

(Name)'s P.O.V.

I woke up to bright lights being turned on. I sat up quickly, and saw that I was in a Pokemon Center. Oh yeah, I remember now. Gary and I had taken our Pokemon here after they were injured in the battle we had yesterday.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I wake you?" A sweet voice asked. i looked to see Nurse Joy smiling at me.

"Oh, it's fine, really. Are the Pokemon okay?" I ask her. She nods, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

"They're just fine. They need only a bit more time to rest, and then they'll be good as new!" she told me,

"Thanks a lot, Nurse Joy," I said. She only smiles at me again.

"By the way, you and your boyfriend are very cute together." My cheeks heated up. She thought Gary and I were together...?

"Um, thank you, but we're not in a relation-" I realized that she was already gone. Great. A person in the world that thought Gary and I were dating. I heard someone snore from beside me, and jumped about ten feet in the air. "HOLY MOTHER OF ARCEUS! PORCUPINE, WHEN DID YOU GET IN MY BED?!" Gary's eyes snapped open.

"What the- Umbreon! Espeon!" That's when i noticed the two snickering Pokemon at the foot of the bed.

"Bad Espeon!" I scolded. Ugh! Why was Espeon so darn sneaky?! O_O

"Espi! Espeon!" 'Translation: Aww, come on, you gotta get used to sleeping in the same bed... after all, you guys are gonna get married.'

"ESPEON!!!" I shrieked, chasing my Pokemon around the Pokemon Center in my pajamas. Yep. Gotta love the embarrassment.

Third Person P.O.V.

The translator from (Name)'s wrist slipped off as she ran after Espeon, and Gary picked it up and read Espeon's translation. He looked at it in confusion.

"What the heck is that Espeon thinking?" he muttered. 'Translation: Come on, Gary, you like her and I know she likes you too. So why don't you just ask her out?'

"Umbreon... not you too..." Gary groaned, looking at his Pokemon when his translator beeped.

Later, (Name) and Gary had received their Pokemon fully healed from Nurse Joy. "Today's my day off from work, so I'm just gonna go to the coffee shop for some breakfast..." (Name) murmured, heading in the direction of the restaurant, Espeon hot on her heels.

"Hey, hey, dude, don't you know that I need to eat too?" Gary retorted, following her with Umbreon.

"Okay, okay, whatever." The two teens and their Pokemon walked into the coffee shop, going straight up to the counter. (Name) then froze, grabbing Gary's wrist. "Gary, isn't that-"

"Ana? I think it is..." Gary's face went from red to white when he realized that (Name) was holding his hand and paled when he saw that rabid fan girl.

"Let's just pretend that we don't know who she is..." (Name) said quickly.

"For once, I agree with you," Gary said, looking up at the menu to see what he would order.

Ana watched with a jealous gaze when she saw (Name) grab Gary's hand. "Just you wait, little (Name)," she snarled under her breath. "Soon. Gary's going to be mine."

The two rivals sat awkwardly at their table sipping their coffee and eating breakfast. "So... what have you been doing these past few years? While being a researcher?" (Name) asked to break the silence. Gary shrugged.

"Eh. The normal stuff. Researching the Pokemon to find out their base stats and record data in the Pokedex.

Gramps needs all the help he can get these days, he's been real busy with who-knows-what." Gary took a sip of his coffee. "What about you?" Wow, he's actually talking like he cares about me, (Name) thought.

"Well, being a designer's hard work, but honestly, I think it's a great job. I get to spend more time with my Pokemon outside the battlefield, you see." (Name) fed Espeon a piece of her muffin.

"I'm assuming that you want to know why I gave up battling in the first place." (Name)'s head bolted up. He had practically read her mind.

"I suppose I do want to know why you stopped battling competitively," she admitted.

"Gramps is sick." (Name) gasped. Professor Oak? Sick? Was he okay?

"Is he gonna be okay?" (Name) asked worriedly. Gary's gaze shifted over from her eyes.

"...It's hard to say. He had a pretty bad injury a few years ago, and it could be bad. However, the doctor said that he has almost a definite chance of survival. That's why I gave up battling. His dream was to complete full research on all Pokemon, which is why when he isn't able to research, I'm going to do it for him."

"That's a really big sacrifice you made for your grandfather, Gary...."

"I suppose it is." They were silent for a little bit, while the rest of the noisy coffee shop chattered happily.

"Why didn't anybody know that the famous Professor Oak was sick all this time?"

"Tracey covered for Gramps. He made sure no news got out that he was injured and sick. And you better not tell anyone about this." Gary glared daggers at (Name), who flinched slightly.

"I promise I won't tell, okay? Trust me..."

"I do..." They locked eyes, and then looked away. Suddenly, the door of the coffee shop swung open with a loud jangle.

"Hi, (Name)!" A voice rang out. (Name) whirled and saw her raven-haired best friend.

"Ash! I haven't seen you in forever!" (Name) cried, standing up as Ash made his way to their table. Gary watched in jealousy as (Name) glomped Ash. Ash noticed Gary's glare.

"Oh... sorry, Gary... so you and (Name) are dating now?" Ash asked, scratching his head. He was definitely not as dense as he was before. (Name) laughed, unaware of Gary's glare.

"Oh, don't be silly, Ash, Gary and I aren't dating!" (Name) said. Ash blinked.

"Then why-" Ash got the hint when Gary glared at him and quickly shut up so he wouldn't be killed.

"So what are you doing here, Ash?" (Name) asked him.

"Oh, well, I just came to Kalos to earn some badges and explore," Ash replied. Out of the three of them, only Ash was still a full time Pokémon Trainer.

"Gary, I'll meet you back at the apartment, okay?" (Name) said. "I need to catch up a bit with Ash." Gary watched as the two left the shop.

"Why am I so jealous?" he muttered to himself. Then, he mentally kicked himself. (Name) had left him with the bill.

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