The Bitty Father (A Forced Go...

By 9puppys

25.7K 753 200

After His Plan to Commit Suicide By Falling Into The Void Fails, Error Ends Up In A Whole New Multiverse, Bec... More

A Bitty Surprise
A/N (๐—œ๐—บ๐—ฝ๐—ผ๐—ฟ๐˜๐—ฎ๐—ป๐˜!)
FGOD At 11:24 AM
Error And Ink... Together?
Doubts & Uncertainties

Chaos And Turmoil

3.4K 117 34
By 9puppys

~ ֍ Meanwhile In The Unstable Multiverse ֍ ~

Ink Had Called A Meeting to Address Some Things And Hopefully Come Up With A Solution, Two New AU's Had Just Collapsed, And Nightmare's Gang Hasn't Been Seen Lately, Causing Ink to Grow Worried Thinking They're Planning Something, Currently, The Meeting Room Was In Chaos, Monsters Shouting About The Chara's Not Playing By The Usual Rules, Saying Error Could've Destroyed The Two New AU's, Arguing Over Whether He Faked His Death or Not, Thinking Maybe They're Could Be A New Destroyer, All of It Was Giving Ink A Headache, Only When It Looked Like The Arguing Was About to Escalate to Violence Did Ink Decide He'd Had Enough, So After Asking Dream A Silent Question And Getting A Nod In Response, The Guardian of Positivity Readied His Bow And Shot An Arrow Right In The Center of The Meeting Table, Causing Everyone In The Room to Fall Silent, "Thank You Dream" Dream Nodded And Put His Bow Away, "Now... If You All Are Done Arguing, We Can Start Discussing Possible Solutions to These Problems" Said An Exasperated Ink, Already Looking Fed Up With This Meeting, Someone Then Raised Their Hand, "Yes, Classic?" Asked Ink, Glad The Meeting Is Finally Back On Track, "In My AU, When I Met Chara In The Judgment Hall I Was Doing My Usual 'Anyone Can Change' Spiel, When They Just Laughed, After They Stopped Laughing They Said Something Strange"

~ ֍ Flashback to In The Judgment Hall ֍ ~

~ ֍ Classic's POV ֍ ~

"Do You Really Believe That?" Chara Asked Me After Their Laughing Ceased, At This Point, I Was Confused, "Yeah, Why Wouldn't I?" At This They Scoffed, Having Clearly Caught On to My Uncertainty, Then Continued, "Cause For Someone Who Has A Whole Speech About How 'Anyone Can Be A Good Person' Who Sided With The 'Good Sanses'-" They Said, Making Air Quotes, "-That Attack The 'Bad Sanses'  Just Because They're AU Wasn't All Sunshine And Rainbows, Well That Would Be Pretty Biast of You, Wouldn't It?"

~ ֍ End of Flashback ֍ ~

After Classic Finished Telling His Story Many Whispers Could Be Heard Throughout The Meeting Room, Some Confused, Some Thinking It Could All Be Lies, And Some Questioning Their Choices In Life, "That's So Weird, Something Similar Also Happened In My AU" Said Outer, Ink Then Motioned For Him to Continue, "So I Was In the Judgment Hall, Same As Classic, Giving The Usual Speech, Then After I Finished Chara Just Stood There, Staring At Their Feet" At This, The Whispers Increased, Starting to Grow Louder Until Ink Cleared His Throat, Causing The Room to Fall Silent Once More, Ink Then Gestured For Outer to Continue, So After Giving Ink A Nod In Thanks He Continued...

~ ֍ Flashback to In The Judgment Hall ֍ ~

~ ֍ Outer's POV ֍ ~

So Like I Was Saying, Chara Just Stood There, Staring At The Floor, And That's When I Noticed Tears Dripping Down From Their Face, Making A Little Puddle On The Judgment Hall Floor, At This Point, I Was Extremely Confused, What Could Possibly Cause Such A Change In Behavior? Could Chara Possibly Regret Their Actions? Could Frisk Somehow Still Be In Control? Before My Thoughts Could Continue, However, Chara Sluggishly Lifted Their Head, Revealing Even Redder Eyes And Cheeks, Aswell As Tear Tracks Going Down Their Face, Now I Was Even More Confused, Seeing As Chara Wasn't Attacking Yet, I Decided to Ask, "Why Are You Doing This?" But What They Said In Response Made Me Question Everything, Chara Looked Straight At Me, Red Eyes Brimming With Tears, A Sneer On Their Face, "Why?... WHY!?... Out of ALL The Times to Question Something, You Choose NOW As A Good Time to Start!?!" Chara Yelled, Wiping Away Some of The Tears On Their Face, At This Point, I Was Still Confused, Seeing My Confusion, Chara Continued, "Think Back to All Those Times When Error Came to Outertale" I Wasn't Really Sure What Error Had to Do With Anything, But Seeing As Chara Still Wasn't Attacking Me, I Decided to See Where This Would Go, So With That In Mind, I Motioned For Chara to Continue, "Tell Me... Out of All Those Times He Came to Outertale, That Is, Before You Snitched And Told Ink-" At This, They Paused, Giving Me A Glare of Hatred Before Continuing, "Did He Ever Try to Destroy It?" I Opened My Mouth to Answer, But Found I Had No Rebuttal Against Chara's Words, Seeing The Thoughtful Look On My Face Chara Continued, "Exactly, Now Let Me Ask You One Last Thing" They Said, Glaring Daggers At Me, "Do You Feel Your Sins Crawling On Your Back Yet?"

~ ֍ End of Flashback ֍ ~

After Outer Finished Telling His Encounter With Chara The Whispers Were Back And Soon Devolved Into A Full-On Discussion, Some Thinking It's Just A Coincidence, Some Saying Chara's Lying, Others Asking Outer If It Was True, And Some Questioning Their Life Choices, Meanwhile, Ink Was Trying to Get Everyone to Settle Down, While Dream Had Left The Meeting Room Not Long After The Whispering Turned Into A Full-On Discussion, Eventually Ink Just Sighed And Gave Up, 'I Need A Break'  And With That, Ink Left The Meeting Room, Heading For The Kitchen to Grab A Snack, Outer Following Soon After, Everyone Else Being Too Engrossed In The Discussion to Notice Ink or Outer Leaving

Meanwhile, Dream Was In His Room, Walking Back And Fourth As He Thought Over What Outer Said, 'Surely That Can't Be True, Right?'  Dream Thought, Feeling The Doubts Slowly Creeping Into His Soul, Eventually He Just Threw His Arms Up And Groaned In Exasperation, Falling Backwards On His Bed, "This Is Getting Me Nowhere!" Dream Shouted, Shoving A Pillow In His Face, It Was Then That He Sat Up, Removing The Pillow From His Face, He Began Thinking, 'I Need Someone Who's Known Error For A While, Someone Who's Still Alive...'  Pondered Dream, It Was Then That Dream's Face Lit Up, "Blue! He Can Help Me Clear Up These Doubts!" At This Dream Smiled, He Can Finally Put These Doubts to Rest, So With That Thought, He Made A Portal to Underswap And Walked In

~ ֍ End of Chapter ֍ ~

So... Remember When I Said I Didn't Have Any Ideas For A Chapter? Well I Was Reading "A Chance to Bloom Again" By DarkBlueSoul012 And That's When I Thought of Something, This Didn't Really Come From Part of Their Fanfic, More-So From My Reaction to A Part of One of The Chapters, So Yeah, You Should Read Their Story, I'm Enjoying It So Far 😊

And As Usual, If You Have Any Ideas For The Next Chapter DM Them to Me or Leave Them In The Comments Section

But With That Said, Thanks For Reading And I Hope You Enjoyed Another Chapter of "The Bitty Father"

~ ֍ Word Count: 1170 ֍ ~

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