Best Friends Sister

By regulusblackcore

28.1K 454 93

((THE WRITING GETS BETTER)) Jughead and Archie have been friends since forever. Archie has a Twin sister ( Be... More

Introduction of Characters
Part 1 - Moving Day
Part 2 - The Sleepover
Part 3 - Trouble
Part 4 - The Accident
Part 5 - Home
Part 6 - Girls Night
Chapter 7 - What?!
Part 8 - Serpent Slut
Part 9 - " I feel Gross. "
Part 10 - Shifts
Part 11 - My Shift
Part 12 - The Idea
Part 13 - Back to School/Part 1
Part 14 - Back to School/ Part 2
Part 15 - The Tease
Part 16 - The Date
Part 17 - Doing just fine + New Book!
Published My New Story!
Part 18 - "Is she ok?"
Part 19 - "Oh, Cher"
Part 20 - HBIC
Part 22 - Girl Fun
Part 24 - The Night
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30

Part 23 - Shopping

399 5 1
By regulusblackcore

Betty POV

Veronica dragged me into the mall and went straight to 'Victoria's Secret. "Really?", I asked. "Yes, Betty. I saw how Jughead whispered to you and he walked out all smug. So you can't 'Really?' me.", She said looking and touching the different bras. I sighed and decided I should also look around. I followed Veronica around a little bit until she took a few one pieces and bra/pantie sets and handed them to me to try on. I looked at it and thought of the moments I had with Chuck. I shook them out of my head and headed to the changing rooms.

The first one was a light blue lace bra/pantie set. It was more comfortable then I expected and the color suited me well. I put it on the hook and looked at the next one. It was a black one piece with little pink bows.  I wasn't going to lie, but I looked hot. I called Veronica over and she looked astonished. "Jughead is going to drop dead because you look so hot right now.", She said, excited for me. I giggled, looking in the mirror again. 

We finished shopping and heading to the food court, starved from all the changing. I got a pretzel while V got a burger and fries. "So, what did you get B?", Veronica asked, dipping a fry in ketchup. "I got the black one piece, a light blue lacy bra/pantie set and a white lacy bra/pantie set. ", I said quietly so no one would hear. "OOO, your going to look so hot, B!", Veronica said a little too loudly, making people around us turn their heads. Ronnie gave them a dirty look, making them whip their heads back to their conversation. I laughed and asked V what she got. "Well I got a normal everyday bra, a black one piece also, a plum purple bra/pantie set and a black corset. ", she said, not caring who listening. 

"Your going to look so beautiful, V. My brother is so lucky to have you, and I'm so grateful to have you as a best friend. ", I said. "Oh, B. I'm also lucky to have you! Your so kind and loving. ", Ronnie said, grabbing my hand from across the table. "Lets go get more clothes."She said, pulling me up and dragging me to another store.

We got home with about a dozen bags then before. The boys didn't look excited to carry them all into the house, but we still made them do it while we sat on the couch, waiting for them to finish so we could get our nails done. 

After the last few bags were brought into the living room, Ronnie and I got into the car, driving off to get our nails done. We got to the salon and walked in, locking the car behind us. We  picked our colors and sat down in the massage chair. "B, are you still in the serpents?", V, asked clicking on one of the buttons to turn on the chair. "I honestly don't know at this point, I probably got kicked out for not being at the meetings. But I could honestly care less, nobody really liked me in there anyway. ", I said, also turning on the chair. "Oh, ok.", she said, relaxing in the chair. I got on my phone, and scrolled through Instagram. 

After about twenty minutes, they were done. We paid and left, driving back home with the music full blast and a mini concert. "I like lookin' hot, buying stuff they cannot.", Ronnie sang, pretending to hold a microphone. "I like drinkin' hard, maxin' dad's credit card. I like skippin' gym, scarin' her, screwin' him.", I said, pointing randomly. "I like killer clothes, kickin' nerds in the nose!" "If you lack the balls you can go play dolls. Let your mommy fix you a snack." " Whoa! Or you could come smoke, pound some rum and coke, In my Porsche with the quarter back." "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Honey what you waitin for? Welcome to my candy store!" "Time for you to prove your not a loser anymore, then step into my candy store." "Guys fall" "At your feet" "Pay the check" "Help you cheat" "All you have to do, say goodbye to Shamu" That freak's not your friend, I can tell in the end" "If she had her shot, she would leave you to rot!", I sang, turning down the music since we were home. We got out and walked in, finding the boys on the couch, asleep, with Pop's wrappers all over the place. We giggled and picked up their mess and covered them with a blanket.

School is dumb.

That's all I have to say.

Thank you for almost 10k views! I'm so sorry I've been gone for so long. I feel hella bad but school is stupid, but STAY IN SCHOOL KIDS. Love you all!

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