Soulmate stages (klance soulm...

By Klatte4life

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Original Description: When your born you are bonded with another person. This person is your soulmate. You w... More

Authors note
Part 1
Authors note
Part 2
Part 3 (dance part 1)
Part 4 (dance part 2)
Part 5 (dance part 3)
Part 6
part 7
Part 8
part 9
Part 10
Part 11 (part 1 of 5 for Isabella's story)
Part 12 (Isabella part 2 of 5)
Part 3 of 5 isabellas part (part 13)
Isabella's part 4 of 5 (part 14)
Isabella's part 5 of 5 (part 16?)
The sorta date Part 16
I think I love him Part 17
Wait you what! Part 17
If only he'd let me part 19
May I speak? Part 20
The hell in space part 21
Doki Doki part 22
What if we all gave up? part 23
Are you ready? part 24
Keith! part 25
I think I saw something. part 26
What did I ever do to you? Part 27
Something strange. Part 29
Leave me alone part 30
Letter's part 31
Just left him hangging there Part 32
Nononono not my soulmate. part 33
Falling for you part 34
Real quick question
Fix me part 35
Well- part 36
Get out part 37
wanna just chill part 38
Dammit Lance part 39
Help part 40
Foreshadowed-part 41
Authors note PLEASE READ!!
Going afk
wtf was I on 4 years ago-

I did something! Part 28

132 4 0
By Klatte4life

Rape in here oof sorry. 

Lance's pov: 

  I did something good! I made someone other than Keith hard.  All I did was touch him on accident. I didn't even touch him in a bad place, I just touched his neck and lips. It wasn't like I did anything super wrong.  Keith touches me in those places all the time, and I don't ever get hard. Then again I've had sex in the last year.  Shiro how ever hasn't, or maybe he has who really knows. Well Shiro knows, and he doesn't get into my sex life so I'll stay out of his. Though it would be cool to know if he has or not.  

 Maybe I could get that out of him? what would I have to do though?  Never have i ever! that will work! 

 standing up I run around the ship going to find Shiro, and Keith.  Keith was easy to find, Shiro how ever took a few minutes. "SHIRO! wanna play a game with Keith and I?" 

Once they find Shiro and he says yes to playing the game: 

"so how do you play this?" Keith asks looking at me. 

"well pretty much you say something you've never done, and if anyone else has done it then they take a drink."  I explain. 

 "oh! I can do that." Keith smiles holding up his drink. 

"okay i'll start," Shiro spoke, "okay never have I ever, been a bottom during sex." he says looking at me. I glare at him taking a sip of the drink.  

"fine if that's how where gonna play this then, Never have I ever flown the black lion." I say smirking at Shiro. both Keith and Shiro take a sip of there drinks, "wait what! Keith you flown black?!?" he nods.

"okay... um never have I ever screamed Master or sir during sex." he looks right at me and I take a drink. 

"I hate you both." I cross my arms. the two older boys laugh at me. "fuck you" 

"oh yes lance I'd love for you to fuck me." Keith says in a seductive voice. I start blushing, "shut up!" 

"okay well um never have I ever... fucked lance." Keith glares at Shiro as he takes a long sip. 

I blush, "bet you would wanna fuck me." I say looking down and away from them both. Shiro starts blushing a dark red color. 

"oh lance, oh sweet little lance, if I was your soulmate I would be fucking you just not as much as keith does. i'd unlike him give you time to heal." that sounds nice I thought to myself. 

I blurt out, "WELL I like Keith fucking me like there's  no tomorrow!" my fist ball up as I look at Shiro.  Keith laughs a soft little laugh. 

"okay! never have I ever gotten hard for someone jumping across the table to shut me up!" the two stare at me neither of them take a sip. 

"neither have we lance." shiro say. 

"um yesterday-" "-no lance I got hard after you sat in my lap and I felt something up your ass, and if you don't remember you did move a little that's what made me hard lance." Shiro stands up. 

"well I think I'm done playing, I should go do something... other than this." he leaves the room. 

"why would you say that lance?"  Keith stands up. He picks me up in his arms, he starts walking to his room with me in his arms.  

Did I do something wrong? 

 I look at keith blushing a small bit, "lance, I've done this a million times why are you being so ...blushy about it?" 

"I am not! if your going to be mean to me i'll just leave you alone." i jump out of keiths arms and walk to my room. 

 on my way there I feel a body pin me to the wall. at first I thought it was keith, but then they spoke into my ear. "lance why would you ever do that." the voice sounds like shiro, fuck. I try to push the bigger male away. It doesn't work and I'm pinned closer to the wall. 

"get off me" i say rather weakly, he doesn't stop pushing me closer and closer to the wall. soon enough I feel something poke my backside. 

Rape ahead

Shiro pulls me into the door closest to where we are. this just so happens to be some sort of closest. I hear an unzipping nosie. I look behind me and see Shiro pulling out his dick. I don't say anything. he pulls down my jeans and breffs. 

 "Shiro please don't do this." I cry out. he doesn't pay any care he lines himself up with me and pushes himself in. no prep or anything, i scream. 

"stop it!" i cry out as my body gives into him. I feel the pain start to become pleaser. "sto- nah!" i moan as he exits me then goes back in. 

 I moan and cry and scream, he keeps doing this until w both cum. 

He then zips himself up and opens the door, he looks back at me and kisses me. i try to pull away then he pulls me into a deeper kiss. "don't you dare tell anyone about this" 

End of rape 

 He closes the door i'm on the floor half naked and crying my eyes out. the cries are unadiable. Don't you dare tell anyone about this  his words echo in my ears. It's all i hear. 

after an hour of me crying and feeling like shit I stand up to go feel clean. I get  in the shower I hear Shiro's voice. this makes me hide in the corner of the shower in fear. he passes my shower and gives me a look. I shudder at this look.  He goes and takes his own shower I do the same getting out as soon as I feel clean. 

 The shower was about an hour long. when done I run to my room hiding in there. I wanna be away from everyone, mostly just shiro and keith.

HEY! so sorry this chapter had that in it I just idk. so like yeah sorry if you stand shiro or something and your now mad at Shiro in this story. idk. but like yeah. btw I ship stance and klance so like yeah. also feel real bad for making Shiro do that to lance but oh well.  it's fanfiction  not cannon. okay well bye! thanks for reading this part was 1091 words. m'kay bye! thanks for reading again,  sorry if i got anything wrong in like feeling and stuff.  i just oof. don't wanna seem insesitive. okay bye now. i'll have a new part out maybe tomorrow or sunday. who knows!?! tell me what you think or don't i like reading y'alls comments so yeah. thanks for reading this part and know to go annoy comrade maybe...fuck me gently with a chain saw. okay bye know for real. 

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