The Desolation of Light

By ilia_the_elf

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Born in a time of peace and prosperity, Evelyn never anticipated the moment her training as a Warrior would b... More

Chapter 1~ The Day the Shadows came
Chapter 2~ To the Encampment
Chapter 3~ Death's Warning
Chapter 5~ Down into Darkness
Chapter 6~ Death in Shadows
Chapter 7~ A Gift more precious than Gold
Chapter 8~ Some say the World will End in Fire
Chapter 9~ Waking up to the Sounds of Silence
Chapter 10~ Trusting a Stranger
Chapter 11~ Not all are what they seem
Chapter 12~ Those left Behind
Chapter 13~ We leave at Dusk
Poem dedications

Chapter 4~ With Tooth and Claw

44 5 4
By ilia_the_elf

                                  Chapter 4~ With Tooth and Claw

        Evelyn stopped at the base of the mountain and stared, worried, down the path that led before them. Wite stood at her side, his sword drawn, and nearby the other two soldiers lingered. Only Wite had taken any heed of her warning. Like Kovoth, the other two believed it was just a wild animal that had attacked the patrol.

        But now as all of them stared at the swaying shadows cast by the overhanging tree branches, no one could deny that the Shadows's presence was a very real possibility.

          On either side of the path, towering oaks with thick canopies of leaves loomed overhead and stretched out towards the sheer rock walls of the valley. Their large branches cast down pools of shadows that were then mutilated by the hazy light that sifted down between the leaves. A few birds twittered in the treetops, but all else was silent. The entire area gave off an ominous aura, and Evelyn shiver. I don't like how dark it is through here…

          "Listen, everyone." Trace, perhaps the oldest there, waved them forward and raised a hand towards the path. "It's still light enough along this way that there shouldn't be any Shadow creatures here; however," He grimaced. "there are other monsters we need to be weary of. Wolves prowl through these woods and on rare occasions, even goblins. If we're not careful, we could be ambushed."

          "Oh please." Smidge, a short arrogant fellow, crossed his arms and practically laughed at them. "If there's anything along here, it'll probably just be a couple of hares. Step aside and let a real man take the lead."

          He barged past Trace and shoved Evelyn aside before she could even respond. His broad sword glinted in the last glimmer of light as he stepped forward onto the path.

          Evelyn flinched, expecting something terrible to happen, but nothing did. Smidge still stood there with that arrogant smirk on his face, and his broad sword still gripped in hand. "Well, come on then. We don't have all day."

          She sighed, glancing at Wite. "I suppose he's right. Let's go." She was the first after Smidge to step into the looming shelter of trees. She blinked, trying to adjust to the low lighting.

          The others closed into a tight circle around them, searching the shadows for any sign of movement. Aside from the occasional swaying tree branch or rustle of the undergrowth however, there was nothing. But Evelyn's nerves were still racing. She didn't like this. It just felt wrong.

          Trace gulped. "We uh.. we need to keep going."

          "Yeah!" Smidge raised his sword and darted ahead. "Come on men, let's get moving."

          Was this just a joke to him? Evelyn shook her head in disbelief. Wite just shrugged and trudged after him. There was something in her friend's expression that made her wonder what he was thinking.

          Together the four hustled along the narrow trail leading up the mountain. Smidge stayed in the lead to act like the arrogant, brave leader he thought he was, while the rest of the group kept a more alert eye on their surroundings. Occasionally someone would stop at the sound of a branch snapping or the flutter of large wings overhead, but it would turn out to be nothing and they would continue on once more.

          Evelyn stayed a short distance behind Wite in case anything were to attempt an ambush from the rear, but it wasn't long before her friend's pace slowed. "Hey…" She fell into step beside him. "Are you alright?"

          "No. He's gonna end up getting himself and the rest of us killed." Wite nodded his head towards Smidge and they both watched him with disdain as he twirled his sword about in his hands. "He never takes anything seriously."

          "I know. That's the problem with him." She inhaled a deep breath and trotted forward.

          "Where are you going?" Wite called after her.

          "I'm gonna talk some sense into that arrogant idiot." She didn't turn around although she could feel Wite's gaze burning into her back. He was probably against her idea, but she had to try. "Smidge!"

          He turned to yawn in her face. She wrinkled her nose. Lord! His breath could knock someone unconscious! "Ee-yes?"

          "You're going to get us all killed! Why in hell aren't you paying attention to your post. You're the leader, you're suppose to be watching out for an ambush. Trace should be in charge instead."

          "Oh please," he just waved her off. "Scared of a couple of woodland creatures? What's out here to be afraid of?"

          "How.. how about them for a start?"

          Evelyn wheeled about when the haunting howls broke through the air. Wolves lined the edge of the forest. There were dozens of them, each a bristling body of tooth and claw. They wove in and out among the trees and leapt up from behind boulders or stood at the top of the valley walls. Wite and Trace backed up to join her, and all four of them drew their weapons.

          The beasts snarled, and the largest, a massive grey wolf, charged out of the undergrowth to stand in the center of the path. The others started to slink into place beside it.

          Her eyes widened in shock. There's so many of them!

          "We can't fight them all!" Smidge's terrified voice rang out, but she barely heard him. Her own terror had shut out everything else.

          Wite raised his shield. "What do we do?"

          The leading wolf settled back on its haunches, its eyes glinting, and gave a deafening howl.

          Instantly the other wolves charged forward and swept towards the patrol.

          Evelyn screamed as a large heavy body slammed into her and sent her sprawling onto her back. Teeth snapped at her and a jaw clamped shut around her leg. She thrashed her sword around in desperation, crying out as the teeth bit into her armor. Sharp pain laced up her leg, then her blade made contact with the wolf's body and it let go with a yelp. Warm sticky liquid pooled over her leg as she stood up. The others were struggling nearby.

          Wite crashed into several wolves and battered them aside with his shield, while Trace fended off three more with quick, measured jabs. Smidge was nowhere to be found, but Evelyn barely had a moment to look for him before two wolves peeled off to charge at her.

          She dodged and jumped forward at the nearest wolf, but it outpaced her quickly. It was behind her before she even stumbled to a stop. She whirled about just as one of the creatures leapt at her, its claws snagging her clothes. Her sword smashed against its side with enough force that its spine snapped with a loud crack. Its body tumbled to the left from her blow and took out the other wolf. Evelyn ran forward while it struggled to get up, and drove her sword straight through its skull. Blood pooled across the ground in crimson streams.

          In fury, several more wolves closed in around her and she backed away in fear. There was too many of them. Even as she braved a quick glance at the way they'd come, she could see several more lean, ragged bodies racing down the slope, howling with hunger.

          Nearby someone shouted in terror. "There's too many!"

          They had only one choice left if they wanted to survive. "Run!" Evelyn swung her sword at the wolves to fend them off. "Run quickly! Head for the mines!" One of the beasts lunged for her again, faster than she could move. She screamed and flung her hands up in front of her face.

          Wite appeared out of nowhere to smash the wolf aside. Droplets of blood flew upwards to splatter across his face as his heavy sword slashed through the beast. "Come on!" He grabbed Evelyn's hand, yanking her forward alongside him and together they started running.

          Trace and Smidge had already taken off, visible as two blood-smattered figures running ahead. But the wolves weren't thrilled with their prey fleeing for their lives. They bolted after them, howling madly.

          Evelyn scrambled up the crumbling path of the mountain, but even as she struggled, the soles of her boots couldn't find any traction. Rocks cascaded beneath her feet and she felt as if she would fall with every step. She scrambled for the top of the hill, nearly reaching the top when several stones suddenly gave way beneath her. She cried out, falling to her hands and knees as the loose stones crumpled beneath her. The wolves lunged for her.

          "Evelyn!" Wite flung himself towards her and grabbed her below the shoulder, pulling her up and over the side just as a jaw snapped closed where her legs had been only moments before.

          She didn't have time to thank him, only to nod and keep running with every ounce of strength she had left.

          "Hurry! This way!" Trace was standing at the entrance to the mine. He held the door open for them, his eyes wide with fear. She bolted towards him and tried not to let the terror take hold. The entire earth shook from the heavy drumming of a score of wolves racing after them, but they were nearly there. They could make it.

          She and Wite rushed through the doorway side by side, and immediately whirled around to help Trace shove the door close. "Nrgh! Come on!" She strained with everything she had. The door inched almost closed. Then the wolves hurled themselves at the wood and Evelyn hollered as she was knocked backwards. But she flung herself forward again almost immediately to help the others, and together, they slammed the door close. The sound of frenzied barks and clawing at the wood echoed through the mine. They wouldn't be going out that way any time soon.

          Evelyn collapsed on the ground, breathing hard. Everything hurt. Her legs ached, her lungs burned, the sticky clutches of blood still clung to her fingers. She grimaced. "That… was… way… too close…"

          Having slumped against the wall, panting heavily, it was no surprise that Wite didn't even say a word.

          Evelyn felt a touch of adoration when she ran her eyes over the gawky, ragged teen. He had saved her life, not only once, but twice already that day. Wite was braver than she gave him credit for.

          "Oh and how great." Smidge's angered huff interrupted her thoughts. He was pacing back and forth in the thin line of light that snaked out from under the door. "So now instead of being hunted down by a pack of wolves, we're all trapped in some dark, God-forsaken cave. It probably goes on for miles."

          She rolled her eyes. Smidge was such a whiner. "Oh shut it," she demanded as she stood. Her fingers groped around for the torch she had strapped to her back and deftly started untying it. "Trace, can you give me a hand with this?"

          "Yeah…" He moved forward to help her untangle the knots and she shivered as his cold fingers brushed against the back of her neck.

          "I saw how you were fighting earlier today against the wolves. You were taking on so many just to draw them away from us. That was really brave."

          "Maybe,  but that's what a leader's suppose to do. Protect the others… Here…" He trailed off as he passed her the torch. She could faintly make out the traces of worry on his face before he turned away.

          "Alright then." Braving a few steps forward into the dark tunnel, Evelyn raised her torch. "Let's get a good look around. Burne." At her command, the torch flickered into life and flooded the cave with a warm reddish glow.

          Rocks and narrow pieces of broken boards leapt up from the darkness. Several shattered beams lay discarded at her feet while other wooded doorways loomed out at her. The tunnels were made of nothing but compact soil and stone that oscillated between brown and orange in the light of the flames. She took several tentative steps out into the middle of the cavern and studied the tunnels. One was just a small dug out in the side of the wall, while another lead onward for a short ways before ending in a mess of fallen stone.  But the last path she could see, twisted and turned further into the mountain. "We should go this way. It might be a way out."

          "I uh…" Wite swallowed. "I don't think we should go anywhere. We should just wait for the wolves to leave." He was noticeably paler now that she could see him in the light, and he looked like he was going to be sick. What'd happened to him?

          "That's ridiculous. Those wolves will never leave. Give me that torch." Smidge tried to snatch it from her grasp but she danced backwards out of his reach, making him scowl. "I hate to say it, but she's right. I'm not sitting here until I rot."

          "I still think it's a bad idea…"

          As much as she hated exploring more of the dark cave, it was better than possibly turning into sitting ducks for the wolves. "What do you say Trace? You're the leader. Whatever you say goes."

          He eyed her as he stepped forward into the light. "We can't risk staying here for several hours, hoping the wolves will leave. It's dark enough in here already without waiting for night to fall. If the Shadows come, we won't stand a chance. It's better we try to find a way out."

          "Alright everyone." Evelyn turned to face the rest of the group, watching the firelight cast shadows across their faces and the cave walls behind them. "Everyone for trying to get out of here?"

          Trace nodded. "Aye."


          "I think you're insane." Wite gave a sigh. "But I'm coming with you."

          Evelyn pulled a smile and brandished her torch towards the tunnel "Okay then, let's go." The others nodded and all four of them headed into the cavern, the firelight fading away behind them.

          But no one noticed the three shadowy figures that slowly peeled themselves off the walls at the edge of the torch light, nor did they even noticed as the creatures slithered along after them. The beings hissed to one another in silent delight before slinking into the tunnel and vanishing into the dark.


        I'm actually quite proud of this chapter which is actuallly a change from the norm. Recently I've been getting a lot of bad feedback about all kinds of things. Too much description, not enough action, things like that, and although I'm trying to fix the problems, I can't pretend that I'm not having a hard time with it all. 

        So yeah, if you guys like this, let me know. Leave a comment or a vote or something. Right now I need the encouragement more than anything. I mean... it's been a lot for me to take in..

        And to all those who are reading, thank you. I don't know where I'd be without any of you. It's the encouragement of all you wonderful people out here who have kept me writing and stopped me from giving up. Thank you all so much.

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