Neko and Wolf ( inuyasha love...

By Lentaolover

2.4K 23 4


Neko and Wolf ( inuyasha love story)

2.4K 23 4
By Lentaolover

before you read this you need to know i can't write well so dont be mean and comment bad after your done

Name: Luna



Race human/ neko demon


Setting or how you met: I just got back from the woods with my and dads dinner. When a boy with long black hair pull back. Came up behind me and ask if I knew where lnuyasha was at. I told him to follow me

Personality : sweet careful helpful hot head

Horoscope Sign: Leo

As we got to the door I stop and ask why he needed to see my dad. His eyes got bigger and says lnuyasha your father you look nothing like him and you dont smell like him but a girl I use to know he said. oh you must mean my mom who die giving birth to me. Yes wait i thought your dad kill your mom but anyway what type of demon are you, I don't even know your name he ask. I'm Luna I'm a neko and who might you be if I maybe ask I said. You can ask I'm koga the leader of wolf demon of the north side of the wolf land. Luna get away from koga is a bad person and will try to hurt you lnuyasha said. Daddy I'm not a little girl anymore I can take care of myself and I just got back from getting dinner so I'm going to go to the river and look at the sky, if you don't like that I will tell everyone about what you did to that little child from the castle in the east I said. Fine just be careful my only girl lnuyasha said Allways dad You know I can rip apart anyone that cross my path. So I go to the river with koga and jump in the water. Koga just look at me with a smile on his face. Koga come in it feels so nice I said. Koga look at me then took off his armor and walk in. Feels nice right koga and then I swim away from him. I dive under the water and something from below grab my legs and drag me to river floor. I try to get away and did just enough time to yell help to koga before being drag down again. I must had pass out because I woke up in a cave I turn my face to see koga sitting looking at me. (Point of view of koga flashback to river) I was looking at the river waiting for Luna to come back up. When I saw her head poke out of water. She said help and was drag down. I look in water to see a monster drag her legs down. I could see her body turn white so I grab the knife and stab the monster in the heart. I got out of water lay her on the ground she didnt wake up. I place my lips on hers and try to do CPR. It took me three times before she spit up the water in her mouth. She didn't open her eyes but I could tell she was ok. I carried her to wolf den and place her on my bed before sitting on the floor. ( end of koga point of view and flashback ). Um koga what happen I said. Oh I kill the monster and gave you CPR then took you to my wolf den koga said. Wait you kiss me koga that was my first kiss I said sitting up. There's no way that's true a pretty girl like you he said getting up and sitting next to me. Well it's true and now I get pay back koga I said. What are y... I cut him off by kissing him and push him down on the bed. I lick at his neck and suck on his ears and lastly I grab his ass before moveing to other side of room. I look over to see that he wasn't move and had a smile on his face. We sat there for ten minutes before koga said luna why did you do that. I got up and walk to the front if cave and saw two other wolf sitting on a rock just over the waterfall. As I was walk over to them I slip and hit my head a rock. I place my hand on back to my head to feel something warm my fingers. It's was blood and I was losing a lot of blood. I must have pass out again because I woke up in the same room as before. But this time koga wasn't sitting on the ground like before. I try to turn my head but all I could feel was pain. So I just look at the wall just then I heard a noise coming from the other side of bed. I turn my whole body to see koga sleeping I though it was cute so I run my finger along his lips he didn't make a move so I press my lips to meet his. Still nothing happen so I wrap my arm around him and grab his butt. He woke up and said what was that for. I press

My lips to his again. He move his arms and wrap it around my legs and pull me in closer. I could feel his warm skin on my legs. I lick at his neck and suck on his ears and lastly I grab his ass before moveing to other side of bed again and turn my back to him. It didn't take long before he pull me back and wrap his arms around me again. I smile as his lips suck on my neck. I could feel his hand go up my shirt to my bra. I moan as his hand rub the top of my chest. I moan his name and he moves his lips to my ear and suck on it. I turn over to meet his eyes but my chest end up in his face. I blush and try to move down a bit but koga stop me and start sucking on my chest. Then pull off my shirt and kiss on the lace of my bra. I started taking off his shirt before moving my lips back to his.then his when back to my chest I need you. And I want you. Be with me? He asked peeling his lips from my collarbone and sitting up a little. Ive been yours since I met you . I smiled sitting up to kiss him. He pinned me to the bed with the kiss, his stomach was like metal on my skin. I moaned before i could stop it. We entered a make-out session in seconds, I didn't even notice when his hands had found the two clasps on the front of my bra. But he stopped, breaking the kiss but never letting go of my closed bra clasps. I want to, but not here.not now But if you.. He whispered trailing off, slowly letting go. Koga still holding me i was still looking at his big brown eyes.I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms coiled around my back in a hug. I love you. I kissed his cheek, still keeping the hug. I love you too. He sighed into my shoulder. Koga lift his head Koga froze for a second as i played with his hair then he came back to normal. I dont want to overwhelm you. He said starting to kiss and occasionally suck on my neck, in an attempt to find my soft spot. Ha! Is that a challenge? I smiled, playing with his hair. He reached my soft spot and sucked hard and I moaned so loud I thought the world could hear it. I tried to think of ways of explaining my new hickey to my dad . Ill take that as a yes. I smiled, koga trailing back up to my lips. Okaywell prepare to have your mind blown. I bit his lip as I felt koga smile grow on my skin. Switching it on him, so i were on top of the world . I push koga back down Not bad He laughed sliding his hands down my thighs that were now on either side of him. Im just getting started. I said slyly but in a taunting way. I leaned down and kissed him again, hard and full of emotion. He kissed back quickly and with the same passion. My left hand was planted on the bed by his head to keep me up, my right starting to climb down his chest.i heard him groan again and a sweet smile of victory spread across my face as i pulled away. Then just as I were starting to absolutely love the moment he had flipped it on me. But now, the fun begins. He said, his face only inches from my. His lips found mines and he begged for entrance as I dug my hands into his hair. I partly my lips and his tongue fought with mines. Kogas hands began to slip up from my hips to the sides of my bare stomach. My hands started to shake as the kiss intensified. Koga pulled away from your lips for a second. Told you I'll overwhelm you. But I like to be overwhelm by someone hot as you koga. Thanks Luna your so sweet I see why my heart beats fast just thinking about you but I don't know what this feeling is. Koga I get that feeling with to. I get up and sit on the bed. I just though about what I just done and smile. Koga soon after sat up next to me. Luna are you ok koga said yes im good I just miss my dad and village Do you think you can take me back. I'll tell my father that you save me from being a dead person and That I plan to be with you as long as you want to be with me.

And that's chappy one

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