Katsudeku/Bakudeku Mpreg

By IzukiBakugou

109K 1.9K 2.1K

Basically what the title says. Izuku and Katsuki get drunk at a middle school party due to someone spiking th... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 1

20.8K 349 666
By IzukiBakugou

hope you enjoy the story.

 Izuku woke up to Izumi hollering for him. He got up and went over to his son's crib.

"Mama!" Izumi hollered.

"Hai Hai! Let me get dressed and we'll go downstairs to eat sweetie." Izuku said ruffling his sons blonde and green hair.

He went to his closet and pulled out his school uniform. He put it on as fast as he could and made it look neat before putting on his shoes. He put his phone and wallet in his pocket along with his house keys. Then he threw on his yellow school bag and went to get Izumi. He picked up his son and carried him downstairs. He sat him in his swing and went to make Izumi a bottle. Once he was done he started feeding Izumi and his mom had woken up. Last night was her day off so she was all rested up.

"Oh! You should've woke me up. I would have finished your breakfast by now." Inko said seeing her son feeding her grandson.

"It's fine mom. I wanted to let you sleep in." Izuku said still feeding his son.

"How was I so lucky to have you as my son? You're so sweet! I'll get started on breakfast while your feeding Zuzu." Inko stated heading to the kitchen.

By the time Izuku finished feeding Izumi his mom had finished breakfast.

"Now it's my turn to feed my son." Inko removed sitting the plates down.

"Hehe... Thanks!" Izuku said taking his seat his mom following suit.

They finished eating and it was time to head off to school.

"By sweetie! Mama will be back later, but you be good for Nana." Izuku said and kissed his son's forehead.

"Mama! Bye-bye!" Izumi said cutely waving as his mom left the house.

When he made it to school he went over to Iida and Uraraka to talk to. Katsuki was already there in his chair in front of Izuku's.

"So what do you have planned for the weekend Deku?" Uraraka asked.

"Hmm.. chores. I never really do anything on the weekends." Izuku admitted sadly.

"Aww! You could come to the movies with me and Iida?" Uraraka suggested.

"No. That's your guy's date. I'm not going to intrude." Izuku said actually not wanting to leave Izumi.

"Oh! Well fine. Maybe next time! You should find you a girlfriend Deku!" Uraraka said.

"No thanks, Uraraka! I'm not interested in women... I'm gay..." Izuku said whispering the last parts so only those two could hear.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't know. But I still think of you the same way as before, so don't worry." Uraraka said and Iida gave a thumbs up agreeing.

"Thanks, guys! I'm gonna go to my seat. See you at lunch!" Izuku said going to sit at his desk behind Katsuki.

The first part of the day went by fine with his mom texting him little updates on Izumi. At one point she said he seemed more tired than usual but Izuku shrugged it off as he was tired from waking up in the middle of the night. It was lunch and Izuku was eating lunch with his friends with his backpack on as always. Katsuki was watching Izuku from the other side of the cafeteria not being able to get his mind off the green-haired ball of sunshine. Then Izuku got a phone call from his mom. He picked it up and his facial expression turned worried and frantic. His mom said that Izumi had been panting and felt hot. And he wouldn't eat his food. He hung up and took off running home. Katsuki saw Izuku's expression and thought something might have happened to his mom remembering how close they were. He took off after Izuku following him home. Izuku hadn't noticed Katsuki following him and focused on getting home to his son.

When Izuku did get home he burst through the door, not worried about closing it and ran to the living room. He found his mom holding a sleeping baby with tear streaks down his cheeks. Izuku walked over his worried expression calming again. Katsuki was in the doorway of the living room not being noticed since the two were focused on the child. He took in the child's features and it surprised him. He thought of the night at that party and realized that this boy might be his. When Izuku noticed his presence finally he looked stumbled and then he had a shocked expression that quickly turned sad. He started crying and fell to the floor. Inko had put Izumi in his swing and went to find his medicine.

"Woah! You ok?" Katsuki asked bending down to Izuku's side.

"N-no! I-I'm scared. Y-your gonna h-hate me even more." Izuku said through his tears.

"I don't hate you! Just tell me what's wrong. And what's with the baby?" Katsuki asked in the most gentle way he could.

"H-he's my... Your......" Izuku couldn't get the words out.

Izumi had woken up due to hearing his mom crying and started crying himself. Izuku immediately stopped and went over to comfort him.

"Shh.. Shh.. I'm ok... It's ok.." Izuku said wiping his tears.

"M-mama!" Izumi cried and gripped Izuku's shirt.

"Shh... I'm ok." Izuku cooed.

When he finally calmed down he fell asleep on Izuku's lap not letting go of his shirt. So Izuku let him lay there. He faced the now extremely confused Katsuki and was holding his son.

"I'm his mom..." Izuku stated clearly.

"But how? Your male! And who?" Katsuki questioned not even knowing what to ask.

"Since One for All isn't my original quirk it came with the ability to give birth. I got One for All in the middle of the second year in middle school. I just kept it a secret. And as for who his father is I don't know if you would like the answer." Izuku answered the last part sadly.

"Huh? Why wouldn't I like the answer?" Katsuki asked.

"Because Kacchan! He's yours! And you hate me! But I have loved you since we were 4! But I was afraid to tell you since you started bullying me. I was scared Kacchan! I was 15 and pregnant! And to top it off I was male and I couldn't tell the father because he acted like he didn't remember a dang thing!" Izuku raged cradling his son who started to sneeze.

"I'm sorry.. I am. I've loved you for a while now too. I just wasn't admitting to myself it was true until recently. I beat myself up all the time because of what I did to you. Please forgive me. I let my nerves take over." Katsuki said tears threatening to fall.

"Kacchan. I never blamed you for that. I'm worried about whether our son or I mean anything to you?" Izuku asked tears about to fall again.

"Of course! I love you Izuku and he's our son.. Why wouldn't I love this miracle?" Katsuki said looking at his newfound son.

"You mean that?" Izuku asked seriously.

"Yes really! But I gotta know things about him though.." Katsuki said with a smile.

"Oh! Um.. his name is Izumi, he's shy, loves it when you ruffle his hair, he hasn't walked yet, and I gave him your last name." Izuku finished.

"My last name? But I was never here.." Katsuki said confused why Izuku would give Katsuki any credit.

"You're his father! I was going to tell you sometime. So I gave him his rightful last name." Izuku said.

"Ok! But to get things straight. Izuku? Are we together now? Because I was serious when I said I love you." Katsuki said with a sad and honest look in his eyes.

"Yes, Kacchan! I love you too. Of course, I'll accept you as my boyfriend. But your gonna have to earn my mom's trust again." Izuku said and kissed Katsuki on the cheek and Izumi started sneezing again.

"Gotcha!" Katsuki said and ruffled Izumi's hair to calm him down because he was about to cry.

"P-papa!" Izumi cried grabbing Katsuki's finger when he was retracting his hand.

Katsuki blushed and let the kid hold his finger and at the same time, Inko came back with the medicine that she mixed in one of his bottles. She saw Katsuki and she was mad. It wasn't that he knocked up her son it was that he never treated her son right since the day he got his quirk. It was going to take a lot of talking to earn her trust back.

"Well, well.. What's he doing here?" Inko asked giving the bottle to Izuku.

"He followed me from school. I told him about Izumi and he explained why he acted the way he did. He was fighting his thoughts and he didn't want to believe he was in love with me. His nerves took over. He told me he came to terms with it and said he loves me. And he wants to be here for me and Izumi.... And I want him to be here mom. He's my boyfriend now... and he knows you won't trust him right away, but he's gonna try his best. I love Kacchan and I want him to know Izumi.." Izuku spoke up and gave Izumi and his medicine bottle to Katsuki.

"Fine! But don't expect me to give in this early. I am still mad at you for the way you treated my son! I'm not mad about Izumi. He's a little blessing, but the way you treat your friend after you found out he was quirkless was unacceptable." Inko said and went to the kitchen to make some lunch since they left during lunch.

"I know! And I already told Izuku, but I beat myself up all the time for that! I won't do it ever again and I'll keep my anger under control. I promise." Katsuki said slowly feeding Izumi having babysat for his neighbors before.

"I understand. Just try your best to win my trust back and we'll see." Inko said and continued to cook lunch.

Izuku continued to fill Katsuki in on things about Izumi. While his mother cooked them some lunch. Katsuki had finished feeding Izumi his medicine bottle and put him to sleep. Katsuki was still holding his newfound son and looked at Izuku with eyes of love and compassion. Inko set the table and went to get the boys. She took Izumi and laid him in his playpen to rest while they ate.

While they ate Inko rattled Katsuki with questions. Like, "how he's been", and "are you doing good in school", the typical mother questions. Katsuki and Izuku were asked questions on how they were gonna tell Mitsuki and Masaru, Katsuki's mom and dad. And Katsuki face palmed completely forgetting he would have to tell his parents. Izuku just laughed at that.

When they were done eating they heard a cry from the living room and Izuku booted with Katsuki following behind. They saw Izumi wailing, burning up, and wanting his family. Izuku picks up his son and shushes his son while bouncing from side to side comforting him.

"Need me to get anything?" Katsuki asks worriedly.

"Go get a wet rag. Make sure it's cold and rung out." Izuku said answering Katsuki.

Katsuki went to the bathroom grabbing a cloth and putting it in cold water. He rings it out best he can and brings it to Izuku who has moved to sit on the couch.

"Waah.....Mama.....Papa.....!" Izumi cried out for his parents.

"I'm here baby. We're here. Mama and Papa are here." Izuku said calming his son taking the rag and wiping Izumi's head and folding it to lay on his little forehead.

"The medicine probably hasn't kicked in. He should calm down in about ten minutes." Inko said having been through this with Izuku when he was younger.

"Has he ever been sick before?" Katsuki asked worriedly.

"No! Not like this. Only an upset tummy or diarrhea. This is his first actual cold." Izuku said worriedly.

"He'll be fine. You were down with a sickness worse than this when you were a baby. Mitsuki got worried that I didn't come over for a while before I told her about it. He'll be fine." Inko declared with her knowledge.

"Then why did you panic over the phone like my son was Dying!" Izuku said mad.

"Because I was worried and you said to inform you if anything happened. So I did just was in the middle of freaking out." Inko said apologetically.

"It's fine. At least I know he'll be Ok." Izuku said and didn't notice Izumi making grabby hands at Katsuki.

"Waah!" Izumi wailed after not getting his attention.

"Shh.. Shh... What is it?" Izuku asked soothing him back to being at least a little calm.

"Papa... -and!" Izumi said almost making out the last word but Katsuki understood what he wanted.

"Here ya go bud!" Katsuki said giving his hand over to Izumi and he just held onto Katsuki's fingers like he would leave the moment he let go.


Inko had snuck a picture of the cute scene to show Mitsuki once they tell her. This is literally the only secret she's kept from her.

"Don't worry bud. I won't be leaving anytime soon. I'm planning on sticking around." Katsuki said and ruffled Izumi's hair with his free hand.

"Hehe!" Izumi giggled cutely understanding his father's words.

Izuku looked at Katsuki lovingly while holding their son. This is the first time his heart has felt complete. His son and mom were filling up most of it, All Might is in there with him being like a father figure to him, the only thing he needed was Katsuki; the one he loved.

They stayed like that for a while and Izumi fell back asleep. Once they snapped out of their daze they realized how late it was.

"Crap. Sorry, Kacchan! You might get in trouble for staying out so late." Izuku said.

"It's fine! I'll just tell her I was at the arcade with hair-for-brains. I don't wanna tell her the truth unless you and Izumi are there with me." Katsuki said.

"Thanks, Kacchan! And stop with the bad nicknames around Izumi. You know their names." Izuku said still holding their sleeping son.

"Yeah, yeah! Ok.. I'll not use foul nicknames or words around Izumi. If I do make me eat something sweet. You know how much I hate sweets." Katsuki said.

"Yeah. I'll see you at school tomorrow if Izumi is alright by then." Izuku said.

"Yeah. Later Izuku." Katsuki said.

"Bye Kacchan." Izuku said and kissed his cheek.

"Bye." Katsuki said back and kissed Izuku on the cheek and Izumi on the forehead.

Katsuki left and headed home while Izuku got ready for bed. When Katsuki got home his mom was furious.

"Where were you? I got a call from the school saying you didn't show up for the second half, and when I try to get ahold of you, you ignore me!" Mitsuki demanded angrily but just worried about her son.

"I left school to calm down after some jerk tried to make me angry and I ended up going to the arcade with Kirishima. My phone died halfway through the day so I wouldn't have known you called or texted." Katsuki explained.

"Fine! But next time find a way to call me before you disappear for hours!" Mitsuki said entering the kitchen.

"You hungry?" Mitsuki asked.

"No thanks. Kirishima bought pizza so I already ate." Katsuki answered lying again.

"Ok then. Just head on up to bed." Mitsuki said putting her husband's plate in the microwave and ate Katsuki's share.

Katsuki showered and went to bed and had a dream about the events that happened today with a smile on his face. Izuku put Izumi to sleep in his crib and changed into pj's and went to sleep in his own bed. He dreamt of the future and Katsuki was there and they were married and Izumi was grown child.

Sorry 'bout the cringe!!! And Chapter 2 will be up soon! Hope you enjoyed!!

**Updated and fixed all the exclamation marks ^_^.. I'll fix the other chapters soon**

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