The Silver.

By cakemesomemashton

548 18 3

Four girls on tour with eight guys, should be interesting. After taking YouTube by storm the girl band, The... More

Get out me bus! Uhh.
Taking the long way to Australia
No frickle frackle happen.
Top and tail?
Just a period.
How did you girls meet?
Violent Val.
Glum Geri.
Deadly Delilah.
Once a fangirl always a fangirl.
Jelly belly.
That one comment.
I bust the screen off your phone.
With age comes experixance.
Hey brother.
I love you too you big stupid head.
Shall I continue this?

Crazy Cara.

20 0 0
By cakemesomemashton

Case of: Cara River Cole.

From: Matt.

Why aren't you answering my calls?


Are you alright?!

Baby! Answer me, you always text me or call me back?


Where the fuck are you.

Come home now.

Cara don't ignore me. I'm warning you.

Cara, when you get home in gonna smash your face open.

Don't be crazy Cara. Psychotic bitch.

Crazy Cara.

You no good idiot. Why are you even at school? You're thick as shit. Music and politics? You sound like a dying whale, you can't even play the guitar no matter how hard you try, your pathetic. Get home now.

It's a good thing your dad's gone away, no one to hear your screams. I'm going to kill you.


This was my life. I'm Crazy Cara.

Notice he started off seemingly caring? Notice how quickly that changed.

He wasn't always like this, me and Matt had been best friends since forever. We grew up together and well when my parents separated, I decided it was best to go with my dad, in London. Matt couldn't handle me not being there, so my dad let him come with us! I was so happy. But that happiness was soon short lived.

When we got to London, Matt asked me to be his girlfriend. He said that we've been basically dating our whole lives and that this makes sense, of course there's no saying no to Matt.

We moved to London when we was 13, so obviously it was one of those silly little relationships at first... But then a year past, then two years and we was now on our third year together. Was this really going to be a childhood relationship that lasted? Like a Disney film or something!

What you don't see in Disney films is the nitty gritty stuff, like the arguments, bickering, the fights.

June 23rd 2012. The first time Matt hit me.

A word of advise to everyone out there, once you stand the first hit, the rest will follow. They will keep coming and coming, because the person knows you'll take them. Even if you're the strongest person in the world, if you don't stand up for yourself the first time, it won't be the last.

I remember just being so shocked that I couldn't stand up for myself, because I just couldn't think? I couldn't comprehend what just happen.

June 23rd 2013. A whole year of Matt hitting me. The last time he will ever hit me.

It got so bad I had to lie and tell my dad I was going kick boxing because all the cuts, bruises, bloody noses, black eyes... I couldn't find a story for all of them!

From: Dad.

How everything going hun? You and Matt alright? Be home in two days love you! Xxx

I hated when my dad was away, me and Matt would have the house to ourselves and the beatings was terrible! But this time, nothing happen? My dad had been gone five days and Matt didn't hit me once! In fact, he was being the most kindest boyfriend ever. It made me happy. After a whole year of abuse, maybe he'd realise the error of his ways and stop abusing me!

"Cara, babe!" He called out. I was sitting in my bedroom painting my nails. A little hobby of mine.

"One minute babe! Just waiting for my nails to dry!" I called back.

"No Cara, come now!"


"Now Cara!" I took a deep breath. I knew that tone of his voice, I knew what it meant. What had I done now.

I walked out to the living area, he was sitting on the sofa with his phone in his hands, I think he was playing a game.

"I'm hungry, what are we having for dinner?" His tone was calm, and I sighed in relief.

"What do you fancy?"


"Sorry babe! All the pasta is gone, what else would you like?" I knew the second I said it that it would set him off.

"Go and buy some then!" He grew more fierce.

"Baby, it's 10pm no shops will be open now?" I turned back to the kitchen, and was met by a glass smashing into the side of my head.

It shattered around me, stabbing and slicing at my skin. One piece piercing into my lower right arm. I screamed out in pain as the blood squirted from my arm and splashed around me, Adding tiny red dots that evolved into huge puddles.

I couldn't stop screaming, the pain was unbearable!

Matt sank to the floor, grabbing and pulling at his hair, just staring at me.

"M-Matt help me!" I screamed. But he just kept staring at me. I couldn't take this pain much longer! So I used all my strength to pull my hand up and push the glass further into my wrist.

I thought it had worked because I blacked out.

But I woke up in a white room.

Shortly after waking up, I was taken into another room. There was four beds, two which had appeared to be taken and two spare.

"You'll have two room mates Miss Cole. Also, we're preparing a third for you. The two girls you're staying with are called Valentina and Geri. Very sweet girls, much like yourself." The lady, nurse, I don't know spoke to me. "You'll have to cover that tattoo darling. We don't usually allow them! Some girls don't feel safe!"

Tattoo? I glanced down, I had a rose over the scar that was created by the glass stabbing me. I don't even remember getting it? I didn't even know what to say. But a tattoo? This was a tattoo I always wanted and wished to have too. I was 16? It's illegal. What the fuck is this.

That the last time I felt stress.

These two girls would become my best friends, my sisters. The third, well... She became more of a mother. She truly was my best friend. She was the youngest, and most fucked up. If anything she should be in isolation, but I'd sooner die then let get go there.

After being beaten by my boyfriend, my mum and dad ignoring the signs, I deleted that part of my life. These girls would be my new family.

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