Sanders Sides Oneshots (Reque...

By ImPatton

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{A}ngst {F}luff {S}mut {R}andom I will do any ship BESIDES REMUS×ROMAN (I can do LAMP/DLAMP) Requests Open! More

▪Belly Ache▪ ~Moxiety~ {F}
▪Ferris Wheel▪ ~Logicality~ {F}{R}
▪Fine▪ ~Deceit×Reader(F)~ {S}

▪Brothers▪ ~No Ship~ {R}

107 3 4
By ImPatton

"Roman?" The young boy in the green pajama bottoms ran through the old home, looking in every corner, shelf, and desk drawer. Remus, well he wasn't the brightest bulb in the box. Roman had been quietly stepping after him the whole time, a wooden sword clenched in his hand. Remus was dragging his toy mace against the hardwoods, his feet softly padding upon it.

Somehow, two days prior, Roman convinced his naive brother that he would look more intimidating to a prince had he drawn on a mustache. No, not in washable marker, Sharpie. So the thin, fake mustache that his one father found quite hilarious, the other finding it immature and childish was still lined on his upper lip.

Patton watched the scene play out, a jovial and admirable look plastered onto his face as he watched his 8-year-olds play. When Remus saw his dad leaning forward onto the granite counters, he immediately trotted over to him, reaching his arms up. His fingers motioned in a way that indicated that he wanted to be held, so Patton obliged.

Remus, in Patton's arms, now caught sight of Roman. He then screamed his, what he would call, "war cry." Patton winced and set the boy on the ground, placing his hand on his ear. He watched closely as Remus hit Roman over the head with the soft, spiked mace toy that he had. Patton thought to himself that it was a good idea to give the child with more control the wooden sword.

"I'm gonna rip your veins out with my teeth and dance on your grave!" Remus threatened, earning a concerned look from his other father who was rested in the chair, checking files and whatnot. This only sparked Roman's courage, lightly stabbing at his brother who ran off, standing behind Patton.

"Nuh-uh, you got into this yourself." Patton informed, stepping aside and letting Roman get at his brother. He poked and prodded before Remus surrendered, his breathing heavy.

"The prince wins again!" Roman held the sword in the air, waving it in circles, a heroic smile upon his lips. Remus hit him one more time before running off.

"Kiddos, it's lunch time!" Remus clambered up onto his seat, impatiently shoving a turkey sandwich into his mouth.

"I'th dewiciouth, dada!" Remus complimented, the food in his mouth being shown as he spoke. Logan pinched the bridge of his nose and Patton smiled fondly.

"Not with food in your mouth, Remus." Logan warned, a death glare being shot his way. Remus obeyed, swallowing.

"He's only a kid, LoLo!" Patton chuckled, Logan raising his eyebrows in a know-it-all fashion.

"That's when he needs to learn, Patton. Not when he's 12. He won't listen either way." Remus made a sad face and Roman patted Remus on the back for comfort, finishing the last bites of his sandwich and working through the banana slices.

"That's a little mean, don't ya think?" Logan rolled his eyes and continued to work on his computer, Patton sighing and cleaning the kids plates. "Can you pay attention to something besides work for two seconds, Logan?" Patton snapped and Remus and Roman shrunk back.

They quickly went up to their shared room, trying to ignore the raised voices from downstairs. "What if we saw Peter Pan?" Roman stared out the window in wonder.

Remus only shrugged. "Why don't Mommy and Daddy love each other?" Roman repeated Remus's prior action and shrugged.

"Something about tension and finances." Roman stated matter-of-factly.

"What's that?" Remus questioned once again, and Roman, yet again, shrugged.

"Wanna play?" Roman asked, not pausing to hear his brother's answer and continuing. "I'll be Ceaser, you can be Hannibal."

"Uhm, that's not right. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus was emperor at that time." Roman simply shook his head and smiled.

"Mom would be proud." Roman stated, grabbing his white and red prince suit and dressing in it. Remus did the same, his a little exaggerated and was, instead, black and green. "But that's not right." Remus followed Roman to the bookshelf as he opened a historical book about Rome.

"See, right there- Oh, nevermind, you're right..." Roman poked at the book. He was taken aback by Remus shaking his arm. "What?"

"It's said that, in Rome, they used crushed mouse brains as toothpaste." Roman turned to Remus with a look of disgust.

"That's preposterous!" Roman scoffed. "The Romans were elegant and sophisticated!"

"You only know that word because it was in Frozen." Remus accused and Roman nodded. Roman wielded his sword and pointed it at his brother.

"You may be correct, but my actions weren't impolitic!" He blamed, taking large strides as his brother's back hit the wall, grasping his "weapon" tightly. "Surrender your weapon, Hannibal!"

"Never!" Remus screamed, smaking his opponent upside the head so hard he fell, tripping over a small toy truck and catching himself on the ground before crying out in pain. "Oh no... Dad's gonna kill me!"

"It hurts!" Tears traced the young boy's face. "A lot!" Remus dashed downstairs where his parents were currently hugging.

"Roman broke his arm!" Both heads snapped his way, Logan dashed up the stairs. Meanwhile Patton attempted to get answers, which Remus reluctantly gave.

Before they knew it they were in the hospital, Roman with a red cast on the injury.

"Sorry..." Remus uttered quietly. Roman only smiled and laughed.

"You won that time, Hannibal, but I'll get you next time!" Roman bellowed, raising his functional arm into the air. Remus growled playfully. The doctor entered the room, handing Remus a Sharpie, this time it wasn't for a fake mustache.

"You can sign it if he'll let you." The doctor said, going to the desk and asking the twins parents for information. Roman held out his arm and Remus wrote his name in large capital letters across the front, the R backwards.

"So you forgive me?" Roman nodded and the two shared a high five.

This was really fun to write! I hope it's fun to read as well.




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