Sōrumeito (Soulmate #2)

By fallenbabybubu

125K 7.3K 1.2K

It was a different place. It was a different time. He was a different guy. Would it last forever? • A sequel... More

Warning | Notes | Glossary
Day 1: Asakusa
Day 1: Ginza | Part 1
Day 1: Ginza | Part 2
Day 2: Azabu
Day 2: Akihabara
Day 2: Shibuya
Day 5: Gion
Day 6: Fushimi Inari
Day 7: Arashiyama
Day 8: Unknown | Part 1
Day 8: Unknown | Part 2
Epilogue: Yi Jin Yeong

Day 2: Roppongi

6K 439 70
By fallenbabybubu

Roppongi, Tokyo


Mikihito was acting weird. He was too stiff.

"Are you sure you don't want anything else?" he asked me.

I glanced at the amount of food and drinks laid out in front of us, then I turned to him and shook my head as I smiled.

"I think we're good, Mikihito-kun."

He returned my smile. "Let me know if you want something."

I nodded. "Hai, arigatou." Okay, thank you.

Mikihito's eyes traveled to Jin Yeong, and his demeanor immediately changed. The usual easy-going friend of mine was alert and cautious, as he watched my guest.

When I received the call from Mikihito earlier, I had no idea what to do. He was supposed to be my backup plan. But then Jin Yeong kissed me and somehow that changed everything.

Where did we go from here?

It wasn't like I could go off with Jin Yeong. My father would hunt us down. Not to mention, the Triple Tigers might feel insulted and end up helping the clans in looking for us.

The bright side from all of that was, they'd have to work together and that could lead to an alliance. The down side was, they'd kill Jin Yeong and I'd still be forced into marriage.

There was no win-win.

"Where did you guys meet?" asked Mikihito.

I was supposed to meet him alone and ask for his advice, but Jin Yeong insisted on coming along. I couldn't stop him.

"I met him when I went to Seoul on my solo trip three years ago," I answered, so Mikihito could focus his eyes on me instead of Jin Yeong.

My Korean friend (boyfriend?) kept silent, his sharp eyes not leaving Mikihito as if trying to read his every move. I didn't want a fight to start between them. If Mikihito thought Jin Yeong was a threat... I didn't even want to think about it.

"You never mentioned him," remarked Mikihito.

Not to you.

Shrugging, I replied, "I was too caught up with the bomb Papa dropped on me back then that the subject never came up."

Jin Yeong's eyes finally left Mikihito, and switched to me. He raised his chin, and I caught a tiny smirk playing along his lips. It was very subtle, but I was able to comprehend what he was trying to say.

What, did he really expect me to talk about him to everyone I know?

He crossed his arms, while his head tilted. "Have you been friends long, Oshiro-san?" He was asking Mikihito, but his eyes stayed on me.

Ugh, this guy. Don't tell me he's jealous?

"Ten years," answered Mikihito, with a little hint of pride.

I recalled meeting him for the first time. It was right before I went on to high school. I was sent to Japan to be introduced to all the clans.

See, my mother died when I was little. She was kidnapped by the enemy and held hostage to threaten my father into giving up some assets. When he was about to give in, she found a way to kill herself while being held captive. She didn't want him to betray the clans for her.

If he did, the whole Takeshi clan would die.

So she sacrificed herself.

After that, me and my older brother were sent to the Philippines for our safety. We trained and studied hard from afar. When we were strong enough, we went back to Japan and took part in the family business.

"Long time," muttered Jin Yeong.

Mikihito nodded in agreement. "Long enough to build a solid friendship."

"I'm glad you have a 'solid friendship.'" The corner of his lips turned up in a crooked smile, and again I saw the Jin Yeong from three years ago. "That sort of thing really lasts a lifetime."

I stared at him. It was as if there was an underlying message in his statement. Mikihito seemed to catch it, too, because he leaned back and all humor left his face.

"What brings you here to Japan?" he demanded, albeit softly.


No beating around the bush. No playing around. No bullshit.

Mikihito didn't seem surprised. "That's sketchy. Hasn't it been a long time? Why now?"

Jin Yeong didn't answer right away. He looked at Mikito, like he was seeing through what my childhood friend was trying to do.

When Mikihito grinned as if he caught Jin Yeong in a corner, my frown deepened. Why did it feel like Mikihito knew something I didn't?

"I had to take care of some loose ends first," said Jin Yeong, shrugging.

Mikihito considered it. "Hmm, you make it sound like you're not going back to Korea."

I blinked and stared at Jin Yeong, waiting for him to confirm this.

"No, not anytime soon."

He wasn't... going back to Korea? Why? Was it because of me? I was so confused.

"Jin Yeong," I called. "What's going on?"

His eyes softened when he turned to face me. "Listen, Yuki, can we go somewhere private?" he asked. "You need to know something and I prefer it if you find out from me."

He looked so serious, and a little desperate. It seemed urgent.

"Mikihito-kun," I started, turning my attention to the mild-mannered, brown-haired young master of the Oshiro clan, "is there a vacant room left?"

We were in one of their clubs in Roppongi, and I knew they had an endless supply of private rooms like this one we were currently in somewhere around here. I just wasn't sure if all of them were occupied. This was technically the host club district of Tokyo, after all.

His eyes narrowed. "Nande?" Why?

I ignored his question, keeping my face blank. "Doko?" Where?

Sending a glare at Jin Yeong, Mikihito stated, "Ore wa anata ga kare to hitori de iru koto wa dekinai yo." I'm not letting you be alone with him.

My eyebrows shot up. "Nani?" What?

I'd never seen Mikihito this grim. What was his problem?

"Anzende janai." It's not safe.

Jin Yeong let out a chuckle, before his bored voice piped in. "Yuki wa anata yori mo ore no hoo ga anzenda." She's safer with me than you.

Mikihito's eyes hardened, realizing that Jin Yeong understood everything. The latter only smiled close-lipped at Mikihito, completely unfazed.

Giving in, Mikihito called for someone to take us to one of the private rooms. We got to our feet just as Mikihito's phone rang. We headed to the door, with Jin Yeong behind me.

"Moshi moshi... Hai..." Hello... Yes...

What could be so important that Jin Yeong had to tell me when it was just us two?

"Koko? Mm, wakata." Here? Mm, understood.

We were right at the doorway when I heard Mikihito end his call.

"Matte, Yuki." Wait, Yuki.

I halted and glanced over my shoulder. Mikihito stood up and put his hands in his pockets, looking straight at Jin Yeong. He kept his expression relaxed, but his eyes were pierced through.

"We found some Triple Tigers roaming around the area," he declared.

My eyes widened in surprise as I turned to fully face him. I faintly noticed Jin Yeong tensed beside me, but my attention was on my childhood friend.

"They're here already?"

He nodded, not looking away from Jin Yeong. "They didn't seem to be looking for trouble, but the clan was uneasy with them around. We had to do something."

I frowned. "What did you do? We're in the middle of a truce."

"I know." He sighed solemnly. "That's why I only ordered for them to be taken somewhere they can't cause any trouble."

"If the Triple Tigers take offense to that, it won't be good. What were you thinking?"

I wanted to get away from the marriage, but I didn't want to start a war.

Mikihito met my eyes head on. "You're asking the wrong questions, Yuki." He shook his head, before adding, "The real question is, why are they here? The alliance isn't sealed, not until your wedding day. They have no business here yet."

I gritted my teeth, letting his words sink in. He had a point.

"They're only scaring people," continued Mikihito, letting out a deep breath as if they were a huge pain. "After all, there's nothing worse than a – What are they called? Kkangpaes?"

"Geondal," deadpanned Jin Yeong, almost growling.

I slightly jumped in startle. He had been quiet all this time and suddenly he looked like he was ready to kill... Mikihito?

"Where are they?" he demanded, his tone so cold I never thought I'd ever hear it from him. His eyes were dead, that for a moment, I didn't recognize him.

"Don't worry," said Mikihito. "We're taking good care of them."

Jin Yeong stepped closer until they were face to face.

"Where. Are. They?"

I'd seen him be intimidating before, but never like this. He looked like if anyone so much as touched him with a finger, he would snap.

What happened to him?

"I understand why you're so concerned." Mikihito scowled. "But Yuki doesn't."

In a blink of an eye, Jin Yeong moved forward and tried to grab his shirt. Mikihito was able to dodge by just a fraction of an inch. Three of his men then went after Jin Yeong.

Jin Yeong grabbed one of them by the neck, choking him, while he kicked the other one in the shin. When the last man ran forward, Jin Yeong swung the person he held by the neck and shoved them together. As a result, they ended up colliding and falling on the floor.

His eyes landed on Mikihito, before moving towards him. Before he could make it, I hurried and stood between them. I placed a hand on Jin Yeong and faced him.

"What's going on?" I demanded, trying to keep myself calm even though I was confused as heck. "Do you personally know Triple Tigers?"

His jaw clenched, keeping his mouth shut. He looked torn between feeling murderous with Mikihito while seeming in pain in confronting me.

"How could he not know?" spat Mikihito from behind me. "He's part of it."

My head whipped around to Mikihito, before going back to look at Jin Yeong again. For a few moments, I didn't know what to say.

"It's true," confirmed Mikihito. "Ask him."

I swallowed the huge block of lump in my throat, while the rest of my body was frozen.

"Jin Yeong?" I whispered, my eyes begging him to explain this to me. It didn't make any sense. "H – How? Did you join them? Is that why you lost touch?"

I stopped then, all blood draining from my face as our conversations from the past poured down on me all at once.

'When I was shipped off to boarding school, I couldn't wait to get back to Seoul. I wanted to be the heir to the family business. It didn't make sense to me how my brother was the heir just because he was born first. I badly wanted to prove myself. I studied hard. And when I proved to Abeoji that I could handle the power, I was sent back to Seoul. But...'

He laughed humorlessly. Behind his easy-going facade, I saw a mixture of disappointment and anger there. He masked it well.

'I couldn't take it, after all. The things I heard – the things I found out – the things I witnessed...'

My frown deepened in worry. He looked really sad.

'If that's what it takes to keep the family business going, then I didn't want any part of it... But the thing is, turning my back on my family is easier said than done. In the end, I couldn't leave. They're still my blood.'

The 'family business'... Was it Triple Tigers?

"So you stayed," I stated.

He nodded, his eyes staring off into space as we walked side by side.

'I promised myself that if I ever have to do anything, I'll do it my way.'

Every piece of the puzzle started falling into place.

'That guy earlier,' I started, turning to him. 'He looked scared of you.'

'Geuraeseo?' So?

'Wae?' Why?

'Because he knew he couldn't take me on his own.'

Because he knew who you really were?

'You have super fast reflexes.' I pitied the poor guy who'd receive his wrath one day.

'I guess I got involved in too many fights,' he said casually, shrugging.

Too many fights with professional hitmen?

'I don't have a girlfriend.'

'Why not?'

'None of them could handle it.'

'Handle what?'

'My life.'

Your life meaning... the mob life?

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and forced my nerves to calm the heck down. I felt my body trembling as everything began to make sense.

The fact that he wasn't fazed after finding out about my background.

'Is that why you hide it?' He raised an eyebrow. 'You're afraid people might judge you and stay away from you?'

''Might'?' I snorted. 'I watched it happen countless times already. It's nothing new.'

'That's not gonna happen with me,' he deadpanned.

I gave him a skeptical look, but he kept a straight face. There didn't seem to be a bone in his body that was scared. His eyes were clear and his expression was laid-back. He wasn't lying.

'Don't worry,' he told me, with a playful wink. 'I'm not easily intimidated.'

The fact that he knew where I lived after years of not seeing each other.

'I'll take you home,' he declared.

'You don't know where I live.'

He hesitated, before saying, 'Your friend told me.'

The fact that what he meant by 'fate' was really our arranged marriage.

'What are you doing here?'

'I thought it was about time I came to Japan and faced my fate.'

The fact that he played me all this time.

'No girlfriend or fiancé waiting in Korea?'

'Not in Korea, no.'

Because his fiancé was in Japan, duh.

Most of all, the fact that he changed.

'I'm not the only one with walls built up,' I pointed out, raising an eyebrow. 'Yours have grown higher from what I remember.'

'These past years have been eye-opening.'

'What happened?'

'I started to get into the family business as soon as I graduated two years ago.'

'But didn't you say that you didn't want any part of it?'

'I realized that there was no point in running away from what was meant to be mine.'

That was why he was so chill about everything. That was why he didn't so much as bat an eyelash when I told him about Jesam. The only time he showed he was bothered was when I told him about Mikihito.

Yi Jin Yeong was Jesam all along.

I opened my eyes and stepped back from him, afraid to speak out what was on my mind. My eyes were filled with unshed tears as I stared at him.

"You're... You're Jesam," I forced out.

He kept his expression impassive. His brown eyes that used to be filled with fun and life, now glacial and almost... dead.

After what felt like a lifetime, he finally gave a curt nod.

My knees buckled and I almost fell backwards, but Mikihito caught me by my arm. He held me and I stepped back into him, longing for familiarity. Jin Yeong's eyes flashed at the contact but he didn't do anything. The only giveaway was his clenched jaw.

"I knew it," muttered Mikihito, through gritted teeth. "No wonder you looked so familiar. You're Yi Jin Yeong, the second son and third-in-command to the Triple Tigers." His arms snaked around my waist protectively. "The Geondal Wangja chosen to wed Yuki."

Jin Yeong's cold eyes were trained on Mikihito's arms around me for a full minute, before turning them up to meet his eyes. With barely a whisper, he addressed me.

"Mian, Yuki." Sorry, Yuki.

Before I could so much as react, he seized my arm and pulled me aside, taking Mikihito by surprise with a hard kick on the chest until he was backed into the wall. Jin Yeong pressed his right arm against Mikihito's neck, with an expression that I wished I would never see on his face again.

"Ya, saekki ah." Hey, asshole. "Where the fuck are my men?"


What do you think will happen now?

Yeah, I was only messing with you guys. Jin Yeong's really Jesam. LMAO!

Next update: Sunday (got held up at work huhu)


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