Beautiful Goodbye

By eeisoptrophobia

881 16 3

“Be mine.” I asked her resting my forehead on hers trying to catch my breath. “What?” she asked me slightly c... More

Chapter One - Day 1
Chapter Two - Day 2
Chapter Three - Day 3
Chapter Four - Day 4
Chapter Five - Day 6
Chapter Six - Day 13
Chapter Seven - Day 14
Chapter Eight - Day 15
Chapter Nine - Day 16
Chapter Ten - Day 17
Chapter Twelve - Day 19
Chapter Thirteen - My Secret Place
Chapter Fourteen - Lovely Lunch
Chapter Fifteen - Movies with Bæ
Chapter Sixteen - Day 79
Chapter Seventeen - Turn of Events
Chapter Eighteen - Day 80
Chapter Nineteen - Day 81
Chapter Twenty - Day 83
Chapter Twenty-One - Party!
Chapter Twenty-Two - Day 143
Chapter Twenty-Three - Day 147

Chapter Eleven - Day 18

35 0 0
By eeisoptrophobia

“Good morning my beautiful, darling girlfriend who I love so very much.” I whispered into her ear as we woke up.

“Good morning my annoying, darling boyfriend who likes to punish me by waking me up from sweet dreams and makes me go to the asylum they call school.” She joked as she awoke.

“Damn you’re so rude, baby” I winked at her.

“I love you too, babe.” She kissed me on the cheek.

I stood up and pulled out my clothes for the day, Stacy was using the in the shower in my bedroom.  Yeah I have an en-suit! I went into her room and picked out a oversized hoodie and a pair of light blue skinny jeans with a pair of converses. I walked into the en-suit and saw her in the shower, she didn't notice me there so I put her clothes down on the closed washing basket and opened the shower door, she was facing the wall so she didn't see me. I put my arms around her and started to kiss her neck, it shocked her but then she went along with it and tilted her neck to give me more access. 

“You really want to do this before school babe?” She turned slightly and asked.

“Fine, we’ll finish this later.” I said giving her one last sweet kiss and walking back into my room to het changed.

It was a little colder today so I wore a pair of dark blue jeans, one of my band shirts and a black jacket. I slipped on my Nikes. I walked down stairs and made Stacy and I breakfast which was basically yogurt and fruit, we were already probably going to be late due to the little shower event. Stacy came downstairs in the clothes I had picked out for her.

“So now you pick what I wear too?” She said with a smirk

“As a matter of fact, I do.” I said kissing er gently 

“What if one day I don’t want to wear clothes?” She joked

I widened my eyes and turned around to face her, I wasn't exactly shocked but I was a bit taken off guard, I walked up to her and picked her up by her waist and lifted her up the the bench and set her down. Standing in-between her legs I held her close and rested my forehead on hers and stared into her eyes with a smile stretched right across my face.

“If you decided that you didn't want to wear clothes then we wouldn't go to school and I would do you in ever corner of this house.” 

She looked shocked but at the same time exited.

“Come on, we have to get going for school.” I said taking her hand and walking out to the car. I opened her door for her and watched her get in as I shut it. I got in on my side and started up the car and started driving to school. As usual I put the radio on and Stacy started singing and humming to all the songs that came on. Of corse there was a One Direction song every time. Stacy would sing at the top of her lungs to all the One Direction songs making me laugh at her. When we arrived at school I walked her to her locker and told her I would see her at recess after football practice. Just as I started to walk away I saw Gina walk this way and I immediately started walking backwards towards Stacy. I grabbed her hand and gently pulled her behind me out of Gina’s way incase Gina took a swing at her. But I have never been so wrong. As son as Gina was close enough Stacy stepped closer to her and stretched out her arm taking a big swing at Gina, slapping her square across the face. A red mark had already started to appear. I looked at Gina wide-eyed before Stacy stepped in front of me and looked Gina right in the eye and said,

“If you dare come anywhere near my boyfriend ever again Ill take my hand and ill turn it into a first which might collide with your big ass nose! It wouldn't be hard to miss either, it makes a good target. Now bye bye bitch.” She said to her centimetres away from her face.

Gina was absolutely shaking. She ran off crying. Stacy turned around to me with a cheeky smile and I wrapped my arms around her giving her a light kiss. 

“Goddamn” I whispered into her mouth.

“That bitch wont be coming near you for a while.” She whispered back smiling into my lips.

“I have to go to practice but Ill see you at recess, okay baby?” I gave her a quick kiss goodbye.

“Okay, cya babe” She responded before leaving for class with Marie.

At football practice everyone was talking about the fight Stacy had with Gina. Practically the whole school was gathered around to see Stacy beat the shit out of her. Which didn't happen, Stace knows better then that, the most she would have done was slapped her a couple more times. I have to admit it was pretty funny watching Gina get slapped but god it was attractive when Stacy protected me like that. You’re not the one who needs protecting Tone, she is. The voice in my head was right, and I did protect her, I protected her from her mum and from herself. As football went on we were all tired and just wanted to sleep but our coach told us that we were still too weak. This really got to me. I think Im a good weight, Im not fat but Im built and thats good, Im a heck of a lot fitter then most of the skinny boys at our school, I wasn't going to risk diabetes because of this prick. When we were all in the change rooms I checked my phone to see a text from Stacy and mum. Oh shit, this cant be good.

[From: Mumma xo]

Hi honey, I just got a call from the school. Your girlfriend is a keeper! ;) xx

Oh my god, what if Stacy got suspended, or worse, expelled!? She would be at home for 3 terms on her own with no one to make sure she was okay!

[From: Baby Girl <3]

Hi babe, Im in the office. You should come join me and the principal for a chat :) xx

I had a million and one thoughts going through my head right now. I got changed as fast as I could and sprinted down to the office, the bell hadn't rang yet and everyone was still in class, there was ten minutes of the period left. I ran into the principals office and saw him laughing and having a cup of tea with Stacy.

“Please tell me everything is okay.” I said standing in the doorway panting.

“Take a seat please Mr Alter.” She said motioning to the east next to Stacy. I nodded and sat down. “Your little Stacy has quite an impressive arm Mr Alter.” We both giggled and I nodded. “Her parents tried to press charges but I assured them that there was no need and that I would settle it. But seeing as though I have just heard the story from Stacy’s point of view, Im going to tell you something very important and you must do everything that I tell you two to do.” He looked at us sternly taking another sip from his tea. We nodded our heads. “You are going to tell everyone that I gave Stacy a weeks worth of detentions because of her behaviour. But what Im actually going to do is entirely different.” Stacy and I looked at each other in fear. “Im going to let you go home early so then people think you’re already in detention. Stacy didn't do anything wrong and karma was always going to get Gina in someway. So after fourth period today, you two may leave.”

Ive never been so ecstatic to leave the principals office. Stacy and i walked out and turned to look at each other. We looked at each other for about five seconds before she leaped into my arms and started kissing me passionately. I thought through my head okay, we’ve only got another three period then we can go home. I was so exited I leave early with Stacy that all the periods went by so slowly and by the end of them I was so drained and tired, but that all changed as soon as I saw my beautiful girlfriend smiling at me waiting at my locker. I put all my books away and we sprinted to my car. I drove home as fast as I could. As soon as we reached the house I jumped out of the car and went to the other side to let Stacy out, she jumped out of the car and jumped on my back making me give her a piggy-back-ride inside. I ran us up to my room and threw her onto my bed. I ripped off my shirt and hovered over the top of her kissing her passionately on the lips and moving my hands down her hips. I rolled over and lifted her up on top of me so that her legs were straddling me while I moved my hands up and down her waist never breaking the kiss. As she moved one of her hands up and down my chest tracing patterns over my abs and running her other hand through my think hair pulling it every now and then making me groan. She tugged on my bottom lip again making me groan. Holy shit this is hot. the kissing got more and more hard and intense every time our tongues danced together.

“Babe.” She said panting into my mouth.

“uh-huh” I said continuing kissing her down to her neck.

“Im not ready yet…” She said shyly looking every where else but my eyes.

“Its okay babe.” I said stroking her cheek.

“No its not okay! I was the one who said I wanted to do more and now Im chickening out…” She said looking down at her hands.

“Babe, Its fine, I can wait until you’re ready. We dont have to rush into everything. Kissing is nice, I like this. Its passionate, intense and sexual. Everything sex is, just without the actually sex.” I said reassuring her.

“Im sorry, Im just not ready for you too see me body fully…” She said still looking down.

I wasn't sure what she meant because I had seen her fully naked before, but then it occurred to me that I hadn't seen it in the full light. When she was fully naked it was dark and I couldn't see any of the scars. I cupped her head in my hands and raised her eyes to mine.

“Stacy, I love you. That isn't going to change just because you dont want to have sex yet.” I kissed her softly and then kissed her on the forehead.

“I love you too Tony.” She said kissing the nape of my neck.

For the rest of the day we spent it watching movies and listening to music singing along to all the words and being the weird souls we are. When dinner came around mum asked about what happened today and Stacy and I told her the whole story right from the beginning. Mum was literally on the floor crying. After dinner was finished Stacy and I went back upstairs to watch a movie, we cuddles up under the duvet to the sound of ‘Perks of Being a Wallflower’.

“Goodnight my beautiful, I love you so very much.” I whispered into her ear kissing her on the cheek. She was well and truly asleep by then. Her head was nuzzled in my chest, her breathing was warm on my skin. I fell asleep to the sound of her constant warm breath and realised that I was the luckiest man on earth to have such a beautiful girl in my life.

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