Dimensions Collide (HDN CPU R...

By TSniper322

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We take the place of Y/N, a CPU of Planeptune (one of 3, being Iris, Neptune and herself) who is completing a... More

Prologue: It all started with Arfoire
Friends and Initiation!

Welcome to Beacon!

173 3 2
By TSniper322

Ah... the first day of Beacon. Nothing can be better than this. I wake up to morning light and start off by decorating our room a little. Then the rest of my team got up.

Me: Nice to see you guys up and at it early! Come on! Help me out with decorating a little!

Neptune: Cue montage of decorating our room!

Just as Neptune said, what follows is a brief decorating montage.

We were off, putting a bunch of our favorite things on the walls, making the room as good as it could be. Soon enough after everything, we have our beds in the corners, our corners decorated for our liking, and most of the room is the same colorings for Planeptune. Ah... good stuff.

We hope you enjoyed our brief decorating montage.

Me: Great work, guys!

Neptune: Aw, shucks. It was nothing!

Nepgear: Thanks!

Plutia: No problem.

Me: Right. Next order of business. Classes.

I hear an assortment of boo's come from Nep and her sister. Plutia is about to fall asleep.

Me: Perfect! So... first class... 9:00... wait... what time is it?

Nepgear: 8:30. Where should we be headed?

Me: To a classroom that has someone named Professor Port in it. This'll be great!

I check the scroll that Ozpin gave us, and it shows the map of the school.

Me: So... right there!

I point to a place on the map marked Grimm Studies.

Me: Shall we? Besides, it'll give us information about those creatures that can possibly give us more Shares!

Neptune: I guess you're right. Let's do this!

We go out of the dorm and start running to Professor Port's classroom. In about 7 minutes, we make it. I take a look at the teacher and it's a man that seems to have aged quite well. Only problem? He looks like someone who would talk about his life a lot.

Me: Huh... not who I was expecting.

Port: Ah... if it isn't Team Neptune. Welcome to Grimm Studies! Please, find a seat!

Neptune: Timeskip time!

Port: Wha-

*several minutes later*

Team RWBY and Team JNPR come in and sit down in their respective seats and class begins... and I was proven right by my statement almost immediately. Port really liked to talk about himself. I look at the girls and they nod at me. We were thinking of the exact same thing. Heal us. 'Cause I think this is going to take a while.

He was still going on!! How?!

Port talked about his whole life story in what seemed like months yet it was only one half of the class period.

Me: How is it possible for a man to talk that much, guys??

Neptune: I don't know... ugh...

Nepgear: If I have to listen to this every day, I'll die.

Plutia: I'd rather kill monsters than do this, and you know how sentimental I am for monsters.

Me: Totally! I know you're a person who feels bad for monsters getting slain for the wrong purposes.

Plutia: Yeah!

Port: Ahem! In the end, the Beowulf was no match for my sheer tenacity, and I returned to my village with the beast in captivity, and my head held high... celebrated as a hero.

He bows.

Port: The moral of this story? A true huntsman must be honorable. A true-


I interrupt Port. Yay, some action!

Port: Perhaps you can test things. Step forth, Y/N.

Me: Heh... why not?  If you want me to show my tenacity or my capabilities, let's do this, shall we?

Port: Confident. We'll see.

I step up to the front of the class and they all get a good look at me. Some people think I'm kinda cute. Please, they should see Plutia! Anyway, Port steps to the other side of the class... where a cage lies.

Port: You ready?

I draw my katana that appears out of nowhere, then I nod.

Port: Ok... GO!

He shoots the lock on the cage and a creature called a Borbatusk appears. It starts charging at me and I wait for the right moment. It takes a second... then...


Me: Heh... nice try, creature.

I cut right through its face and through its body. It died instantly.

Me: Well... that was easy!

Port: Woah! Remarkable!

Me: I guess so... my friends would probably be able to take that same creature like that... even if Plutie fights with a doll.

I say that last part to myself.

Port: Well... you have the true makings of a huntress. I'll give you that!

Me: Please, Port. I wouldn't be a goddess of another country if I didn't know how to fight creatures like that, just so my country would gain power.

Port: Wha-

Me: Come on up, guys!

My team walks up to me.

Me: You see... what we're about to show you is something that... improves our power... yet... please don't think lewd thoughts.

Port: But... why?

Me: Ready, girls?

They nod at me.

Me: Right, we know what to do.

Soon enough, our vision is covered up by light. Our bodies change. Our clothes change. Everything changes about us. Soon enough, we stand there with our bodysuits on. Everyone looks at our new personas now, and everyone is just staring.

Me: Priorities, people! Come on. Here... let me show you this.

I pull out my katana while everyone pulls out their OP weapons. Ruby seems ecstatic beyond anything.

Me: Huh... Well... we'll be sleeping now.

We detransform and head back to our desk. Then we hit our faces onto the wood in a few seconds.

I wake up to someone shaking me. I get up.

Me: huh? What's up?

Ruby: Weiss is fighting a Borbatusk herself.

Me: This should be good.

I watch how Weiss is being a total failure at murdering this Borbatusk. Seriously?

Ruby: Hang in there, Weiss!

I see Weiss try a Vorpal Strike against this thingie... and it catches her rapier in the horns. Who taught her to fight like that? She's playing like she's garbage!!

Port: Bold, new approach! I like it!

Ruby: Come on, Weiss! Show it who's boss!

Weiss glares at her meanly. Honestly, Plutie wouldn't like that stare. Well, Weiss pays for it by losing her sword. Serves her right, to be honest.

Port: Oho, now what will you do without your weapon?

Time for me to step in really quick.

Me: Go for the underside, Weiss! There's literally no armor down the-

Weiss: SHUT UP!!!

Damn! What the hell, Weiss?! All we're trying to do is encourage/help you! Whatever... Ruby gets a little scared/disheartened by Weiss's sudden outburst. I need to comfort her later. Anyway, the Borbatusk starts to ball itself and start a roll-charge at Weiss. However, she uses one of her "glyphs" that look like the platforms that we CPUs use during our fights as our HDDs. She flips the monster on its back then uses another glyph that propels straight at the Borbatusk. She stabs it in the chest with her rapier, killing it instantly.

Me: Not as fast as me... but good.

Weiss: Seriously?! I've been training my whole life for this kind of thing! What have you done, eh?!

Me: Huh... let's go down the list a little here. Let's start off with a special little jerk called Arfoire. She's been trying to put my... I mean, our country to ruin on our planet. Trust me, she sucks ass... especially since she's gone godly a couple of times... each time, she fails. Next, we go to the war against Tari. Some girl by the name of Rei Ryghts took control of our power source and almost destroyed our planet with the power of a laser/doomsday weapon. Luckily, we stopped her too. Lastly, we had to go traveling to other dimensions from time to time, like this one, for example, to stop people like you from dying. So yeah, Ice Queen.

She looks at me with a deadpan on her face.

Weiss: None of that's real. Calling it now.

Plutie decides to wake up at that exact moment. Apparently, she has ears everywhere. Even for a girl who's always tired.

Plutia: Don't be mean. They were only trying to help~.

Weiss: No one cares.

I look at Plutie and see her face. I immediately know that Weiss made a fatal mistake.

Me: Ooookaaayy... Weiss, I need you to either run for your sanity or say your last words or prayers now. You made her angry which is a very FATAL mistake that I have seen made so many times.

Weiss: Why the hell would I need to run from he-

She's cut off by Plutia.

Plutia: Well... guess there's only one thing left to do... Okay then!

She says that cheerfully before transforming. Oh god, here comes a crime scene! Plutia finishes transforming... and she has a crop in her hands.

Me: Y'all in the audience know what time it is... Use the song on your own.

I point at Weiss then say the word to start it.

Me: Run.

She runs out of the room with Iris coming for her. She can't hide from her though.

Me: Go get her, Plutie!

Ruby: What do you mean by that? What happens when she gets angry like that?

Me: Oh... let's just say that... Weiss is not going to be the same for a day or two after her punishment. In fact, I actually had to take care of a person that fell victim to her punishment. She's relentless!

Ruby gets slightly scared from that but calms down.

Ruby: Remind me not to get on her bad side.

Me: Totally. I'll help you to the end. Unlike that jerk Weiss. How much you wanna bet that Plutia made her way to Weiss already?

Ruby: I bet she's already there.

Me: I second that.

I pull out my NepGear and look at her location. She's stopped in RWBY's Dorm.

Me: I feel like that we're right about it.

I soon get a notification on my NepGear. It's a text from Histoire?

From this point: H is Histoire, Y is You.

H: Hey... there's an unexpected guest that came with you guys when your friends entered.

Y: Who entered?

H: I don't have an exact identification, but I got a look at her face. Neon green hair, gray jacket, semi-blue skin.

Y: Actually, I know that girl. We'll be fine, Histoire. Thanks for the advice though. I'll go find her.

H: Alright then. I'll leave you be.

I close my NepGear excitedly. She's here too? Nice!

Me: I think I have another friend here! Though she's been a pain sometimes... I actually befriended this girl a while back. I'll have to collect her at some point. She does have fighting capability, I know that much. But whatever, one second.

I run off after class and go looking for the new arrival. I didn't even have to look that long considering how she was actually nearby the school. I see the grey coat that she always wears and immediately ran up to her.

Me: Heyo, Linda!

She jumps at my voice but calms down.

Linda: Oh! Hey, Y/N! How's it going?

Me: Not bad. How's it hanging with you?

Linda: I got bored and did some quests for Planeptune for you.

Me: I knew you'd turn around eventually!

Linda: Then I find this portal and decide to enter it with your friends. I get landed in this forest... and well, here I am today!

Me: Nice. Classic you.

Linda: Ah... I know.

Me: So... how's Warech-

???: I'm doing fine chu.

I look behind me and see the small pet that Underling always has following her.

Me: Hello, Warechu!

Warechu: The one person I actually like that's a CPU. How are you, Y/N?

Me: As I said, I'm doing fine! Nothing's happened except me getting accepted into this academy.

I stick my tongue out playfully at him after I say that. He giggles a little.

Warechu: That's cute chu!

Me: Ehehe. That's the reason why I like you... and why I felt bad for you when you fell victim to Plutia's punishments.

Warechu: Yeah... that kinda sucked.

Linda: Uhh.... speaking of Plutia, where is she?

Me: She's dealing with someone else at the moment for being a complete jerk.

Linda: Oh... good. For now at least.

Me: I think she'll forgive you after a while. Even though you did drug Nep slightly. I did take a drink and I didn't feel a thing. Maybe you made that one just for me?

Linda: Well... kinda? I guess I am a friend to you... it's just that the rest of them find me as a nuisance or something like that.

Me: Ouch. Well, I'm going to go. If you want to hang out more, I suggest that you maybe check out Ozpin in his office, or I'll actually bring you to him. Wanna come?

Linda: Sure!

We walk off together to Ozpin's office. We come across our unfortunate victim of Plutia's violence and see that she is completely broken. That's exactly what Plutia's job is... most of the time.

Me: That served her right though. She talked shit to me and another friend that I met here. We were only trying to help.

Linda: I hope she'll forgive me... as well as everyone else. Especially after what I did.

Me: I know I have. Listen, you may have done that random ass crap when you were helping Arfoire... but now she's gone, and we can help you get on our path of good.

Linda: I hope you're right.

We get to Oz's office as I buzz in.

Oz: Come in, Y/N! I see you have a new friend with you.

Me: Yeah! We're coming!

We ride the elevator and I explain the situation to Ozpin. Long story short, he lets her into my team. When the day ends, I bring her to my dorm... where everyone stares at her.

Nep: Ummm... what's Underling doing here?

Plutia: Oh my... does she need another lesson?

Me: Guys... hold on. I need to explain. She's actually been nice and helped Planeptune with shares. She might've followed us into that dimension portal... but she seems alright now.

Linda: Well... I'd first like to say... I'm sorry. I know you guys are probably not going to forgive me instantly... just know that Y/N's telling the truth... I have been helping to the best of my ability to make sure Planeptune doesn't lose shares. It's sort of like... my debt, I guess, for causing you guys a lot of pain.

They look at her with skepticism, then pay no mind.

Nep: Hey, as long as you don't cause trouble and you're telling the truth... I don't see why we can't forgive you!

Nepgear: I mean... hold on.

She checks out her NepGear thing for the shares and sees the results.

Nepgear: Actually... she's right. The shares haven't moved at all!

Plutia: Really~?

Linda: Yeah... I actually turned over a new leaf. Especially after Arfoire fell again... I kinda wanted to take the good side instead of the bad. It's fun!

Me: Well... welcome to the team! Let me get you a bed... I know it won't be much, but until I get an actual bed for you... you can take the window area for now.

She seems to already have a bunch of camping gear already.

Linda: Oh! It's fine. I've got some camping gear from when I first landed. I can use the sleeping bag to sleep in for tonight.

She rolls out a black sleeping bag with that red and yellow broken heart insignia of hers on it.

Me: Cool! Alright... I guess... wait, what time is it?

I look at the clock and see that it's 8pm.

Nep: Awww... chapter ending time already?

Me: Guess so.

Linda: Wait... what's that?

She says that as P/N came over and laid next to her.

Me: My pet Beowulf. Go on, pet him!

She reaches out a hand and pets him, hearing his loving grumbles.

Linda: Awww... cute!

Me: Anyway... night guys!

Everyone else: Night!!

We turn out the light as we fall asleep.

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