The Night Children


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She was breaking, he was broken. She was misinterpreted, he was recognised. She was a nobody, he was everybod... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Authors Remarks
The Hunted Children
Reviews + Awards

Chapter 47

78 12 5

"No!" I yelled struggling towards him but Pincel speared towards me, grabbing me from behind and shoved me in my seat. I squirmed against his grasp but his fingers were like steel. "He is innocent!"

But no one was listening. The whole court house was up in a riot, with people yelling to one another, some pointing at the Judge saying he was a fraud but others were cheering as officers dragged Isaac away. I caught one last glimpse of him as he walked away, his head was ducked, his golden gaze fixed firmly on the ground in front of him. Pincel was smiling at me, the movement causing his lips to twist over his teeth. But it wasn't a smile of glee. It was a smile of craze. A smile so mad and hysterical that it yanked his face into a plastic like manner. He looked manic, his crease lines similar to a clowns as he chuckled under his breath at my pitiful struggles. I glared at him, feeling the blood boil. "I know what you are." I spat, ensuring to spit into his eyes like I had done previously but he seemed unfazed. He was still caught up in the moment, his eyes lightening with anger.

"Just because you know what I am doesn't mean you can do anything about it." He said under his breath.

"You sentenced your own kind." I hissed, attempting to rip away the arm he clutched with his bony fingers. "Where is your humanity?"
But Pincel only blinked, his gaze shifting with thought. "Isaac is not my kind." He lashed, his eyes darkening with sudden hatred. "He will never be one of us."

My breath hitched in my throat as I stared at him, my mouth open in complete shock.

But then it seemed to click for Pincel and his smile widened drastically. His fingers on my arm tightened as he leaned over me. "Is that what he told you?" He laughed under his breath, sending the hairs on the back of my neck to rise. "I never took you as the oblivious type Renee."

I only stared, trying to wrap my head around his confessions.

"Isaac wasn't lying about being the murderer." He said, his voice as light as air. His eyes searched mine, brown mixing with black as he studied me. I could see his white scar evidently, a pale curse against his golden skin. "Blood truly has stained his hands. He was there when Colton's life was taken from him. He watched as Ambers body was torn apart. He is not who you think he is; he is nothing but a liar."

"No." I spat back, shaking my head against his devilish gaze. "You are wrong. He would never-"

"Kill anyone?" Interrupted Pincel, his face looming closer to mine. He chuckled again, his eyes flaring with glee over my shock. "You would be surprised what he is capable of." He glanced over at the broken clock, the empty dagger mark like a scar of falsehood. "But I do have to admit," he turned back to me, tilting his head. "He had me fooled."

There was something beneath his eyes. Like an ancient secret that he only knew. He shook the expression away, his smile faltering. "Just because we didn't manage to get you behind bars doesn't mean we won't stop until you get what you deserve."

I clenched my jaw, feeling my cuffs dig into my wrists. "I don't deserve anything."

But Pincel snorted, an almost childlike action. "Gia tous lýkous eínai oi oikistés tou dásous. "For the wolves are the familiars of the forest." He said, his voice like a bullet as it speared directly into my heart. "Allá ta paidiá nýchta ensomatónoun trómo se aftoús pou zoun. But the Night Children embed horror in those who live."

I only stared, numbness stilling my struggles. Harry had said that exact greek translation earlier, but Pincel was the first to finish the phrase.

"The Night Children?" I echoed, forgetting my anger for Pincel. Confusion raked through me, causing Pincels smile to stretch even further.

"Do not pretend to know nothing Renee, surely you would know the true name of your own kind."

I opened my mouth to speak but the Judge's voice boomed over us all. "Case closed."

I watched as Harry reached down to pick up his discarded gun, his face one of immense worry. He seemed to feel my gaze because he turned to me, his eyes meeting mine. There was so much regret beneath them, as if he blamed himself for what had happened. As if he let history repeat itself.

I blinked against his gaze, tearing mine away so my heart would stop shattering to pieces. He tried to help he, I knew his intentions were just. But no matter how much goodness was in him, he was never a match for the wrath of Brookefield.

Locals trailed out of the room, while some stayed and continued to argue to one another. However, the Judge nodded for the last few guards to escort them out, and soon it was just the Jury, the Judge and I remaining. And one other person. My mother remained sitting in her place, her eyes scanning everyone but me. I ignored her and turned to the Judge.

"Your honour," I pleaded, ignoring Pincels grip on me as I tilted my head towards the Judge. "Isaac is innocent, he isnt-"

"Miss Argent, the case is closed." He interjected, his voice silencing the last bits of conversation in the Jury pew. I swallowed and lowered my gaze, looking down at the cuffs that clutched my wrists.

I forced myself to hold myself together and raised my head to stare at the Jury. Aaron was speaking roughly to Ethan, both of their heads ducked as they remained deep in conversation. Miss Anderson was watching me with narrowed eyes, her lips pursed. Miss Bland was getting up from her seat, ignoring my hostile gaze completely. The prosecutor stand was clearing out, with officers shaking their heads, their faces pale.

"You cannot say you have correctly closed a case when there was not enough evidence." I said, my voice clear and steady against the silent court house. Pincels hands tightened around my arm but in one swift movement I yanked it away.

And finally my anger was beginning to spill. Anger at seeing Isaac sacrifice himself for me. Anger at Aaron for helping the case close inappropriately, anger at the community for believing him and anger at myself for not being able to save the person I cared about. "And you." I spat, turning to glare at Pincel. "You think you're so high and mighty standing there with your Sheriff badge and weapons belt."

Pincel blinked in annoyance, his frown deepening.

"Renee, I think its best if you remain quiet-" The Judge began but I quickly interrupted.

"No." I lashed, anger singing my veins as my blood boiled. "This man who you trust so deeply isn't who you think he is." I whirled back to Pincel, ignoring the last of the guards pushing the final lot of locals out of the main entrance. "You did this to him. You locked up Isaac for something he never did. Just look at yourself," My breaths were beginning to grow heavy and a flush of heat touched the back of my neck. "Committing a boy for his lies when yourself are full of them."

Miss Anderson rose from the Jury, her eyes steel like. "Renee the case is closed. Forget it."

The Judge gave her a disapproving look but that didn't stop me from rising my voice.

"This man stands here representing the community and speaks of togetherness, unity, strength and honesty when he himself pointed a gun to my head in the questioning room."

No one said a word, however Coltons mum paused in her attempt to exit the court room.

"This man stands here attempting to put me in jail in order to see me humiliated. His intentions are murderous." I stared at him in the eye, rising from my spot enough for the cuffs to cut into my skin. "This man views himself as the Sheriff when in reality he is nothing but a fraud."

Pincels skin began to flush a deep red, tipped with the essence of veins as they lined his forehead. "What did you just call me?" He said, his voice barely above a whisper but it was enough to be heard all around the room. The Judge went to say something but I spoke over him.

"You are a fraud. You know nothing of unity and community. You know nothing of togetherness and protection. You stand here giving lies to the Judge, when you are a living one." I whirled to the Mayor who was remaining quite pale in his seat. "Mayor Hastings, why is it that your police force hasn't uncovered any clues for eight months?"

The Mayor only paled significantly more, his lips almost blue against his white face. "We got a clue-"

"A clue." I spat, my breath a hiss in the silent room. "One clue in eight months." I then turned back to the Judge. "Isn't it ironic that the Sheriff who always credits himself to be the best there is in every case, now only has managed to find one clue?"

The Judge said nothing, his eyes narrowing.

"And Georgina." I turned to Miss Anderson, and she set her jaw in response, her eyes unwavering from mine. "How is it that you came across the dagger?"

She didn't seem fazed by the question. "I drove past the woods on the way to work. I saw it on the side of the road."

I scoffed, attempting to lower my anger but it didn't work. "It seems almost like a miracle that you saw a dagger lying in the snow. We've been experiencing heavy snowfall, it would be almost impossible to uncover a knife that would have been buried hours before hand."
She said nothing, however her hands clenched into fists by her side.

"And Aaron." I nodded at Aaron and his face slackened in shock. I didn't care for his golden flecks or the green ebony in his eyes. I didn't care for his full lips or arched bow mouth. I didn't care him for. "Why is it that after you heard Isaac admit he was the murderer to me, you shot a bullet through his chest?"

The look on Aarons face was one that would forever haunt me. His eyes had darkened significantly, beads of sweat rolling from his hair line as he swallowed. He bit his lip openly, hard enough to see a flash of pain cross his eyes. He went to say something but I didn't stop. I was sick of everyone lies. I was sick of this town. I was sick of the unfairness.

"And Melissa." I turned to my mother who remained silent in her seat. She rose her head to meet my eyes and I saw a reflection of myself. The stubborn gleam in her eyes, the determined set of her chin, the arched eyebrow of curiosity. It was all me. But only now I didn't recognise the darkness swirling in her eyes. It was like I was staring into a mirror, but only the reflection was her and she had become a shadow of the self she used to be. "You look at your own daughter as if you don't know her. You accuse me of something you had no obvious proof of. You took your anger out on me when it was meant for someone else." I jeered, my voice a snarl of anger. "You took your anger out on me when it was meant for yourself."

She only blinked, but something flickered in her gaze. As if realisation set in but she refused to admit it had.

"I have been there for you the moment dad died." I continued, my words like a slap to the face. Her face slackened at the mention of Dad, her fingers clenching by her side. "I mended your broken pieces as you wept at my feet. I was there to pick the shatters of your heart and glue them back together. I stitched your mentality back together and helped you become the woman you used to be. But now it seems you cannot repay the favour when the roles are reversed."

She said nothing, but instead remained to stare at me blankly, her gaze unblinking. It was as if my words meant nothing to her. As if I was nothing but a distant echo, too irrelevant to acknowledge.

"Look at us. Look at the community we live in. All of you were so quick to switch sides so confidentially as soon as majority formed on opinion." I scanned my eyes across the almost empty court house. I took in Aarons uneasiness gaze, Ethan's reddened eyes, Pincels hard frown, Mums unbothered expression, Miss Andersons flashing eyes, the Mayors grim face and the Judges clenched hands. "We all crumble from the amount of lies we are telling. Our town is built upon the falsehood we argue, lies being the cement of our town hall." I turned to stare at each of them, taking in their individual faces. "I'm sick of lying. People are dying, and I guarantee that tonight more children will be. Locking up Isaac will only prove how wrong you all were about him."

No one spoke a word, although I knew most wanted to. Pincel was forcing himself to remain silent while Miss Anderson was looking like she was having a fit inside her head.

"So now it is my time to tell the truth. No one is what they seem in a town like this." I glanced over at Pincel, ignoring his eyes flicker with hatred. "Your own Sheriff owns a warehouse full of illegal weaponry." The Mayors mouth dropped open but I didn't give him any more time to dwell on it. "Miss Anderson carries a lethal weapon in her hair. My own mother lies about her whereabouts and Aaron can't last a day without lying through his teeth."

Everyone now looked angry, their faces hardening with hostility.

"The Mayor refuses to let any professionals deal with our case until the last minute because he fears failure. But our lies have consequences and innocent lives are being taken every night."

The Judge looked utterly confused by my confessions but every targeted person knew exactly what I was talking about.

"That boy you just locked up never hurt anybody. Maybe instead of sentencing the innocent to jail time, you should actually attempt to save them."

I saw a flash of skin before Pincels hand connected with the desk near him. The sound jolted everyone, including myself. "I do not know of this warehouse you speak of. I also do not recollect any memory of holding a gun to your head in the questioning room. But what I do know is that you're nearly as mentally unstable as your mother."

"How dare you." Ethan yelled from the pew but I had already took a step closer, the cuffs digging further into my wrists.

"Do not talk to me about mental stability when you've pointed a gun to my head twice now." I hissed. I spat down at his shoes, rage surging through me. "You're the real liar here."
His eyes flashed, his teeth bared in an almost wolf like manner. "I am faithful to this town; I do not know of what you speak of."

I turned to the Judge, ignoring Pincel entirely. "Check 196 Point Road on the outskirts of Brookefield. There is a warehouse there that I think you and the rest of the town would love to investigate."

"Your Honour," Pincel glanced to the Judge, blinking away his anger. "I do not know of what Renee is talking about-"

"If you do not know of what she is talking about, then I assume it will do you no harm if we investigate this warehouse Miss Argent speaks of." The Judge said, causing Pincel to glance at me, clearly alarmed. He seemed to open his mouth to say something but thought better of it and swift nodded. The only indication of his fear was the muscle that jumped in his neck as he swallowed.

"As for Aaron shooting Isaac, I personally believe this is an exaggerated claim." He continued, titling his head to look at me through his half-moon glasses. I only studied him, examining the pen that lay in between his fingers, untouched.

"Even if you believed me, Isaac would lie to protect Aaron and I for the sake of my wellbeing." I said sharply, causing the Judge to frown. But then Harry appeared by my side, his shoulder barely brushing mine. He nodded at the Judge, his gaze sliding over Pincels.

"Your honour, I ask that you hear me out for the sake of these kid's lives." He said softly but his voice was full of authority.

The Judge nodded after a few seconds of silence.

Harry nodded again at him thankfully. "What you see standing here is a girl tortured by the secrets of Brookefield." He began, his words etching deep into my mind. "What you saw was a boy's desperate act to save the girl he loved."


I swallowed numbly and glanced away, focusing on Isaacs broken cuffs beside me.

"It was clear that he would do anything to protect her from being charged guilty, even if that means holding a gun to his head and practically black mailing you to convict him. I handed my gun to him because I knew what his intentions were. I knew he would never pull the trigger at her; it was against his nature too." Harry said confidently.

But inwardly I believed that there was something more to Isaac. Something that he couldn't tell me or anyone. Pincel admitted he wasn't a Parade member, so what was he? Or was this Pincels way of messing with my thoughts?

"As soon as your reputation was at stake, you gave the boy what he wanted." Harry continued, his voice gradually growing louder. "Is that what the decider of justice would truly do?"

"I did what I must." The Judge replied, his voice grave. "Isaac would have pulled the trigger on himself if I didn't charge him."

"Doesn't that prove how important Renee is to him?" Boomed Harry back, his eyes scanning to pin point the mayors. "Isaac would do anything he could to protect Renee, even if it means sacrificing himself all because of the town we live in. What has Brookefield become? It is a place full of hate and murder and lies but yet we are so ruffled when a boy displays extreme acts of care."

But Pincel moved forwards, his expression one of fury. "How can you link such a thing to love." He spat, his voice like venom. "There is no such thing as love, it is a made up feeling. Renee set Isaac up for this, she is the only liar in this room. Isaac doesn't love anyone; he was only trying to screw her chances of getting put behind bars because she manipulated him."

I blinked as he stamped his foot. I hid a smile of delight, I thought only small children who were having a tantrum stamped their foot like that. "Your honour, for the sake of Isaac, please inspect the warehouse. The people closest to you aren't who they act to be." I pleaded, ignoring Pincel. "This whole situation is out of hand; we have it all completely wrong. Pincel and Miss Anderson are allies, they are out to get me."

But the Judge only narrowed his eyes, his frown thinning. "Renee I don't think-"

"I have given you all the truth I know!" I shouted, the feeling of my cuffs cutting further. "I have told you the truth of the people influencing our town and even now, you still believe them over me!"

Now his eyebrows creased with thought, his eyes flashing worriedly.

"Your Mayor is so easily influenced, Pincel is a liar and Miss Anderson is seeking my death! My own mother attempted to blame me for something that is beyond my doing! Aaron tried to throw Isaac under the bus just because of their personal disagreements!" I yelled, feeling the heat once again touch my cheeks. "I am sick of this town. The innocent are dying and we all respond by debating who should be locked up based upon lies."

But then a loud sound of the door being thrown upon interrupted us and we all swirled around to see the guard clutch Isaacs thrown dagger in a plastic bag. His eyes were wild, his face red from running.

"Your honour," he huffed, rushing to the front as if oblivious to the many stares he was receiving. "The finger prints and blood were identified." He skidded to a halt by my side, his shoulders sagging as he sucked in a deep breath. "The blood came back as Francesca's." He said breathlessly. "But the fingerprints belonged to Georgina Anderson. And they aren't fresh."  

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