✓ Cuppa Sugar [HS]

By fxckinstyles

138K 4.1K 332

Living next door to each other for the past 4 years and they have never once spoke nor saw each other until o... More

➳ Welcoming You.
Authors Note...New Books!


2.9K 104 5
By fxckinstyles


        He was mad. No correction, livid at his young and innocent secretary. She does not know who that man is or what he has done to get to where he is today. He does not want her talking to anyone outside of his building and co-workers. He had to come up with something fast and quick. His mind wandered over one too many thoughts until he came up with a solid plan. He would run meetings with her all day and then distract her after that somehow. He typed away on his phone to jam their schedule to the brim. The elevator dinged on the seventeenth floor and they exited into the narrow corridor. They followed the bellhop until he stopped at a room, Grand Suite. He opened the door and started to unpack their bags while she looked around.

        It was absolutely stunning. A big open TV room with black leather couches and a TV over the mantel. Windows all around so you could see the sun rise and set of the skyline. She smiled to herself, so beautiful. 'I know.' She was abruptly interrupted from her inner thoughts and turned around to see her boss in the doorframe of the master bedroom. He was smirking at her, then started to walk towards her. She stood where she was and did not say a word but kept her gaze down and away from him. She saw polished black shoes in front of her and felt his hand bring her chin to meet his gaze. He was more than a foot taller than her so she had to extend her neck fairly far back. He was staring at her he felt at home. But then he felt angry towards her after talking to Malik. He released her and straightened his posture also putting on a stone cold face. 'Let's go. Now.' With that he exited the master with a strong stride. She was left confused but left it be at that. But it still wandered into her thoughts, why he was so close to her and then left within less than a minute, she did not know herself. She then left the master and she found him in the front room, pacing with his phone to his ear. Whoever was on the other line was no very happy, but he remained so calm and collected. This was not a good thing in her favor. She stood there and waited for the phone call to end and it did quicker than expected.

                'Yes'...'Yes sir.'...'Yes, we will be there immediately.'...'Bye.' He hung up and turned to see his secretary watching him. How long has she been standing there but that was not important right now. 'Let's go.' He walked out of the hotel room door and she quickly gathered her agenda and bag. She ran out of the room and shut it was a slam, then she caught a glimpse of him getting into the elevator. She was about to miss it when she put her ankle boot in between the closing slide doors. Then entered and pressed the close door button many times as if it will go faster if she did so. As the elevator lowered to the ground floor, she tapped her foot on the floor in anticipation to get things done. 'Will you stop fucking tapping your foot. It is very annoying!' He yelled out at her, in that very second she stopped and became very uneasy about him right now. She pressed herself against the wall to get as far as away she can from him. When the elevator dinged, she darted right out and walked out the front hotel door and saw the same car from earlier sitting in the same spot. She walked straight to the back passenger door and got in. He got in not a second later and he took ahold of her wrist, causing her to drop the agenda. She looked at him with doe eyes and shook in her seat. 'Never walk away from me again. Understood?' He said with such force and with his grip getting tighter every second, she felt as if it would snap any second, but she nodded furiously and he let go. She looked down at her wrist and it was turning from pink to red and black. She knew that there would be a bruise there later in the day.

The car sped off without a second to spare and they drove for a good fifteen minutes. She got out of the car and were in front of a large upscale skyscraper in the downtown area. It was all glass from top to bottom and you could see through the other side. As she walked into the lobby of the office, she was greeted and offered coffee instantly. 'No thank you.' she said politely and continued to follow her boss into another elevator to the top level. The doors slid open and she was met with a fairly older man than her boss. He had brown hair but had some silver specks popping out here and there. His dark blue eyes were faded but held kindness in them. She knew that he was not one of those workaholic bosses and treated his employees kindly, just by one look of him. The walked down a short corridor and stopped in front of double doors which revealed a large conference room. The man in charge took his seat at the head of the table along with her boss across from her. Then the room filled more men in sharp suits and sat in the remaining chairs. 'You may be seated.' The man at the head of the table spoke and everyone took their seats. The meeting lasted for what felt like ever and her hand was cramping from typing so much on the computer, but she got down every single word spoken out of all the men's mouth. When the called for a ten minute break, she excused herself from the room and sped walked down the hall to the bathroom. After she had done her business, all of the men and along with their boss were exiting the room and she was left confused. But as soon as she walked into the room, she saw that there was a women feverishly kissing her boss down his neck. He moaned in pleasure, but as soon as he saw his secretary standing there, he pushed her away. She groaned but followed his line of sight and scowled at the young girl. 'I am so sorry. I just came to get my things then I was going to head back to the hotel if that was okay with you?' She spoke to her boss and the women next to him, her eyes were still scowling still at her but now him too. 'Actually I will accompany you.' She nodded her head and quickly gathered her things. He was already ready to go and the women disappeared from sight. They spent the entire morning in meetings back to back until it was seven p.m. and all were done for that day.

When they were back in there hotel room, they split ways into their own rooms. The room was joined together with two bedrooms on either side with a living room and full kitchen too. She stepped out of her work clothes and went to her suitcase to pull out some pajamas when she heard her door creak open. While she was in her room, he was pacing in his. He was so confused with himself. He was completely infatuated with his innocent secretary but she has shown next to nothing of interest in him. He needed to know more about her before he was going to go crazy. He then stormed out of his room and opened her door slowly tho. When he saw her bending over in her black lace panties and bra, which sent him into over drive. When she turned around she saw that her boss was looking at her up and down with adoration? But was quickly masked over with a cold front. 'Were going out right now. So dress nice. We leave in twenty.' He slammed the door shut and she was left yet again, confused. But she did not want to anger him, so she got dressed quickly. She rummaged through her suitcase and found a long sleeve black lace dress on the bottom and paired it with some black heels that she had brought along from her unused closet full of clothes. She threw on her peacoat and walked out of her room five minutes later. He was nowhere to be seen but was probably getting dressed. But then he came out in a black suit with a white tie. He was left speechless, he could see so much of her porcelain skin on her legs. She thought he looked so well too and she smiled at him. His heart dropped that she sent him a genuine smile. He offered her his arm and she politely accepted it. They left the room, arms linked at the sides.


I hoped yall enjoyed the chapter. Alittle long this time.

                        'till next time..

- M. x

        twenty-seventh of october, twenty-fourteen.
                                forty-seven after ten p.m.

© fxckinstyles

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