The Figure [On Hold]

By TheBookArtist-

233 47 72

She was lonely but got stairght A's, knowing that life could be better when she finally moves to California... More

Author's Note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Part 1
Chapter 4 Part 2
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 1

49 5 18
By TheBookArtist-


I was surrounded by four buff men. They had me cornered on the unstable roof of a building. They all had torn clothes and had purple circles under their eyes. I looked around, the only option of escape would be to jump down.

Should I try? I think to myself. I look down again and see that it's a far fall.

Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and look at the edge of the roof. I backed up towards it, the four men coming closer to me. I had no choice. I took another deep breath and jumped down the three story building, scared that I might break something. Everything was going slow motion for me. Why were they after me? All this began some weeks ago, and why me? Why not Jessie? Thoughts blinked through my head as I continued falling. Slower than ever. The men trying to catch me watched from the roof in surprise and fear. I didn't know why they wanted me, but I didn't want to take my chances.

I closed my eyes and ducked my head to my chest, waiting for my body to have an impact on the ground. But the thing I didn't know was that I'm far from my death.


I walked down the path that wound down the side of a hill. Going up, it led to my middle school, going down led to my neighborhood. I was walking home with my brother from another boring day at school.

Let me tell you about myself. My name's Lily James Idaha. I have chin length brown hair, pale skin, and green eyes. I'm in 8th grade and I get bullied a lot in school. Just this morning I got punched in the face by one of my bullies. Her name is Dove, but you shouldn't care much.

I moved to Arizona three years ago and now I have to go to this horrible school with my twin brother. His name is Jessie Idaha and has blond hair, blue eyes, and tan skin that makes all the girls fall for him. (ew) You would say we don't look alike at all, which is true.

Jessie and I turned a corner on the sidewalks I adjusted my black hoodie. I know it's hot and almost summer time, but I wanted to ok?

I shot at glance at my twin brother, which is hard because he's a lot taller than me. Jessie just rolled his eyes and put a hand on my shoulder. "You alright 'lil' sis?" he asked with a chuckle.

"Shut up!" I groan at him and smacked my brother's hand. He flinched back and rolled his eyes once more.

Man! It seems like all Jessie does is tease me and roll his eyes. I swear he's targeting me!

I sigh and start walking a little faster. Another difference between Jessie and I, is that I'm faster than him and more alert. I don't get scared that easily.

"Lily!" My slow brother tries to jog to catch up to me. I laugh at him and start jogging as well. I look over my shoulder to see him running after me like a cereal killer!

Now it's my turn to roll my eyes.

I start running as well and soon we near our home. A small brick apartment building with three small floors and two small bedrooms. Not much, but it's home to me and my brother.

My mom and dad are always working till late, so I could take my time coming home if school wasn't super boring. I mean, I still have taekwondo with my weirdo twin, but we walk anyways.

I run to the door and take a deep breath as I put in a password to unlock the front door.

We have a system where the front door needs a password and not a key to unlock it.

I see Jessie dragging his feet up the front lawn as I get the door opened.

"You need to work out more dude." I giggled as Jessie walked in our apartment and collapsed on the black couch that sat in the fairly small living room. He was out of breath and sweating after that short run. He even had a tshirt on! I had a sweater!

I sighed and stood in front of him with my arm out. Jessie looked up at me and then took off his grey backpack. He handed it to me and I put it next to the front door for the next morning. I took off my purple bag and did the same.

"So, do you have homework Jessie?" I asked in my stern 'mom voice'.

"No." my lazy brother mumbled with his face in the couch.

"Okay then. You want any snacks?"

"Sure." Jessie shrugged as he sat up. I nodded, and being the big person I am, made my brother a PB&J sandwich.

When I was done, I placed it at our dark brown dining room table. Jessie got up and took it from the table, to then go back to the living room and turn on our fairly good sized TV.

"You're welcome." I rolled my eyes as I passed him and went up stairs to our bedroom.

"Th-nk y-u Lily!" Jessie called from the main floor.

This guy needs to learn some manners because he has to say thank you before he finishes his bite.

"You're welcome!" I repeated again. I shook my head in disapproval as I looked around.

My room wasn't that big. Jessie and I shared a bunk bed in the far corner of the room, me getting the top bunk. Where I was standing was the front door and my desk. My brother's desk was on the other side of the room. My desk had a lamp, my computer, three drawers, and a shelf on top of it. I keep my books up there.

I sighed and opened my computer to start my online math home.


An hour later, I finally finish everything. My math, and history homework were finished and I was able to study for my science test the next day. I hate Tuesdays. I didn't know why, but all my tests seemed to be on Wednesdays or Fridays.

I sighed and dragged my feet downstairs to where Jessie was asleep, snoring loudly on the couch. I looked at the TV and saw it was on a 'Liberty' commercial. I took the remote and turned it off, checking the time before I did. 4:28 pm is what it read.

I rolled my eyes at my lazy brother and went to the kitchen, making dinner for myself using the microwave. I made leftover spaghetti from last night and some cornbread that my mom had bought from the store.

My dad is normally the parent to cook, while my mom goes to the store every weekend. Not how most families are, but it didn't matter to me that much.

After 30 seconds in the microwave, I take out my spaghetti and take it to my room.


The next day, I woke up early to go to school. I packed all my books into my bag and went to the bottom bunk of Jessie and I's bunk bed.

My lazy brother was still sleeping, snoring loudly every few seconds. His arm lay across his chest and his leg hung off the bed.

"Get up you douchebag!" I called to Jessie as I put on my pink Nike shoes. I tied the lashes as I heard Jessie groan. I rolled my eyes and went to our closet. It was pretty big, with my clothes on the bottom half of the closet.

I reached up and grabbed one of Jessie's favorite outfits. A red shirt, a navy blue jean vest, and some Jean shorts.

I took his clothes and tossed them onto Jessie's face.

He got up with a start and examined his clothing.

"Get up. It's almost time to go." I ordered.

"Thanks Lilian." Jessie called as I walked out of the bedroom. Lilian was my weird nickname my family gave me.

"Lazy bum." I mumbled with a smirk.

"Hey! Come on!" Jessie shouted a little. He heard me like I knew he would. I shut the bedroom door and looked into a mirror across the hallway.

I had on a purple shirt, and soccer shorts. Covering my feet were long white socks and my pink Nike shoes. I put on a silver chain bracelet as well. My hair was down and I was ready for school.

A minute later, Jessie came out of our bedroom dressed with shoes and his bag. He held my backpack in his hand.

I grabbed it from him and slipped it on my back as he chuckled in delight.

"Let's go." I nodded and ran down the stairs.

"By mom!" Jessie kissed my mother's checks when we entered the kitchen. She gave us some toast, said goodbye, and we were out the door on our way to school.

Hello! And thank you for reading the first chapter of 'The Figure' . First off, I'm planning to update this story every 3 mondays. (I know thats along time in between, but it will help me!) Second, if you have any thumbnail  that would be great for this story, plz share it with me. I neverwanted this to be a horror story and the thumpnail I have right now is making it seem like it is. T^T i need help. oh well! Thanks once again for reading, and have a good rest of your day!

- Angel <3

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